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India inching close towards Hindu-Muslim war. We need to stop the hate

You can spread but you be ineffective.

We will spread

Nations fall, nations rise

We as a massive worldwide populace will defend ourselves and seek to harm our enemies

For sub continent muslims this enemy is directly hindus

We have cleansed this enemy from Pakistan and Bangladesh to they point they are inconsequential and it is now a direct action that we seek to inspire indian muslims to see the enemy before them and prepare

A civil war in india is coming and indian muslims need to be ready
He called me a chuttya, and then something else..I dont remember... earlier in this thread

I don't think that "chutiya" is an abusive word. It means fool, idiot and/or incompetent. That is, at least, what it implies in Pakistan. I am not aware, if it is used, in some other sense, in India.
We will spread

Nations fall, nations rise

We as a massive worldwide populace will defend ourselves and seek to harm our enemies

For sub continent muslims this enemy is directly hindus

We have cleansed this enemy from Pakistan and Bangladesh to they point they are inconsequential and it is now a direct action that we seek to inspire indian muslims to see the enemy before them and prepare

A civil war in india is coming and indian muslims need to be ready

Even though india is a overpopulated slum of 1.4 billion

The indian muslims of 200 million plus constitute a considerable minority

Aslong as they have areas of majority they have the numbers to defend themselves

When civil war breaks out in india it will be these areas that will constitute safe areas and see a flow of muslims in and hindus out

Ultimately india cannot function as a state because indians cant live together then Partition is the only option

Pakistan won't or cant allow any space for indians regardless of faith but we can support, direct and supply indian muslims in their defence
You can spread but you be ineffective.
go spy on female members in your family, you will find out that they are in relationship with muslim men.
Muslim men are taller and well built than Hindus because of eating beef.
I don't think that "chutiya" is an abusive word. It means fool, idiot and/or incompetent. That is, at least, what it implies in Pakistan. I am not aware, if it is used, in some other sense, in India.
He is from india.

Even though india is a overpopulated slum of 1.4 billion

The indian muslims of 200 million plus constitute a considerable minority

Aslong as they have areas of majority they have the numbers to defend themselves

When civil war breaks out in india it will be these areas that will constitute safe areas and see a flow of muslims in and hindus out

Ultimately india cannot function as a state because indians cant live together then Partition is the only option

Pakistan won't or cant allow any space for indians regardless of faith but we can support, direct and supply indian muslims in their defence
Fine... wecwill see.. probably islam will be part of hinduism by then.

go spy on female members in your family, you will find out that they are in relationship with muslim men.
Muslim men are taller and well built than Hindus because of eating beef.
Ok fine. Ultimately you muslims will come down to this I know. Most if you guys a re muslims who don't know islam .
Fine... wecwill see.. probably islam will be part of hinduism by then.

It wont

Islam is a faith for all humanity, it supersedes cultural, racial boundaries and is spread across the planet

You cant compare this to the nutball local pagan beleifs of hindus compromising of everything from abnormal cow love, to beleifs in kali maa demons or stone dicks

Sorry bruv, hinduism is beneath us

Anyone indian muslim dopey enough or confused enough to fall in a trap of worshipping idols is no longer muslim and will be countered by spreading the true islamic faith to inspire more and more pagan hindus to become muslim

In Pakistan we still have 3 million or so hindus and in Bangladesh they have around 5-10 million
Plenty to inspire and convert or punish if needs be as a response to hindu excess in india
Good , indian muslims aren't expecting from pakistan anyway . Infact , pakistan is part of the problem .

Pakistan is the boogeyman every chaddi uses to peddle his rubbish propaganda against indian muslims .

We are still held responsible for partition , always suspected of our loyalty and taunted for being pro pakistanis . And whenever problems with pakistan rises , harassment of muslims by Hindu fanatics increases in similar proportion .

If British india had not been partitioned and muslim population of the subcontinent would have been nearly equal to hindus and india would have been a quasi muslim state . Creation of pakistan costed indian muslims the most and weakened sub continental muslims for ever .
whatever man. We dont even classify Kashmiris as "indian Muslims"
All I see on social media is both Muslims and Hindus thirsty for each other blood. Sold out News channel talk 24/7 only about Hindu Muslim issues. They invite communal politicians and sold out religious leaders to poison the atmosphere of the country.

I was reading a very good article on Muslim issues in Modi's India. I was shocked to read the comments. Even such a nice article has hate filled comments. It's a nice article you should read it.

I will post pictures of the comments.




I want to say this to Hinduwadi, that Muslims belong in India. Trying to make Muslims 2nd class citizens won't work. or trying to expel nearly 30 crore muslims is not even possible in wildest dream. Let's not make our country worse than Syria.

To fellow Muslims, I would suggest to stop playing in the hands of Hinduwadis by replying to hate with hate. It will only benefit Hinduwadis who want to potray Muslims as violent extremists.

Let's not create a civil war in India. Only Pakistan and Bangladesh will benefit from these. As they will expand into India's territory taking advantage of internal instability.

Yeah our elders knew this is what Sanghis wanted 70 years ago
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