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PAF F16-Blk70 possibly coming - TO BE CONFIRMED

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Oct 9, 2015
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United Arab Emirates
Saudi Arabia
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70 or 72's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.


This Breaking News, is a gift for all those people who stood by me, when I was unfairly banned. Thank You!
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1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.



Haal ee oya dhar oya---maar chhadiya eee----.

Oh merciful Lord in heavens---You are going to kill them---you are going to slaughter them---hahahahahahahaha.
1)PAF will be getting 18~24 NEW Blk70's for now.

2)The current fleet will be upgraded to "V" specs. All of them.
Depending on the condition of the air-frame, some or all, will go through SLEP to 12k hrs.

but who is going to pay for it lol i hope not pakistan thats another 6 billion dollars that we dont have

God Bless you @Khafee . As you know its 2:50am here in the UAE & you just got me all excited.

I was just on the F-16 Thread with @mingle talking about the F-16 Block 72 & the F-21.
f21 aint happening IAF wont take it if they can get the rafale
see the rafales offers much greater flexibility ..yeah f16s are cheaper with similar capability but since when india has economical issues..since modi isnt even under pressure..you will see the flood gates opening now to prop up the indian military soon
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