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Swedish town bans Muslim headscarf in schools

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It is traditionally considered to be extremely bad manners to wear a hat or other headgear while indoors. This predates Muslim immigration with at least 100 years, probably longer.
Is it OK to have bad manners?

Have you told the Pope?
Or perhaps the nuns in almost every nunnery (that's where nuns reside in case you don't know) they too basically wear an Islamic headscarf.

Or what about our Jewish comrades....have you told them to remove their kippahs?

Have the Swedes starting mating with vegetables lol you are really letting the side down. Not all cultures have to follow the same etiquette. We are all different.
Have you told the Pope?
Or perhaps the nuns in almost every nunnery (that's where nuns reside in case you don't know) they too basically wear an Islamic headscarf.

Or what about our Jewish comrades....have you told them to remove their kippahs?

Have the Swedes starting mating with vegetables lol you are really letting the side down. Not all cultures have to follow the same etiquette. We are all different.

The Irony is that it's Sweden we are talking about... ppl seems to forget that... The alleged Land of ''Freedom'' Where MINORS can change Gender and Sex... and so on...

To this point I can understand some Eastern/central countries who we know are openly Islamophobic or anything related to it... THAT EVEN THEM didn't go that far... even them...
Have you told the Pope?
Or perhaps the nuns in almost every nunnery (that's where nuns reside in case you don't know) they too basically wear an Islamic headscarf.

Or what about our Jewish comrades....have you told them to remove their kippahs?

Have the Swedes starting mating with vegetables lol you are really letting the side down. Not all cultures have to follow the same etiquette. We are all different.

Considering that you normally did not meet the Pope, Nuns or Jews 50-100 years ago,
there was no need for any special rules.
So I again ask, is it OK to display bad manners when you immigrate?
simple base human right...

YOUR human right ends there were it effects the human right of a other person...

if parrents force their 6-13yo daugther to wear a headscarf in school they effect the human right of their kid not to be used as a religios symbol... but I guess mulems will never understand that..

Its not always 'force ' most of the time its parenting n culture .
This modern Humanism is such an ideology that its followers are allegedly in war and hate with religion, and for their materialistic development they have also financially exploited the atheists too along with the religious.
And Yet... the purpose given by your gov is not ''manner'' too bad that even your own gov don't care about their own manners...

Nice try btw... But unfortunately... still a fail... try again.

Why do you bring in the Swedish Government in the debate?
They are not involved.

My comment is also not directly related to this specific case.
Just pointing out that what is good manners differs.
What right does immigrants have to behave badly and thus annoy people?
Why do you bring in the Swedish Government in the debate?
They are not involved.

My comment is also not directly related to this specific case.
Just pointing out that what is good manners differs.
What right does immigrants have to behave badly and thus annoy people?

Are you seriously saying that this move to ban headscarves are driven by its perception to be bad manners?
In other words , moving toward herd animalization.
Over Liberalism will begin to annihilate them ( Already did) and would mostly go back to the previous best thing... Religious Conservatism...
They will End up fighting each others... as they did a century+ ago on that same subject... only difference the balance of power was switched.

Why do you bring in the Swedish Government in the debate?
They are not involved.

My comment is also not directly related to this specific case.
Just pointing out that what is good manners differs.
What right does immigrants have to behave badly and thus annoy people?
We both know where you stand on this matter...
You don't care about this type of manner... you are just pointing it out to make a point on this subject...

You have a problem with Islam and still use that little sneaky behavior of yours to make a point...
The Headscarf wasn't banned for that purpose... Neither if it's widely done in the country... such excuses wouldn't be used...
Swedes themselves will laugh at it...
But ban is not fine be it kids or elder.
You dont understand, its not only a 'ban on scarf for children ' , it has some other background too i.e offensive attitude toward islamic culture.

you really dont understand the meaning of freedom and freedom of religion...

YOUR Freedom END there were it effect the freedom of OTHER!!!!
If you belive it is perfectly fine...but as soon as YOUR belive effect other it is not fine anymore..
and dont come up with the BULLCRAP it is against muslims...

In Germany they banned all christian crosses from schools because it effect the religios freedom of kids to choose later what ever they want or not want to belive... no one wants here to force jewish or muslim kids to get educated under the christian cross...

Banning christian symbols in christian nations is also islamophobic?

School has to be free of ANY kind of religion... no matter if christian cross... or muslim headscarf Burka or what ever for ... school is for educating kids NEUTRAL...and the school is no playground for yesterday parrents forcing their kids to represent something they dont understand!

Other than the islamic world we take freedom of religion serious...

All your comments shows that all of you have ZERRO understanding of western culture... and what freedom really is...
This man thinks that banning young girls from wearing hijabs means freedom.

you really dont understand the meaning of freedom and freedom of religion...

YOUR Freedom END there were it effect the freedom of OTHER!!!!
If you belive it is perfectly fine...but as soon as YOUR belive effect other it is not fine anymore..
and dont come up with the BULLCRAP it is against muslims...

In Germany they banned all christian crosses from schools because it effect the religios freedom of kids to choose later what ever they want or not want to belive... no one wants here to force jewish or muslim kids to get educated under the christian cross...

Banning christian symbols in christian nations is also islamophobic?

School has to be free of ANY kind of religion... no matter if christian cross... or muslim headscarf Burka or what ever for ... school is for educating kids NEUTRAL...and the school is no playground for yesterday parrents forcing their kids to represent something they dont understand!

Other than the islamic world we take freedom of religion serious...

All your comments shows that all of you have ZERRO understanding of western culture... and what freedom really is...
It says a town has banned, its not nationwide. Secondly, what are muslim doing in this EXPENSIVE country in the first place? They would have moved due to economical situation in own country and for a better life in this scandinavian country. I think they got that now they have been asked to do something which wont be applicable to everyone anyway..

sometimes i see some threads on pdf and think whats there to ‘discuss’ next thing you see theres 100 replies on it.. not every changing thing is worth reporting. If whole country banned it, it makes for news but its one bloody town.. I think muslim themselves have nothing to worry about than kuffar banning them from wearing hijab. What about the million good things these ppl living in sweden would have got prior to this? Ya lets forget about them and focus on primary school girls uniforms
Over Liberalism will begin to annihilate them ( Already did) and would mostly go back to the previous best thing... Religious Conservatism...
They will End up fighting each others... as they did a century+ ago on that same subject... only difference the balance of power was switched.

We both know where you stand on this matter...
You don't care about this type of manner... you are just pointing it out to make a point on this subject...

You have a problem with Islam and still use that little sneaky behavior of yours to make a point...
The Headscarf wasn't banned for that purpose... Neither if it's widely done in the country... such excuses wouldn't be used...
Swedes themselves will laugh at it...

My stand is pretty clear.
I am for individual freedom.
I am against people adopting a uniform to promote religion or political agendas.
The uniforms are used to apply group pressure, and thus infringe on the Individual freedom of others, but perhaps their freedom has no value?

And Yes, I am out to make a point. The religious habits are sometimes in conflict with good taste.
Anyone that complains, do you support nudism in your country?
My stand is pretty clear.
I am for individual freedom.
I am against people adopting a uniform to promote religion or political agendas.
The uniforms are used to apply group pressure, and thus infringe on the Individual freedom of others, but perhaps their freedom has no value?

And Yes, I am out to make a point. The religious habits are sometimes in conflict with good taste.
Anyone that complains, do you support nudism in your country?

Should have said it since the beginning... instead of swimming around.
Well... you know with such ''uniform'' logic you are shooting yourself in the foot? Or shall we make a full list of ''Uniform'' Imposed by society on X or Y? and there I don't see you complaining...
You, yourself is under such ''Uniform'' Dictate... By not having a choice how to wear/behave in your own society...

You guys are the King of Double standard... By putting ahead this ''Freedom'' Excuse just to hid your own hate against a particular belief/culture... After all... Balls are rare in Europe nowadays... Woman themselves seems to grow a pair or who knows... maybe they are trading their ovaries with Their counterpart's balls...

People can DO whatever they WISH as long it doesn't impact me... SOMETHING you guys advocated around the world or in your societies... TILL you own Values get crushed by your ''Emotions and Fear''
That's what we call being WEAK... No wonder... Europe is falling...
Should have said it since the beginning... instead of swimming around.
Well... you know with such ''uniform'' logic you are shooting yourself in the foot? Or shall we make a full list of ''Uniform'' Imposed by society on X or Y? and there I don't see you complaining...
You, yourself is under such ''Uniform'' Dictate... By not having a choice how to wear/behave in your own society...

You guys are the King of Double standard... By putting ahead this ''Freedom'' Excuse just to hid your own hate against a particular belief/culture... After all... Balls are rare in Europe nowadays... Woman themselves seems to grow a pair or who knows... maybe they are trading their ovaries with Their counterpart's balls...

People can DO whatever they WISH as long it doesn't impact me... SOMETHING you guys advocated around the world or in your societies... TILL you own Values get crushed by your ''Emotions and Fear''
That's what we call being WEAK... No wonder... Europe is falling...

And it does impact others.
Parents are contacting schools to ensure that their kids are wearing the ”right” attire.
People are approaching strangers and start to criticize that they are not wearing the ”Uniform”.
That is totally unacceptable!
If people do not wear clothes that affect others, there is no problem.

And if you do not accept nudists, you apply double standards yourself.
It says a town has banned, its not nationwide. Secondly, what are muslim doing in this EXPENSIVE country in the first place? They would have moved due to economical situation in own country and for a better life in this scandinavian country. I think they got that now they have been asked to do something which wont be applicable to everyone anyway..

sometimes i see some threads on pdf and think whats there to ‘discuss’ next thing you see theres 100 replies on it.. not every changing thing is worth reporting. If whole country banned it, it makes for news but its one bloody town.. I think muslim themselves have nothing to worry about than kuffar banning them from wearing hijab. What about the million good things these ppl living in sweden would have got prior to this? Ya lets forget about them and focus on primary school girls uniforms

Yeah the Jews said the same few decades ago...
Btw... Sweden is not the only country in Europe doing so...
France did it 2 decades ago... and Spoiler alert boy... it started by One school... people kept silent... then One town... people kept shut and then Nationwide... and then people started to open their mouth... but little did they know... it was too late...

Want even more surprises boy? Well years after years people kept silent about this... then the Gov did it for the Entire Scholar system... saying it's just for Minors... Guess what boy... they also wished to do it for UNIVERSITIES... yeah Adults... Guess what else... after that they went for public workers... THEY can't work if they have it...
GUESS what boy... they even went to the extend to BAN it ON THE STREET? But for now the Newest Generation, didn't stay silent and opened it...
EVEN in the beach you can't swim WITHOUT A BIKINI... Yes... Many towns are blocking the access for Muslim woman to the beach if they don't have a BIKINI...

One last thing... Don't ever compare the UK with the rest of Europe... never... it is not the same... the mentality is far far from UK society.

And it does impact others.
Parents are contacting schools to ensure that their kids are wearing the ”right” attire.
People are approaching strangers and start to criticize that they are not wearing the ”Uniform”.
That is totally unacceptable!
If people do not wear clothes that affect others, there is no problem.

And if you do not accept nudists, you apply double standards yourself.

So every time parents complain we should remove it? So those kids who see themselves as girl or boy or transgenre should be banned? ?Ouups...
Or maybe that boy with a skirt... Ouups...

And please read again... I don't care about nudists... as long as it's not in my house.
Now take that double standard of yours and try again...
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