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Swedish town bans Muslim headscarf in schools

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It's what we need to do, forget trying to appear moderate or accepting in the eyes of these westerners. Accepting of what? Christianity is backwards and trash, and this comes not from an Islamist. I can go on the peaceful Arab trip saying I love and accept Christians but do we need them?

Middle Eastern Christians are often overvalued and seen as a minority that have to be protected, and why are they more important than other humans in the region?
Having an opinion is ok, Christianity can be criticized and rightfully so.
But at least shut him by being higher on the behavior ladder.

I can understand that sometimes it is hard and words get out, I do it too, but at least let him use foul language instead of you.
typical muslim noob... calling christians cuts... dick sucker... rapist... you fucker are exactly the reason why no one want u goat fucker here in Europe

'Excatly that is the reason why this religion does not fir to the modern world... 6billion people have progressed to the modern world we are living in...and 1.6 billion try to life in the middle ages...

Your double moral... you belive like in yestercentury but the muslim males want all the benefits of the modern western today world...


Modern is a relative term.

Think about it.

Post Enlightment and all of a sudden God has no place.

Also, for the Muslim folk, please dont use foul language or vulgarity.

Think about it.
kids between 6 and 13 dont know the symbole behind it... so stop come up with this bullshit claim everyone should be allowed to wear what they want
But ban is not fine be it kids or elder.
You dont understand, its not only a 'ban on scarf for children ' , it has some other background too i.e offensive attitude toward islamic culture.

Modern is a relative term.

Think about it.

Post Enlightment and all of a sudden God has no place.

Move your GOD in your rectal butthole... there is no god... all you do is beliving what a pedohil murder wrote on a paper some 1500 years ago...
But ban is not fine be it kids or elder.
You dont understand, its not only a 'ban on scarf for children ' , it has some other background too i.e offensive attitude toward islamic culture.
What did you expect? they destroyed/removed their own culture... let alone others...
you are the one started trash talking

The way you guys are going ahead European women will marry Muslims, do us a favor and don't enforce this lack of a spine progressiveness of yours on us. Nowadays the more gay I behave the more likely I am to be given a job due to all these quotas you have. And you want to export that shit to us, Christianity is trash once again. You can belive the same of Islam for all you want it's not an issue to me, the thing is though Islam still serves a useful purpose in our societies to keep people in check in many ways, one of them families. Nowhere to be seen in the west.
Move your GOD in your rectal butthole... there is no god... all you do is beliving what a pedohil murder wrote on a paper some 1500 years ago...

"There is no compulsion in religion." -Holy Quran.

Good luck.
But ban is not fine be it kids or elder.
You dont understand, its not only a 'ban on scarf for children ' , it has some other background too i.e offensive attitude toward islamic culture.

simple base human right...

YOUR human right ends there were it effects the human right of a other person...

if parrents force their 6-13yo daugther to wear a headscarf in school they effect the human right of their kid not to be used as a religios symbol... but I guess mulems will never understand that..
You shouldn't insult Christianity with swear words etc...

This westerner needs to watch his mouth too, he is insulting the Prophet (pbuh) and Allah (swt).

Bans need to be handed out.

A town in Sweden has banned the Muslim headscarf in primary schools for students under 13. Sweden was once hailed as an immigrant-friendly nation, but that is changing now.

It is traditionally considered to be extremely bad manners to wear a hat or other headgear while indoors. This predates Muslim immigration with at least 100 years, probably longer.
Is it OK to have bad manners?
It is traditionally considered to be extremely bad manners to wear a hat or other headgear while indoors. This predates Muslim immigration with at least 100 years, probably longer.
Is it OK to have bad manners?
And Yet... the purpose given by your gov is not ''manner'' too bad that even your own gov don't care about their own manners...

Nice try btw... But unfortunately... still a fail... try again.
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