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Pulwama - From Bluster to a Whimper

Lots of insiders here .. well i will wait for the official word if it ever comes out , as for KT I think someone needs to check his finances .After the Asad Durani Fiasco anyone can fall for some Lakshmi .
Lots of insiders here .. well i will wait for the official word if it ever comes out , as for KT I think someone needs to check his finances .After the Asad Durani Fiasco anyone can fall for some Lakshmi .
Please don't make a statement just for the hell of it, if writing a blog could rake in any worthwhile funds, every retired officer would be running an account.
In case you are not aware, until recently his son in law was in charge of a top PAF fighter unit and there was good reason for sir KT to be invited to fly in an F-16 sortie not long ago.
Lots of insiders here .. well i will wait for the official word if it ever comes out , as for KT I think someone needs to check his finances .After the Asad Durani Fiasco anyone can fall for some Lakshmi .

Or for some Deepka.
Please don't make a statement just for the hell of it, if writing a blog could rake in any worthwhile funds, every retired officer would be running an account.
In case you are not aware, until recently his son in law was in charge of a top PAF fighter unit and there was good reason for sir KT to be invited to fly in an F-16 sortie not long ago.

I think seniors and respected officers like KT should wait until the PAF or ISPR gives an official account of what happen on 27th . Such stories without proper evidence will raise questions on their own credibility and weaken the Pakistani standings .

Or for some Deepka.

Ewwwwww, man I may question KT but i am sure he wont fall for Bollywood Plastics .. you really think that a decorated PAF officer will fall for them or someone like that ?

Ewwwwww, man I may question KT but i am sure he wont fall for Bollywood Plastics .. you really think that a decorated PAF officer will fall for them or someone like that ?


I am sorry. My comment was not at all directed to KT Sahib. It was general in nature, with allusion to Lakshmi (Zar) and Deepka (Zun).
Please don't make a statement just for the hell of it, if writing a blog could rake in any worthwhile funds, every retired officer would be running an account.
In case you are not aware, until recently his son in law was in charge of a top PAF fighter unit and there was good reason for sir KT to be invited to fly in an F-16 sortie not long ago.
That statement for funds is nonsense. KT is not the type. His son in law was running the show for 9ers (shorter than expected but it is a career). The invitation was by the senior staff to KT and a few other retired officers, had nothing to do with the son-in-law. The initial plan was to bring in active instructor fighter pilots (retired from service) but due to non-availability, they brought in KT and 3 others. Quite the experience for them.
Its not that JF17 tried but missed, they just didn't get the chance as F-16 were in a better position to strike first.

it really hurts to see that jf 17 did not get score at that time

Sometimes the circumstantial evidence along with electronic evidence is strong enough to deduce things in absence of hard physical evidence

Just the fact that all IAF SU30's and Mirages disappeared from the scene is strong enough evidence to suggest that they found out that these systems are not effective and proving to be sitting ducks so lets pull them out orrisk losing more

There was a reason the second SU-30 left the scene at supersonic speed and both the Mirage-2000 bugged out.
The radar reading also showed the 'blip' disappearing, but as the saying goes, you can never explain sunrise to a blind person..... let's see what transpires either on 14th August or 7TH September.
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The more interesting this is the integration of REK with the JF-17 in operational usage. That now the aircraft that is destined to be the most numerous in PAF service has a precision fire and forget guided strike weapon which we produce and can supply is heartening.
Not sure if you are that naive or just trying to twist the facts, all 26 jets were not in one place, multiple teams in multiple locations to dilute IAF response

So even If I take this article at face value this means that despite PAF having 26 fighters in the sky including 22 4th gen jets backed by AEWCS and IAF having only 8-9 fighters in the air including just 4 4th gen jets, IAF lost only a mere rusty 35+ year old MiG-21 despite being outnumbered 3:1.

Hassan scored the first kill an MKI

Two things,
1. Please confirm on MKI
2. What was the role of hassan siddique if he didnt got m21

Another most important point everyone is missing is the MI17, not the fact that it was shot down but the fact that it had taken off for a SAR mission. A SAR mission for the pilots of downed SU30MKI, otherwise there was absolutely no reason for a heli to take off in an active and hot zone

There was a reason the second SU-30 left the scene at supersonic speed and both the Mirage-2000 bugged out.
The radar reading also showed the 'blip' disappearing, but as the saying goes, you can never explain sunrise to a blind person..... let's see what transpires either on 14th August or 7TH September.
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Not sure if you are that naive or just trying to twist the facts, all 26 jets were not in one place, multiple teams in multiple locations to dilute IAF response
All 26 jets were along LoC albeit at different sectors.
Similarly IAF's mere 8 jets were spread too; Su-30 were over Reasi, M2000 over Kupwara & Migs over Nowshera.

Hassan scored the first kill an MKI
KT Himself admitted no hard evidence for Su 30 which is a tacit indirect admission no Su 30 went down.
Fact is AMRAAM was found in a village on foothills of lofty Pir Panjal range whoch means the Sukhoi pilot simply dived behind the mountain to get out of F-16 radar scope.

Also the MI-17 was coming from a logistics supply mission to Tangdhar in Kupwara.
Why are people getting all flared up on KT mentioning that F-16 scored the Air-to-Air Kills.

1) F-16s are not owned by USAF. The are PAF's property, flown by PAF Pilots. So we should be happy that PAF F-16s gave them a beating.

2) Yes it would have been cherry on top of the cake had JF-17 scored 1 of the kills, but lack of it does not reflect on JF-17 or its capabilities. If anything JF-17s scored a BIG KILL and that was Indian Armed Forces Ego. Remember it was 2 x JF-17 that dropped bombs on 4 x Bombs on 2 x Brigade HQs. Also as per KT Air-to-Air op involved 2 pairs escorting + 8 pairs on patrolling (a mix of JF-17/F-16). So in all likely hood JF-17 also escorted the strike package.

3) ISPR's position was always a bit ambiguous vis-a-vis which aircraft made the kill. I think it out of apprehension that US may sanction F-16s again. So ISPR played it down for a while. Then when US reaction became clear it came out with clarification that: No F-16s were involved in Strikes. As for AD, chose whichever fighter you like...

4) As for video. Firstly, the pilot does not look like Hassan. So it might well have been the pilot-aircraft that carried out air strike. And Social Media added it's own spice to it. And since it did not hurt PAF, PAF just played along without refuting it.

5) I have said it before: F-16 in today's PAF are like F-104 Starfighter of 65. The 'badmash', the big boy. JF-17 is the Sabre, silently doing bulk of the work.
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All 26 jets were along LoC albeit at different sectors.
Similarly IAF's mere 8 jets were spread too; Su-30 were over Reasi, M2000 over Kupwara & Migs over Nowshera.

KT Himself admitted no hard evidence for Su 30 which is a tacit indirect admission no Su 30 went down.
Fact is AMRAAM was found in a village on foothills of lofty Pir Panjal range whoch means the Sukhoi pilot simply dived behind the mountain to get out of F-16 radar scope.

Also the MI-17 was coming from a logistics supply mission to Tangdhar in Kupwara.

IAF was humiliated

Now move on multiple ID rat
All 26 jets were along LoC albeit at different sectors.
Similarly IAF's mere 8 jets were spread too; Su-30 were over Reasi, M2000 over Kupwara & Migs over Nowshera.

KT Himself admitted no hard evidence for Su 30 which is a tacit indirect admission no Su 30 went down.
Fact is AMRAAM was found in a village on foothills of lofty Pir Panjal range whoch means the Sukhoi pilot simply dived behind the mountain to get out of F-16 radar scope.

Also the MI-17 was coming from a logistics supply mission to Tangdhar in Kupwara.

Firstly, you conveniently missed the following part:

Missile flight data fed back to the F-16 fire control computer in real-time, seemed to indicate that the missile had made its mark. Though hard evidence by way of aircraft wreckage or aircrew casualties has not been available so far, the ground and airborne radar traces do indicate that the blip vanished from the screens after a couple of tight orbits by the aircraft.

2) Well, you may or may not be correct, BUT there are other supporting evidence to support a Su-30 being hit:

- The state of AIM-120 debry displayed by IAF indicates that its warhead was triggered (jagged edges and bent and torn outward). How do you explain that? This is unlike the missiles recovered from Mig-21, where even the missiles that were damaged due to crash had seekers detached cleanly at module boundary(no jagged edges).

- IAF could not recover seeker or any other part, except for few broken up pieces of electronics in a small plastic bag. If AMRAAR hit the face of the mountain as you say one would expect more wreckage to have been recovered as debry field would have been confined to a limited area.

- IAF was able to recover the piece in little over 24 hours. Now imagine locating a missile in a mountain range without any indication of where to look for? NATO could not locate an AIM-120 fired mistakenly, despite all the resources and technology.

- Finally, why does the same logic not apply to PAF fighters after all the only evidence IAF claims to have is F-16 disappearing from Radar? Or is it that mountains on our side of the Kashmir are transparent to Radar?
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