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“India Loses Again, and the World Loses with It”: Siddhartha Deb on Modi’s Landslide Re-election

Our action will be 'solely' for establishing peace! :lol:
You are all talk and no action :rofl:

This is what happens if you try to do something.



Hindustan under a Hindutva agenda is ZERO value to anyone except that it will allow strategic counter to Pakistan and Pakistani interests in the region by sheer weight of bhakts. The west did wonder if India could work against China in the indopacific region but pulwama and balakot have proven that China is light years ahead. On the one hand you have China advancing its military footprint and the success of its middle classes, and on the other you have the Hindutva brigade electing a guy who believes in space ships in ancient Bharat and feels safe from enemy radars on cloudy days. The constant denials and lies and propagandas spouted by Indian media and government regarding f16s et al prove its naivety and immaturity on the global stage.

Yes India under Hindutva has clout, due to sheer numbers of saffron-riders, nothing else. I cannot imagine Mughal or British India would ever let a clown like this rule, at best a clown, at worst a genocidal murderer.

The single most immature part of Indian media defence against Pakistan's humiliation of their military was the claims that abhinandan downed an f16 while he was being shot down. What kind of Bollywood craps is that? Are you seriously expecting China and the west to take you seriously?? I can imagine the collective face Palm from Modi's buddies around the world - did they just say that? My point is, if you are engaging an information war against your enemy, there is such a thing as making your propaganda believable and plausible, whereas India goes straight for the Bollywood. The bhakts actually believe Modi himself would stand at the head of his army and charge into Lahore on horseback. Your nation would be a laughing stock if it weren't for its sheer weight of population making it a nation that we all have to actually put up with somehow.... at least for the time being anyway.
If indians can give evidence of a downed F-16 then that means ajmal kasab is not their papa. :lol:
You are all talk and no action :rofl:

This is what happens if you try to do something.



If indians can give evidence of a downed F-16 then that means ajmal kasab is not their papa. :lol:

PDF has done great injustice to you by making you a mere think tank. You should run this forum. Be an administrator, I will second the motion. :)
PDF has done great injustice to you by making you a mere think tank. You should run this forum. Be an administrator, I will second the motion. :)
Establishing peace:lol::lol::lol::hitwall::hitwall: You're (india) is biggest mess/threat for the peace/stabilization of the subcontinent @arbit

Our action will be 'solely' for establishing peace!
what the fcuk, you're the biggest threat/mess for the peace/stabilization of the subcontinent @arbit
PDF has done great injustice to you by making you a mere think tank. You should run this forum. Be an administrator, I will second the motion. :)
By being on PDF Life itself has done greater injustice to you.:rofl:
Hafiz saeed has a better chance of joining rss than you:lol:
Establishing peace:lol::lol::lol::hitwall::hitwall: You're (india) is biggest mess/threat for the peace/stabilization of the subcontinent @arbit

Dude, your biggest festivals involve butchering animals in house. Peace and you are an antonym of each other.

Jihad is an ingrained concept for YOU barbarians. Not us. You are an islamic nation and an international headache. Till now, left loonies liberals have whitewashed your crimes saying terrorism has no religion, but it is an increasingly common belief that the first step towards treating a disease is recognising it.

We will eventually achieve lasting peace. :angel:

You should actually try looking into a mirror sometimes.
By being on PDF Life itself has done greater injustice to you.:rofl:
Hafiz saeed has a better chance of joining rss than you:lol:

Lady I just come here to chit chat with folks on the other side of the border. Also I give you an opportunity to take potshots at me. Life is indeed unfair :cry:
Dude, your biggest festivals involve butchering animals in house. Peace and you are an antonym of each other.

Jihad is an ingrained concept for YOU barbarians. Not us. You are an islamic nation and an international headache. Till now, left loonies liberals have whitewashed your crimes saying terrorism has no religion, but it is an increasingly common belief that the first step towards treating a disease is recognising it.

We will eventually achieve lasting peace. :angel:

You should actually try looking into a mirror sometimes.
Shut up you don't know what is the islam meaning/definition of Jihad/Jihad is only right for defensive purpose, and you're not killing of Muslims of Kashimris, and your Mandirs are also giving lots of human ballies that is now right to you and you're reported for insulting islam, your religion believes in rape/lies and deceptions @arbit :blah::blah::blah::blah:
Jihad is an ingrained concept for YOU barbarians. Not us. You are an islamic nation and an international headache.

What about Sadhvi Pragya being a convicted Hindutva terrorist in three cases of bombings ??

Till now, left loonies liberals have whitewashed your crimes saying terrorism has no religion

1. Terrorism indeed has no religion.

2. What do you have against the Left ??

3. Who are the "liberals" ??
Shut up you don't know what is the islam meaning/definition of Jihad/Jihad is only right for defensive purpose, and you're not killing of Muslims of Kashimris, and your Mandirs are also giving lots of human ballies that is now right to you and you're reported for insulting islam, your religion believes in rape/lies and deceptions @arbit :blah::blah::blah::blah:

Well, the meaning and definition of jihad has been well propagated with your messengers of peace, the WORLD over. You should do a deeper study of your holy book, it can and will justify anything and everything, including what you accuse others of doing.

What about Sadhvi Pragya being a convicted Hindutva terrorist in three cases of bombings ??

1. Terrorism indeed has no religion.

2. What do you have against the Left ??

3. Who are the "liberals" ??

Chacha, I expected you to be a wee little bit more informed.

Sadhvi Pragya is NOT convicted. She is out on bail and is widely believed to be framed. The original accused, all men of religion of peace were apprehended earlier and released.

2. Its ideas are obsolete and don't work. we have examples the world over.
3. Folks like you, who still believe terrorism has no religion

1. When a guy will go Ola hu uber on your face with a bomb, we will then discuss if terrorism has a religion or not :D And don't tempt me to go on that route with you or @pakistanipower will go all powerless and report me and get me banned :rolleyes:
What else he can say .India has elected a proven and certified terrorist as Prime Minister of India twice .This shows mentality of their people .Good news for Pakistan .
Hindu is polarized. They are shown Muslims and Christians as enemy when the Hindutva sellers loots the country mean time. I think, the clapping virat Hindu will get his *** handed to him, when he faces the economic disaster waiting.

Shut up you don't know what is the islam meaning/definition of Jihad/Jihad is only right for defensive purpose, and you're not killing of Muslims of Kashimris, and your Mandirs are also giving lots of human ballies that is now right to you and you're reported for insulting islam, your religion believes in rape/lies and deceptions @arbit :blah::blah::blah::blah:
"RSS Hinduism" has taken many parts of Islam as part of it. Taqiyya being the prominent one.
Hindu is polarized. They are shown Muslims and Christians as enemy when the Hindutva sellers loots the country mean time. I think, the clapping virat Hindu will get his *** handed to him, when he faces the economic disaster waiting.

"RSS Hinduism" has taken many parts of Islam as part of it. Taqiyya being the prominent one.
Lolo! There is no such thing as Taqiyya In Islam .In Islam , you have to say truth even if you killed for it .That is the biggest form of Jihad which Muslims of India are doing against a Hitler Modi .And second thing ,Rss is just Hindu form Of ISIS .ISIS does not need their branches in India since RSS is enough to inflict damage to INDIA .
Dude, your biggest festivals involve butchering animals in house. Peace and you are an antonym of each other.

Jihad is an ingrained concept for YOU barbarians. Not us. You are an islamic nation and an international headache. Till now, left loonies liberals have whitewashed your crimes saying terrorism has no religion, but it is an increasingly common belief that the first step towards treating a disease is recognising it.

We will eventually achieve lasting peace. :angel:

You should actually try looking into a mirror sometimes.

Lady I just come here to chit chat with folks on the other side of the border. Also I give you an opportunity to take potshots at me. Life is indeed unfair :cry:
What you have no friends in real life? :lol:
Life is indeed unfair for bhartis :cry:

What about Sadhvi Pragya being a convicted Hindutva terrorist in three cases of bombings ??

1. Terrorism indeed has no religion.

2. What do you have against the Left ??

3. Who are the "liberals" ??
How dare you! No hindu can ever be a terrorist :lol:
Modi won the election because his opponents were not that strong. Modi is a influential world leader and he is one of the few Indian prime ministers who are internationally acclaimed. Rahul Gandhi on the other hand is a foolish and childish politician. Congress could have put up a tough fight if they would have selected a different pm. candidate
Well, the meaning and definition of jihad has been well propagated with your messengers of peace, the WORLD over. You should do a deeper study of your holy book, it can and will justify anything and everything, including what you accuse others of doing.
Shut up you know nothing about islam Islam is most peaceful religion on earth those so called your jihadist disguise/brainwashed by your RAW CIA MOSSAD etc etc @waz @The Eagle @Horus PLEASE CONTROL THIS NARROW MINDED PEST NAMED @arbit t he continuously insulting/abusing islam thanks
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