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MERCILESS MAYHEM - The Bangladesh Genocide through Pakistani Eyes

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The most outrageous and frustrating part of this was we repatriated all of the pakistani POWs without trying them for the war crimes and crimes against humanity just like what nazis faced after the great war.
apparently all of those atrocities were committed by the IA

Oh yeah yeah, as per the pakistani narrative. Btw germans too deny that they committed genocide against the jews.

And your own allies who came to cover your rear in the BoB had to say this about yourselves

The Blood Telegram[edit]

Further information: Henry Kissinger § Bangladesh War

The Blood Telegram (April 6, 1971), sent via the State Department's Dissent Channel, was seen as the most strongly worded expression of dissent in the history of the U.S. Foreign Service.[4][5] It was signed by 20 members of the diplomatic staff.[2] The telegram stated:

Our government has failed to denounce the suppression of democracy. Our government has failed to denounce atrocities. Our government has failed to take forceful measures to protect its citizens while at the same time bending over backwards to placate the West Pak[istan] dominated government and to lessen any deservedly negative international public relations impact against them. Our government has evidenced what many will consider moral bankruptcy,... But we have chosen not to intervene, even morally, on the grounds that the Awami conflict, in which unfortunately the overworked term genocide is applicable, is purely an internal matter of a sovereign state. Private Americans have expressed disgust. We, as professional civil servants, express our dissent with current policy and fervently hope that our true and lasting interests here can be defined and our policies redirected in order to salvage our nation's position as a moral leader of the free world.

— U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Dissent from U.S. Policy Toward East Pakistan, April 6, 1971, Confidential, 5 pp. Includes Signatures from the Department of State. Source: RG 59, SN 70-73 Pol and Def. From: Pol Pak-U.S. To: Pol 17-1 Pak-U.S. Box 2535

In an earlier telegram (March 27, 1971), Archer Blood wrote about American observations at Dhaka under the subject heading "Selective genocide":

1. Here in Decca we are mute and horrified witnesses to a reign of terror by the Pak[istani] Military. Evidence continues to mount that the MLA authorities have list of AWAMI League supporters whom they are systematically eliminating by seeking them out in their homes and shooting them down

2. Among those marked for extinction in addition to the A.L. hierarchy are student leaders and university faculty. In this second category we have reports that Fazlur Rahman head of the philosophy department and a Hindu, M. Abedin, head of the department of history, have been killed. Razzak of the political science department is rumored dead. Also on the list are the bulk of MNA's elect and number of MPA's.

3. Moreover, with the support of the Pak[istani] Military. non-Bengali Muslims are systematically attacking poor people's quarters and murdering Bengalis and Hindus.

— U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Selective genocide, March 27, 1971
The most outrageous and frustrating part of this was we repatriated all of the pakistani POWs without trying them for the war crimes and crimes against humanity just like what nazis faced after the great war.
chal ma kay deenay.. you couldnt otherwise you wouldve exposed yourself when the truth of using mukhti for terrorism and rape wouldve been exposed... clue less stupid person you dont even know what you guys did to kill and rape innocent bengalis.. harami na ho to.
The most outrageous and frustrating part of this was we repatriated all of the pakistani POWs without trying them for the war crimes and crimes against humanity just like what nazis faced after the great war.

The Nazis were bhartis who killed bengalis and Biharis is Bangladesh and blamed it on Pakistan. India is known for genocides.
Just pay attention to your country. Speak whatever you want to speak their. You got your country, now let us also live.
Hope every Bengalis is billionaire by now, and every Bengali is a govt officer by now.
BTW, we left Mujib, you killed him. So Technically Haseena should kill her army men, who killed his family.
Do not waste my time with your nonsense posts you retarded fool.

read my previous post idiot even your american allies who came to save you but couldnt say that it were you people who killed innocent bangalis in millions and raped their women.

indians come here to shit on pak forum - where are the pak half breeds in bangla? they look more indian maybe it was Indians busy raping dressed as up as pak soldiers.
indians come here to shit on pak forum - where are the pak half breeds in bangla? they look more indian maybe it was Indians busy raping dressed as up as pak soldiers.

Looks like you didn't heard me, that why you are still quoting me with your idiotic post without any facts and wasting my time. And i have read the posts of you retarded troll here which make this forum look like i dont need to say what:lol:
Oh yeah yeah, as per the pakistani narrative. Btw germans too deny that they committed genocide against the jews.

And your own allies who came to cover your rear in the BoB had to say this about yourselves

The Blood Telegram[edit]

Further information: Henry Kissinger § Bangladesh War

The Blood Telegram (April 6, 1971), sent via the State Department's Dissent Channel, was seen as the most strongly worded expression of dissent in the history of the U.S. Foreign Service.[4][5] It was signed by 20 members of the diplomatic staff.[2] The telegram stated:

Our government has failed to denounce the suppression of democracy. Our government has failed to denounce atrocities. Our government has failed to take forceful measures to protect its citizens while at the same time bending over backwards to placate the West Pak[istan] dominated government and to lessen any deservedly negative international public relations impact against them. Our government has evidenced what many will consider moral bankruptcy,... But we have chosen not to intervene, even morally, on the grounds that the Awami conflict, in which unfortunately the overworked term genocide is applicable, is purely an internal matter of a sovereign state. Private Americans have expressed disgust. We, as professional civil servants, express our dissent with current policy and fervently hope that our true and lasting interests here can be defined and our policies redirected in order to salvage our nation's position as a moral leader of the free world.

— U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Dissent from U.S. Policy Toward East Pakistan, April 6, 1971, Confidential, 5 pp. Includes Signatures from the Department of State. Source: RG 59, SN 70-73 Pol and Def. From: Pol Pak-U.S. To: Pol 17-1 Pak-U.S. Box 2535

In an earlier telegram (March 27, 1971), Archer Blood wrote about American observations at Dhaka under the subject heading "Selective genocide":

1. Here in Decca we are mute and horrified witnesses to a reign of terror by the Pak[istani] Military. Evidence continues to mount that the MLA authorities have list of AWAMI League supporters whom they are systematically eliminating by seeking them out in their homes and shooting them down

2. Among those marked for extinction in addition to the A.L. hierarchy are student leaders and university faculty. In this second category we have reports that Fazlur Rahman head of the philosophy department and a Hindu, M. Abedin, head of the department of history, have been killed. Razzak of the political science department is rumored dead. Also on the list are the bulk of MNA's elect and number of MPA's.

3. Moreover, with the support of the Pak[istani] Military. non-Bengali Muslims are systematically attacking poor people's quarters and murdering Bengalis and Hindus.

— U.S. Consulate (Dacca) Cable, Selective genocide, March 27, 1971
what can I say
Indian propaganda was top of the line, even at that time
their expertise in lying was evident during the entire 26-27 February affair as well
in a few years, they will make the world believe that we were the aggressors and not the Indians
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