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Bhartis Bow Your Heads in shame

If there was ever the most delusional, retarded, ungrateful self loving nation on earth, the Indians wouldn't leave any runners up. Despite the fact that both Indian military and government have been systematically humiliated by Pakistan on all fronts, still these idiots are desperate to salvage their bruised tiny egos. No questions about the proof of claims made by India on attacking camps inside Pakistan, no concerns how the IAF managed to lose two aircraft and pilots or how the PAF managed to target Indian military installations at will and returned unscathed or the goodwill gesture now being shown by our PM, the losers still think they can intimidate us. It's like Pakistan slapped Indians and these creatures instead started boasting of having Rosy Cheeks.....hell Pakistan showed it can do it and if needed will do it again.


TBH What do you expect from the same people who also claimed to have been using the internet, satellites, submarines, fighter jets etc some 5,000-10,000 years ago?........:lol::

Sir, I got the answer. It is now clear that anyone's brain can be effected after watching too much propaganda. I'm not saying that Pakistan has not done anything wrong, but sorry to say this, blaming Pakistan only isn't going to do any good. It takes two to tango.

And to make it clear, my question was totally different and your answer really disappointed me.

Sadly any and every Indian has the same opinion. We really need Pakistan to get it together and stop allowing clandestine organisations to kill Indians.

We have had too much of Pakistan's equation diplomacy; it doesn't work, it merely irritates, knowing, as every Indian does, that there was not even a direction to harm Pakistan before this administration came into office, and whether there is one now is not known to anybody outside the positions of authority.

68 isn't old....! :undecided: Especially if someone hits the dance floor as often as you do! 8-)

....especially if they pick themselves up smartly right afterwards.
His family is a soldier's family, but there is no excuse for treating them the way they have been treated. Some slimeball politicians also landed up, and were denied entry.

I was totally disgusted to see some reactions to Imran Khan's chivalrous gesture - Pakistani reactions, not Indian reactions. They haven't understood how Imran is doing something natural and sporting, in the best traditions of a certain colonial streak in our upbringing. I mention the colonial streak because if I mention other antecedents, then this damn thread will become a Hindu-Muslim communal riot.

Imran has become two feet taller in my sight with this gesture. One must choose one's friends carefully; one must choose one's enemies twice as carefully.

Very nicely put. Thank you.
Everyone remember that once some Indian batsman was out very early--I think it was Sri Kanth?--and the batsman was disgruntled by the decision. As he was leaving Imran asked him back to bat. He was out soon anyway but.. that was Imran's sporting gesture.

But... even I am surprised by Imran's cool-head during this crisis. I always thought of him as a hot-head. Well, good.
Just scanned over 6 or 7 channels of india...
As per them the release of wing commander abhe is a win for india as this was bound to happen under geneva convention and sooner or later pakistan wud hav done it and by releasing the pilot this early, pakistan is just saving face. It was inevitable due to the pressure built around pakistan which is thus a
Indian victory diplomatically and internationally .
There is not a word about pakistans gesture for peace or pakistan showing restraint by deliberately missing the 6 targets. They still harp the F16 kill mantra...
If there is someone talking sense in india then i doubt that the message for peace is going to the masses, who have been brought up on anti pakistan rhetoric. Amongst the few things uniting india, anti pakistan card is probably a strong and widely used one.

My point is..
There can not be peace till the political environment is conducive and there can not be a ray of hope till the conducive enviornment is spread over or emanates on a population level as well...
In case of indias, the prescence of such a pathetic, monocentric and fake media simply nullifies the chances of friendship, agreement or of reconciliation on a win - win basis or any basis at all.

Imran khan is probably too optimistic here....as like many i am also gradually loosing hope.. But if he wants to give peace a shot, well its his call.
Better option would have been that wing commander abhe should have been sent back a few days later or pm should have spent a min or two on giving them a stern shut up call in his speech or lastly our foreign and interior minister highlights the war mongering media from india.
Very nicely put. Thank you.
Everyone remember that once some Indian batsman was out very early--I think it was Sri Kanth?--and the batsman was disgruntled by the decision. As he was leaving Imran asked him back to bat. He was out soon anyway but.. that was Imran's sporting gesture.

But... even I am surprised by Imran's cool-head during this crisis. I always thought of him as a hot-head. Well, good.

It is amazing how he has grown in stature over the last few days. It is due entirely to his cool handling, and to the apparent close coordination that he has achieved with his military commanders.

Windy bro, how many years have you been on this forum?
Shame, Indians?

You are asking a whore to blush on mention of a dick.

If there was ever the most delusional, retarded, ungrateful self loving nation on earth, the Indians wouldn't leave any runners up. Despite the fact that both Indian military and government have been systematically humiliated by Pakistan on all fronts, still these idiots are desperate to salvage their bruised tiny egos. No questions about the proof of claims made by India on attacking camps inside Pakistan, no concerns how the IAF managed to lose two aircraft and pilots or how the PAF managed to target Indian military installations at will and returned unscathed or the goodwill gesture now being shown by our PM, the losers still think they can intimidate us. It's like Pakistan slapped Indians and these creatures instead started boasting of having Rosy Cheeks.....hell Pakistan showed it can do it and if needed will do it again.

Ik the robot should have used his pea-sized brain and kept the war trophy for sometime and made this mad neighbour a bit more humble to ask nicely for their pilot . But our dimwit PM was in such a hurry as if the Abhinandan would fly back on his own if IK didn't announce his release. Must be frustrating for PAF and specially the star pilot hassan siddiqui.

Most seem to agree that IK jumped a gun, by at least a few days.

Who knows what was happening behind the scenes.
Disgraced N, PPP, MQM, JI, ANP, TLP coming out of hiding to shout insults and anger out our PM. You guys are pitiful.

Stand by your PM and armed forces. Be real Pakistanis.
I am an Indian on PDF, and whether you tag me or not, there are mental responses to these. I am NOT ashamed of this; I am disgusted.
So was i boss. But honestly speaking, what else we could have expected? I am sorry to say this and may sound rude but this time, its the Indian media which is responsible to push India and Pakistan to the point we currently stand at! Media and government.
So was i boss. But honestly speaking, what else we could have expected? I am sorry to say this and may sound rude but this time, its the Indian media which is responsible to push India and Pakistan to the point we currently stand at! Media and government.

I have to agree, sadly and only partially.

But I suspect you read me wrong. What do you think I was disgusted about? Not the reference, but the event: the intrusive, uncouth media representatives who don't know where and when they are NOT wanted.

Between them and the Sangh Parivar, they really have done our servicemen a bad turn. There never have been 'joint' press conferences; India has never felt the need before to bring general rank officers in front of the press to prove a point that the politicians wanted to make. Not a single politician available, except a moron in Karnataka who said that these incidents - Balakot in particular - would ensure another 22 seats in the Karnataka local elections (he got screamed at by his bosses, because they don't want publicity about their efforts to generate publicity).
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This news channel is considered the worst in India , even other journalists hate this arnub. recently 45 journalists resigned from this channel in disgust . do not paint indian media with the same brush . The only people who see this and Times now are retards in my opinion , by the way they are on both sides of the border .
An appeal to all Pakistani members here , stop watching these two news channels . get your news from others , there are after all 126 news channels in India to choose from.
I am glad with this development , that will lead to a de escalation of tensions . War is only romanticized by the foolish as they have no clue about the price that others pay in blood.
@Imran Khan @VCheng @Joe Shearer @Nilgiri
thank you for the sensible post.Can you share a few of those better news channel names with us here? may be a few screen shots of those channels breaking the news in a better and sensible way? That would help a lot and may contribute to easing down the tension here on PDF.

I have to agree, sadly and only partially.

But I suspect you read me wrong. What do you think I was disgusted about? Not the reference, but the event: the intrusive, uncouth media representatives who don't know where and when they are NOT wanted.

Between them and the Sangh Parivar, they really have done our servicemen a bad turn. There never have been 'joint' press conferences; India has never felt the need before to bring general rank officers in front of the press to prove a point that the politicians wanted to make. Not a single politician available, except a moron in Karnataka who said that these incidents - Balakot in particular - would ensure another 22 seats in the Karnataka local elections (he got screamed at by his bosses, because they don't want publicity about their efforts to generate publicity).
I got your point sir. I said i was sorry that my post brought you back to this news that you are gutted about!
thank you for the sensible post.Can you share a few of those better news channel names with us here? may be a few screen shots of those channels breaking the news in a better and sensible way? That would help a lot and may contribute to easing down the tension here on PDF.

I got your point sir. I said i was sorry that my post brought you back to this news that you are gutted about!
May i suggest NDTV ,Mirror now and Tiranga tv among the English ones.

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