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Bangladesh opposes the naming of West Bengal as Bangla

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That's because Muslims of Western frontier weren't being marginalized and treated like Bengalis, so they didn't had to demand quotas, reservations etc. - Bengalis kept whining about it for decades without any success. But when we decided to part away, it took couple of years for us to get it. Bengalis saw opportunity in it for them and stick with Pakistan despite that word coined by a Punjabi (P A K i STAN) have no place for Bengali/Bangla/Bangladesh whatever.
Why you give so much importance to the name? Lahore resolution did not mention the word Pakistan. It was much letter around 1944-1945 when Muslim league was searching for a suitable name of the 'muslim state' they are agitating discovered the obscure pamphlet of Chowdhury Rehmat Ali and his name coinage.They liked the name and adopted for their propose country's name. Now you are acting like that pamphlet was divine revelation with supernatural power alone achieved the Muslim state.
Why you give so much importance to the name? Lahore resolution did not mention the word Pakistan. It was much letter around 1944-1945 when Muslim league was searching for a suitable name of the 'muslim state' they are agitating discovered the obscure pamphlet of Chowdhury Rehmat Ali and his name coinage. Now you are acting like that pamphlet was divine revelation with supernatural power alone achieved the Muslim state.

Even your pamphlet theory doesn't change the fact that the coined name PAKISTAN had no representation for Bengalis and they knew it at time of choosing name - that also doesn't change the fact that Muslims of western frontier didn't bother about reservation/quota/marginalization cause for decades as it wasn't an issue for them to begin with, it also doesn't change the fact Pakistan cause attracted them, they supported it and got it within couple of years, let me assure you they wouldn't have supported the cause if proposed name was Bangladesh. So name is pretty much important for us, but yes for Bengalis there was no importance in name as they knew that they have to compromise with Muslims of western frontier because success is only possible if Muslims of frontier join the cause as Congress & British weren't even ready to accept ML representative of Indian Muslims at that time let alone talking about division, Bengalis would have even accepted Urdu as national language if it was chosen at that time along with country name.
Even your pamphlet theory doesn't change the fact that the coined name PAKISTAN had no representation for Bengalis and they knew it at time of choosing name - that also doesn't change the fact that Muslims of western frontier didn't bother about reservation/quota/marginalization cause for decades as it wasn't an issue for them to begin with, it also doesn't change the fact Pakistan cause attracted them, they supported it and got it within couple of years, let me assure you they wouldn't have supported the cause if proposed name was Bangladesh. So name is pretty much important for us, but yes for Bengalis there was no importance in name as they knew that they have to compromise with Muslims of western frontier because success is only possible if Muslims of frontier join the cause as Congress & British weren't even ready to accept ML representative of Indian Muslims at that time let alone talking about division, Bengalis would have even accepted Urdu as national language if it was chosen at that time along with country name.

Muslims of western frontier didn't have any basic political awareness to begin with, let alone identifying whether they were marginalized or not. They were only content being subjects of the feudal lords. Without Bengalis, there would have been no Pakistan, you would have been under some titular feudal lords within Indian union.

Bengal had a different course of history from that of the rest of British India. When the British arrived, both Hindus and Muslims were marginalized but Hindus were quick and ready to accept the British education and culture which allowed them to have extra privileges. This gave birth to an educated middle class among the Hindus who had substantial influence among the British and helped the Hindus to raise their demands.

Muslims in Bengal on the other hand were initially suspicious of the British but later realized the importance of improving relations with them. This time the same educated middle class rose among the Muslims who took the lead of political empowerment of Muslims not only in Bengal but the entire British India. As a result, Muslims became majority in the Bengal Assembly, the largest in British India, while all the 3 Prime Ministers of Bengal were Muslims.

It was not the Muslims of western frontier that expedited the Pakistan movement rather the whole situation and series of events in the 1940s. The British were already exhausted by the two WWs and they were just searching for a way to flee the subcontinent as they did elsewhere. Finally, the riots in Kolkata in 1946 made the partition inevitable.

The name 'Pakistan' was selected because of its meaning as 'the land of pure', that funny abbreviation had no role. The abbreviation of the pamphlet was only popularized to calm the masses when Bangladesh broke away in 1971.
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Muslims of western frontier didn't have any basic political awareness to begin with, let alone identifying whether they were marginalized or not. They were only content being subjects of the feudal lords. Without Bengalis, there would have been no Pakistan, you would have been under some titular feudal lords within Indian union.

Bengal had a different course of history from that of the rest of British India. When the British arrived, both Hindus and Muslims were marginalized but Hindus were quick and ready to accept the British education and culture which allowed them to have extra privileges. This gave birth to an educated middle class among the Hindus who had substantial influence among the British and helped the Hindus to raise their demands.

Muslims in Bengal on the other hand were initially suspicious of the British but later realized the importance of improving relations with them. This time the same educated middle class rose among the Muslims who took the lead of political empowerment of Muslims not only in Bengal but the entire British India. As a result, Muslims became majority in the Bengal Assembly, the largest in British India, while all the 3 Prime Ministers of Bengal were Muslims.

It was not the Muslims of western frontier that expedited the Pakistan movement rather the whole situation and series of events in the 1940s. The British were already exhausted by the two WWs and they were just searching for a way to flee the subcontinent as they did elsewhere. Finally, the riots in Kolkata in 1946 made the partition inevitable.

The name 'Pakistan' was selected because of its meaning as 'the land of pure', that funny abbreviation had no role. The abbreviation of the pamphlet was only popularized to calm the masses when Bangladesh broke away in 1971.

Dude, you can made up all the stories to self appraise but it's fact that

1. Muslim league was formed by Bengalis because the Muslims were marginalized and discriminated there, hence they needed to raise their voice to demand and protect their rights.
2. It failed to create interest of Muslims of western frontier in it because they had no such issue, contrary to that they had strong presence in Army, Provincial governments, Police, in good numbers in Provincial civil service and were given lands as appeasement policy of British.

Your last part is even funnier, Idea of self governing state of western provinces under british raj was first floated b Allamah Iqbal (very important and dear personality for Pakistanis but not for Bengalis), Ch. Rehmat Ali (again very important person for Pakistan but not for Bengalis) wrote clearly in his pamphlet what he meant by Pakistan even wrote details about it in his book (He died in 1951).

Dude, you can made up all the stories to self appraise but it's fact that

1. Muslim league was formed by Bengalis because the Muslims were marginalized and discriminated there, hence they needed to raise their voice to demand and protect their rights.
2. It failed to create interest of Muslims of western frontier in it because they had no such issue, contrary to that they had strong presence in Army, Provincial governments, Police, in good numbers in Provincial civil service and were given lands as appeasement policy of British.

Your last part is even funnier, Idea of self governing state of western provinces under british raj was first floated b Allamah Iqbal (very important and dear personality for Pakistanis but not for Bengalis), Ch. Rehmat Ali (again very important person for Pakistan but not for Bengalis) wrote clearly in his pamphlet what he meant by Pakistan even wrote details about it in his book (He died in 1951).

View attachment 507271

Dude, do you think these dream and saga will get you Pakistan. All your bureaucrat and Army would had unleashed on you by the brits if there were no strong political force in Bengal under suhrawardy. Its the riots and fighting in Kolkata, bihar and UP and their sacrifice made Nehru and Gandhi to accept two nation solution.
Bengalis never heard of your Iqbal or Rehmat Ali but you certainly heard about Suhrawardy, Liaqat Ali, Nazimuddin and ofcourse Jinnah( Jinnah is a Gujrati right?).
Dude, do you think these dream and saga will get you Pakistan. All your bureaucrat and Army would had unleashed on you by the brits if there were no strong political force in Bengal under suhrawardy. Its the riots and fighting in Kolkata, bihar and UP and their sacrifice made Nehru and Gandhi to accept two nation solution.
Bengalis never heard of your Iqbal or Rehmat Ali but you certainly heard about Suhrawardy, Liaqat Ali, Nazimuddin and ofcourse Jinnah( Jinnah is a Gujrati right?).

LOL.... Yeah Bengali stronk force. And no, Suharwardy and Nazimuddin are not so important for us, most of Pakistan also don't know these random dudes, one have to first introduce these to most of common Pakistani before talking about them. Liaqat Ali Khan & M.A. Jinnah have nothing to do with Bengalis.
Dude, you can made up all the stories to self appraise but it's fact that

Lol, so that's what you could come up after failing to counter my post.

1. Muslim league was formed by Bengalis because the Muslims were marginalized and discriminated there, hence they needed to raise their voice to demand and protect their rights.
2. It failed to create interest of Muslims of western frontier in it because they had no such issue, contrary to that they had strong presence in Army, Provincial governments, Police, in good numbers in Provincial civil service and were given lands as appeasement policy of British.

As I said, you are talking from the perspective of your history which is actually quite different to what happened in Bengal.

Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, NWFP were largely tribal princely states with feudal societies, there were practically no role of educated middle class. In Bengal it was totally the other way round, the educated middle class were the most influential. And this educated middle class raised the political awareness among the masses and also spearheaded Congress and Muslim League. In the western frontier, the feudal lords were in the supreme position and the masses had no political awareness. The British were also content since they knew only by appeasing the feudal lords they could control the entire land in the west. It was, however, not possible in Bengal which saw numerous mass movements and protests.

Your last part is even funnier, Idea of self governing state of western provinces under british raj was first floated b Allamah Iqbal (very important and dear personality for Pakistanis but not for Bengalis), Ch. Rehmat Ali (again very important person for Pakistan but not for Bengalis) wrote clearly in his pamphlet what he meant by Pakistan even wrote details about it in his book (He died in 1951).

Repeating the same shit won't make it the truth. If political movements were won by romantic poets and authors, people would have arranged poetry and writing contests rather than strategizing political actions or demonstrating on the streets.

The idea that Muslims are a separate nation first emerged during the partition of Bengal in 1905 and a year later Muslim League was founded in Dhaka.

And no, Suharwardy and Nazimuddin are not so important for us, most of Pakistan also don't know these random dudes, one have to first introduce these to most of common Pakistani before talking about them. Liaqat Ali Khan & M.A. Jinnah have nothing to do with Bengalis.

Not surprising given your whole history changes every 20 years or so.
Lol, so that's what you could come up after failing to counter my post.

As I said, you are talking from the perspective of your history which is actually quite different to what happened in Bengal.

Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan, NWFP were largely tribal princely states with feudal societies, there were practically no role of educated middle class. In Bengal it was totally the other way round, the educated middle class were the most influential. And this educated middle class raised the political awareness among the masses and also spearheaded Congress and Muslim League. In the western frontier, the feudal lords were in the supreme position and the masses had no political awareness. The British were also content since they knew only by appeasing the feudal lords they could control the entire land in the west. It was, however, not possible in Bengal which saw numerous mass movements and protests.

Repeating the same shit won't make it the truth. If political movements were won by romantic poets and authors, people would have arranged poetry and writing contests rather than strategizing political actions or demonstrating on the streets.

The idea that Muslims are a separate nation first emerged during the partition of Bengal in 1905 and a year later Muslim League was founded in Dhaka.

Not surprising given your whole history changes every 20 years or so.

There was nothing in your self-praising post which needs to be countered. If Bengalis was that much prospering and well off than they wouldn't have started demanding representations and quotas. You came up with idiotic thing that acronym of Pakistan is something to calm masses after 71, your country's foundation is based on fictions of 3 millions killed and raped and you are talking about history.
Dude, you can made up all the stories to self appraise but it's fact that

Your last part is even funnier, Idea of self governing state of western provinces under british raj was first floated b Allamah Iqbal (very important and dear personality for Pakistanis but not for Bengalis), Ch. Rehmat Ali (again very important person for Pakistan but not for Bengalis) wrote clearly in his pamphlet what he meant by Pakistan even wrote details about it in his book (He died in 1951).

View attachment 507271

PAKISTAN of 1947

Punjab BAngal Kashmir Sindh Balochistan NWFP
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PAKISTAN of 1947

Punjab BAngal Kashmir Sindh Balochistan NWFP

You at-least tried to make sense unlike your fellows who are rewriting history just deny the acronym.
LOL.... Yeah Bengali stronk force. And no, Suharwardy and Nazimuddin are not so important for us, most of Pakistan also don't know these random dudes, one have to first introduce these to most of common Pakistani before talking about them. Liaqat Ali Khan & M.A. Jinnah have nothing to do with Bengalis.
Actually Jinnah was a Bombay boy. And wanted to retire there. He conveniently bought shares of Air India just before Partition and asked Nehru to keep his bungalow intact.
Actually Jinnah was a Bombay boy. And wanted to retire there. He conveniently bought shares of Air India just before Partition and asked Nehru to keep his bungalow intact.

Just like babur and Aurangzeb
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