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End of Commies in Kerala


Jun 18, 2017
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Is it the end of commie rule in Kerala?

From the looks of it - Yes, they are done and dusted.

They have taken on an issue that is so important and so emotive to Hindus of not just Kerala but also to Hindus of TN, AP, TG and Karnataka.
Literally Lakhs of devotees from all over South India make way for Lord Ayyappa's darshan each day.

WTF were the commies thinking?

Did they think genuine Hindu women would support the moronic judgement of SC and the commies?
All the women who are supporting the commies are Atheists, converts and bogans. One needs to look at their time line in FB to understand what kind of women Commies were relying on to get traction on this issue.

There is a perverted lady who wanted to have sex in Lord Ayyappa's adobe, she is a convert.
Another women is a convert who wanted to menstruate inside the temple.
These are the types of women that are making way to Sabrimala.

Pre SM age these perverts may have gotten away but NOW, there is no hiding the truth.
SM is now fully active and sharing the truths about these Athiest non Hindu women trying to trample on Hindus.
AND rightly Hindu women devotees of Ayyapa are absolutely outraged.

Kerala Hindus who are timid have finally found an issue that is incredibly close to their hearts and have finally realized they need to stand up to the commies.

The commie govt is SHIT SCARED.
Their own cadre in kerala is deserting them in thousands each hour.
There is no going back from this for commies.

In fact commies are finished in South India.
There is no hindu who would vote for any party remotely associated with the commies after what they did to Lord Ayyappa.

What should scare the Congress party is the traction this issue is getting in Hindu heart land.
North Indians before were not aware of Lord Ayyappa but now they are wearing mala and making their way to Sabrimala.


The hammer will fall on 29th of this month.

Does anyone know the importance of this date?

The judiciary is now shit scared.
After their judgement in Sabrimala, how can they over turn the HC judgement on Ram temple? They can't, if they try, the HAMMER is going to fall.

Interesting days ahead.

What is happening in Sabarimala is a deja vu moment – 1990 for Hindus. On 30 October and 2 November 1990, devotees of Lord Rama were massacred by the police of Mulayam Singh Yadav in one of the holiest of Hindu towns – Ayodhya. Later, their bodies were recovered with sandbags hooked to them from the river Sarayu associated with the memories of Rama. The Rama devotees were unarmed. It was then called the Jallianwallabagh of Nehruvian pseudo-secular state.

Today, after 28 years, it is beginning to get repeated at Sabarimala – the holiest shrine of Lord Ayyappa – who has emerged as a pan-Hindu deity uniting humanity cutting across all barriers of caste, creed, language and Vindhyas. But there is a condition. The tradition associated with the deity does not allow women of reproductive age to visit the temple as the deity is an avowed celibate – a naishtika brahmachari.

Until recently, this exclusion was not considered a discrimination against women. After all, Hindu dharma, as the last standing pagan culture in the world, has a very special feature. Dharma has through millennia evolved gender-specific structural and functional sacred spaces. There is an Attukal Bhagavathy pongala celebration in Kerala, where men are not allowed. At the time of the full moon of Chitra, the first Tamil month Koovagam, a small dusty village in Vizhuppuram district of Tamil Nadu becomes the culmination point for all the gender variants, who alone have special ritual rights. Gender specific or body-specific sacred spaces thus exist throughout India and through all times. These are neither social discrimination nor denial of gender justice.

In the case of Sabarimala judgement, with all due respect to the Supreme Court, there is a dangerous streak of judicial overreach which confuses imposed uniformity with gender justice and goes against the spirit of this land. The confusion, perhaps, arises from the previous experience of judicial intervention in blatant discriminatory practices such as untouchability. However, one wishes, again with all due respect to the learned judges, that they would be culturally and historically sensitive enough to discriminate between a real social evil and a pluralist exclusion in certain sacred spaces.

Of course, such culturally-sensitive abilities for rational discrimination demand on the ground inputs. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leadership which was also initially confused over the Sabarimala issue, after receiving inputs from its tree-like structure of organisation, realised and changed its stand. One wishes that the Indian judiciary learns from the RSS. After all, judiciary is also a human-run institution and is not above increasing entropy when it becomes closed.

There are elements even in the ruling party, which are obstinate about their stand – refusing to see the Sabarimala issue for what it really is. A former law minister, who made it to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) during the build up of 2014 Narendra Modi wave, had stated that the army and paramilitary forces should be used to implement the Supreme Court order. This man, who had passed himself as an ‘intellectual Kshatriya’, in his earlier iteration in 1992 voiced similar sentiments over the Ramjanmabhoomi issue, that the secular state should employ the army, take over the entire place and hand it over to Muslims.

Even the central cabinet is not immune to such myopia and insensitivity. Maneka Gandhi, who had often displayed rank ignorance about the sound human-animal eco traditions of the land and who was a crypto-supporter of the United Progressive Alliance-sponsored ban on jallikattu, has also shown the same arrogant insensitivity in the case of Sabarimala. Thankfully, Arun Jaitley has voiced his apprehension about the judicial overreach. But one wishes the voices from the Centre become more united and stronger for the Sabarimala cause.

The north of Vindhyas Nehruvian media, right or left, with high decibel or suave narcissist anchors, has shown remarkable cultural illiteracy with respect to the spiritual traditions south of the Vindhyas. This is despite the fact that the south of Vindhyas has preserved the Vedic traditions in more pristine form than the north. Of course, one understands that the south was able to do that only because of the resistance movement that fought the invaders in such a sustained manner for 800 years. But then the north Indian fighters of dharma understood and respected the umbilical cultural connections with south India. Nehruvian education over the decades progressively eroded the cultural literacy which in turn has led to the bizarre situation we are in now. South and north, despite their organic unity, perceive each other as the other.

And into this vacuum of cultural literacy play the Marxists. Marxism has always been deep down a colonial Euro-centric, anti-pagan, and hence in this case, anti-Hindu ideology. It will obsessively side with any attack on Hindu culture and traditions – while at the same time meekly surrendering itself, and gleefully siding with ‘Islamo-Christian’ expansionist monocultures.

What is at stake in Sabarimala is something more vital than a mere temple issue.

Otherwise, the very fact that thousands of ordinary Hindu women from the entire society spontaneously spilling into the streets of Kerala, should have made any judiciary sit back and listen voluntarily. Otherwise, the fact that the first scheduled community priest of Kerala – Yadhukrishnan – voicing his support for the women marching to save the Sabarimala tradition, should have made the media and judiciary realise that this has nothing to do with social justice.

The judges may not realise it but the women on the streets of Kerala are actually rallying to save Indian judiciary from the greatest suicidal plunge it has taken because of its inability to resonate with the heartbeat of the Hindu nation. But the sad truth is that institutions of the Indian state have been increasingly becoming Hinduphobic. Sabarimala movement is the spontaneous response of the Indian nation against this Hindu hatred that is getting institutionalised.

The Indian state needs to exist. We can never let it fail or implode. To not to become a failed state and to not implode, the Indian state in its present form needs the ancient, still living, and more than 5,000-year-old Hindu nation that has withstood thousands of years of ravage. Judiciary, with all due respects to it, has started chopping down the very branch on which it sits. So let us persuade the judiciary to let go of its institutional and elitist ego and see reason.

Let it be clear that the Indian state has to exist for the welfare of more than one billion Indians and without the Hindu nation, the Indian state will cease to exist, and implode. Balkanised India, a long time goal of Marxists and other ‘breaking-India’ forces, will transform every linguistic state into killing fields without Hindu spirituality uniting us – and Sabarimala symbolises it.

What is happening in Sabarimala is a deja vu moment – 1990 for Hindus. On 30 October and 2 November 1990, devotees of Lord Rama were massacred by the police of Mulayam Singh Yadav in one of the holiest of Hindu towns – Ayodhya. Later, their bodies were recovered with sandbags hooked to them from the river Sarayu associated with the memories of Rama. The Rama devotees were unarmed. It was then called the Jallianwallabagh of Nehruvian pseudo-secular state.

Today, after 28 years, it is beginning to get repeated at Sabarimala – the holiest shrine of Lord Ayyappa – who has emerged as a pan-Hindu deity uniting humanity cutting across all barriers of caste, creed, language and Vindhyas. But there is a condition. The tradition associated with the deity does not allow women of reproductive age to visit the temple as the deity is an avowed celibate – a naishtika brahmachari.

Until recently, this exclusion was not considered a discrimination against women. After all, Hindu dharma, as the last standing pagan culture in the world, has a very special feature. Dharma has through millennia evolved gender-specific structural and functional sacred spaces. There is an Attukal Bhagavathy pongala celebration in Kerala, where men are not allowed. At the time of the full moon of Chitra, the first Tamil month Koovagam, a small dusty village in Vizhuppuram district of Tamil Nadu becomes the culmination point for all the gender variants, who alone have special ritual rights. Gender specific or body-specific sacred spaces thus exist throughout India and through all times. These are neither social discrimination nor denial of gender justice.

In the case of Sabarimala judgement, with all due respect to the Supreme Court, there is a dangerous streak of judicial overreach which confuses imposed uniformity with gender justice and goes against the spirit of this land. The confusion, perhaps, arises from the previous experience of judicial intervention in blatant discriminatory practices such as untouchability. However, one wishes, again with all due respect to the learned judges, that they would be culturally and historically sensitive enough to discriminate between a real social evil and a pluralist exclusion in certain sacred spaces.

Of course, such culturally-sensitive abilities for rational discrimination demand on the ground inputs. The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) leadership which was also initially confused over the Sabarimala issue, after receiving inputs from its tree-like structure of organisation, realised and changed its stand. One wishes that the Indian judiciary learns from the RSS. After all, judiciary is also a human-run institution and is not above increasing entropy when it becomes closed.

There are elements even in the ruling party, which are obstinate about their stand – refusing to see the Sabarimala issue for what it really is. A former law minister, who made it to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) during the build up of 2014 Narendra Modi wave, had stated that the army and paramilitary forces should be used to implement the Supreme Court order. This man, who had passed himself as an ‘intellectual Kshatriya’, in his earlier iteration in 1992 voiced similar sentiments over the Ramjanmabhoomi issue, that the secular state should employ the army, take over the entire place and hand it over to Muslims.

Even the central cabinet is not immune to such myopia and insensitivity. Maneka Gandhi, who had often displayed rank ignorance about the sound human-animal eco traditions of the land and who was a crypto-supporter of the United Progressive Alliance-sponsored ban on jallikattu, has also shown the same arrogant insensitivity in the case of Sabarimala. Thankfully, Arun Jaitley has voiced his apprehension about the judicial overreach. But one wishes the voices from the Centre become more united and stronger for the Sabarimala cause.

The north of Vindhyas Nehruvian media, right or left, with high decibel or suave narcissist anchors, has shown remarkable cultural illiteracy with respect to the spiritual traditions south of the Vindhyas. This is despite the fact that the south of Vindhyas has preserved the Vedic traditions in more pristine form than the north. Of course, one understands that the south was able to do that only because of the resistance movement that fought the invaders in such a sustained manner for 800 years. But then the north Indian fighters of dharma understood and respected the umbilical cultural connections with south India. Nehruvian education over the decades progressively eroded the cultural literacy which in turn has led to the bizarre situation we are in now. South and north, despite their organic unity, perceive each other as the other.

And into this vacuum of cultural literacy play the Marxists. Marxism has always been deep down a colonial Euro-centric, anti-pagan, and hence in this case, anti-Hindu ideology. It will obsessively side with any attack on Hindu culture and traditions – while at the same time meekly surrendering itself, and gleefully siding with ‘Islamo-Christian’ expansionist monocultures.

What is at stake in Sabarimala is something more vital than a mere temple issue.

Otherwise, the very fact that thousands of ordinary Hindu women from the entire society spontaneously spilling into the streets of Kerala, should have made any judiciary sit back and listen voluntarily. Otherwise, the fact that the first scheduled community priest of Kerala – Yadhukrishnan – voicing his support for the women marching to save the Sabarimala tradition, should have made the media and judiciary realise that this has nothing to do with social justice.

The judges may not realise it but the women on the streets of Kerala are actually rallying to save Indian judiciary from the greatest suicidal plunge it has taken because of its inability to resonate with the heartbeat of the Hindu nation. But the sad truth is that institutions of the Indian state have been increasingly becoming Hinduphobic. Sabarimala movement is the spontaneous response of the Indian nation against this Hindu hatred that is getting institutionalised.

The Indian state needs to exist. We can never let it fail or implode. To not to become a failed state and to not implode, the Indian state in its present form needs the ancient, still living, and more than 5,000-year-old Hindu nation that has withstood thousands of years of ravage. Judiciary, with all due respects to it, has started chopping down the very branch on which it sits. So let us persuade the judiciary to let go of its institutional and elitist ego and see reason.

Let it be clear that the Indian state has to exist for the welfare of more than one billion Indians and without the Hindu nation, the Indian state will cease to exist, and implode. Balkanised India, a long time goal of Marxists and other ‘breaking-India’ forces, will transform every linguistic state into killing fields without Hindu spirituality uniting us – and Sabarimala symbolises it.

Unless and until you exterminate all brahmins, communism will continue to rule.
Unless and until you exterminate all brahmins, communism will continue to rule.

How very kind of you.
Just love your solution, end hindu problems by exterminating Hindus.
Very Hitlesque, very brutal but very elegant.
How very kind of you.
Just love your solution, end hindu problems by exterminating Hindus.
Very Hitlesque, very brutal but very elegant.

Anytime man. I am a simple person and give simple solutions.:D
What a sweet, unrealistic daydream ??? :lol::lol::lol:

I guess the OP doesn't know a jack about Malayalis, especially Hindus from Kerala. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Sure, let us know how lakhs of same Hindus are out on streets?

Let us know why thousands of Commie cadres are deserting them enmass?

Look at the devotee, that's what is coming to Sabrimala.
I like you buddy but I think you have a chip when it comes to commies of Kerala which is clouding your mind a bit.

I remember having the same conversation a year before about Tripura.

Take it from me, Commies goose it cooked thoroughly.
There is no going back from here for commies. This is in effect South Ram Janmabhoomi moment.
You are not seeing the anger in other states like TN, TG & AP wrt issue as well. Commies are almost wiped out from South - they just don't realize it yet.

Anytime man. I am a simple person and give simple solutions.:D

Sure, why not?
Treat the patient by killing the patient.

No patient, no illness.
Very "simple solution".
Sure, let us know how lakhs of same Hindus are out on streets?

Let us know why thousands of Commie cadres are deserting them enmass?

Look at the devotee, that's what is coming to Sabrimala.
I like you buddy but I think you have a chip when it comes to commies of Kerala which is clouding your mind a bit.

I remember having the same conversation a year before about Tripura.

Take it from me, Commies goose it cooked thoroughly.
There is no going back from here for commies. This is in effect South Ram Janmabhoomi moment.
You are not seeing the anger in other states like TN, TG & AP wrt issue as well. Commies are almost wiped out from South - they just don't realize it yet.

Sure, why not?
Treat the patient by killing the patient.

No patient, no illness.
Very "simple solution".

The fact that the so called protest is happening just in and around shabarimala hills and the adjoining villages and that all other 13 districts, heck even other parts of Pathanamthitta district where shabarimala is situated had witnessed not protests or agitations speaks for itself. FYI, Kerala and Malayalis especially are millions more than the few those who have gathered around the temple. It's nothing but pathetic trg by BJP and even Congress to a certain extend to capatilize on the situation and to try and convert it to vote bank.

The will eventually die once the 2019 general elections are over or even well before that. Wanna bet ???? :lol::lol::lol:
Wanna bet

Definitely buddy.
U will change your signature to 'Sanghis are the best' if I win.
I will change my signature to 'Commies are the best' or anything similar u propose if you win.

Criteria - BJP winning 5 MP seats in 2019.

Is that a fair bet? :)

WTF is a muslim woman doing in Sabrimala?

Do you want us Hindus to believe this Fatima is a devotee of Lord Ayyappa.

This is beyond sacrilege.

I support these women ..

Of the crores of Hindu women in India, not a single Hindu women has gone to Sabrimala.

The two women who are trying to enter are not even hindus.

1. Fatima a Muslim and known Hindu hater, yes, she is as Hindu as we Sanghis are Aurangazeb fans
2. Suhasini Raj, sister of Prakaash raj, a Hindu hating Christian who lovingly refers to lord Hanuman as monkey.

If these are the 2 "Hindu" women you lot could find who support this cause, then you know very well what's going to happen in 2019.
Why are RSS wannabes trying to spin a religious angle here? The case is between Hindus and the state gov and will be settled between them.
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