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End of Commies in Kerala

Lady Rahna Fatima is a close friend of RSS Kerala's Surendran. She was hired to create Hindu-Muslim rioting as they thought, like in rest of India and South Asia. RSS wanted riots and thus "unifying Hindus" like they does in illiterate north Indian states. Hmm, it failed. The Preta atma's of old marauders (Golwalkar, Suvargakkar) of RSS sobbed..no more Kerala for BJP-RSS. The problem is, RSS IT cell and social media and fake propaganda and terrorism are busted by Communist party in Kerala. Unlike rest of India, where Hinduism is dying for RSS'ism, Kerala is preserving that religion. No influence of RSS. Yes, In Kerala, RSS-BJP means cow shit. Only Hindus supporting are radicals among forward caste like Nairs and GSB's. Rest know the Manuvaadi cult and it's agendas. http://www.stopfundinghate.org/resources/rssprimer.htm

yes, commies were also in on the plan.

After all it was commies who mercilessly beat up the Bhakths of Ayyappa.
After all it was the commies who escorted this lady to the hill top, they could have stopped her any time.

Now, coming to the theories that RSS is close friends with a known Hindu hating Bigot, Yeah, RSS also loves Aurangazeb and Nehru.

Truth behind Sabrimala.
Why the vatican mafia is behind to destroy this sacred Hindu shrine?

What has a muslim got to do with Sabrimala, why did he file a case in SC?
What has a muslim Fatima got to do with Sabrimala? Why was she taking used Sanitary pads as Irumutti?
What has a Christian woman got to do with Sabrimala? Why would she make show of going there?
What is a communist woman doing anywhere near Lord Ayyappa's adobe?

Why are non-Hindus more concerned about Sabrimala when not a single Hindu woman has come forward?
Are women allowed in masjids?
Are women allowed to become Maulvis?
Are women allowed to become padres or Pope?
What is the concept of nun? Devadasis of Vatican?

No, these muslims and Christians don't care about their own religion but finger us in ours.
Sabarimala Provides Modi With Right Opportunity To Amend Articles 25-30


Given the sharp divisions in Hindu society that the Supreme Court judgment in the Sabarimala case has engineered, the 4:1 verdict that opened the doors of the temple of Swami Ayyappa, a celibate deity, to women in the 10-50 reproductive age needs quick reconsideration.

A seven-judge constitutional bench needs to review the September verdict, since it is unlikely that the three judges remaining on the current bench, and who wrote the majority view, will change their views just because one new judge is added to a review bench. (The judge to be replaced is former Chief Justice Dipak Misra). For fairness, the previous majority verdict needs balancing with a larger presence of new judges who are not beholden to the old verdict.

A lot of red herring arguments are being offered in the meanwhile, to ensure that the temple is forced to comply with the flawed judgment even before it is taken up for review.

One is that whether you agree with the judgment or not, you have to comply with it. You cannot allow public sentiment to nullify a court judgment. This may seem unexceptionable logic, but Indian history is littered with examples of how judicial verdicts, even in constitutional cases, are overturned by the executive and the legislature, based on political predilections.

Starting with the Nehru era, when court judgments started going against the government, especially in holding that freedom of speech and private property rights are unfettered, the Congress government passed its first amendment to the constitution placing restraints on both these fundamental rights.

When the Tamil Nadu government opted for 69 per cent job and education quotas, going against a Supreme Court judgment which held that reservations cannot exceed 49 per cent, the government of the day at the Centre put this law in the Ninth Schedule so that it could not be challenged in courts.

And we need not go that far. This year, a Supreme Court judgment saying that atrocities under the SC/ST Act cannot lead to immediate arrests without due process (March 2018) was annulled by Parliament to restore status quo, thanks to heated protests by Dalits and almost all political parties.

In 2017, when the apex court banned the Tamil Nadu bull-taming sport of jallikattu, the state government – with the nod of the Centre - issued an ordinance to nullify that judgment under pressure from angry crowds on Chennai’s Marina beach.

Those who argue that the Supreme Court order on Sabarimala must first be implemented before it can be reviewed are being too clever by half: once a precedent is set and all women allowed to enter the shrine even for a brief period, the old practice would have been effectively abrogated. This would make the review itself futile, since women would already have made their entry. It would be like bolting the stable door after the horse has bolted. It is about changing the status quo and indirectly defeating the arguments of the women who are #WillingToWait.

If the Modi government has its political and social antennae in working condition, it should use this judgment to move constitutional amendments to articles 25-30, which apply largely to protect minority religions and practices. The majority judgment in the Sabarimala case specifically ruled out the application of Article 26 to Ayyappa devotees, making it amply clear that the protections of these articles are only for so-called minorities, and hence discriminatory against Hindus. Little wonder that many Hindu groups now seek minority status.

What the Modi government should do is adopt junior minister Satyapal Singh private member’s bill that will make majority community members and institutions eligible to the same autonomy that minority institutions get. Alternatively, it should adopt a simple one-line omnibus amendment that says that the protections given in articles 25-30 will be equally applicable to any community seeking it, including the majority, and the Ayyappa devotees would benefit. Not only that, it will pave the way for the state to get out of managing Hindu temples and charitable institutions – a glaring inconsistency in India’s pluralist traditions. The amendments may or may not pass muster in the Rajya Sabha (who knows, a Hindu-wooing Congress party may well allow it to pass), but at least the Modi government would have proved its bonafides with its core Hindu voter base. The RSS has already indicated that it is in tune with this reality, with Mohan Bhagwat mildly critiquing the Supreme Court on its Sabarimala judgment.

The real problem in the Sabarimala case is not the so-called lack of “constitutional morality” where some women are excluded, but the larger exclusion of Hindu institutions from the protections available to them under articles 25-30.

As Arghya Sengupta argues brilliantly in an article in The Times of India today (19 October), Justice D Y Chandrachud, who has been celebrated by many as “the liberal judge”, seems to have been reading the wrong constitution.

Sengupta quotes Justice Chandrachud’s judgment on Sabarimala and observes: “The fulcrum of Justice Chandrachud’s view is that ‘the founding faith on which the Constitution is based is the belief that it is in the dignity of each individual that the pursuit of happiness is founded.’ This is a laudable proposition but one that is certainly not evident from reading the Indian Constitution, let alone capable of being its founding faith.” (Read Sengupta’s full article here)

The phrase “pursuit of happiness” comes from the US Declaration of Independence in 1776, where Thomas Jefferson wrote: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Maybe, if Justice Chandrachud had put more faith in the innate plurality of the Indian Constitution than in the American one, he may have come to a different conclusion in the Sabarimala case.
A Vatican Pedo rapist who had raped multiple nuns multiple times gets bail immediately,
The sitting CM sends his off as if the rapist pedo won noble prize.

In the mean while Lord Ayyappa's devotees are arrested and tortured.
The same courts are denying them bail.

It looks like in the land of commies, being a pedo rapist is OK
BUT being Lord Ayyappa devotee is NOT OK.

The Kerala Hindus are getting the message LOUD AND CLEAR.

Look at this item.
She is a Hindu hating convert.

WTF has she got to do with any of our gods and traditions?

Why are these AHoles from other religions hell bent on going to Lord Ayyappa?
WTF wrong with these people & why are Kerala commies allowing this blatant insult to Hindu gods by other religions clowns?

Look at this vile animal.
is she Ayyappa devotee?


Commies are finished in Kerala,
Would be surprised if they win a single assembly seat in next election.

They have done more for Hindu consolidation in South India in one week than what all Hindu organizations combined could not achieve in 70 years.

The massive consolidation and disgust at the commies is seen to be believed.

Thank you commie.....for finishing yourselves.

The thin Hindu in the photo is praying.
The police are brutally beating this Lord Ayyappa's bhakth.

Media is portraying this bhakth being assaulted by police as Modi's goon?

If he is Modi's Goon, then all Hindus of this world are Modi's Goons.

Today marks the official fight back of Hindus using legal means against the perverted Kerala Govt.
Today every police station in Kerala will be filled with Lord Ayyappa's Bhakths who will be chanting Ved mantras.

The end is not near for commies. The end has already passed.
Their own cadre is disgusted with the party.
Few who are still backing the party are being disowned by their own families. Reports have it the wives & mothers have shunned them.
It's been 3 days & not a SINGLE HINDU WOMAN has come to visit Lord Ayyappa.

All the clowns who have come are known rabid Hindu haters.

the collections in temples have come across, the numbers have shocked beyond belief for the commies.
They are bleeding revenue.

Hats off to Kerala Hindus.
You have showed rest of the country how to stand up to the Vatican mafia.
Never though u had it in you but boy oh boy, you have proved the country wrong!!
Lol RSS trying to fish in muddy waters. Lol they will not even get a single MP from kerala. Try harder.
Lol RSS trying to fish in muddy waters. Lol they will not even get a single MP from kerala. Try harder.

Let me assure u that commies are not winning a single seat in next elections.

RSS & BJP don't need to fish, the colossal blunder commies have made will probably go down one of the biggest in Indian political history.
I doubt there has ever been a more spectacular political suicide.

You might try to cover it up but let me give u 3 statistics.

1. NOT A SINGLE hindu woman, not just from Kerala but from across India has made it to Lord Ayyappa
2. The revenues from Temples across Kerala has fallen to 1/10th.
3. Temple attendance has grown by more than 200% in the last week.

Combine those 3 statistics along with below observations.

1. Massive outrage from across Hindus, including women, lakhs of them are now on the roads protesting.
2. That muslim and christian women are trying to enter Lord Ayyappa has caused such distaste that today Hindus of Kerala are going to every single police station across kerala and sing bhajans there.

Sorry to say comrade, commies are finished.
I doubt there is even a need to perform last rites, there won't even be a body left.
Let me assure u that commies are not winning a single seat in next elections.

RSS & BJP don't need to fish, the colossal blunder commies have made will probably go down one of the biggest in Indian political history.
I doubt there has ever been a more spectacular political suicide.

You might try to cover it up but let me give u 3 statistics.

1. NOT A SINGLE hindu woman, not just from Kerala but from across India has made it to Lord Ayyappa
2. The revenues from Temples across Kerala has fallen to 1/10th.
3. Temple attendance has grown by more than 200% in the last week.

Combine those 3 statistics along with below observations.

1. Massive outrage from across Hindus, including women, lakhs of them are now on the roads protesting.
2. That muslim and christian women are trying to enter Lord Ayyappa has caused such distaste that today Hindus of Kerala are going to every single police station across kerala and sing bhajans there.

Sorry to say comrade, commies are finished.
I doubt there is even a need to perform last rites, there won't even be a body left.

I am not a comrade nor a Congress and denifinitely not RSS. Lol everyone in Kerala knows Congress and left rules over a period of 5 years. When was the last time BJP ruled ?

Dream on loser RSS
I am not a comrade nor a Congress and denifinitely not RSS. Lol everyone in Kerala knows Congress and left rules over a period of 5 years. When was the last time BJP ruled ?

Dream on loser RSS

BJP did not win a single seat in Tripura.
They directly formed the govt.

Go to kerala today.
It's the commie cadre who have ditched them. The wives and mothers of commie cadres have told them to choose either the party or them. Guess whom they chose.

Go to kerala man.
Tens of thousands of women are out on the streets in all major towns.
If there was a writing on the wall for any govt, this probably is it.

Even Cong did a spectacular U turn in the last minute on this issue for a reason.

Oh, I am NOT SAYING BJP is coming to power.
All I am saying is Commies are finished in Kerala.
BJP did not win a single seat in Tripura.
They directly formed the govt.

Go to kerala today.
It's the commie cadre who have ditched them. The wives and mothers of commie cadres have told them to choose either the party or them. Guess whom they chose.

Go to kerala man.
Tens of thousands of women are out on the streets in all major towns.
If there was a writing on the wall for any govt, this probably is it.

Even Cong did a spectacular U turn in the last minute on this issue for a reason.

Oh, I am NOT SAYING BJP is coming to power.
All I am saying is Commies are finished in Kerala.

Lol, I am in Kerala man, living in Kerala. You don't need to teach me Kerala politics. So trust me when I says commies are not finished.
Lol, I am in Kerala man, living in Kerala. You don't need to teach me Kerala politics. So trust me when I says commies are not finished.

Lol, as experiment, go to streets of Kerala and shout you support commies.

Btw, we heard the same thing in Tripura didn't we?
We heard the same thing in bengal as well.

Why would u assume Kerala would be any different?

Problem for the commies is not just the Hindus being extremely angry. It's the complete and mass desertion of it's cadre.

Like I stated, what RSS & BJP could not achieve in 70 years in Kerala, the commies themselves managed to exterminate themselves in less than a week.
A spectacular suicide of astronomical proportions.

Even Kamal Hassan, a Staunch commie has refused to comment on this in TN.
Should tell u the magnitude of the blowback.
Lol, as experiment, go to streets of Kerala and shout you support commies.

Btw, we heard the same thing in Tripura didn't we?
We heard the same thing in bengal as well.

Why would u assume Kerala would be any different?

Problem for the commies is not just the Hindus being extremely angry. It's the complete and mass desertion of it's cadre.

Like I stated, what RSS & BJP could not achieve in 70 years in Kerala, the commies themselves managed to exterminate themselves in less than a week.
A spectacular suicide of astronomical proportions.

Even Kamal Hassan, a Staunch commie has refused to comment on this in TN.
Should tell u the magnitude of the blowback.

Lol, as per you, I should go the street and shout commies. Is that what RSS do ? Go to the street and lynch someone, if no one says anything means everyone support RSS.

You are one nut case. And as per your theory, I should also equate Tripura politics with Kerala. Another gem.

You are in lala land. If commies lose in Kerala, after 5 yrs they come back again. No one will vote for serial lynchers aka RSS.
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