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End of Commies in Kerala

Why are RSS wannabes trying to spin a religious angle here? The case is between Hindus and the state gov and will be settled between them.

RSS also has Hindus.

You lot have no problem with Italians heading Congress.
Islam and Christianity which have nothing to do with India, you have no problems

Bur RSS which is Indian based, born and grew in India, you lot have problems with.

WHY is a Muslim and Christian woman trying to enter Sabrimala?
What do these 2 women have to do with Hinduism.

You lot must be smoking some serious Shit if you think we Hindus won't be outraged when a muslim woman and Christian woman who the past have repeatedly insulted Hindu gods are now trying to enter Lord Ayyappa's adobe.

You know what, find 2 Hindu woman who want to enter the lords adobe and we will talk - Is that enough of a challenge?

Another woman trying to enter is named Kavitha Jakkal.

she calls her son lovingly 'My Son Lenin Guevera'.

Dear lord, if these woman are in any other country, trying to force their way into other religious shrines, they would have been shot dead by now.
Only in India & only hindu shrines are allowed to be desecrated by these animals.

This commie clown is suddenly pretending to be a Bhakhth.

RSS also has Hindus.

You lot have no problem with Italians heading Congress.
Islam and Christianity which have nothing to do with India, you have no problems

Bur RSS which is Indian based, born and grew in India, you lot have problems with.

WHY is a Muslim and Christian woman trying to enter Sabrimala?
What do these 2 women have to do with Hinduism.

You lot must be smoking some serious Shit if you think we Hindus won't be outraged when a muslim woman and Christian woman who the past have repeatedly insulted Hindu gods are now trying to enter Lord Ayyappa's adobe.

You know what, find 2 Hindu woman who want to enter the lords adobe and we will talk - Is that enough of a challenge?

Another woman trying to enter is named Kavitha Jakkal.

she calls her son lovingly 'My Son Lenin Guevera'.

Dear lord, if these woman are in any other country, trying to force their way into other religious shrines, they would have been shot dead by now.
Only in India & only hindu shrines are allowed to be desecrated by these animals.

This commie clown is suddenly pretending to be a Bhakhth.
1) Italians? They've successfully completed the terms for citizenship, haven't they. They're 'playing by the rules' as it were.
2) Muslims and Christians have nothing to do with India? There were Jews, Christians and Muslims migrants and converts in Kerala since the early 200s, 400s and 700s AD. They didn't just pop up when people needed a narrative.

Or are you saying that all Indians just hatch out of the ground with a default setting and religion? Christians, Muslims and other religions have been in India long enough for them to be just as 'Indian'.
3) As for the couple of Muslim and Christian women trying to enter, they are politicizing the issue in their favor. I'm guessing ultra liberal or far left. I'd consider what they're doing as wrong myself. They're cashing in on the confusion and probably should be stopped. Your simply extrapolating two individuals to discriminate millions.

Like I said, this is between the Hindus and the government. It will be settled between the Hindus and the government. Barring the the two cases you have mentioned who are acting independantly, there has been absolutely zero involvement of any other religion in this issue. No other religious group is officially advocating women to storm the temple. No other religious group is even talking about it. Instead, people are grasping at straws to try and involve other religions here. Look at them calling that cop a Pentacostal convert. If he was a Muslim, they would've called him a terrorist. If he was Hindu, they would've called him commie. If he was Catholic, they would've called him a crusader. Not Indian.

Also, keep the commie/sanghi/bakth accusations to yourself mate. Most people have the mental capacity to subscribe to multiple political ideologies and still be a patriot. Most.
Of the crores of Hindu women in India, not a single Hindu women has gone to Sabrimala.

The two women who are trying to enter are not even hindus.

1. Fatima a Muslim and known Hindu hater, yes, she is as Hindu as we Sanghis are Aurangazeb fans
2. Suhasini Raj, sister of Prakaash raj, a Hindu hating Christian who lovingly refers to lord Hanuman as monkey.

If these are the 2 "Hindu" women you lot could find who support this cause, then you know very well what's going to happen in 2019.
I know it's not God but men devotees who feel threatened from presence of women inside shrine ..They should not show women in bad light like they are menstruating hence not allowed to the shrine ..It will certainly create a sense of inferiority about their biological make up in due time ..This fight of women is about this insecurities which are plaguing them in all walks of life ..Some women may have made peace with these insecurities some are yet to make ..
Definitely buddy.
U will change your signature to 'Sanghis are the best' if I win.
I will change my signature to 'Commies are the best' or anything similar u propose if you win.

Criteria - BJP winning 5 MP seats in 2019.

Is that a fair bet? :)

WTF is a muslim woman doing in Sabrimala?

Do you want us Hindus to believe this Fatima is a devotee of Lord Ayyappa.

This is beyond sacrilege.


Well, I shall dilute it a little for you. If the BJP manage to get even 1 MP elected from Kerala. I will do whatever you want in here. :-):-):-)

Of the crores of Hindu women in India, not a single Hindu women has gone to Sabrimala.

The two women who are trying to enter are not even hindus.

1. Fatima a Muslim and known Hindu hater, yes, she is as Hindu as we Sanghis are Aurangazeb fans
2. Suhasini Raj, sister of Prakaash raj, a Hindu hating Christian who lovingly refers to lord Hanuman as monkey.

If these are the 2 "Hindu" women you lot could find who support this cause, then you know very well what's going to happen in 2019.

If you don't know, religion is no bar in Shabrimala temple. Anyone from any religion can enter there. And people from different religions are doing this for decades now. Even all the pilgrims go through, the vaavar mosque (which haapen to be a Muslim mosque) adjacent to the temple, and offer their worship there. So your arguments are simply lame without any substance. :hitwall:
More such restrictions would be removed with time. Religious insects need to be swatted like flies.

Which restriction are u talking about?
The restriction where Lakhs of temples allow both men & women?
Or the restriction where in 5 temples where men are not allowed to enter?

btw, Sabrimala women are allowed to enter, there are 5 temples where men are NOT allowed - period.

Italians? They've successfully completed the terms for citizenship, haven't they. They're 'playing by the rules' as it were.

And RSS people are born and bred in india.
That seems to mean little to u.

Muslims and Christians have nothing to do with India? There were Jews, Christians and Muslims migrants and converts in Kerala since the early 200s, 400s and 700s AD. They didn't just pop up when people needed a narrative.
They have as much to do as White people have done to Native Americans
Or what people have done to Aborignis
Or what white people have done to Afrikans.

As for the couple of Muslim and Christian women trying to enter, they are politicizing the issue in their favor. I'm guessing ultra liberal or far left. I'd consider what they're doing as wrong myself. They're cashing in on the confusion and probably should be stopped. Your simply extrapolating two individuals to discriminate millions.
What discrimination of millions?
The only ones feeling discriminated here are the non-hindus.
The petition for Sabrimala was filed in SC by a muslim.

It should be telling that not a single Hindu women has come forward to support this.
It seems for "seculars" Hindu women are not allowed to think for themselves - is that accurate secular male?

Like I said, this is between the Hindus and the government

What has govt got to do with it?
It's just between us Hindus.
Does govt intervene when women are being forced to wear black veils?
Does govt intervene when women can not become maulvis or padres or pope? Job discrimination, am i right?
LOL - Even after SC order banning loud speakers, the same govts don't enforce it, COWARDS & we all know why.

I know it's not God but men devotees who feel threatened from presence of women inside shrine ..They should not show women in bad light like they are menstruating hence not allowed to the shrine
Does this happen in all temples?
There are 2 temples, one Shani and another Sabrimala, which allow women but with restrictions.
Both temples don't have priests, they have "TANTRIS".
They are called 'tantris' for a reason, the rituals performed in this temples are specifically targeted and are bad for women who can bear children.
It is the CORE BELIEF of these 2 temples.
If there are few fake Hindu women don't want to believe in the core belief, and there are millions of Hindu women who believe - who do u support? Hindu women's beliefs of Fake Fatima pretending to be Ayyappa beliefs?


Are Hindu men demanding in SC that muslim women should stop wearing Hijab, since it would be discriminatory?

Well, I shall dilute it a little for you. If the BJP manage to get even 1 MP elected from Kerala. I will do whatever you want in here.

Let me make it more easy for you.
Let's make it 7 for BJP. I will do whatever u want in here ;)

If you don't know, religion is no bar in Shabrimala temple. Anyone from any religion can enter there. And people from different religions are doing this for decades now. Even all the pilgrims go through, the vaavar mosque (which haapen to be a Muslim mosque) adjacent to the temple, and offer their worship there. So your arguments are simply lame without any substance. :hitwall:

Oh dear, religion is no bar BUT belief is, am i right?

I have pointed the 2 women who are trying to enter.

Can you please point to one instance in their whole history where they have shown an iota of respect to either Lord Ayyappa or Hindu gods. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

As an example, scores of Hindus do visit Churches. But they do it with reverence. They don't insult the lord Jesus in the morning and go to Church in the evening in a bikini to prove a point.

Still, has any believer of Lord Ayyappa gone to the shrine?

You know what's ironic.

It's the "secular" men and women from other religions that are telling the millions of Lord Ayyapa's women devotees what they should believe.
What do these millions of women devotees of Lord Ayyappa know?!!!!
It's the Fatima who wanted to have sex with her BF in lord Ayyappa's adobe who is the real "Bhakth" of Lord Ayyappa.
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Disappointed with BJP, Why the hell is Modi silent? A mere statement support age-old customs and traditions will go a long way. But I guess he is busy defending is non-existent vote banks of libtards, Muslims and Christians at the expense of people who vote for him. :hitwall::hitwall:
Disappointed with BJP, Why the hell is Modi silent? A mere statement support age-old customs and traditions will go a long way. But I guess he is busy defending is non-existent vote banks of libtards, Muslims and Christians at the expense of people who vote for him. :hitwall::hitwall:

Modi is doing exactly what is required.

Using his party and RSS to inspire Kerala Hindus.
Had he intervened, there would not be the mass uprising we are seeing in Kerala.

It's the Hindus who have to wake. A leader would look like a fool if he is the only one dancing on a road. What makes a leader is the millions of followers behind him.
Right now in Kerala, Hindus have the secular disease.
That needs to be cured. Hopefully the current Sabrimala is curing this disease.

Modi will comment as and when needed, don't worry about it.
Shouting like Trump was never Modi's style. His is more behind the scenes and once elections come, like in UP, he knows what to say and what to do.

Looks at what's happening, sometimes it needs a lot of tough love to cure certain diseases. Secularism is a most vile and dangerous disease.
It looks like the cure is working.
Commies are loosing their cadres in thousands. :D
Which restriction are u talking about?
The restriction where Lakhs of temples allow both men & women?
Or the restriction where in 5 temples where men are not allowed to enter?

btw, Sabrimala women are allowed to enter, there are 5 temples where men are NOT allowed - period.

And RSS people are born and bred in india.
That seems to mean little to u.

They have as much to do as White people have done to Native Americans
Or what people have done to Aborignis
Or what white people have done to Afrikans.

What discrimination of millions?
The only ones feeling discriminated here are the non-hindus.
The petition for Sabrimala was filed in SC by a muslim.

It should be telling that not a single Hindu women has come forward to support this.
It seems for "seculars" Hindu women are not allowed to think for themselves - is that accurate secular male?

What has govt got to do with it?
It's just between us Hindus.
Does govt intervene when women are being forced to wear black veils?
Does govt intervene when women can not become maulvis or padres or pope? Job discrimination, am i right?
LOL - Even after SC order banning loud speakers, the same govts don't enforce it, COWARDS & we all know why.

Does this happen in all temples?
There are 2 temples, one Shani and another Sabrimala, which allow women but with restrictions.
Both temples don't have priests, they have "TANTRIS".
They are called 'tantris' for a reason, the rituals performed in this temples are specifically targeted and are bad for women who can bear children.
It is the CORE BELIEF of these 2 temples.
If there are few fake Hindu women don't want to believe in the core belief, and there are millions of Hindu women who believe - who do u support? Hindu women's beliefs of Fake Fatima pretending to be Ayyappa beliefs?


Are Hindu men demanding in SC that muslim women should stop wearing Hijab, since it would be discriminatory?

Let me make it more easy for you.
Let's make it 7 for BJP. I will do whatever u want in here ;)

Oh dear, religion is no bar BUT belief is, am i right?

I have pointed the 2 women who are trying to enter.

Can you please point to one instance in their whole history where they have shown an iota of respect to either Lord Ayyappa or Hindu gods. :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

As an example, scores of Hindus do visit Churches. But they do it with reverence. They don't insult the lord Jesus in the morning and go to Church in the evening in a bikini to prove a point.

Still, has any believer of Lord Ayyappa gone to the shrine?

You know what's ironic.

It's the "secular" men and women from other religions that are telling the millions of Lord Ayyapa's women devotees what they should believe.
What do these millions of women devotees of Lord Ayyappa know?!!!!
It's the Fatima who wanted to have sex with her BF in lord Ayyappa's adobe who is the real "Bhakth" of Lord Ayyappa.
So we have established that both the RSS and the Gandhi family are Indians. What about Muslims, Christians, Jains, Parsis, atheists?

What parallels are you making between minority religions in India and European settlers in America? Unlike any of the poor examples you mentioned, no culture or religion or ethnicity or identity has been wiped off from India. In fact, the founding fathers made sure of it when they penned down the constitution. Not to restore India to some point in the past where one religion held dominance, not to give preference to one religion over the other, and certainly not to stomp out any religion on the pretext of doing what's good for India.
So we have established that both the RSS and the Gandhi family are Indians. What about Muslims, Christians, Jains, Parsis, atheists?

Technically yes.
BUT one has been in India, working in india for India pre independence.
Do you know where Antonio manao's family was doing pre-independence?

Rest are all Indians, same as White Americans are americans, White Afrikans are Afrikans, White Australians are Australians.
Just like the current people white people, some of these groups should remember what their religions had done to indigenous people in India.

Unlike any of the poor examples you mentioned, no culture or religion or ethnicity or identity has been wiped off from India.

Are u bloody kidding me buddy?
Hindus & buddhists were present from present day Afghanistan to Myanmar.
What do you think happened to all of us in these nations?

What was the % of Hindus in Kashmir after independence? What is their percentage now? Where did they vanish?

It is a bit unsettling that the largest genocide in human history does not get a passing mention anywhere.

In fact, the founding fathers made sure of it when they penned down the constitution. Not to restore India to some point in the past where one religion held dominance, not to give preference to one religion over the other, and certainly not to stomp out any religion on the pretext of doing what's good for India.

huh, strange you say that.
The only religions institutions under govt I see are the Hindu temples and boards.
All other religions manage themselves - Care to explain this?

Why is the board of Sabrimala Devasthanam board consists of Communists?
Why are ONLY temples run by Govts?

Why are donations received in temples are diverted by govts to fund their secular programs?
In fact in a secular democracy WTF is govt doing managing temples?

I can go through hundred laws that are applicable to only Hindus, make a separate thread & I am happy to oblige.

This thread is to discuss the imminent demise of commies of Kerala.

Getting you back to the topic, do a bit of search on the SecularClowns who tried to enter Sabrimala today.

Now, in your own mind do a reversal. Imagine if it was a Hindu liberal lady trying to do the same nautanki in a minority place of worship.
You think she would even survive?

Yes, this Fattu Fathima is a Lord Ayyappa 'Bhakth' according to commie Vijayan.

Wait for 2019 Commie B@stards, you are going to meet your political end.

This is what the Commies are doing to hindus protesting silently by chanting.
They beat the old devotee to pulp and left him on the road to die.

the bazzaru media though is silent enough though the atrocity is caught in camera.
For the "Seculars" This woman's thoughts, feelings and beliefs don't matter.

After all what does she know? She can not debate, she is not brazen, she is not there to showoff to the world.

All she can do is cry at her beliefs being destroyed by people who don't care about Lord Ayyappa.
To top the insult the communists are labeling this woman as a terrorist.


Another Hindu terrorist being arrested by Brave communist govt.
She is an imminent threat as per commies - a terrorist.

This is the same govt that delayed arrest of a rapist Bishop, gave him bail ASAP and sent him off on a grand welcome.


It's surprising to see all secular champions vanish from the thread after I specifically asked them to provide proof these 3 ladies have an iota of respect for Hindus, Hinduism, Hindu gods or lord ayyappa.

The lady Fatima was taking along her used sanitary pad in her idu muttu.

Why the silence my friends?

just 3 women went to the shrine from all over India.
A muslim, a Christian and a Commie women with known rabid Hindu hatred went to desecrate Lord Ayyapp's adobe.

Let me be frank, would these women be alive today if they tried similar stunt with minority religious structures?
Would they even dare?
Lady Rahna Fatima is a close friend of RSS Kerala's Surendran. She was hired to create Hindu-Muslim rioting as they thought, like in rest of India and South Asia. RSS wanted riots and thus "unifying Hindus" like they does in illiterate north Indian states. Hmm, it failed. The Preta atma's of old marauders (Golwalkar, Suvargakkar) of RSS sobbed..no more Kerala for BJP-RSS. The problem is, RSS IT cell and social media and fake propaganda and terrorism are busted by Communist party in Kerala. Unlike rest of India, where Hinduism is dying for RSS'ism, Kerala is preserving that religion. No influence of RSS. Yes, In Kerala, RSS-BJP means cow shit. Only Hindus supporting are radicals among forward caste like Nairs and GSB's. Rest know the Manuvaadi cult and it's agendas. http://www.stopfundinghate.org/resources/rssprimer.htm
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