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Pakistan’s Cold War Technology shrinks the effectiveness of India’s S-400 ABM System – Akash S Muham

And sir s400 primarily a Sam system it's BMD capabilities are limited and secondary

It was just an example. A thought provoking one
No its first longest range missile has no capability to intercepts fighter jets its solely build for ABM purpose, second missile has a capability to intercept fighter jets and third one is for CM interception with a limited capability @Fawadqasim1 :disagree:

I don't understand what you are contemplating
means that CM is not costly as entire SAMs systems @Fawadqasim1 :agree::-)
No its first longest range missile has no capability to intercepts fighter jets its solely build for ABM purpose, second missile has a capability to intercept fighter jets and third one is for CM interception with a limited capability @Fawadqasim1 :disagree:

means that CM is not costly as entire SAMs systems @Fawadqasim1 :agree::-)
I am sorry to say that all of the above proposition are wrong.

I will advise you sir to study s400 system in-depth
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I will give you a hint the longest range missile
Is for large less manoeuvrable aircrafts like aews tankers transport planes.

It will be impossible to overwhelm s400 type multi layered system with few cms
Cash is king. We need to try to make the most of our limited resources. We definitely need to have decent SAM coverage to protect against IAF but ABM is not something we can afford right now.

Instead we should focus on stock piling Nasr, Babur, Raad, Abdali and MAR-1. At time of war we should aim to make it rain on IAF FOB as well as key roads, bridges etc. We should look to strike fast and target anything upto 3-400km into enemy territory. Like the Israeli tactics of the 6 day war.
Go read something about s400 first
i already did lots of time before you @Fawadqasim1 , look bro S-400 is to defend SRBM and battlefield BM (ABDALI, SHAHEEN-1/A ghaznavi etc etc), whereas Indian AAD and PAAD is to defend MRBM threats posed by Pakistan like (SHAHEEN-2/ABABEEL/SHAHHEN-3) @Fawadqasim1 :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:

Look bro S-400 longest missiles speed is 8 km/sec, its useless to assume that they throw such a high speed missile to subsonic target @Fawadqasim1 :crazy::crazy::crazy: when its likely to destroy by much slower MACH-3-4 SAMs systems @Fawadqasim1 :crazy::crazy::crazy::tdown:
The solution is simple, just inundate the enemy air space with cheap missiles in the first strike so that the S400s are all used up and then obliterate them with the real ones in the second strike.
This depends on where the S-400 system is situated. If it is nearer to the border, then a saturation attack with cruise missiles will do the job. If we can reduce the cost of conventionally loaded cruise missiles, there would be a huge asymmetry. Not just in the cost, but also in reload times. A S-400 battery once expended is very hard to replace. Not so with cruise missiles that can even be fired from air.

If the S-400 is defending some site deep within India, that is where the Ababeel decoys would come into play. But my gut feeling says that if it comes to missiles flying, then nuclear war would have already started. No one is going to wait to find out if an incoming missile is potentially nuclear.
And sir s400 primarily a Sam system it's BMD capabilities are limited and secondary

It was just an example. A thought provoking one
how about we start working on jamming system.
this where USA lost war in ukraine. europe said to USA you cannot defend yourself how you can defend us.. so we have to work on jamming system as every system has some software and connectivity and it is easy to jamm..
how about we start working on jamming system.
this where USA lost war in ukraine. europe said to USA you cannot defend yourself how you can defend us.. so we have to work on jamming system as every system has some software and connectivity and it is easy to jamm..
Even if we get the requisite information and modify our libraries accordingly the s400 system is modular and modifiable and extremely versatile so i wont bet my life on it relying solely on jamming would not be a good Idea.
Even if we get the requisite information and modify our libraries accordingly the s400 system is modular and modifiable and extremely versatile so i wont bet my life on it relying solely on jamming would not be a good Idea.
yeah your on the spot @Fawadqasim1 :tup: but jamimng is one of the way that how neutralized S-400, we have to go multiple options in mind to disable S-400 @Fawadqasim1 :angel:

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