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Afghanistan questions US policies on Pakistan.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: They are doing balancing job btw taliban and America.

lol...Pakistan is doing only some serious comedy over war on terror with State and Non State Actors!!!

actually we are doing whats best for us, and for your investment in afghanistan we get the fruit out of it too and will make sure for your safe departure, it entirely upto us so dont worry and pray for ur safe departure.....
when ever u see kerzai speaking, take it as an american general making him speak his words from the veil, it is always helpful to read between the lines..
lol...Pakistan is doing only some serious comedy over war on terror with State and Non State Actors!!!

Alhamdolillah Pak is saviour of the whole world from the evilz clutches, symbol of peace, a light in the darkness...:lol:
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actually we are doing whats best for us, and for your investment in afghanistan we get the fruit out of it too and will make sure for your safe departure, it entirely upto us so dont worry and pray for ur safe departure.....

intersting 2 c the departure and the fruits
actually we are doing whats best for us, and for your investment in afghanistan we get the fruit out of it too and will make sure for your safe departure, it entirely upto us so dont worry and pray for ur safe departure.....

Dude, The fruits you enjoyed in the form of American support since your separation from Hindustan till recently are seems to be over now. Time for you to come out your hallucination & feel the pulse. Don't worry, we are not Americans. We never quit unless the mission is fulfilled. Afghanistan is like a kid as a country & it needs care & support right now. Hindustan will dutifully protect the sanctity of Afghanistan form Vultures like Pakistans.

Puppet is saying somthing.
isn't pakistan eating india's lunch in afghanistan, last i heard kayani threw it in the garbage citing ''indians do not know how to cook.'' :lol:
Dude, The fruits you enjoyed in the form of American support since your separation from Hindustan till recently are seems to be over now. Time for you to come out your hallucination & feel the pulse. Don't worry, we are not Americans. We never quit unless the mission is fulfilled. Afghanistan is like a kid as a country & it needs care & support right now. Hindustan will dutifully protect the sanctity of Afghanistan form Vultures like Pakistans.

Well it would be nice to get your facts straight, our separation from Hindustan, yeah if that would get u a good night sleep. Pakistan, india, and Bangladesh were partitioned out of what was then British india. Remember that kido. And for the rest of your mambo jambo, we are who we are and we dont need a certificate of some kind to get the worlds attention and approval. And as far as your attention with regards to Afghanistan, we know what your intentions are and I am sure they are being paid back in due manner.

Puppet is saying somthing.
The puppet holds international credibility which you are losing day by day. That's the difference. But still all is not lost. Stop supporting Taliban (if you don't believe me, take a look at the forum's thread as to how many of your guys support their actions in Afghanistan) and stand against it genuinely.

We don't care what you do in your country but Afghanistan has seen wayyy too much bloodshed to think of any influencing there. If we were thinking for influence in the region (apart from just a friendly government there), we'd be putting conditions for aid. We aren't. Right now, your neighbour needs stability rather than regional dominance. Help it and it will help you back rather than helping a bunch of bozos massacre them and gain even worse reputation among the people.

The Afghans in your country are right now residents of Pakistan and their opinions don't reflect what's going on with the people living in Afghanistan and suffering day and night. Blaming NATO by cherry-picking rogue incidents will not help in the long run.

They have the power and authority to make countries turn deaf ear to you if they want. Stop supporting these mujahideen and taliban and stuff and we'd be on the same boat with mutual help.
^ Where's the proof we're supporting taliban?

As far as credibility is concerned, ****, :lol: Karzai has credibility?:lol::lol: Mate, I don't know what non-Desi people you are meeting, or non-Desi politicians you are talking about, but his credibility is as low as it can be from my experience..
ROLF @ Karzai holding any credibility this is the same guy whose brother runs Drug Bussines in Afghanistan and even the western media who you consider credible blasted him for drugs, corruption etc.You see Indians at the end of the day Afghanistan is our backyard.The way Karzai has been doing things he sure is going to bring hostility towards Afghanistan by Pakistan.IMO: The best solution for Pakistan is to break dilpomatic relations with Afghanistan - Close the borders and let these people starve to death.Without Pakitan's land route these people will die like rats.
Well it would be nice to get your facts straight, our separation from Hindustan, yeah if that would get u a good night sleep. Pakistan, india, and Bangladesh were partitioned out of what was then British india. Remember that kido. And for the rest of your mambo jambo, we are who we are and we dont need a certificate of some kind to get the worlds attention and approval. And as far as your attention with regards to Afghanistan, we know what your intentions are and I am sure they are being paid back in due manner.

High time to change your notorious History books, bro. You are as myopic as most of the Pakistanis. Indian civilization has not started with Mughal invasion or what was called British India. Consult a Knowledgeable Historian (which I think not found in Pakistan), & you can put your facts straight.
High time to change your notorious History books, bro. You are as myopic as most of the Pakistanis. Indian civilization has not started with Mughal invasion or what was called British India. Consult a Knowledgeable Historian (which I think not found in Pakistan), & you can put your facts straight.

Well I am not going to argue with the likes of you, its about time that you indians stop living in a theory of a nation that existed as a nation not for a very long period of time. Having a civilization is one thing, but what about a united nation. Some thing that was comprehensively missing from your history for a very long time. so dont try to teach me about a united baharat. And as far as a historian is concerned, kid we have many in Pakistan who know what happened and what not. Unlike you guys who just dont want to believe in something that contradicts the dream world of yours.
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