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Lord Ram an imaginary character: Karunanidhi

That's interesting even though it just means that there's no clear definition of a Hindu other than a set of lifestyle.

True. There is no clear way to define the beliefs of a hindu. But the various schools within hinduism have very clear definitions of their beliefs and ideas.

But the lifestyle becomes meaningless as long as there's no clear objective, purpose of your life.

Each hindu knows his beliefs very well, so he does have a clear objective and purpose.

For example in the Islamic faith, the purpose is basically to get into heaven and thus prove yourself to be worthy of getting there by struggling to live a good life.

Yes, similarly the purpose of a buddhist is to attain nirvana, the purpose of a hindu is to either attain nirvana, go to heaven, or be reborn as a better person, depending on his/her beliefs.

Now if an atheist calls himself Hindu and believes there's no God, thus no Heaven or hell, then why follow a set way of life?

Atheism doesn't mean that the person has no purpose in life. An atheist definitely did some thinking to get to where he is. He might believe very strongly in a lot of other ideas like humanism, ethics, secularism and science.

We openly call our religion the best religion because its plain stupid to not do so. Yes we don't diss on any other religion, but we do believe that ours is the best! And so do you, otherwise you'd not be a Hindu. You have to follow what you believe is the best.

I can understand why you consider your religion to be the best one. It is devoid of the usual myths and complexities and contradictions of hinduism and the dilemmas of christinanity.

It appears to be very simple on the surface. But as you know, even Islam is fractured into many different schools of thought...and in this case, the people of one school cannot accept the existence of any other school...so they fight.

Hinduism has this tradition of humility. A hindu might consider his sect to be the best, but he also acknowledges that he might be wrong. After all...what do we know of the universe....the more we study about it...the more we realize that we know nothing at all.

Read the following lines from Rig Veda:

hen even nothingness was not, nor existence,
There was no air then, nor the heavens beyond it.
What covered it? Where was it? In whose keeping
Was there then cosmic water, in depths unfathomed?

Then there was neither death nor immortality
nor was there then the torch of night and day.
The One breathed windlessly and self-sustaining.
There was that One then, and there was no other.

At first there was only darkness wrapped in darkness.
All this was only unillumined water.
That One which came to be, enclosed in nothing,
arose at last, born of the power of heat.

In the beginning desire descended on it -
that was the primal seed, born of the mind.
The sages who have searched their hearts with wisdom
know that which is is kin to that which is not.

And they have stretched their cord across the void,
and know what was above, and what below.
Seminal powers made fertile mighty forces.
Below was strength, and over it was impulse.

But, after all, who knows, and who can say
Whence it all came, and how creation happened?
the gods themselves are later than creation,
so who knows truly whence it has arisen?

Whence all creation had its origin,
he, whether he fashioned it or whether he did not,
he, who surveys it all from highest heaven,
he knows - or maybe even he does not know
then at least stop the construction of the Ram Temple and rebuild the Babri Masjid. This is the LEAST they can do.

Babri Masjid will and shud be never reconstructed. It was build by hurting the sentiments of the hindus, who are the majority in India. We do care about majority sentiment like the minorities.
Babri Masjid will and shud be never reconstructed. It was build by hurting the sentiments of the hindus, who are the majority in India. We do care about majority sentiment like the minorities.
Why were the Hindu sentiments hurt by Babri Masjid?
Maybe he's trying to balance things off?

He's an atheist so why would he worship Allah? He's participating in the festivals and probably just wore the muslim cap during one of those festivals.

I am not saying that he is worshiping Allah. He just try to make the impression of being Muslim/Christian friendly leader.

Maybe he's trying to balance things off?
Instead of calling him names, why don't you prove him wrong? "Ram walked on Earth", where's the evidence to support that? Can any of his life events be verified? He moved the earth, had his army build bridges.

I am not ready to debate whether Ram was existed or not. Hindus believe so and this is the way the religions work. The same way you believe that the Quaran (srroy if misspelled) is given by God to the Prophet.

But this guy is using the religion for his political gain and he is making this statement just to prove that he is atheist. During last election campaign, the media published the photographs of the Lord Ganesh idol in his car. Just I am saying that he makes this statement just for his gain.

Central minister TR Balu is making full efforts to carry on this project. He has a shipping business.

Over the countless number of years when the tales are recounted again and again, some exaggeration is bound to creep in. This was true of all mythologies and pantheons. I am sure that there was hero in existence called Lord Rama, whether all the tales attributed to him are true is debatable. Looking at it dispassionately, IMO the statement refers more to all the exploits attributed to Lord Rama rather than denying his existence altogether. I would thereore refrain from passing judgement on anyone. I think the guy is actually trying to denounce the Hindu fundamentalists who believe ever religious story as literal truth.

Some fanatics use the name of Allah to kill innocent people. Should denying the existence of Allah solve the problem?

If NASA hadn't discovered this bridge no one would've said anything.

NASA only published the pictures. Already people believe that the bridge exists under the sea.

I wish for it to be preserved over environmental issues.

It is hard to educate the people about the environment issues in a short period instead we can use their faith to protect the environment. There are precious marine life.

But people are promoting a falsehood claiming that the bridge was man-made (or Ram-made). I don't see how a man-made structure would preserve itself for close to 2 million years!

This is not ordinary bridge as you think. The monkey army brought some rocks and made them to float on the sea. After the war, the bridge is made to the bottom of the sea.

I know that you will laugh at the above sentence. Please, visit Rameshwaram and see a piece of rock floating in a water tank. Only a small piece of this rock was found in the sea. The scientists failed to explain why this rock floats in the water.

That's interesting even though it just means that there's no clear definition of a Hindu other than a set of lifestyle.

But the lifestyle becomes meaningless as long as there's no clear objective, purpose of your life.

For example in the Islamic faith, the purpose is basically to get into heaven and thus prove yourself to be worthy of getting there by struggling to live a good life.

Now if an atheist calls himself Hindu and believes there's no God, thus no Heaven or hell, then why follow a set way of life?

We openly call our religion the best religion because its plain stupid to not do so. Yes we don't diss on any other religion, but we do believe that ours is the best! And so do you, otherwise you'd not be a Hindu. You have to follow what you believe is the best.

Sorry, I can't answer this here, since it takes pages to explain.
Bcoz it was build over a temple like almost all Mosques you find in India.
That is an old wives tale. There has been no evidence brought forward to date that proves this claim even though the time period quoted (of Babur's rule) is fairly recent.

Basically there was no temple Till the 19th century Muslims and Hindus both prayed side by side in the same mosque complex (a small temple was made over there). Under the rule of the British they decided to close off the temple and then some ridiculous things were done to keep the people out.

The local Hindus mounted many initiatives to barge into the mosque but were fended off. In due time they concocted this story of how a mosque resides over the birth place of Shri Ram and how a temple commemorated that spot once. NO archaeological evidence brought forward to date.

The funny thing is there's no proof that Babur even made that mosque other than an inscription on it with the name of Babur which could even mean renovation (as was common with most Muslim rulers that renovated mosques). The Al Hamra Palace/mosque is one such example.
So why would the evil hindus conspire so hard to destroy a mosque that is practically insignificant? Aren't there much better and grander mosques, with much more violent histories behind them (Qutub minar comes to mind) which can be destroyed?

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