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Zainab's murderer reportedly caught by intelligence?

Almost all the pages now on social media are comfirming the news that this is indeed the culprit caught by MI last night, enough propoganda for u?, i mentioned specifically the shaky source of the news last night at the top of the thread so take it easy with the moral crusader shit ,will u.

Social media pages are not credible sources !!
no one has been arrested as per official statement of Punjab Police & Supreme Court of Pakistan. If the culprit was arrested, it would've been mentioned in the report submitted by IG Punjab in SC today.
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The people that did this have already been moved to safe houses. They will pick up some bakra.
I merely shared a tweet which said that the criminal has been arrested and this guy comes on his High Horse.
Almost all the pages now on social media are comfirming the news that this is indeed the culprit caught by MI last night, enough propoganda for u?, i mentioned specifically the shaky source of the news last night at the top of the thread so take it easy with the moral crusader shit ,will u.

I think it was MI that caught him.

Lol you believe on these social media pages being run by 14yo kids?

Social media pages are not credible sources !!
no one has been arrested as per official statement of Punjab Police & Supreme Court of Pakistan. If the culprit was arrested, it would've been mentioned in the report submitted by IG Punjab in SC.

No my dear. You just don't have enough sources in the ISI, MI, CTD, Special Branch etc like these kids who circulated this news. Ahh...
We are all speculating here and exchanging info n that is i think the very purpose of this forum, these pieces of info may not be authentic but its info nonetheless, @Mini Tank drop the act of a professional journalism critic wanabe, this news has not been posted on the official fb n twitter account of pdf so its not the official stance of this forum, apart from that pooling info is what online forums are for, if u are new to the concept, kindly dont pester other members.
This ring of serial rapists have some link with government. Punjab police and government are desperately trying to sweep this under the rug.
Its been said that its a proper professional child p orn n snuff p orn ring which sells these videos to international clients for millions, the injuries found on zainab n the extent of the rape points to that.
We are all speculating here and exchanging info n that is i think the very purpose of this forum, these pieces of info may not be authentic but its info nonetheless, @Mini Tank drop the act of a professional journalism critic, this news has not been posted on the official fb n twitter account of pdf so its not the official stance of this forum, apart from that pooling info is what online forums are for, if u are new to the concept, kindly dont pester other members.

Will you mind your own stuff? I am here putting up my opinion so better not intervene without any consent or just to defend the rubbish.
Its been said that its a proper professional child p orn n snuff p orn ring which sells these videos to international clients for millions, the injuries found on zainab n the extent of the rape points to that.

Government and police are protecting them. How easy would it be to bait these rapists with a kid, then catch and beat the info out of them? Shit, even I could do that.
Social media pages are not credible sources !!
no one has been arrested as per official statement of Punjab Police & Supreme Court of Pakistan. If the culprit was arrested, it would've been mentioned in the report submitted by IG Punjab in SC today.
Yes i agree, im only reporting what the main narrative is right now, i dont claim that its the authentic one, i am just sayin that it is the most widely reported one.
Government and police are protecting them. How easy would it be to bait these rapists with a kid, then catch and beat the info out of them? Shit, even I could do that.

If you go through some serial killer cares in USA some where caught after 30 years ... there are few who have never been caught...

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