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Will China become Isreals new host or Medium for its survival?

The entire basis of Israel's claim to that land is that it is reserved by God (Abraham's Covenant) for his Chosen People, the Jews.

Now that is not the correct example to use that Israelis are religious fanatics, and cannot think with reason. There are hundreds of such claims made by other religions, and Islam has more than its share.
No special feelings, but it's the economy that makes the world go around. China trades with everyone; Arab, Iranian, Israeli, Sunni, Shiite.

Yes. And that is what the Jews must understand quickly.

The next superpower will not treat them as anything more than a tiny little state.
Yes. And that is what the Jews must understand quickly.

The next superpower will not treat them as anything more than a tiny little state.
A tiny little state that crushed 3 countries in 6 days.

You need to understand that the Chinese are pragmatic, they would not make an enemy of Israel. They leave it to the likes of you to do all the mindless hating, while they are improving their economy and the lives of their citizens.

You are a prime example than even with the UK educational system, intelligence and reason are not acquired by the mindless.
Yes. And that is what the Jews must understand quickly.

The next superpower will not treat them as anything more than a tiny little state.

In any case unless the next Superpower is muslim/Arab, they have nothing to worry about.
With time... Chinese and Israeli diplomatic ties might grow but when it comes to strategic alliance. Its unlikely to have very strong strategic partnership between two nation - U.S.A factor.
But to my understanding, U.S.A factor doesn't play big role when it comes to India and Israel relationship... I see this relationship can grow and U.S.A will have no objection.

Those who are worried about Israel future... they should know... Now world is at more stable and peaceful place (except few Arabic nations... they are going through their own revolution --- which is good for them) then before.

Rise of China and India will make it even more peaceful place... if you look into history also both countries they were always peaceful and they never interfered in others matter. But they raised their voice when needed.

Believe it or not U.S.A and Israel relationship can only grow stronger not weaker ever....

I am surprised when People say that the ‘demise’ of US is eminent, a claim with no evidence. Certainly US won’t be the sole power it used to be. Other large emerging countries will have their own spheres of influences.

Again, I am surprised when people here say China is going to replace US. There is a quantum of difference between US and China. On every parameter US is way ahead of China. China has just started developing. Moreover, there are other large countries such as India, Japan, EU, Russia and Brazil that have serve objections on bestowing the leadership position to China.

Yes, Palestine problem has to be solved and solved that is satisfactory to all the parties involved, but Israelis have as much right to their own country as citizenry of other countries do.

In any case unless the next Superpower is muslim/Arab, they have nothing to worry about.

An Arab/Muslim superpower? This the joke of the century. Unfortunately if that day ever comes, it the end of the world as we know.
So really ? How much tech can Tel Aviv offer to CPC ? :azn: ... Enough to be its guardian ? :no:

Haven't you people learned until now China follows a different , very different foreign policy and will never be anywhere close to how Washington treats Israel ! Are some expecting a strategic airlift to Israel in case of war with Arab countries ? :P The idea itself was humorous and not something even remotely possible ! :lol:

An Arab/Muslim superpower? This the joke of the century. Unfortunately if that day ever comes, it the end of the world as we know.

Why the sudden Islamophobia by some ? :azn:
You are a tool for China, nothing else, and you always will be. You just refuse to see it.

If there was no Indian threat, there would be no "friendship" between China and Pakistan.

Really ? A tool ? Enlighten me why exactly then Beijing funds major projects in Pakistan , provides critical tech ( more critical than you can think ) and defense equipment to Islamabad , treats it as a brother :azn:

Actually , our friendship extend far beyond the " traditional Indian " enmity as thought so by some ... Even if China supports us due to Indian threat ( even though they do not even consider it as one :lol:) , what threat does US of A feels to support you ? :azn: ... It is only due to influential parasitic Jewish influence in Washington that you survive even till today and continue to be the largest Aid recipient of Washington ! If this wasn't the case , nobody would even known there once was a country called " Israel " ...
True enough. We don't need any extra enemies.

Ideally we should just stay out of the entire situation, and have economic cooperation with everyone, without the diplomatic hassles.

Agree. That is one of the reasons the Soviets are no longer here.
China should not start a cold war with the western nations. Especially when Japan, Korea, India are all against China.

As they say trade with all, entangling alliances with none.
Why the sudden Islamophobia by some ? :azn:

This nothing to do with Islamophobia, but with Muslim/Arab countries.

What has been the contribution of Muslim/Arab countries, apart from the oil..... Nothing

How tolerant are Muslims towards other faith...... Zero.

How progressive are Muslims in their outlook..... I would say regressive.

What is the importance of Science and Technology in Muslim societies.....Zero.

How egalitarian is Muslim societies.....Zero

If you want to be leader, you should have the qualities to be one. I find none of the Muslim/Arab counties to have these qualities. Fortunately, none are big enough to be one in future.
This nothing to do with Islamophobia, but with Muslim/Arab countries.

Actually this has more to do with Islamophobia than with the reasons mentioned below ... You enlightened us all how it will be the " end of the world " :azn: ... What message does it gives ?

What do you know of Muslim history and contribution to Science and Tech throughout history ? Who's to say they cant be like it again ? :azn:
Actually this has more to do with Islamophobia than with the reasons mentioned below ... You enlightened us all how it will be the " end of the world " :azn: ... What message does it gives ?

What do you know of Muslim history and contribution to Science and Tech throughout history ? Who's to say they cant be like it again ? :azn:

Islamophobia is hating Islam for no reasons. I don't hate Islam. I gave enough reasons why a Muslim country should not be entrusted in leading the world.

You just picked one. what about the others?

Even taking science & technology, the way you people have treated Abdus Salam, just because of the faith, goes on to show how important science & technology is with respect to your faith.

Anyway, why talk about a hypothetical situation that has almost zero chance of happening. Let us leave at this.
This nothing to do with Islamophobia, but with Muslim/Arab countries.

What has been the contribution of Muslim/Arab countries, apart from the oil..... Nothing

How tolerant are Muslims towards other faith...... Zero.

How progressive are Muslims in their outlook..... I would say regressive.

What is the importance of Science and Technology in Muslim societies.....Zero.

How egalitarian is Muslim societies.....Zero

If you want to be leader, you should have the qualities to be one. I find none of the Muslim/Arab counties to have these qualities. Fortunately, none are big enough to be one in future.

You have a really jaded (ha ha) view of Muslims. Stop painting every Muslim with the same brush.
You have a really jaded (ha ha) view of Muslims. Stop painting every Muslim with the same brush.

It seems you have comprehension problems. I am taking about Arab/Muslim countries and not Muslims
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