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Will China become Isreals new host or Medium for its survival?

I am not doubting American support for Israel due to their hate for Islam ! But sorry to say , Pakistan is somewhat of a US of A's need of the hour since the 80's ... First , we ended the Cold war and defeated Soviets ( who were a threat to us too ! ) and now are fighting war against AQ ... Yes , they have used us ( the " tool " term is debatable to say the least :azn: ) but in turn have payed billions in aid and provided military hardware and diplomatic support ... What exactly have you done for America / saved them from any threat to deserve being the largest aid and tech recipient ? :azn: ... The parasitic influential Jews in all major institutions of USA suddenly starts to look true specially media to rally support for Israel , huh ? As for China , you know nothing about the relations between our two countries so do not embarrass yourself further ... :woot:

Nah , the support was there even before then ... You can just say you officially got a new daddy :lol: Because the sun started to set in Britain :P
Afghanistan is the largest recipient of US aid, actually.

So, you decided to embarrass yourself even more.
Yes, the US used Pakistan against the Soviets and now Pakistan is one of the most corrupt and fanatic countries in the world, with a failed economy, government, educational system and a hub for Islamic terrorists worldwide.

Thousands of Pakistanis are killed by their fellow Pakistanis, with no end in sight to this tragedy.
The billions in American aid go to individual pockets while the people in general suffer. And here you are, gloating, that your own country ruins the lives of generation after generation of Pakistanis.

This is the tenth time you repeat this silly lie, and I already proved it's not true. King Hussein refused your shameful help and managed to get them out. You know, repeating words like backward or coward doesn't give you any gravity, it rather makes you pathetic and weak.
I have yet to receive a thanks from you, my Arab friend. I'll keep reminding you however, because it does no good to live in a separate reality of your own choosing. It is quite dangerous.

A lot of people have a hard time accepting reality i've found.
I have yet to receive a thanks from you, my Arab friend. I'll keep reminding you however, because it does no good to live in a separate reality of your own choosing. It is quite dangerous.

A lot of people have a hard time accepting reality i've found.
Anyone who even asks such a question lacks any understanding of why the West supports Israel. Israel rules the West -- financially, politically and culturally -- and the control is so absolute, the only way for the West to salvage its pride is by pretending that they are willing 'supporters' of Israel. No Western politician or mainstream personality will dare to stand up to Israel, or else the media will destroy their career. Any media portrayal critical of Israel will be buried, while pro-Israeli propaganda will be broadcast far and wide.

The Zionist control of the West is due to a number of factors:
-- from birth, people in the West are infused with guilt and conditioned to treat Jews with extra-special respect. No one will dare point out the rampant ethnic nepotism by Jews within the media and finance.
-- the Christian heritage, though not always spelled out, inclines people to favor Jews over their adversaries.
-- while millions of Poles and gypsies died in the Holocaust, the average Westerner doesn't even know about it -- all they know, from birth, is the Jewish casualties.

The Chinese, Indians and others will never let themselves be mind-controlled, and ruled by guilt, by the Zionists the way the West has allowed itself to be. The Russians. however, are still vulnerable since they are culturally tied to the Judeo-Christian West, as well as the WW2 legacy of Holocaust guilt (for not doing enough).

Sorry, but reality tends to disagree, india is a ally of israel and would be more than willing to accommodate any Zionist support/influence, and would rather actively participate, secondly China is going to become the largest Christian nation within a few years.


The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme

Chinese radio seeks Holocaust stories from former Jewish refugees - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

People have this misconception that israel only influences the evil White people, and everyone else is immune to Zionist tricks, but please realize that it doesn't matter what skin color you are, you are not immune to Zionism. Everyone is a tool for the Zionists, they use them and once they are worn out they are dumped and the Zionists head for the next one.
Sorry, but reality tends to disagree, india is a ally of israel and would be more than willing to accommodate any Zionist support/influence, and would rather actively participate, secondly China is going to become the largest Christian nation within a few years.


The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme

Chinese radio seeks Holocaust stories from former Jewish refugees - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

People have this misconception that israel only influences the evil White people, and everyone else is immune to Zionist tricks, but please realize that it doesn't matter what skin color you are, you are not immune to Zionism. Everyone is a tool for the Zionists, they use them and once they are worn out they are dumped and the Zionists head for the next one.

How say? Chinese people usually pragmatism, even religious, the other point, which is an information age, and more and more Chinese people have the spirit of criticism and doubt, Jews have money, they can buy some of the public opinion, but they can not occupy the network, which is a considerable disadvantage for their publicity.
So when is Chinese Version of AIPAC coming out? I'm sure israel and its Zionist sponsors don't mind leaching on to another rising world power and use it for their own gains just as they have done in the past.

BTW, how much israelis are fond of Chinese and non-Jews:

Chinese workers in Israel sign no-sex contract

Chinese Workers in Israel Face Deportation - YouTube

Israeli Kirstallnacht: Violent attacks against people of dark skin color

9 year old article, 4 year old video and a falsely titled article. Is that really all you could come up with?
I could comment on each and make you look foolish but then that would only encourage you to continue with you rants about how "the Zionists and Martians are trying to take us over with their mind tricks".
Of course, as dragon's point, even now to penetrate, it was too late.China's interest group has been formed, they have considerable self-protection awareness and ability.
Sorry, but reality tends to disagree, india is a ally of israel and would be more than willing to accommodate any Zionist support/influence, and would rather actively participate, secondly China is going to become the largest Christian nation within a few years.


The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme

Chinese radio seeks Holocaust stories from former Jewish refugees - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

People have this misconception that israel only influences the evil White people, and everyone else is immune to Zionist tricks, but please realize that it doesn't matter what skin color you are, you are not immune to Zionism. Everyone is a tool for the Zionists, they use them and once they are worn out they are dumped and the Zionists head for the next one.

What if Saudia Arabia or Egypt became a superpower, do you think it would be the same there?
Of course, as dragon's point, even now to penetrate, it was too late.China's interest group has been formed, they have considerable self-protection awareness and ability.

The point of having such a discussing is moot. There is no exceptional connection between the Chinese and the Jews.

We might as well discuss how Jews will win the hearts of Muslims worldwide and the Saudis will invite the Jews to Mecca for a nice celebration of Hannukah(Jewish holiday).
The point of having such a discussing is moot. There is no exceptional connection between the Chinese and the Jews.

We might as well discuss how Jews will win the hearts of Muslims worldwide and the Saudis will invite the Jews to Mecca for a nice celebration of Hannukah(Jewish holiday).

Of course, there is no special relationship, two nations are pragmatism, the only difference is that China is usually a long-term plan.

It is for this reason, we and Pakistan have a long-term relationship, to some extent, China and Pakistan have a special relationship.
Of course, there is no special relationship, two nations are pragmatism, the only difference is that China is usually a long-term plan.

It is for this reason, we and Pakistan have a long-term relationship, to some extent, China and Pakistan have a special relationship.
Long term plan is productive when you are one of the oldest civilizations and with a population of 1.4 billion people with no existential threats. Unlike Israel which has the population of a village in China and has been dealing with existential threats since Israel won her independence.

As for Pakistani-Chinese relations; Would you be accept Chinese troops dying and China being bombarded for the sake of saving Pakistan when the situation has nothing to do with China and China cannot benefit in any way?
Agree. That is one of the reasons the Soviets are no longer here.
China should not start a cold war with the western nations. Especially when Japan, Korea, India are all against China.

As they say trade with all, entangling alliances with none.

If you think a step further, "Japan, Korea, India are all against China" because China has a unique system that is different from Japan, Korea, India's, who do not have their own ideology and are simply copying/pasting western ideology and systems.

Thus, it is a prejudice from the West and therefore the Western followers that goes against China in a prejudice way, even though China's non-western system performs 100 better than the western systems such as India's or Philippine's, the countries were of similar backward 60-70 ago.
If you think a step further, "Japan, Korea, India are all against China" because China has a unique system that is different from Japan, Korea, India's, who do not have their own ideology and are simply copying/pasting western ideology and systems.

Thus, it is a prejudice from the West and therefore the Western followers that goes against China in a prejudice way, even though China's non-western system performs 100 better than the western systems such as India's or Philippine's, the countries were of similar backward 60-70 ago.

Communism is a western system, and now China has become a mixed economy. Nothing special. And both Japan and Korea have more wealth per person than China. In order to have the same amount of GDP per capita as Japan, China would need a GDP of around 35 trillion.

In fact a large chunk of China's boom is due to western outsourcing.
9 year old article, 4 year old video

and a falsely titled article.
How so? The article states exactly what the title is, ie exposing your country's intolerance towards people of dark skin and non-Jewish heritage.

But, i will post same news from alternative sources, not for your sake however, but to show other people here how tolerant israelis treat other people and then cry about anti-semitism.

Israeli Kirstallnacht: Violent attacks against people of dark skin color

Israelis attack African migrants during protest against refugees | World news | guardian.co.uk

Violent Anti-African Race Riot Rocks Israel, Black Men and Women Beaten

Israeli minors charged with robbing, beating African migrants in Tel Aviv Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Is that really all you could come up with?
Oh, no! I can come up with more if you want.

I could comment on each and make you look foolish
Then feel free to do so!

but then that would only encourage you to continue with you rants about how "the Zionists and Martians are trying to take us over with their mind tricks".
Lol, you mean similar to the lies and conspiracy theories that your country is established on? Man, if only i could invent stories the way you people do, i'd probably carve a private country for myself out of a already existing nation, that "hey, my ancestors lived here on this land 4,000 years go, better GTFO or i'll drive my bulldozer over you", and then turn to the rest of the world and cry about "oh, i was treated so badly that now i have to kick out people from their homes and lay claim over their lands because i was persecuted in Mars, oh, poor me".:whistle:
Continued babbling

You have earned your keep with your masters.

Hey, who knows? maybe they'll reward you with an English comprehension course. But there's nothing anyone can do to lift the fog of denial you have built around your mental servitude.

It's hilarious watching you scurry around to desperately find some redeeming instances where Western leaders don't toe the Israeli line, but, given the overwhelming support Israel enjoys from the West, all you end up doing is highlighting the paucity -- and impotence -- of such actions.

Good boy!
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