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Why U.S. rail travel is so expensive

You speak for US or India? who are ‘we"?’
That indian moron is nothing more than an all anti-China annoying troll.

Why dont you @jhungary white wanna be jerk go to hell for abusing your negative rating all the time while you idiot and indians insult Chinese in your comments all the time.
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That indian moron is nothing more than an all anti-China annoying troll.
And he thinks he is an American, being a slave for too long will certainly damage their brain and make them believe they are the same as their masters.
Yes, China is good with chopsticks while Americans are not. :enjoy:
Well, they can also say Chinese Chopstick are a lot better in Quality than American chopstick....

People like him will never understand what suit one country may not suit another, in the US, we use fork and knife, we don't care about chopstick when we ate, the same with HSR, why bother when I can get on a plane from anywhere in the US just as easy and as cheap, if not cheaper.

But those point are lost on the dude, because of his unilaterally thinking, Chinese HSR is good, US HSR is bad, to be honest, did we EVER had HSR to begin with??
why bother when I can get on a plane from anywhere in the US just as easy and as cheap, if not cheaper.
China is the world biggest aviation market and has world longest highways and most private cars, but they didn't stop most Chinese choosing HSR as their preferred way of traveling. it's another good choice given to the public.


China is the world biggest aviation market and has world longest highways and most private cars, but they didn't stop most Chinese choosing HSR as their preferred way of traveling. it's another good choice given to the public.


Dude, China is the biggest market BY number simply because you have more people in China than US, in fact, China is 4 times the population and only manage to get ahead of US market by around 120% is not something you should be proud of. Because if by capita, on a 1 to 1 scale, your aviation market should be 400% + bigger than the US, if everyone in China travel by air at the same frequency than the American.

On the other hand, being the biggest aviation market (again by number) have nothing to do with travel habit of the population, as I said, what work in China may not work in the US, I mean China is probably the biggest food market in the world, does that mean everyone in the world have to learn how to use chopstick to eat??

Dude, either you are stupid, delusion or naive or all of the above to believe that to be true.
Dude, China is the biggest market BY number simply because you have more people in China than US, in fact, China is 4 times the population and only manage to get ahead of US market by around 120% is not something you should be proud of. Because if by capita, on a 1 to 1 scale, your aviation market should be 400% + bigger than the US, if everyone in China travel by air at the same frequency than the American.

On the other hand, being the biggest aviation market (again by number) have nothing to do with travel habit of the population, as I said, what work in China may not work in the US, I mean China is probably the biggest food market in the world, does that mean everyone in the world have to learn how to use chopstick to eat??

Dude, either you are stupid, delusion or naive or all of the above to believe that to be true.
Public transport isn't usually gauged per capita wise, You are just purely stupid to naively believe that because US doesn't have something meaninig they don't need it, people are never given a choice to try, all Americans living in China just love HSR so much, Americans here also argue that US subways are ok with garbage and rats, very weird mentality indeed.


I bet US is going to develop some form of high speed rail in the near future. Dont be so arogant think you are ahead in the past century will ensure your country will definitely be ahead in the world in every aspect.

Develop is one thing but widely implement is another. I can see maybe if they ran it through a sparsely populated desert area like in Nevada or parts of Texas since it won't cost an insane amount to move people out of the way...but on much of the East coast the density is simply too prohibitive that even in the late 1950's it prevented highways from built and train tracks from being straightened. Jump to 2022 and the situation is certainly not easier.

However It's easy just to say something without actually thinking out what it would entail:

Maybe also in the near future the Chinese population will start abandoning high rise city living and start moving to new 1700sq ft single family homes in the suburbs like the US did.

Do you realize what that would entail in terms of land usage?
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This is US railway, maybe you guys are also Ok with this, just perfectly normal

Maybe in the near future the Chinese population will start moving from high rise city living to 1700sq ft single family homes like the US did.
Maybe we'll copy you Americans living on the streets.

Public transport isn't usually gauged per capita wise, You are just purely stupid to naively believe that because US doesn't have something meaninig they don't need it, people are never given a choice to try, all Americans living in China just love HSR so much, Americans here also argue that US subways are ok with garbage and rats, very weird mentality indeed.


Dude, the same argument I could have used for the point

Why China can build shit aircraft when they have the BIGGEST Aviation market in the world?
Why China have shit Cruise companies and Cruise ship when they have the BIGGEST Shipbuilding market in the world
Why China can produce shit movie according to gross box office when they have the BIGGEST movie market in the world.



It's ALWAYS about per capita, because you don't make money if your product were just going to be bought once. You make money when a single customer buy multiple items from you.

On the other hand, American prefer to travel by plane, that's because American see Railway is old tech and very inconvenience, again, it works in China does not mean it works in the US. I can go to one city from another with a plane cheaper and faster than getting on a HSR, that's why HSR is NOT a thing here, not because it is not comfortable or high tech or what. It's a business decision, not about choice.

If you are so dead set and keen on giving American "CHOICE" to try HSR, you can always go build one in the US. Otherwise, it's just talk, and everyone can talk.

And not "ALL" American living in China just love HSR, I lived in China, and I took HSR, I am not impressed. It's more like American in Japan like Sushi, does that mean "All" American should try Sushi?? What a stupid and weird argument.
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Maybe we'll copy you Americans living on the streets.


Maybe you will since you love to copy everything else.

Maybe we will copy China and have hundreds of millions of people in poverty and another few hundred million living on less than $5 a day.

Or maybe we will be like China and see millions of people so disgusted with life in their country that they permanently move out of the country and gain foreign citizenship.
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Dude, the same argument I could have used for the point

Why China can build shit aircraft when they have the BIGGEST Aviation market in the world?
Why China have shit Cruise companies and Cruise ship when they have the BIGGEST Shipbuilding market in the world
Why China can produce shit movie according to gross box office when they have the BIGGEST movie market in the world.
China just got developed less than 10 years and still has a lot of catch up to do, it's not China doesn't want to do it, China works very hard on them. is it the same case for US not having HSRs and clean subways?

Maybe we will copy China and have hundreds of millions of people in poverty and another few hundred million living on less than $5 a day.

Or maybe we will be like China and see millions of people so disgusted with life in their country that they permanently move out of the country and gain foreign citizenship.
You want to copy China's history? good, but be patient, it'll take you 5,000 years.
This is not unusual for the US.

Even in Europe trains are usually more expensive than planes.

Here is what Germans say about their rail system:
Everybody who thinks rail is some miracle should listen closely to what she says. She even says people are taking long range buses instead of trains because they are much cheaper.

Why is Flying Cheaper Than Taking a Train in Europe?​

"It took awhile for me to wrap my head around the fact that plane travel within Europe is often the cheaper option for getting from Point A to Point B, train travel being the more expensive option."

This perpetual talk by Chinese members over and over and over how trains are the best method is just a myth.

Yes, if almost all of your population is crammed into one side of your country due to a desert then it works out well. However when the busiest travel distance is 4,000 km (like it is in the US) a train is not going to work out well.

Both the US and Europe having had commercial airline makers for decades serving the public need. People simply see trains as old technology especially when jet airlines started appearing in the late 1950's.
I still wonder , here travel by train cost you 1/5th to 1/7th the cost of travel by air .
our country is not as big as China or USA but still . its hard for people from this corner of the world to accept there is logical reason for trains be more expensive
I still wonder , here travel by train cost you 1/5th to 1/7th the cost of travel by air .
our country is not as big as China or USA but still . its hard for people from this corner of the world to accept there is logical reason for trains be more expensive
Public transports get subsidized almost in every country, I don't know about how they operate in US, maybe US government doesn't like to pay a penny to support theirs.

China just got developed less than 10 years and still has a lot of catch up to do, it's not China doesn't want to do it, China works very hard on them. is it the same case for US not having HSRs and clean subways?
You still don't get it do you?


Unless you are saying China only have airplane or airport in the last 10 years, or only have ferry or sea travel in the last 10 years, or only start making TV and movie in the last 10 years, that's not the same case what-so-ever as to why China sucks at all these. Just because US have railway since 1850 does not mean we need HSR or even Subway. And it is stupid to assume so.
You still don't get it do you?


Unless you are saying China only have airplane or airport in the last 10 years, or only have ferry or sea travel in the last 10 years, or only start making TV and movie in the last 10 years, that's not the same case what-so-ever as to why China sucks at all these. Just because US have railway since 1850 does not mean we need HSR or even Subway. And it is stupid to assume so.
Whether you like to have it or not got nothing to do with me, many Americans still want it and you, as a Chinese, have no say for Americans, Americans can speak for themselves.

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