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Why the time for a China-India water treaty is now

What next? A kow-tow?

Shame that free speech doesn't go hand in hand with free hearing.

Are you seriously telling us that you would know either of them? How?

The pot is obviously still very shinny on your side.

Ah, what a wordsmith we have here, with complete command over English idiom and the ability to turn a saying back to front, as it were. Whether Indians misbehave or not is not the point; 'tu quoque' has now become idiotic even at a children's sandlot level. Look at what YOUR behaviour has been, throughout this thread, before looking at a shiny pot.

We are just as real as they are to me and you. I guess the term "freedom of speech" really only applies to you Indians and if applied by others it quickly becomes the lactose in the milk upsetting your stomach.

No, that cannot be. The people I have met, several dozens of them through a forty year career in international business, were far above this kind of crudity. And issues relating to free speech never arose; it was accepted that they had special environmental factors, and we didn't niggle at it. We didn't rub their faces in what was a catastrophic situation from our point of view, and apparently something beyond their control.
What next? A kow-tow?

Kow-tow is out, haven't anyone treated you to a Made-snana yet?

Are you seriously telling us that you would know either of them? How?

Question the one who is still living in Ancient India :lol:

Ah, what a wordsmith we have here, with complete command over English idiom and the ability to turn a saying back to front, as it were. Whether Indians misbehave or not is not the point; 'tu quoque' has now become idiotic even at a children's sandlot level. Look at what YOUR behaviour has been, throughout this thread, before looking at a shiny pot.

Are you the defender of free speech now? Does it hurt you so when it is applied by a Chinese?
Let me tell you what is idiotic, it is your inept ability to digest the full meaning of free speech. You love it so much, then learn to accept it. If you don't like what you hear, then you shouldn't be here :lol:

No, that cannot be. The people I have met, several dozens of them through a forty year career in international business, were far above this kind of crudity. And issues relating to free speech never arose; it was accepted that they had special environmental factors, and we didn't niggle at it. We didn't rub their faces in what was a catastrophic situation from our point of view, and apparently something beyond their control.

You clearly need to sharpen your business acumen. Forty years of international business and here you are, still cannot get the hang of free speech, who are you trying to kid? Try lecturing Chinese businessmen or businesses on free speech and kow-tow and you will get far through the door :lol:
That's probably the best idea in this thread.

China and India are rivals/enemies at this point (according to India's own defence minister), so the chances of a "Sino-Indian Water Treaty" are next to zero.

Wake up its 2012 :lol:

If the scenario above happens where India is no longer a party, that would make it much easier to come up with a Water Treaty based on the Yarlung Tsangpo. Since we could negotiate directly with Bangladesh and the new NE Union.

A better idea, let Tibet gets its independence , considering that rivers from Tibet go as far as South-East Asia.

I guess this will have more positive impact then independence of NE , which will only benefit probably about 160 million at max.


Guess everyone benefits that way. :agree:
Nehru's long shadow

Nehru's idiotic land grab of Chinese territory with the Indian Forward Policy has poisoned Sino-Indian relations forever.

This was bound to happen anyway.

All Chinese hate Indian imperialists and your continual occupation of South Tibet and Sikkim. Like Chinese-Dragon said, the probability is zero for a Chinese concession of water rights to India.

You should ask what Sikkimese and Arunachal Pradesh people think about Chinese imperialism , some of them are here on this forum itself.

Remember Brahmaputra follows through Aruanchal Pradesh, causing hardships to them means more hatred of people of Aruanchal Pradesh towards Chinese.

But then since you Govt considers Aruanchal Pradesh people to be Chinese , why would she prefer to give them trouble for caliming them to be her own citizens :rofl:

Make up your mind then. :D

You Indians have occupied Chinese territory for 50 years.

CIA said one thing about the Sino-Indian dispute, the dispute may have future as long as it had a past. Besides maybe you might wanna check Your CCP Govt, stance on border dispute in the wikileaks :lol:

When China needs or wants the water, we will shut it off some day.

Your call chief.

You Indians can go and desalinate the water from the Indian Ocean to satisfy your water needs. It's not our problem.

Sure! India also has rivers in South India. We can mange, can't say the same about Pakistan or Bangladesh though :)

Yet another article by CNN to create trouble where there isn't any.

It's been this way for thousands of years. What's the change now? There's not gonna be much impact downstream as China as said.

Now if India pisses China off and becomes hostile, that's exactly when China may just cut off the water supply.

If we live in peace, then all is well and the rivers will flow.

Moral of the story: Don't piss off China.

Think of it this way, if India had the same relationships with China as Pakistan, China would be tripping all over themselves to give India water.

See, blocking water supply impacts not only India, but Bangladesh as well.

India has rivers in South India, can't say the same about Bangladesh.

Your analogy doesn't make any sense.

Tibet has Chinese people and no Indians.

Did you consult the Tibetians on this :lol:

Can you ever even do that?

South Tibet and Sikkim also has Chinese people and no Indians.

So if i get this right, then what are Chinese people doing under India Govt control?

India is an alien imperialist in South Tibet and Sikkim.

Like i said eariler, you should ask that to the natives of Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh. :rofl:
Kow-tow is out, haven't anyone treated you to a Made-snana yet?

No, not yet.

I believe all the hegemonists are busy setting up cities on isolated rocks in the high seas. Dignity is obviously not a strong point with your friends.

A word of advice from bitter experience: forward policies are not always a bright idea.

Question the one who is still living in Ancient India :lol:

<sigh> how nice that would be. Unfortunately, all we get is jerks who think that the T'ang still rule.

Are you the defender of free speech now?

Defender? Hardly. There are institutions to defend it, my humble efforts are not needed, not in India at any rate. Once in a while, I have to explain kindly and patiently to some schlep living in a dictatorship what it means; they think knowing how to spell the words means that they understand it and know all about it.

Does it hurt you so when it is applied by a Chinese?

The word, O Master Smith, is 'amused'. It amuses me to see slaves posturing and strutting and informing the rest of us that they are free to say that they are slaves.

Let me tell you what is idiotic, it is your inept ability to digest the full meaning of free speech. You love it so much, then learn to accept it. If you don't like what you hear, then you shouldn't be here :lol:

Amusing still. You have never been allowed to practise it, except in countries that you have no scruples bad-mouthing, even while you enjoy every benefit there, including that of free speech, while enjoying their hospitality, secure in the knowledge that they will tolerate all your gross behaviour.

It is a pity that you have to shed all these privileges once you head back home. It is a pity that in your own country, you cannot speak freely.

The full meaning of free speech is being able to criticize your fellow countrymen, your government, your constitution, your country itself, without being persecuted. I mention this to you as you have obviously no idea that it is possible.

You clearly need to sharpen your business acumen. Forty years of international business and here you are, still cannot get the hang of free speech, who are you trying to kid? Try lecturing Chinese businessmen or businesses on free speech and kow-tow and you will get far through the door :lol:

Thank you very much, but I got it in the first place, having been born to it, like the other Indians here. We didn't have to learn it from an academic point of view, and fumble it as a result. As far as the Chinese businessmen were concerned, our dealings were mutually satisfactory and profitable, and our avoiding pain and hurt by referring to their restriction in the matter of free speech, as well as not twitting them about kow-tows, were good enough to get the business done. Their pain and inferior position in life are none of our concern.
What now from a water treaty to seperation of India hmmm..? Good this is good, seeing that even Joe has gotten uncomfortable with the Super power here i am confident that Indians will be united completely against this brewing trouble on our eastern border surely. Man the Chinese :rofl:
Your race has intruded into our race's business and we have a problem with your occupation of our people. Do you understand?

Since when did Indians become a racial classification?

Still living in the colonial era? :lol:
What now from a water treaty to seperation of India hmmm..? Good this is good, seeing that even Joe has gotten uncomfortable with the Super power here i am confident that Indians will be united completely against this brewing trouble on our eastern border surely. Man the Chinese :rofl:

It was difficult to take their arrogance any longer.
Let's talk race. There are three races: Caucasoids, Mongoloids, and Negroids (in alphabetical order). Chinese and Tibetans are both Mongoloids.

You Indians are not Mongoloids. You have no claim on South Tibet or Sikkim.

Some people can't get over Stockholm syndrome from the century of humiliation or WW2. :sick:

We all know that Pakistan and Bangladesh will blame you and not us. :lol:

And they are of course right to do so.

Fact that you mention it with such a glee confirms that you see Pakistanis and Bangladeshis as cannon fodder all along. :whistle:
Since when did Indians become a racial classification?

Still living in the colonial era? :lol:

Bomben if they could they would bring about the age old rule or whatever saying that the Chinese emperor owns the whole world and all others are under his suzerainity :P
So ultimately it will be all China's decision if such a water crisis were to ever to arise in the future, sounds good to me.

If indians get thirsty, they can drink from the indian ocean.
It was difficult to take their arrogance any longer.

Always thought of you as one of the saner indian members, try not to let a few guys put you off. Sometimes its good to step away from the computer momentarily and take a deep breathe, perhaps go take a stroll or read a book, anything to find that inner peace. :)
Always thought of you as one of the saner indian members, try not to let a few guys put you off. Sometimes its good to step away from the computer momentarily and take a deep breathe, perhaps go take a stroll or read a book, anything to find that inner peace. :)

Maybe you have a point.:tup:

Thanks for the feedback.
So ultimately it will be all China's decision if such a water crisis were to ever to arise in the future, sounds good to me.

If indians get thirsty, they can drink from the indian ocean.

Indians won't get thirsty, Pakistan and Bangladesh will. As I said earlier all the trans boundary rivers that originate in Tibet end in either Pakistan or Bangladesh.
Indians won't get thirsty, Pakistan and Bangladesh will. As I said earlier all the trans boundary rivers that originate in Tibet end in either Pakistan or Bangladesh.

He also unaware of rivers in Southern India.
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