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Why is there so much hatred for India in Pakistan?

It seems like your taking what people say on this forum way too seriously. People say things on here out of anger, or just to get a reaction out of people, but that doesn't mean they actually believe in what they write.

About the kids that are borne out of these relationships it just depends on the people. We both know we South Asians can be really prejudice and reasons for these are plenty (religion, race. caste etc). I personally wouldn’t care and definitely don’t see them as whores.
It was a genuine question, I don't mind who sleeps with whom. Not a Paindu to get sleepless nights over it either. you haven't addressed the issue, but attack my intentions to ask such a question here.

Just a moment ago, you were dieing to wear the badge of honor for having more hatred towards Pakistan than the other way around.

And now all these morals.... :o:

Maan gaye Ustaad, :thank_you2:
Hello Sarcasm ... meet Cup cakes.
Cup cakes .. Sarcasm ..
Sarcasm .. cup cakes. !!!
We pakistani nation are very unique from rest of planet, we hate our enemy and we love our friends in an extreme level.
We dont have neutral perception about any country. You are either our friend or foe. I dont know about others but i feels this way.
And the reason why we hate our neighbor is because of some obvious reasons, and few of it are mentioned below:

(1) Kashmir
The biggest reason is kashmir. We Pakistani thinks that Kashmir is our integral part and so does india. So this kashmir issue is the biggest problem which becomes hurdle between both nations. And i believe that we wont be able to improve our relation as long as kashmir issue is unresolved.

(2) Disrespecting our heros
Second reason is that they dont respect our heros, for an instance Quaid-e-Azam, i have came across many indians in this forum who use to bash jinnah by saying that he was actually the person who was responsible for the causality of innocent lives on large scale during partition. But obviously this has nothing to do with reality. They are just showing their anger over Jinnah for creating a islamic country on this region.

(3) Dont recognize our country
Many politicians of india have released a very sensitive statements regarding Pakistan that its an artificial country and is part of India. So basically they dont even recognize our country.

(4) Bashing Pakistan
This should not be surprising thing as we all know that india runs on bashing & criticizing Pakistan on daily basis. They actually have a very bad habit that if some thing bad happens in their country they blatantly accuse Pakistan for it.

(5) Hatred in India for Pakistan
Each and every indian have immense amount of hate for Pakistan. It can be seen in their media where the channel gets the rating on basis of spreading hatred against Pakistan. Their media in multiple times have accused Pakistan for something which we havent done plus they push their government to take some bold step against Pakistan.

Coming down to politicians, those politicians who spew more hate speeches against Pakistan are considered as worthy contender for PM or President seat.

Ultimately coming down to general public, i personally believes that indian people are nice, sweet and friendly. But problem is they have been brain washed to fullest by their media. They are filled with so much hate that a Pakistani student who went there in india was beaten for no reason.

(6) Hindu extremist groups or Anti Islamic activities or sentiment
We Pakistanis personally believes that india is a hindutva country and its not secular any more. And we believe that hindus are doing atrocities on our muslim brothers in that country. And we believe that india is against islam. Which can be witnessed from forcefully mass conversions of muslims into hindus which is going on currently. And because of demolition of babri mosque and killing of innocent muslims in gujarat.

(7) Modi
We believe that modi is a terrorists and have killed muslims in gujarat and instead of being putting him behind bars, indian hindu public have selected him as PM.

(8) Sponsoring terrorism inside Pakistan
We Pakistanis have gathered and captured many evidences and their RAW spies for creating an anarchy in Pakistan. They are currently and directly supporting anti Pakistan organizations like BLA, TTP and etc

(9) 1971 incidence
Well we Pakistanis believe that india has broke our country on 1971. I know in this incidence we also played our part in breaking our country but still its the fact that without india, the 21 dec 1971 would be just an ordinary date for us it wouldnt be important for us if india wouldnt have intervened and attacked us when we were weak were indulged in civil war. This incidence has now become old but our wounds are still fresh and wanting to get revenge.

(10) Water issue

This is very important issue thats because as we know H2O is important but unfortunately our neighbors have made dams on our rivers (which was given to us on Indus water treaty) through which its manipulating the flow of water in such a way that during summers, we receives minimum amount of water but during monsoon season they opens the lid of their dams and then it causes mass destruction on our side.
And another thing is that they are changing the flow of the river which is violation of IWT, and which will lead for a deadly war in future which could end up becoming nuclear war.

(11) Proxies inside Afghanistan

During USSR and USA invasion, india remained silent spectator and didnt put forth hand to afghans for help but when the USA are about to leave this region, they indians are showing their interest inside afghanistan. Basically they are wanting to make Afghanistan their satellite state, which unfortunately they have made, so that they could destabilize and put pressure on Pakistan on both fronts.

(12) Funding private channels

India is funding our private tv channels to give an oxygen to their propaganda and to their culture in our country. The biggest example is Geo news, which in multiple times have played anti Pakistan role and damaged our interest.

(13) Destroying our culture by using films/dramas
Their dramas, films and even commercial are being broadcasted inside Pakistan to destroy our culture. They have first targeted our Film industries and then drama industries by suppressing them through broadcasting overwhelmingly list of dramas and films on our tv screens even in cinemas.

(14) Miss treatment to Pakistanis inside India

Pakistanis are being mistreated in india. For an instance, Pakistan hockey team which went there in india was misbehaved by crowds and the player of our blind cricket team was given acid to drink....and etc

(15) Unfair and polarization inside sports

The influence of india over ICC and now in FIH is very unfortunate for us as our neighbors have in many occasions have sidelined or cornered us in order to show supremacy over us.

(16) Trolling
I think i dont need to explain this point. :partay:
Hate is a necessity against an enemy

We don't hate anyone who doesn't deserve to be hated

It is a requirement to keep the pursuit of the objective strong

During the crusades anyone else would have given up, however even after decades of occupation of Jerusalem and even collusion by treacherous local muslim lords Muslims kept at the crusaders till the point where the crusaders were crushed and Jerusalem retaken

It is this that will ensure israel will remain under constant pressure demographic and otherwise, it is tjis that will ensure Kashmir will be free that muslim kashmiris will always hate and resent hindu indians regardless
I think you need to live in present day, get over Saladin's hangover.
Jerusalem is occupied today
Kashmir is occupied today

Why should we forget our past and our enemies today, if anything our past should inspire us to keep on going, keep fighting

The last thing you need is to make peace with an enemy like yahoodis and pagans when the reason for hating them in the first place are real and continuing
Hate is like a cancer that eats you from the inside. Jews have understood it. Hindus and Buddhists as well. Christians and Muslims have long way to go in this regards as their religious fundamentals are built on hating former religion. In Christianity's case; Jews. In Islam's case: Jews, Christians and everyone before and after them :D

Hindus do not have any problem with Muslims...India and Pakistan issue is not a Hindu Muslims issue...
Dumb Muslims, can't get over their glorious past that ended like 700 years ago :D

Well, I don't mind taking motivation from the past.

If the glorious past shows us how fine we were doing in science and education, social justice, tolerating other minorities etc, why not use it selectively for positive development?

Every developed nation does it, right?
Yeah, like if we ever cared about Jinnah's quotes regarding Qadianis being Muslims or Pakistan to have a secular outlook where state would have no business dictating its citizen's religion. Jinnah even envisioned Indo-Pak relations to be just like US and Canada. Again, as @Solomon2 said earlier above, we only care about Jinnah as long he suits our current agenda which is general hatred for India, Israel, US, Qadianis and blind love for 'brotherly' Islamic States such as Saudi Arabia.
Neither Jinah gave any statement about Qadyanis and he never said Pakistan will be secular state
Dumb Muslims, can't get over their glorious past that ended like 700 years ago :D
Nope I might come across as Anti Pakistani ... but I wouldn't go as far as generalizing people and call them dumb. Indeed Islamic past in the sub continent was glorious. but that's what it was PAST. We have locked our horns and somehow unable to untangle them. So instead of calming down we just throw as much mud as we can.
It was a genuine question, I don't mind who sleeps with whom. Not a Paindu to get sleepless nights over it either. you haven't addressed the issue, but attack my intentions to ask such a question here.
I didn't say your question wasn't genuine nor did I attack it. I said it just depends on the people. If I had a family member that happened to be half Indian I wouldn't care nor would I discriminate against them or hate them. I would just treat them the same as any other relative.
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