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Why don't more Muslims speak out against the wanton destruction of Mecca's

"...Many rulers of Islamic kingdoms describe themselves as "shadows of God on earth". This sends out an unequivocal message: anyone contradicting the ruler is also contradicting God. In order to make sure that the populace remains compliant, they construct the image of a God for whom obedience is paramount. To this very day, this plays an important role in a dictatorial state such as Saudi Arabia, where any opposition is not only held up as a secular opposition, but also as a movement against God -" link
Its almost the opposite. KSA is a monarchy not a theocracy like Iran. I don't recall any incident where some opposition group was considered against God by the government, in fact most were too religiously radical.
The simple answer is: Muslims are not sure enough of themselves to even have a word against anything.
The fear of offending the barbaric clergy and being labelled apostates due to their own inability to defend their viewpoint leaves them in a position of bowing their heads to these maniacs.
You will get the answer once you understand that there are people who live in Makkah and are Saudi citizens who live there for their whole life, and that Makkah is not some barren desert that people come to once a year and leave.
Of course, but why does it have to be right in front of the alharam? Surly that's not necessary.
The simple answer is: Muslims are not sure enough of themselves to even have a word against anything.
The fear of offending the barbaric clergy and being labelled apostates due to their own inability to defend their viewpoint leaves them in a position of bowing their heads to these maniacs.

Muslims can speak against our "barbaric clergy" all they want, but it would be an exercise in futility. Qum has its own ka'ba, you can do your pilgrimage there.

The fear of offending the barbaric clergy and being labelled apostates -
I guess that the fear of military, feudal, and criminal establishments is there as well. This was, in my opinion, the prime factor behind the civilian paralysis and army-led, Z.A.B.-provoked, tragedy of 1971: people felt they couldn't move, couldn't speak; that by doing so they couldn't change anything and the thought they might do more than that didn't enter their heads.

- due to their own inability to defend their viewpoint leaves them in a position of bowing their heads to these maniacs.
Will you attempt to surmise why the viewpoint can't be defended?
Muslims can speak against our "barbaric clergy" all they want, but it would be an exercise in futility. Qum has its own ka'ba, you can do your pilgrimage there.


What futile idiocy makes you assume Im Shia or Sunni for that matter.
Your only claim to fame is that you hold those sites..and nothing more.
Destroying Islamic history, defaming the graves of companions..
Yes, your clergy is barbaric.. and your response reflects exactly that.
Didn't I respond to a smilar thread in the past few days.
We Saudi Arabia don't tolerate any talks In regards of Makkah and Maddina. This is our internal matter.

Very true.... Mekkah and Maddina in Saudi Arabia so that is their internal matter and they know how to manage it.Out siders please keep quite.
I guess that the fear of military, feudal, and criminal establishments is there as well. This was, in my opinion, the prime factor behind the civilian paralysis and army-led, Z.A.B.-provoked, tragedy of 1971: people felt they couldn't move, couldn't speak; that by doing so they couldn't change anything and the thought they might do more than that didn't enter their heads.

Will you attempt to surmise why the viewpoint can't be defended?

Lack of actually delving into the text...
Of challenging existing research based on fear of not knowing enough(even though that existing research on religion also started somewhere).
But most of all, for the majority.. its handing over the crux of their understanding to be defined by what is the equivalent of a Clerk in a judicial setup.. rather than actual judges.
A Mufti's standing is that of a paralegal(not precisely, but I hope you get the drift) in a law firm..
An Alim was the actual level of leadership..

Yet today, you have Mufti's being considered Alims and providing religious leadership.
And while most people would have issue today if a Paralegal ends up heading the supreme court.. yet have no issue accepting a Mufti's interpretation as the supreme law.
Muslims can speak against our "barbaric clergy" all they want, but it would be an exercise in futility. Qum has its own ka'ba, you can do your pilgrimage there.


Umm...what the heck...:cheesy:

Never knew about this
The simple answer is: Muslims are not sure enough of themselves to even have a word against anything.
The fear of offending the barbaric clergy and being labelled apostates due to their own inability to defend their viewpoint leaves them in a position of bowing their heads to these maniacs.

You are objecting.. only for the sake of it!

Reconstruction of areas around Haram..... by no means is forbidden, sin, or what so ever has been projected in negative sense... expansion of Mosque has been done from centuries, Pakistani faithful need not to boil their bloods, while at the same time they claim title of enlightened bunch.

Umm...what the heck...:cheesy:

Never knew about this

What else you don't know?

so even if the building does fall , I suppose proph. mohammed will lift it up before it falls.

Choose your words carefully young man, here you are talking about Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
You are objecting.. only for the sake of it!

Reconstruction of areas around Haram..... by no means is forbidden, Haram , sin, or what so ever has been projected... expansion of Mosque has been done from centuries, Pakistani faithful need not to boil their bloods, while at the same time they claim title of enlightened bunch.

What else you don't know?

I objecting for the sake of protecting sites, for the sake of balance.
For the sake of religious values.
For the sake of finding a single point of thinking from Najd being enforced across the Muslim world.
Im objecting to not being allowed to revere the prophet by labelling everything as Shirk, Bidah and Haram.

If you wish to bow down or stand on your head if that is what the grand Mutawwa says, please do it by all means.
I will not.

I welcome the expansion, but not at the cost or the shape of it becoming a commercial commodity, or erasing all signs, all history of who we are.
At least read about how expansion was done during the times before the Saud dynasty..
before commenting on the value of it.
I just find it highly amusing that we are the ones doing all of these expansions out of OUR OWN pockets for THEIR benefits and end up being attacked for it.

Well I guess it has always been the case, The more powerful a nation is, the more you will find people who hate it, and that is true throughout history.
Muslims can speak against our "barbaric clergy" all they want, but it would be an exercise in futility. Qum has its own ka'ba, you can do your pilgrimage there.


This is your desperate attempt to speak out against Shias i would say....
So much nonsense in this thread. The first thing that needs to be clarified is that NO religious building was or is being destroyed. Old houses and buildings around the haram are being bought and cleared by the government to make room for facilites for hajj and umrah. There has been clearing of sahaba graves in the past but that's to prevent idolatry and grave worshipping(considered polytheism by Islam) that is so wide spread in some muslim countries specially where shiasim and sufism is widespread. No one can dare touch the prophet's tomb, that's nonsense, you can come to Madinah to visit it. I agree that many historical building have been unnecessarily destroyed, but 1) they hold no religious value and 2) as I said before, we do what ever we want in Mecca and Madinah.

That highlighted piece of info. leaves no vacuum for any debate otherwise, only if some one is angry for other reasons... you cannot win over him.
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