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Why don't more Muslims speak out against the wanton destruction of Mecca's

You are such a Pakistani! The mentality hasn't changed in forty years!

Ask yourself, what would you do if Israel was bulldozing the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem? You wouldn't bother appealing to the Israelis, would you? What would you do? And what stops you from acting the same way towards the Saudis?

Solomon2 my friend, you make a lot of sense here but razing down a mosque and that too of the historic proportions of Al-Aqsa mosque will definitely create a lot of chaos in Middle East. Its not comparable to razing down buildings or homes of the Prophet and his colleagues.

Although what Saudis are doing is not likeable at all but it is still not to the proportion of pulling down a mosque. Generally, Muslim populations respect Saudi Arabia because it has the most holy Islamic sites in its boundaries. But like most of Muslims ignorant of religion and history, they dont know what House of Saud really is. for that you need to T E Lawrence book. It should be translated in Urdu.

Speaking of Temple Mount. This is what I know about it. This is also called Dome of the Rock. Its a building built by Umayyad Khalifa Abd el-Malik in about 10 century. It covers the rock which according to Muslims the Prophet Mohammed PBUH stood upon to be taken to heavenly journey. The Jews believe it is that rock from which the Creator took a fistful of earth to create the first human being Adam. I could be wrong, but this is what I know.

So there are many monuments which are equally important to both Jews and Muslims. :)
Solomon2 my friend, you make a lot of sense here but razing down a mosque and that too of the historic proportions of Al-Aqsa mosque will definitely create a lot of chaos in Middle East. Its not comparable to razing down buildings or homes of the Prophet and his colleagues.

Although what Saudis are doing is not likeable at all but it is still not to the proportion of pulling down a mosque. Generally, Muslim populations respect Saudi Arabia because it has the most holy Islamic sites in its boundaries. But like most of Muslims ignorant of religion and history, they dont know what House of Saud really is. for that you need to T E Lawrence book. It should be translated in Urdu.

Speaking of Temple Mount. This is what I know about it. This is also called Dome of the Rock. Its a building built by Umayyad Khalifa Abd el-Malik in about 10 century. It covers the rock which according to Muslims the Prophet Mohammed PBUH stood upon to be taken to heavenly journey. The Jews believe it is that rock from which the Creator took a fistful of earth to create the first human being Adam. I could be wrong, but this is what I know.

So there are many monuments which are equally important to both Jews and Muslims. :)

The rock is still operated by Muslims, non Muslims can enter into it, but they can not take their religious book with them....
At Airports throughout the World you stand on a belt and it takes you hundreds of meters.

These could be built underground from the Bus stands to Kaaba entrance with the escalators bringing people up to the entrance of Kaaba.

These 5 stars buildings with their Ritzy appearance makes me feel like I am in Las Vegas instead of Masjid al haram.

crowd control during Hajj is very tough Job. Saudis take pride on it!! The hotel is part of it... show off!! Anyway, lets face it. Saudis will run out of oil one day, pilgrimage will become their important source of income... if they dont get prepared for that, is the rest of muslim world ready to share their money???
crowd control during Hajj is very tough Job. Saudis take pride on it!! The hotel is part of it... show off!! Anyway, lets face it. Saudis will run out of oil one day, pilgrimage will become their important source of income... if they dont get prepared for that, is the rest of muslim world ready to share their money???

Sure we have no other plans or anything of the sort to diversify our economy at all. We are too dumb to do anything like that right?
as far as i know, houses that are linked with prophet pbuh memory has no importance in Islam!! If they are trying to accommodate ever increasing pilgrims then what to say??? They have already done a good job maintaining a large crowed during Hajj!!

What utter nonsense! His preserved house will give Muslims the opportunity to understand our prophet's life style. These drunkard saudis have spent billions of dollars on western celebrities and cant spare a penny on persevering prophet's belongings?

I protest the decision....
There can be alternatives which Saudi Government should look into..
They take reference from an incident when Hazrat Omar Ibnul Khattab Ordered chopping of the tree under which Holy Prophet (PBUH) sat and His companions came and took oath on His hands... (Bait-e-Rizwaan),and later the tree became a place of Interest for people who used to come there to see the tree,some doing it as a religious pilgrimage...
Hazrat Omar Ibnul Khattab feared that people may go the wrong way and start doing things which are not Part of Islam as in "Bidaa" and ordered chopping down the tree..

But i am not sure if same can be said today for these relics of Islam,as teh reason for taking them down is not Protection of peoples' faith,but a construction project

I forgot the name of this museum in Turkey which has a lot of prophet's belongings and i have not heard of people worshiping to those objects.
What utter nonsense! His preserved house will give Muslims the opportunity to understand our prophet's life style. These drunkard saudis have spent billions of dollars on western celebrities and cant spare a penny on persevering prophet's belongings?

I forgot the name of this museum in Turkey which has a lot of prophet's belongings and i have not heard of people worshiping to those objects.

For that we have Hadith!! People dont need to go to an empty house to learn about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) life style. This is absolutely weird!!
No there is no Hadith asking Muslims to go visit those houses but still those Places are honourable for us...Say 100 years from now a "Fitnah" starts and people want proof that our Holy Prophet ever existed,then at that time these places can serve as a proof and save many from the Fitnah..

Im pretty sure there existence now is not enough proof for most of the people in the world so lets forget what people would need 100 years from now to solidify their faith...a part of our belief rest on the belief in the unseen and most importantly the Quran.

“This is the Book; in it is guidance sure, without doubt, to those who fear Allah; who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them.” [Sûrah al-Baqarah: 2-3]

if people could help theyd perform one hajj in a lifetime
Solomon2 my friend, you make a lot of sense here but razing down a mosque and that too of the historic proportions of Al-Aqsa mosque will definitely create a lot of chaos in Middle East. Its not comparable to razing down buildings or homes of the Prophet and his colleagues.

Although what Saudis are doing is not likeable at all but it is still not to the proportion of pulling down a mosque. Generally, Muslim populations respect Saudi Arabia because it has the most holy Islamic sites in its boundaries. But like most of Muslims ignorant of religion and history, they dont know what House of Saud really is. for that you need to T E Lawrence book. It should be translated in Urdu.

Speaking of Temple Mount. This is what I know about it. This is also called Dome of the Rock. Its a building built by Umayyad Khalifa Abd el-Malik in about 10 century. It covers the rock which according to Muslims the Prophet Mohammed PBUH stood upon to be taken to heavenly journey. The Jews believe it is that rock from which the Creator took a fistful of earth to create the first human being Adam. I could be wrong, but this is what I know.

So there are many monuments which are equally important to both Jews and Muslims. :)

i hate the way people cunningly equate one to another.....masjid ul Haram, masjid Nabvi masjid ul Aqsa are the three sacred mosque of islam and there are countless more like the first mosque at Quba etc as for the Israelis not wanting to bulldoze Aqsa out of respect for Islam and Muslims....
What utter nonsense! His preserved house will give Muslims the opportunity to understand our prophet's life style. These drunkard saudis have spent billions of dollars on western celebrities and cant spare a penny on persevering prophet's belongings?

I forgot the name of this museum in Turkey which has a lot of prophet's belongings and i have not heard of people worshiping to those objects.

fair enough bhai do you trust your 'all' your Pakistani brethren to not indulge in this behavior as far as i know ZAB ka eik mazar hai Bibi ka eik mazar hai and more to come all valid article are preserved look at safa marwa only two icons are left preserved....i didnot see this but the life style of Muhammad (SAW) is preserved, his way of dressing up, his character, how he parted his hair, how he he conducted his affairs both in and out of his house etc. Your outburst however....
For that we have Hadith!! People dont need to go to an empty house to learn about Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) life style. This is absolutely weird!!
For me my prophet is important and if i have the opportunity i would even save his shoes let alone a place in which he LIVED!
You are a lunatic.

fair enough bhai do you trust your 'all' your Pakistani brethren to not indulge in this behavior as far as i know ZAB ka eik mazar hai Bibi ka eik mazar hai and more to come all valid article are preserved look at safa marwa only two icons are left preserved....i didnot see this but the life style of Muhammad (SAW) is preserved, his way of dressing up, his character, how he parted his hair, how he he conducted his affairs both in and out of his house etc. Your outburst however....
I personally would love to see his house but unfortunately we have idiots in this world who will deprive us from observing such an amazing sight!
Why don't more Muslims speak out against the wanton destruction of Mecca's holy sites?


Saudi Arabia's Wahabists are tearing down buildings that have links to the Prophet and replacing them with skyscrapers and shopping malls

Muslims are often criticised for not speaking out more vocally on key issues that affect their community. Barely a week goes by without the media asking why community leaders aren’t more vocal in condemning button topics such as terrorism or violence against women.

It’s a difficult balance and often the criticisms are unfair. One the one hand ordinary Muslims cannot be expected to answer for everything that is done in their name. But at the same time silence and reticence from a majority simply allows the vocal minority to have disproportionate influence on how Islam is both practiced and perceived by the rest of the world.

One area that you might think would see Muslims speaking out with one voice is the wholesale archaeological and historical destruction of Islam’s birthplace. Over the past twenty years, fuelled by their petro-dollars and intolerant Wahabi backers, the Saudi authorities have embarked on cultural vandalism of breath-taking proportions.

Mecca and Medina, the two holiest cities in Islam, are being systematically bulldozed to make way for gleaming sky scrapers, luxury hotels and shopping malls. The Saudis insist that the expansion of these two cities is vital to make way for the growing numbers of pilgrims in a rapidly expanded and inter-connected world. And they’re right.

But does it really need to be done in a way where luxury apartments and $500-a-night rooms now overlook the Ka’aba in Mecca, the one place on earth that all Muslims are supposed to be equal?

Most appallingly dozens of early Islamic sites – including those with a direct link to the Prophet himself – have been wiped off the map. The situation is so bad that the Washington based Gulf Institute estimates that 95 percent of the millennium old buildings in the two cities have been destroyed in the past twenty years.

Much of this cultural vandalism is inspired by Wahabism – the austere interpretation of Islam that is the Saudi kingdom’s official religion. Wahabis are obsessed with idol worship and believe visiting graves, shrines or historical sites that are associated with the Prophet encourages shirq (the worship of false gods). The rampant commercialism meanwhile is inspired by something much simpler – greed.

With a few notable exceptions the destruction of Mecca and Medina has largely passed unchallenged

Muslim silence on this issue isn’t just cowardly, it’s deeply hypocritical. When an obscure group of foam-at-the-mouth Islamophobes got together in the United States to make an utterly pointless and deliberately provocative film about the Prophet Mohammad, or when a group of Danish cartoonists exercised their democratic right to lampoon a religious leader and the creeping self-censorship of the European press, protests broke out around the world.

At Friday prayers, imams and sheikhs wasted little time in giving rousing speeches about how Islam was being sullied and the Prophet insulted. The mobs came out, people died (mostly Muslims).

How many of those imams have bothered to get animated about what has happened in Mecca and Medina? How many are outraged that the house of Muhammad’s first wife Khadijah was pulled down and replaced with a block of public toilets, or that five of the seven mosques marking the Battle of the Trench outside Medina have been destroyed, or that religious police cheered when a mosque linked to the Prophet’s grandson was dynamited? It’s politically a lot more convenient to blame infidels for disrespecting your religion’s founder than it is to point the finger of blame at your own kind.

But it’s not just the Muslim world that has kept mum. When the Taliban – fuelled by same anti-idol zealotry that burns within Wahabis – blew up the Bamiyan Buddhas the world was incensed. Governments spoke out, academics were outraged and column inches filled up. With a few notable exceptions the destruction of Mecca and Medina has largely passed unchallenged.

Partly that’s down to the enormous influence Saudi Arabia wields. As the gate keeper to the cradle of Islam (since 1986 the Saudi monarchy has modestly awarded itself the title Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques), it controls who gets to go on the annual Hajj and Umrah pilgrimages. Muslim countries are terrified that any overly critical statements about what is happening in the Hejaz might lead to a reduction in pilgrim quotas.

Although the Muslim media has been pretty shamefully silent, credit should go to Al Jazeera who did manage to get in and film a documentary last year about the archaeological destruction of Mecca.

Equally, in the West, archaeologists and historians – who should be on the front lines of a no-cultural-destruction-of-Islam protest – keep quiet because they won’t be allowed in to the Kingdom again if they speak up, whilst governments prefer to keep the Saudis onside because of their enormous oil wealth and supposed commitment to the so-called war on terror.

Governments prefer to keep the Saudis onside because of their enormous oil wealth
Inside Saudi Arabia itself there is a mixture of opinions. The wealthy elite think little beyond the gleaming shopping malls and hotels that keep them supplied with fat profits and luxury goods.

But there is anger among many locals in Mecca and Medina who have looked on with horror at what has happened to their cities, especially among those who have been forcibly evicted from their homes to make way for this brave new world.

The difficulty, of course, is that in a highly autocratic country where women still don’t have the right to drive and opposition to the Saud monarchy is ruthlessly supressed, there are bigger fish to fry. Archaeology and history come second to basic personal freedoms.

But hope is not lost because people do care. When I first started investigating this subject a little over a year ago I wasn’t sure how Muslims would react. Last September we published a piece in which I described how Mecca was turning into a gaudy Las Vegas. Within hours it had gone viral. All across the Muslim world news sites, bloggers and readers were reposting the article. It stayed at the top of our most read list for weeks whilst on Facebook alone it has been reposted 37,000 times. And the response we got was overwhelmingly positive.

Muslims were horrified by what was happening and they wanted to know what they could do. A few months later I was asked to give a talk on my research by the City Circle, a group of mainly young, professional Muslims who meet on a weekly basis. The crowd was as mixed as any London Islamic audience – Salafis in their three quarter length trousers and long beards, hippy looking Sufis, women in headscarves and veils, women without headscarves and beardless men in their pin-striped city suits. I expected the more orthodox members to defend what was happening in Saudi Arabia, instead everyone seemed to be equally upset.

After the talk I remember one young Saudi woman in a black abaya coming up to me with tears in her eyes. “They are literally destroying the birthplace of Islam,” she said. “This is the place where the Prophet lived and prayed. We have to do something."

Only Muslims will be able to save what little is left of the early Islamic heritage within Mecca and Medina. But I hope for both their own benefit - and the wider world’s – that they are successful.

Why don't more Muslims speak out against the wanton destruction of Mecca's holy sites? - Comment - Voices - The Independent
Because Isalmically Sites and old buildings doesn't matter they have to expand to make hotels so people who come to visit Makkah and Madinah have a place to stay so expansion is needed but should be done with trying to safe as much as they can
Actually many do worship graves. If you go to a saint's tomb and ask the saint for whatever then this is considered worship. Most twelver shias and some sufis do that our of ignorance.

Sufism is not the topic, so i wont debate it with you here. Just wanted to reiterate that everything you have written above is utterly wrong and i find your description of Sufism as grave worshipers as deeply insulting and based on totally misplaced understanding of Sufis. Obviously, there are exceptions but Sufism never asks people to worship graves.

Its, not even a sect [Which most people believe], a matter of fact you can be a Sunni [With all subgroups] or a Shia [With all subgroups] and be a sufi at the same time. Sufism is an understanding of Islam through application of its tenants on one's real life while developing a personal contact with Allah [SWT] without having to rely on a Mullah [cutting the middle man]. The entire subcontinent was turned to Islam by sufis not by throat slitting Takferis, you won't find a single terrorist who understands Islam through Sufism. I, am not having an argument with you, just saying that do read on Sufism before you make such blanket statements.

Dude do you know how tall that hotel building is?

Its 601 m tall!!! So imagine when it falls, where it could land...

LOL , this made me laugh for some reason , sorry. Buildings don't just fall bro. I'm pretty sure they hired some good architects for the job. Anyway , this is Mecca , so even if the building does fall , I suppose proph. mohammed will lift it up before it falls.
LOL , this made me laugh for some reason , sorry. Buildings don't just fall bro. I'm pretty sure they hired some good architects for the job. Anyway , this is Mecca , so even if the building does fall , I suppose proph. mohammed will lift it up before it falls.
Sir first of all please read Islam before talking here HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW was the greatest Man and we have to follow his orders but he was not GOD he was human who lived also ate and also died

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