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Why does Vietnam lag so far behind China, despite similar cultures and political systems?

You idiots are constantly spouting extreme anti-China propaganda.

It is not a surprise that some of the Chinese members are fighting back.

I am a Vietnamese and I dont live in the US...so I was just giving my objective observations on the PDF China-US postings/exchanges from a third party (non-Chinese, non-american).

Plus, its getting kind of Off-topic. If you have issue or want to justify the US flaming, then there is a thread created for that in the Suggestion section.

Now, I need to go. Bye.
I am a Vietnamese and I dont live in the US...so I was just giving my objective observations on the PDF China-US postings/exchanges from a third party (non-Chinese, non-american).

Plus, its getting kind of Off-topic. If you have issue or want to justify the US flaming, then there is a thread created for that in the Suggestion section.

Now, I need to go. Bye.
Our relationship with the US is that of love-hate. For a third party, they will never understand this, especially coming from a small country like a Vietnam, you wouldn't understand why we have this love-hate relationship. It is a complex relationship. Let just say, we are both using each other to our benefit. Can you agree on this? LOL
I am a Vietnamese and I dont live in the US...so I was just giving my objective observations on the PDF China-US postings/exchanges from a third party (non-Chinese, non-american).

Plus, its getting kind of Off-topic. If you have issue or want to justify the US flaming, then there is a thread created for that in the Suggestion section.

Now, I need to go. Bye.

Just admit that you got owned badly in this debate, and your personal disparage against China has been totally exposed to show that you are nonetheless an inflaming troll.

Now you need to leave and to refresh yourself for a while in order to save the face, it is also understandable.
Well, just read the comments from @Viet, he openly admitted that he wants to see a military conflict between the US and China, and the VCP should support the anti-China/pro-West faction at any cost according to him.

You guys may have some personal issues, but when it comes to China, you guys all pretty much have the same stance.
I predict a confrontation between you and the United States will become inevitable if you don't reverse your behavior. I'm not saying wishing a war between your two. Ready again my posts.
at least we let his close relatives to exist in Vietnam as human being, but he trolled on us badly. Based on his insultings, I guess he is Hua chinese from Vietnam.

LOL, so I being born in Guangzhou make me a Vietnamese? :lol:

Vietnamese logic?

William Hung is probably another false-flagging Indian, Vietnamese, or Pinoy living in the West.

They like to raise the "treason" argument. Anyone that does not blindly subscribe to a rabid anti-China view is automatically labeled a traitor.

This form of stupid McCarthy-reasoning has been discredited. Any intelligent person understands that a military confrontation between the US and China risks a thermonuclear war.

In 1967, China exploded its first 3.3 megaton thermonuclear bomb. China had 48 years to prepare for a thermonuclear war with the United States. I guarantee that China has a lot more than just 20 ICBMs.

Any moronic warmonger that brings up the patriotism issue is merely a radical neo-McCarthyist. Rational people like myself understand the difference between a little politics and real warfare. Real war results in quick escalation. Unless you enjoy being dead in a thermonuclear fireball, I suggest everyone consider the patriotic live-and-let-live approach.

By the way, everyone has a stake in US-China relations. The nuclear fallout means everyone dies in the four-year nuclear winter when the sun is blotted out by the nuclear dust.

William Hung aka Blackflag aka Yoruzuka
I'm a Taiwanese-American. I've been an American citizen for 30 years.

It's pretty insulting for a Viet to accuse an American citizen of ethnic Chinese descent of being disloyal.
isn´t your nick name China Lee, that once promoted nuclear attacks on America on international media including on PDF? that you mentioned receiving some unpleasant visits of US security forces?
come on, Martian, do you remember I once called you as a dangerous pyshopath?
You Vietnamese wimps are looking for someone else to fight your wars. If you want to fight China, go ahead. Stop hiding behind Uncle Sam. The United States will not fight your wars for you.

No matter how much you try to disparage Chinese-Americans, Vietnam will have to face China alone.
there is a difference between braveness and stupidity. you forget we are good at dragging others into the conflicts, going back since centuries with the Portugese and French. in times when China still sticked in closed doors policy.
Also, the US issues the most visas to Chinese students. They also have a 10-year visa program for Chinese. These kind of benefits are not available to Vietnamese. The US doesn't want Vietnamese students (because you guys are none too bright) and you Viets are too poor to visit the US.
16,579 Vietnamese students came to the U.S (data 2014). can you quote the number of chinese students in America and cite the source of your claim with 10 year visa only availabe for chinese? if you start spewing insult, you must provide sources.

Number of Vietnamese Students in the U.S. Rising Steadily - Study in the U.S. or Canada - WES Student Advisor
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16,579 Vietnamese students came to the U.S (data 2014). can you quote the number of chinese students in America and cite the source of your claim with 10 year visa only availabe for chinese? if you start spewing insult, you must provide sources.

Number of Vietnamese Students in the U.S. Rising Steadily - Study in the U.S. or Canada - WES Student Advisor
274,000 in 2014
U.S. Colleges Adapt as More Chinese Undergrads Come to Campus - US News

the number is not important though. a lot of rich families in china send their kids to the us for undergraduate education, but don't expect all of them are hard working guys. The important thing is that when u stroll around most of us top universities, everywhere on campus u can see chinese faces speaking chinese languages. caltech is the only merit based college in us not performing AA in admission, they have 45% asian students, mostly abc or chinese from china.
this can also be reflected in research papers published by us institutions. it is so common to have chinese names as authors for the papers from top us research institutions or companies. i don't think u viet guys can do like this, not even close, though u have half population as chinese have in the us.
274,000 in 2014
U.S. Colleges Adapt as More Chinese Undergrads Come to Campus - US News

the number is not important though. a lot of rich families in china send their kids to the us for undergraduate education, but don't expect all of them are hard working guys. The important thing is that when u stroll around most of us top universities, everywhere on campus u can see chinese faces speaking chinese languages. caltech is the only merit based college in us not performing AA in admission, they have 45% asian students, mostly abc or chinese from china.
this can also be reflected in research papers published by us institutions. it is so common to have chinese names as authors for the papers from top us research institutions or companies. i don't think u viet guys can do like this, not even close, though u have half population as chinese have in the us.
274,000 is an impressive number.
as of others, I want to read more of your claims. can you post here some of the reports or links?
isn´t your nick name China Lee, that once promoted nuclear attacks on America on international media including on PDF? that you mentioned receiving some unpleasant visits of US security forces?

He wasn't advocated for a nuclear attack, he was merely pointed out the danger of a military confrontation between the US and China.

China is mature nuclear power for over 50 years, she is no pushover.

Stop reading the comments from those hothead chickenhawks, the US won't physically go into war with China.
274,000 is an impressive number.
as of others, I want to read more of your claims. can you post here some of the reports or links?
it is hard to get official number from each school, but occasinally u can get some number at the corner, like this about MIT:
'According to Danielle Guichard-Ashbrook, associate dean and director of the International Student Office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the institution has 3,549 graduate students, of which 683 are from China’s mainland. “They are the biggest group by far,” she says.'
Studying abroad backfires for some Chinese-Shanghai Daily | 上海日报 -- English Window to China News
if u include abc and students from taiwan and overseas, into chinese student pool, the number of chinese graduate students in MIT will be no surprised to be around 1000, among its 3549 total number. i don't expect caltech, the only none AA college in us, has less percentage of chinese enrollment than MIT. for the abc's performance, u can find how many of intel talents finalists every year are chinese. in 2015, 13 of 40 finalists are chinese, to be exactly. they are all candidates to top universities.
Intel STS 2015 Finalists | Student Science
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Chinese tourists and businessmen are eligible for 10 year US visas. Students are eligible for 5 years.

As far as I know, no such generous visa benefits are available to Vietnamese.

Politically, the US government claims that Vietnam is an ally (like Georgia). However, the actions of the US government say otherwise. Multi-year US visas are available to Chinese, but not for Vietnamese.

The United States and China to Extend Visas for Short-term Business Travelers, Tourists, and Students

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Martian, thanks for posting.

I wonder if you bother reading the content? It isn't generous as you claim. It is a reciprocal arrangement. China also gives 10 years to US citizens. And as the agreement says it: the extension of visa duration does not equal the duration of allowed stay in the country. In short, the visa is valid for 10 years, but the country authority decides case by case at the border if you can stay for 2 weeks for holiday or 4 years for your Master study. Or even reject to let you enter the country. Of course it doesn't mean you have a residency rights for 10 years.

As far as I know Vietnam is working on similar reciprocal arrangement with the United States.

As for your comparison to a certain country, I can't hinder you to believe to any bullshit you like.
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Just admit that you got owned badly in this debate, and your personal disparage against China has been totally exposed to show that you are nonetheless an inflaming troll.

Now you need to leave and to refresh yourself for a while in order to save the face, it is also understandable.

Did you actually considered that as a debate? lol you are so adorable.

I wasn’t aware of any real debate at all. Both you and Martian2 started out with something completely on a different tangent, talking about a hypothetical China-US war, which I didn’t even mention at all in this thread. Then you guys started disparaging the former singer William Hung, who is your fellow ethnic Chinese. Then both of you started some rant about warmongering or something...and none of these things relate to what I have originally talked about in this thread. lol

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