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Who is arooj aurengzeb? The new attempt at civic unrest!

Pakistanis do want Chinese communist system isnt it? So whats the problem with red revolution. Laal Salaam is their slogan and their intention is overthrowing democratic/capitalist system and installing Communist regime aka Similar to CPC
Who told you that???
What does it means to you???
Student solidarity march , hmm , probably students from different unis trying to get or achieve something , from an event that took place in the past or will in the future ? .
Student solidarity march , hmm , probably students from different unis trying to get or achieve something , from an event that took place in the past or will in the future ? .
This one won't achieve anything. Students will come. Most of them will just come for the fun of it.
This one won't achieve anything. Students will come. Most of them will just come for the fun of it.
I was reffering it to be something like PTM , to disturb establishment and f she gets arrested , UN will come jumping about human rights .
I was reffering it to be something like PTM , to disturb establishment and f she gets arrested , UN will come jumping about human rights .
No no its nothing. They will make a hue and cry. But it will be only limited to SM.At the moment tgeir demands are mixed involving education budget so it will gather a crowd. Otherwise its nothing.

PTM involved foreogn factors.

This one is purely domestic. Yes they will include PTM & civil supremacy as its the motto of so called liberal elites in Pakistan.
No no its nothing. They will make a hue and cry. But it will be only limited to SM.At the moment tgeir demands are mixed involving education budget so it will gather a crowd. Otherwise its nothing.

PTM involved foreogn factors.

This one is purely domestic. Yes they will include PTM & civil supremacy as its the motto of so called liberal elites in Pakistan.
Hmm . I agree
Pakistanis do want Chinese communist system isnt it? So whats the problem with red revolution. Laal Salaam is their slogan and their intention is overthrowing democratic/capitalist system and installing Communist regime aka Similar to CPC
But CPC is itself pro capitalism.
Pakistanis would rather murder the virgin laal cl!t . .Socialism in West Pakistan was primarily due to influence of East Pakistan which has traditionally seen strong socialist tendencies, even mullahs were socialist there.After 70s everything evaporated.. like it never existed esp. after PAkistanis bushwhacked their daddy USSR and it broke into pieces.
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Okay now you are just getting paranoid. They are nobodies who have rich parents and have nothing to do. They will come chant some slogans and the call it a day. Nothing to be worried about.
I know these burgers first hand....look standing up for the right thing is good but that's is not what happens most of the time....
the problem here is this "young activist" is as u said from an upper-class society and pretty soon she 'll profit from her activism....whichever way the wind blows...she will either gain a following on social media and profit through that or go the old fashion way open an NGO and feast on foreign aid....
She is cute though. Looks lesbo by look at the eye borrows. They may look weak to you now, but later on they could become strong force. Check Aurat March of this year with previous years and you will see how each year they are increasing
What's wrong with student politics?
Atleast it's better than those Rich Uneducateded Land Lords that run around after the likes of hareem shah & Co with their only qualification being Money and nothing else
It's a free country with every citizen having the right to voice their concerns
Mash-hoor hona hai to hakomat or establishment k khilaf kuch naray laga do or superstar ban jao -
i hope Pakistanis as a nation have something better to do -
Mash-hoor hona hai to hakomat or establishment k khilaf kuch naray laga do or superstar ban jao -
i hope Pakistanis as a nation have something better to do -
Ya they do, they let traitors loot the nation and then let them fly out of the country. Shameful lot
If someone actually falls for PTM and other Afghan propaganda, than their IQ level is lower is than ZERO, guess they deserved to be fooled by these Dumb PTM'ers .
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