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What can Hezbollah do that it couldn't do in 2006?

Maroun a Ras is a large village (about 2300) located on top of the ,mountain (930 m). It was captured by Israeli paratroopers with no casualties. But around Maroun a Ras Israeli troops from Egoz and Maglan units suffered 7 casualties from anti tank rockets fired at them. These rockets were fired mostly from nearby town Bint Jbeil and bunkers around Maroun a Ras.

With excessive air support which probably did result in civilian casulties. In other words our paratroopers didn't do the job, we carpet bombed the whole area and then advanced. But with that I'm still going to claim they strategically captured it.

this is how i see 2006 war
If you see war like that then you will never see a victory. Imagine if our sahaba and our Prophet(SAW) had the same logic as you....
If you see war like that then you will never see a victory. Imagine if our sahaba and our Prophet(SAW) had the same logic as you....
Don't even compare those devils to Muslims, let alone Sahabah and the prophet (SA)
What they have done to Syrians have never ever been done even by Israel itself which is supposed to be our enemy. Which kind of regime is this that used chemical weapons and scud missiles against it's own people?They killed in year of Muslims is more than what Israel have killed in 65 years. Yeah right, resistance!
This is why I created this thread....

Residents: Israel holding exercises in Jordan Valley | Maan News Agency

JENIN (Ma’an) -- The Israeli army prepared to conduct military exercises in the northern Jordan Valley on Sunday, preventing school children from attending classes, residents said.

Soldiers prevented students from going to their schools, and demanded that other Palestinians evacuate their houses.

Local residents quoted soldiers as saying the maneuvers will take place until Tuesday in the northern Jordan Valley, adding that it was designed to replicate a Lebanese town.


Israel lives off war. Their interest always regard weakening their neighbors or enemies. It's a matter of time. When they see it in their best political and military interest to do so they will.
This is why I created this thread....

Residents: Israel holding exercises in Jordan Valley | Maan News Agency

JENIN (Ma’an) -- The Israeli army prepared to conduct military exercises in the northern Jordan Valley on Sunday, preventing school children from attending classes, residents said.

Soldiers prevented students from going to their schools, and demanded that other Palestinians evacuate their houses.

Local residents quoted soldiers as saying the maneuvers will take place until Tuesday in the northern Jordan Valley, adding that it was designed to replicate a Lebanese town.


Israel lives off war. Their interest always regard weakening their neighbors or enemies. It's a matter of time. When they see it in their best political and military interest to do so they will.

We are getting stronger and even starting to home-manufacture our weapons and Israel is not holding us back bro. Yes it has tried to block some arm contracts but it failed. We can defend ourselves by god's will. Again, I prefer a clear enemy rather than a hidden one who would backstab me as soon as he had the chance. And those enemies are Iran and it's sellout proxies.
Don't even compare those devils to Muslims, let alone Sahabah and the prophet (SA)
What they have done to Syrians have never ever been done even by Israel itself which is supposed to be our enemy. Which kind of regime is this that used chemical weapons and scud missiles against it's own people?They killed in year of Muslims is more than what Israel have killed in 65 years. Yeah right, resistance!

Don't call Muslims devils regardless of your excuse, we don't need to do that. I don't think Hezbollah is taking part in what the government is doing but I do know they are fighting rebels. I'm against the Syrian regime as I've said numerous times. With or without Hezbollah Israel would always strike fear into Lebanon and threaten its resources and sovereignty. You don't understand what it's like. You've never experienced an Israeli offensive on your nation with them using massively disproportionate force dropping missiles on your people and burying them into the rubble. Us Lebanese and Palestinians always advocate a strong defense against the criminal state of Israel. So I still do want some kind of military organization ready to respond against Israeli threats in Lebanon. And I don't want them to be involved in Syria. Had Israel bombed your Jordan trust me you would be on the same page. Also consider israel attacks people with a lower population than Syria. Less casulties, sure, that doesn't serve as a disguise to their intentions though.

We are getting stronger and even starting to home-manufacture our weapons and Israel is not holding us back bro. Yes it has tried to block some arm contracts but it failed. We can defend ourselves by god's will. Again, I prefer a clear enemy rather than a hidden one who would backstab me as soon as he had the chance. And those enemies are Iran and it's sellout proxies.

Who's 'we'? The only people surrounding Israel will any force are Jordan and Egypt. Maybe KSA if you consider them but I honestly fully doubt they would ever support the Palestinians in a military conflict, which I like to call a massacre because there's no war. It's a world power bombing a defenseless people's with a few small militias. Keep in mind Israel is all getting stronger and stronger and they are collecting intelligence on all their neighbors including you. If a war breaks out you'd be surprised how prepared they would be but if they can't find targets they will start targeting infrastructure and civilians. Just like in Gaza. They ran out of targets in the recent offensive. They had trouble finding them because they were very well concealed. And they resorted to attacking government buildings and universities and homes. The way to stop their warmongering mentality would be to show them what they did to Lebanon and Gaza. Or even a portion of it. It would put their hostile mentality aside for at least a decade.
Don't call Muslims devils regardless of your excuse, we don't need to do that. I don't think Hezbollah is taking part in what the government is doing but I do know they are fighting rebels. I'm against the Syrian regime as I've said numerous times. With or without Hezbollah Israel would always strike fear into Lebanon and threaten its resources and sovereignty. You don't understand what it's like. You've never experienced an Israeli offensive on your nation with them using massively disproportionate force dropping missiles on your people and burying them into the rubble. Us Lebanese and Palestinians always advocate a strong defense against the criminal state of Israel. So I still do want some kind of military organization ready to respond against Israeli threats in Lebanon. And I don't want them to be involved in Syria. Had Israel bombed your Jordan trust me you would be on the same page. Also consider israel attacks people with a lower population than Syria. Less casulties, sure, that doesn't serve as a disguise to their intentions though.
God, I hate saying this, but I'll say it anyway:
Why haven't Israel attacked Jordan or Egypt since 1973? Why only Lebanon? And if they were expansionists, why did they withdraw from South Lebanon in the first place? Why don't HZ hand over it's arsenal to the Lebanese army?

The truth is that HZ use Israel as a pretext to increase it's strength, influence and act as an Iranian tool to carry out it's evil agenda in the Arab world. In Syrian conflict, it became a crystal clear fact.

Open your eyes bro:

God, I hate saying this, I'll say anyway:
Why haven't Israel attacked Jordan or Egypt since 1973? Why only Lebanon? And if they were expansionists, why did they withdraw from South Lebanon in the first place? Why don't HZ hand over it's arsenal to the Lebanese army?

The truth is that HZ use Israel as a pretext to increase it's strength, influence and act as an Iranian tool to carry out it's evil agenda in the Arab world. In Syrian conflict, it became a crystal clear fact.

Open your eyes bro:


And what are the rest of the responsible Muslim Nations doing if not discussing pleasantries over a cup of tea with some Israeli Foreign Minister - Conversations that yield nothing for Palestine; the apartheid, the occupation & the human rights abuses are still there whilst you & I sleep well in our cozy beds at night hoodwinked by our respective Governments into thinking that yes - progress is being made !
BlackEagle, I don't mean to disrespect you bro but you just don't know. People who know high ranking Israeli military personnel say they already have something prepared for Lebanon and are due to take action this summer. I've really heard this from Israelis. What they had in plan for Gaza already occurred. And something following that will also occur. These are no peaceful people, we've been living with them for decades. I'm not saying we are peaceful people either. But the onus lies on Israel. We aren't carrying out an occupation. We didn't mass immigrate illegally. I know I sound paranoid but you need to be with enemies like Israel. If Arabic countries do not step up at all in the future if any escalations occur I'm sorry I will always have to believe in a resistance in Lebanon. Now, that is what Israel wanted. It wanted this conflict to get so messy that Arabic countries only can even consider thinking about preventing conflict while they absolutely have no hands on the occupation. You don't know how many political gains israel made against our Arabic countries. We can't just sit around and stay secular. I'm in favor of educated people but I also believe in a very aware people who prepare themselves for anything because you don't know what will happen. Of course not anytime soon but that is no excuse to sit around. Do what Israel does. Prepare before time. But don't attack like they do. We need to slowly make it clear. And I'm again sorry but I don't believe your King can contribute for this. He doesn't want to damage his country and I know it's your country. But that is the problem with us believing in national identity. If we all thought like Muslims we would be connected and everything would work. And I don't mean we would make gains, I'm saying our religion will be the only thing to bring us with serious minds and people who help one another. I also don't believe the KSA King will contribute either, only in humanitarian aid but we can't accept a world power bombing us every couple years because the West and the media lets them get away with it. As long as we be Israel's slave, the West will love us. But if we refuse, like the Palestinians in Gaza do, they have a worldwide media campaign against them, a military campaign and psychological campaign against them. All that wouldn't matter if we were true to the words of our Prophet(SAW) and the words of Allah(SW). Israelis are very fearful people, their military superiority won't give them victory, trust me, if we show them a little of they have done to us they would be on their knees begging for peace. But we in the Arab world think their attacks against an occupied people prove their deterrence. Which isn't true.
And what are the rest of the responsible Muslim Nations doing if not discussing pleasantries over a cup of tea with some Israeli Foreign Minister - Conversations that yield nothing for Palestine; the apartheid, the occupation & the human rights abuses are still there whilst you & I sleep well in our cozy beds at night hoodwinked by our respective Governments into thinking that yes - progress is being made !

Israeli brutality and occupation is one story, and sellout backstabbing terrorists being bred in our countries in a pretext of resisting it is an another one.
And what are the rest of the responsible Muslim Nations doing if not discussing pleasantries over a cup of tea with some Israeli Foreign Minister - Conversations that yield nothing for Palestine; the apartheid, the occupation & the human rights abuses are still there whilst you & I sleep well in our cozy beds at night hoodwinked by our respective Governments into thinking that yes - progress is being made !

That's exactly my point to BE. I know you believe Hezbollah has an agenda, but I can't disregard military organizations when Arabic countries are doing exactly what Armstrong described thinking they are making profess when everyday Israel is acting against the Palestinian people and nothing is being done about it. We Palestinians can't do much anymore. This is why I can't spit on a resistance in Lebanon.

Israeli brutality and occupation is one story, and sellout backstabbing terrorists being bred in our countries in a pretext of resisting it is an another one.

Okay it is one story lets say so....these two stories are connected. If Hezbollah is gone in Lebanon, it will go on a different path and it won't care for Palestinians anymore and will normalize relations with Israel unless....Salafists rise in Lebanon and less secular people. And even if you see it as one story what is being done about it by Arab leaders besides Morsi who can't do much because he's facing a crisis in his country? You have to cope with the reality, as long as we have monarchies and kings nothing will happen for the Palestinian cause. When we have Islamic democracies things will change but not immediately or the way people see it in an unrealistic fashion.
Israeli brutality and occupation is one story, and sellout backstabbing terrorists being bred in our countries in a pretext of resisting it is an another one.

We should stop sell-out backstabbing terrorists in our country but we shouldn't either be criminally sluggish on the Palestinian Issue as we are nor must we leave any opportunity unturned to bring about a closure of the Arab-Iranian schism - Its hurting the Muslim World !
We should stop sell-out backstabbing terrorists in our country but we shouldn't either be criminally sluggish on the Palestinian Issue as we are nor must we leave any opportunity unturned to bring about a closure of the Arab-Iranian schism - Its hurting the Muslim World !

I can't understand this? But if we want to blame Iran, it's due to lack of Arabic action. I'm glad this happened this way, now Arabs can see the consequences of abandoning their responsibilities as Arabs, since they only see it that way. The majority of them. If we looked at our responsibilities as Muslims...oh my...shame on us. We are so far from our Deen.
BlackEagle, I don't mean to disrespect you bro but you just don't know. People who know high ranking Israeli military personnel say they already have something prepared for Lebanon and are due to take action this summer. I've really heard this from Israelis. What they had in plan for Gaza already occurred. And something following that will also occur. These are no peaceful people, we've been living with them for decades. I'm not saying we are peaceful people either. But the onus lies on Israel. We aren't carrying out an occupation. We didn't mass immigrate illegally. I know I sound paranoid but you need to be with enemies like Israel. If Arabic countries do not step up at all in the future if any escalations occur I'm sorry I will always have to believe in a resistance in Lebanon. Now, that is what Israel wanted. It wanted this conflict to get so messy that Arabic countries only can even consider thinking about preventing conflict while they absolutely have no hands on the occupation. You don't know how many political gains israel made against our Arabic countries. We can't just sit around and stay secular. I'm in favor of educated people but I also believe in a very aware people who prepare themselves for anything because you don't know what will happen. Of course not anytime soon but that is no excuse to sit around. Do what Israel does. Prepare before time. But don't attack like they do. We need to slowly make it clear. And I'm again sorry but I don't believe your King can contribute for this. He doesn't want to damage his country and I know it's your country. But that is the problem with us believing in national identity. If we all thought like Muslims we would be connected and everything would work. And I don't mean we would make gains, I'm saying our religion will be the only thing to bring us with serious minds and people who help one another. I also don't believe the KSA King will contribute either, only in humanitarian aid but we can't accept a world power bombing us every couple years because the West and the media lets them get away with it. As long as we be Israel's slave, the West will love us. But if we refuse, like the Palestinians in Gaza do, they have a worldwide media campaign against them, a military campaign and psychological campaign against them. All that wouldn't matter if we were true to the words of our Prophet(SAW) and the words of Allah(SW). Israelis are very fearful people, their military superiority won't give them victory, trust me, if we show them a little of they have done to us they would be on their knees begging for peace. But we in the Arab world think their attacks against an occupied people prove their deterrence. Which isn't true.

No actually, you have the full right to defend your lands and people, this is a legitimate and undeniable right for Palestinians. However, I has been talking about HZ. Iran has been desperately trying to get Hamas on it's side, but thank god they failed and it's clear in their stance in the Syrian conflict. Nevertheless, Hamas need to know how to play politics, a war is not only in the form of military actions but as well, in forms of politics, diplomacy, economy, media..etc, and every one of them has to be played in the right time and under the right circumstances. I know Israel. You don't need to tell me about it bro ;)
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