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Violent protests after Kurdish candidates barred from Turkish election


Jun 4, 2009
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United States
Not only in Syria riots, it is also in Turkey. Similar to Egypt/Libya Uprising

Violent protests after Kurdish candidates barred from Turkish election


Kurdish protesters take part in a demonstration on April 19, 2011 in Istanbul after Turkey's electoral board barred prominent Kurdish candidates from standing in upcoming elections.

ANKARA, TURKEY—Armed with firebombs and slings, Kurdish protesters clashed with Turkish police in two cities Tuesday and the main Kurdish party threatened to boycott the upcoming election because of a decision to bar some Kurdish candidates.

The ruling by the High Election Board was a serious blow to the pro-Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party, which is backing independent candidates in the June 12 national election in order to overcome a 10 per cent threshold for political parties to enter the 550-seat Parliament.

The election board’s decision outraged party members and even drew criticism from Parliament Speaker Mehemet Ali Sahin from the ruling Justice and Development Party.

“It is a decision that has weakened the mission of Parliament,” Sahin said. “It is not a decision that can be accepted by the country’s democratic conscience.”

Kemal Kilicdaroglu, leader of the main opposition party, said the Parliament should convene to find a solution and discuss lowering the threshold to enter parliament.

“If we believe in parliamentarian system, then a solution can be found,” Kilicdaroglu said.

The pro-Kurdish party described the decision as a “political move” and a “blow to efforts to seek peace” in the southeast, where tens of thousands of people have lost their lives in a decades-long war between autonomy-seeking Kurdish rebels and Turkish troops. :angry:

“Kurds are trying to hold on to Parliament despite the 10 per cent barrier, despite all anti-democratic efforts, despite the doors being slammed on them,” Sabahat Tuncel, whose candidacy was rejected, told Haberturk television in Istanbul.

The decision triggered a violent protest in eastern city of Van, where Kurdish protesters, shouting support for the imprisoned Kurdish rebel chief, tossed firebombs at several bank branches, Dogan news agency video showed. Two policemen were injured when their vehicle rolled over a makeshift roadblock.

Bengi Yildiz, a Kurdish lawmaker, told Turkish media that police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters Tuesday in the southeastern city of Diyarbakir.

The protesters in Diyarbakir had gathered outside a court to support some elected Kurdish mayors on trial for alleged ties to the rebels. The court on Tuesday again refused to accept hearing their defence in Kurdish language and defence lawyers walked out off Tuesday’s hearing in protest.

About 400 Kurdish protesters also gathered in Istanbul’s main Taksim square to protest the election board ruling.

The election board rejected allegations that it had political motives and said 12 candidates were removed from the list of candidates due to past convictions or a lack of official papers.

Gultan Kisanak, however, argued that her candidacy was blocked even though the local prosecutor’s office confirmed she had no criminal record. Kisanak said she served time in prison after the 1980 military coup and was convicted for participating in a pro-Kurdish protest in 1990, but the statute of limitations had expired in both cases.

The election board also argued it was unaware of a court decision that reportedly gave two former Kurdish lawmakers, Hatip Dicle and Leyla Zana, their electoral rights back after serving a decade in prison for links to Kurdish rebels. Zana is a prominent Kurdish activist but the decision dashed her hopes to make a comeback to Parliament.

Clashes erupted between riot police and pro-Kurdish protesters in Istanbul

If ethnic Kurds end up without their chosen representatives in parliament, it could reignite unrest in the mainly Kurdish southeast. More than 40,000 people have been killed in a separatist insurgency that has dragged on since the early 1980s.



Opposition lawmakers protest during a debate over the rights of the country's estimated 12 million Kurds


There are an estimated 12 million Kurds living in Turkey, Since 1984, Turkey has killed more than 30,000 Kurds fighting for national self-determination.

“... What Milosevic’s forces have done to the Kosovar Albanians is indeed terrible, but it is not quite genocide. And what the Turkish government has done to the Kurdish people is bad, but it is not quite as bad as what Milosevic has done in Kosovo.”Source
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Kurdish Protests Turn Violent in Turkey



BDP Parliamentarians Sebahat Tuncel and Ufuk Uras attend a protest against the High Election Board's decision in central Istanbul

Some of the clashes became violent, particularly in Turkey’s heavily Kurdish southeast where the government has waged a long a bloody war against the PKK, an outlawed Kurdish independent party.

At least one Kurdish protester has died in demonstrations.

The banned candidates registered as “independents” in order to circumvent the legal requirement that any political party needs 10 percent of the vote for parliamentary representation. That 10 percent rule is widely regarded as a tactic by the government to prevent Kurdish representation.

The electoral board cited that the candidates had “criminal records” since they were convicted under the state’s anti-terror laws.
Meanwhile, about 2,000 BPD members have been detained by the state, accused of supporting the outlawed PKK.

Kurds see this as another step by the Ankara government to curtail their rights.

Turkey’s Interior Minister Besir Atlay has supported the ban, while the country’s top politician, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has accused the BDP of fomenting unrest.

It is really funny Turkey pointing fingers at Syria, it is quite sad Muslims, under NATO member, killing other Muslims and Kurdish.
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Kurdish Protests Turn Violent in Turkey



BDP Parliamentarians Sebahat Tuncel and Ufuk Uras attend a protest against the High Election Board's decision in central Istanbul

It is really funny Turkey pointing fingers at Syria, it is quite sad Muslims, under NATO member, killing other Muslims and Kurdish.

you compare apples with oranges.

First, In turkey we have elections in every 4 years. If people dont like this government they can change it easly by not voting in next elections. Do you people have same power in china ?

So how can you compare a dictatorship and democracy.

Second, kurdish party chose a candidate who is convicted terorist. They could easly find another candidate but they didnt. They knew that he can not become a mp. So it is a planned provacative act.

Third, No one died in leatest pro kurdish protests unlike in syria. But two days ago pro-kurdish pkk attacked patrolling soldiers and killed two. They also planted a mine to a road and killed two pollice officer.

So please stop making ignorant comments and read other side of the story.
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this is a bucket of crap but quiet funny..
first of all there is no any single similarity between Turkey and libya/egypt.. there is a democratically elected party on duty right now with %50 of voters in Turkey.. what kind of sick mind may try to make things look similar like in libya or egypt.. kurdish issue is something different
and noone using the armed forces to kill the civillians here like the others did..

It is really funny Turkey pointing fingers at Syria.
obviously it seems that you have zero knowledge about seperatist kurdish policy and what they are trying to do.. these guys are claiming that they have represent all kurds in Turkey, but Kurds dont say that way.. they can only fool some "so-called" democratic country's "so-called" objective press and people like you.. nothing more.. believe me these guys have nothing to do with peace and a solution..
This is a survey from a research center named Metropoll Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi.
1- if kurds establish a kurdish state, would you leave Turkey and go there to live?
Yes, i'd go: %1
No, i stay here: %95.2
No idea: %3.8

2- does BDP ( Kurdish Party ) represent all kurds ?
Yes: 38.6
No: 35.1
Not enough: %10.2
No idea: %16

3- do you think that BDP ( Kurdish Party ) must recognize PKK as a terror-org ?
Yes: %52.5
No: %29.4
No idea: %18.1

look at those photos you posted.. looks like there is chaos in the country.. i think you spent a lot of time to collect all this info and photos.. poor guy .. by the way, the ministry of tourism announced that 9, 25 million tourist have arrived in first 5 months of 2011 and keep increasing..
doesnt bdp recognize pkk as a terrorist organization?

even kurds are getting killed by them and still the party that is supposed to "represent" all the kurds in turkey dont recognize them as terrorists.

hell..... isn't it a member or whatever from bdp that keeps visiting that orosbucocugu abdullah øcalan! how can someone allow a party like that?
you compare apples with oranges.

First, In turkey we have elections in every 4 years. If people dont like this government they can change it easly by not voting in next elections. Do you people have same power in china ?

So how can you compare a dictatorship and democracy.

Second, kurdish party chose a candidate who is convicted terorist. They could easly find another candidate but they didnt. They knew that he can not become a mp. So it is a planned provacative act.

Third, No one died in leatest pro kurdish protests unlike in syria. But two days ago pro-kurdish pkk attacked patrolling soldiers and killed two. They also planted a mine to a road and killed two pollice officer.

So please stop making ignorant comments and read other side of the story.

Ahem, dude I am Pakistani, yes it is supposed to elect every four years, democracy is effective systems. However, Kurds still making alot of noises similar to Armenia cases in depending in every rights and freedom. Sure I will read other side of the story, thanks.

first of all there is no any single similarity between Turkey and libya/egypt.. there is a democratically elected party on duty right now with %50 of voters in Turkey.. may try to make things look similar like in libya or egypt.. kurdish issue is something different
and noone using the armed forces to kill the civillians here like the others did..

obviously it seems that you have zero knowledge about seperatist kurdish policy and what they are trying to do.. these guys are claiming that they have represent all kurds in Turkey, but Kurds dont say that way.. they can only fool some "so-called" democratic country's "so-called" objective press and people like you.. nothing more.. believe me these guys have nothing to do with peace and a solution..
This is a survey from a research center named Metropoll Stratejik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Merkezi.
1- if kurds establish a kurdish state, would you leave Turkey and go there to live?
Yes, i'd go: %1
No, i stay here: %95.2
No idea: %3.8

2- does BDP ( Kurdish Party ) represent all kurds ?
Yes: 38.6
No: 35.1
Not enough: %10.2
No idea: %16

3- do you think that BDP ( Kurdish Party ) must recognize PKK as a terror-org ?
Yes: %52.5
No: %29.4
No idea: %18.1

.. by the way, the ministry of tourism announced that 9, 25 million tourist have arrived in first 5 months of 2011 and keep increasing..

Intersting vote public opinions, thank you for inputs. Well, Turkey has long history regarding Ottoman Empire, tourists must be eager to visit Blue Mosque, others and many tourists goes to Egypt's Pharoah Tombs.


I didn't wish to upset or create tension between Pakistan and Turkey, I am trying to discuss as this is forum debate. I think, more Turks much sacrifices in favor of NATO and value relationship with Israel and Zionists, in which they didn't wish to break it in contrast to all arab countries and support NATO's mischevious actions against them including Pakistan borders. Ottoman Empire is no longer valuable to Turkey which is opposite today.

your comments regarding Flotilla thread:
a idiotic organization (flotilla) that just wants to destroy the friendship between israel and turkey!

we have given more rights to kurds than what we gave them 20 years ago, dont come here and talk without knowing anything! and dont you dare say the turks! because not every turk is all happy about this, like me! i dont want turkey and israel to be enemies or whatever you want, i want friendship. and especially with a country like israel!

nice comment, no care for Gazas. I don't care about Gazas and Palestines. Stupid organization, indeed!

Thank you for cooperation, Turkish friends and its powerful future Turkey via NATO! :enjoy:

Take care!
It is really funny Turkey pointing fingers at Syria, it is quite sad Muslims, under NATO member, killing other Muslims and Kurdish.

So it's funny and sad at the same time is it.. Bipolar much ?

Could you state your agenda for this thread, you seem to be a very confused individual.

why you hate so much Turkey and Turks?Why you bring NATO in every thread.
It is really funny Turkey pointing fingers at Syria, it is quite sad Muslims, under NATO member, killing other Muslims and Kurdish.

Those Kurds are not muslim they are Marxist Leninist, Muslim Kurds like me are in the army and i will DIE for Turkiye.
Those Kurds are not muslim they are Marxist Leninist, Muslim Kurds like me are in the army and i will DIE for Turkiye.

My auntie's husband was from dadash and a kurd, and I loved him like a father, and my cousins like my siblings, no one has the right to try to split us up.
Intersting vote public opinions, thank you for inputs. Well, Turkey has long history regarding Ottoman Empire, tourists must be eager to visit Blue Mosque, others and many tourists goes to Egypt's Pharoah Tombs.

blue mosque?
i know its worthless to comment you back.. you have no idea about Turkish tourism too.. i gave that tourism example for you to understand things going well in Turkey, a safe and secure country.. 4 million people visited my city this year and we dont have a blue mosque even.. google antalya city and many other tourism centers in Turkey.. noone goes a country in chaos for vacation, like egypt..

Egypt's tourism figures fall dramatically
Turkish Tourism Spikes in 2011

beside these all, its really sad to see BDP and PKK kurds have reached their aims.. they made believed, fooled people like you that theres chaotic athmosphere in Turkey..

i believe, i can make you believe that there is a war in turkey with 10 of my friends, a 30 squaremeter ruined place, some smoke and fire etc.. try to be some smart.. :wave:

have i said that i dont care about the people in gaza? they can send it trhough egypt now if they want to, but noooooo! they want to become "martyrs"!

yes, i tell what is on my mind. i want the friendship with israel back, am i suddenly a zionist now? when turkey was friends with israel it still had lines to accept what israel did, i dont think you are aware of that! right now, NATO is the only organization that is the best for turkey. what should we do? join the arab league with a bunch of puppets who dont do anything than complain and never use force?

NO! turkey even draws line when it coms to nato. we didnt let USA invade iraq through turkey, oh wait no no no. we are an idiotic country because we just are a part of nato. wich means that if USA does something we are the ones to be blamed to! :tup:
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