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Vietnam-China economic relations

Holy crap, you mean Vietnam as a country has to result in some actions in response of what Martian2 has to say on the internet? I think you just made his day.

you are a fool. I have been many times in America, I even have relatives living in California. How´s about you?
I mean Vietnam will surely response to this stupidly hidden economic sabotage from China.
What about me? I spent almost 10 years in US up from high school till after college. What do you want to know?

Anyways, as I said in my previous posts that I for one don't think that this is an economic war hidden or not hidden. So yes your so call response is directed at whatever martian2 said in his posts. Luckily neither you or him is the spokes person for your respective governments. Therefore just keep ranting here, it is good for your mental health.
"Economic war"? :lol:

I've waited this day for so long now. It's time for Viet Nam to stop trading with China since we incur such a big trade deficit with them; we gain absolutely nothing from trading with the Chinese as they sell more to us than they buy from us.

The trade statistics of Viet Nam in the first 7.5 months of 2012 speaks for itself. Our trade deficit has been reduced to the lowest unprecedented number that has never been seen and export has grown to its highest number . Now, image if we stop trading with China, we will definitely have a trade surplus

Our government predicts that we will not attain a trade balance until 2020 but it looks like we will even have a trade surplus by next year 2013; thank you China. :smokin:
If you want to play the game, then be tough. You should have said that "we will just sell these goods to U.S., Japan, India, or Philippines". Don't show your weakness.
I want to know if China will impose economic santion on Japan because of island dispute?
Or China only loves to threaten other smaller (weaker) countries, and wets the pant if it comes to Japan.
Playing with the big boys

When you play with the big boys, you should expect to get hurt.

Do you remember when Google decided to take on China in 2010? A few days before Google pulled out of China, Secretary of State Clinton specifically mentioned that the decision was Google's alone. She said the United States government did not influence Google's decision.

Do you also remember when Google later tried to persuade the U.S. government to sue China at the WTO? Uncle Sam told Google to get lost. Geo-political cooperation from China on North Korea, Iran, Sudan, etc. was too important for the U.S. government to become mired in a trivial business dispute. Uncle Sam wanted to stay on China's good side.

What was the result? Google's market share dropped from 36% (in 2009) to 18% in the Chinese market. Google is losing billions of dollars each year from its stupid posturing against China. Where is Sergey Brin and his anti-Chinese remarks? Three years ago, you couldn't shut him up. Now, we can't find a quote from him anywhere.

You Viets didn't really think your bad-mouthing of China was free, did you? Just like Google, China will kick you out and you will lose billions of dollars for years to come. Someone else will take your share of the Chinese $8 trillion domestic market.

China's $25 billion in monthly trade surplus and $3.4 trillion forex war chest means China can do whatever it wants. Too bad for you Vietnamese dummies.


China's list of impressive victories in recent years:

1. China vs. Nobel Prize committee - China wins. Effective ban on Norwegian salmon.

2. China vs. Google - China wins. Google's search-market share in China drops from 36% to 18% and it's still falling.

3. China vs. Japan - Temporary ban on Chinese rare earth metal exports to Japan led to the immediate release of the Chinese fishing captain. Japan blinked first.

In conclusion, China Inc. is more powerful than the Nobel Prize committee, Google, or Japan. In comparison, Vietnam and the Philippines are small fish. However, China will enjoy reminding you who's boss.

Why don't most peasants (like Vietnam) speak ill of the King (China)? The King is rich with $3.4 trillion in his bank account and he can lop your head off with his military (think PLA). Duh!
Internet Vietnamese hostile against China can be well felt through comparing the title of the thread vs the actual article.

From this part of article

The reason behind the exports slowdown is the reinforcement of the supervision, anti-smuggling and quarantine activities. One or two such campaigns are carried out by the Chinese side every year, each of which lasts one or two months.

However, the latest campaign has been lasting four months already, and it is believed to last until the 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress in October finishes.

China only focuses on its activities to fight against smuggling within its territorial area. Meanwhile, there has been no sign of Chinese changing its trade policy with Vietnam.


It is very clear that it is a routine task on China’s side, and if it extends longer than usual, it is also due to China’s reason, having nothing to do with “China’s economic war against Vietnam”. :tdown:

I feel bad for your miserable life that interprets everything dark, dim, hopeless, bloody…

Dude, be happy and cheer up, and learn to read:
“there has been no sign of Chinese changing its trade policy with Vietnam.”

Do you read it?

On the other side, I really don’t see any benefit that Vietnamese could possibly get by putting every blame onto China and seeking every chance to make China your enemy.

You can change friend/enemy, but you cannot change your neighbor. China was, is, and will be your giant neighbor, regardless whether you love it or hate it.

If there is a any kind of war, both will suffer. The difference is for every 1% China may lose, Vietnam will lose 99%.

You have lost your history, hopefully you don’t lose your presence which is still peaceful for the moment.

Learn to appreciate peace. Stop glorifying war.
New roads cut travelling times to China
Updated: 11:23PM (GMT+7), Wed, August 22, 2012 - TH


Vietnam and China’s Ministries of Transport held a joint ceremony at the Huu Nghi Border Gate in northern Lang Son province to inaugurate the new highways linking Hanoi with Nanning and Shenzhen in China.
This is part of an agreement on road transport between Vietnam and China which was signed on November 22, 1994.


The event marks an important milestone in bilateral economic-trade ties, helping to deepen the relationship between Vietnam and China, with the slogan ‘friendly neighbourliness, comprehensive co-operation, long-term stability and looking towards the future,’ in the spirit of ‘good comrades, good friends, good neighbours and good partners.’

The opening of the Hanoi-Nanning and Hanoi-Shenzhen routes through the Huu Nghi-You Yi Guan border gate will reduce waiting time and costs, making it easier for people to travel and help to facilitate trade between both countries.

It will also help to boost friendship and co-operation between Vietnam’s Lang Son province and the autonomous region of Guangxi Zhuang in China and underlines the efforts both countries have made to build and develop the Nanning-Lang Son-Hanoi-Hai Phong economic corridor, as agreed previously reached by senior officials from both countries.

Over the past years, Lang Son has made an enormous effort to facilitate international road transport links between Vietnam and China. Almost 80,000 vehicles pass through the Huu Nghi-You Yi Guan border gate each year.

I laugh at the Viets here how they adore the US when they have been partially sanctioned by her for a long time. The US is the one who teaches others to use economic muscles to tame countries that are not inline with her way of thinking in the forms of sanctions and embargoes.

I also laugh at some of the Viets' Ah Q attitudes: " We don't need China because she's not our largest trading partner and her products are inferior anyway".

There is a reason why the Viets are not known for their business acuteness, I suppose.

Nothing says we adore the US, not same as your leaders.
U.S. is the largest market of Vietnam, it is an undeniable fact. But that does not say that we adore the US.
Today all relationships should follow the rule of "win-win",

The US embargoed Vietnam, that was real, but in the opposite direction, at the same time she was not allowed to sell U.S goods to Vietnam. But Chinese thought? They want to sell many goods to Vietnam but cause difficult for Vietnamese goods in the Chinese market !!! LOL.

Look at Singaporeans, they embrace the US, allowing the US to deploy the most modern warships in Singapore, blocking the throat of China, They said that "America the indispensable ..."
but outside they show an image loving China so much....

Nothing says we adore the US, not same as your leaders.
U.S. is the largest market of Vietnam, it is an undeniable fact. But that does not say that we adore the US.

The US embargoed Vietnam, that was real, but in the opposite direction, at the same time she was not allowed to sell U.S goods to Vietnam. But Chinese thought? They want to sell many goods to Vietnam but cause difficult for Vietnamese goods in the Chinese market !!! LOL.

Look at Singaporeans, they embrace the US, allowing the US to deploy the most modern warships in Singapore, blocking the throat of China, They said that "America the indispensable ..."
but outside they show loving "homeland" so much....

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If your intention is to put a flame in the China and Singapore relationship you fail miserably. The US and Singapore military relationship went back decades and it was before China even had a sizable warship. Being in one of the heaviest sea lanes in the world with hostile immediate neighbors my government felt our small country need some securities from a bigger country. The four littoral pirate fighting warships sure fit that symbolic role besides being the deterrence for the pirates.

Is it me or what? Why all the countries in ASEAN are working very hard in building up their economies while yours is busy buying military procurements with money you don't have?
If your intention is to put a flame in the China and Singapore relationship you fail miserably. The US and Singapore military relationship went back decades and it was before China even had a sizable warship. Being in one of the heaviest sea lanes in the world with hostile immediate neighbors my government felt our small country need some securities from a bigger country. The four littoral pirate fighting warships sure fit that symbolic role besides being the deterrence for the pirates.

Is it me or what? Why all the countries in ASEAN are working very hard in building up their economies while yours is busy buying military procurements with money you don't have?
because backwards people vietcong are in charge thats why ``
Funny thread started by delusional viet troll as usual, what make you think you are on par to start an economy war with china:rofl:man i come to conclusion these viet trols getting madder by the day, first they claimed they are millitary more powerful than china and now they think they can start an economy war with china:rofl:now it wont be long they will claimed economicly they are more powerful than china you wait and watch
If your intention is to put a flame in the China and Singapore relationship you fail miserably. The US and Singapore military relationship went back decades and it was before China even had a sizable warship. Being in one of the heaviest sea lanes in the world with hostile immediate neighbors my government felt our small country need some securities from a bigger country. The four littoral pirate fighting warships sure fit that symbolic role besides being the deterrence for the pirates.

Is it me or what? Why all the countries in ASEAN are working very hard in building up their economies while yours is busy buying military procurements with money you don't have?

I only speak the truth, and I think everyone knows that very well. I'm not saying the relationship the US-Singapore was wrong, I just wanted to show you that your country love Uncle Sam so much.

Look, our military spending less than some other ASEAN countries. Some ASEAN countries have bought aircraft carriers, submarines ... from the West years ago.

You can adore the U.S while dreaming with China, I will not say anything if you dont mean to ridicule us what you're doing more.
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