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Vietnam-China economic relations

To remind the Vietnamese that anti-Chinese protests against Chinese sovereignty in the South China Sea carries a price.

China has imposed the same penalty on the Philippines.

These two idiot countries will understand that vocally opposing China carries an economic and possibly military price. You do not screw around with China lightly.

If I remember correctly the case with philippine banana was at least found to be substandard after inspection may it be an excuse and then was rejected volunteerly by the buyers in China more than it was a direct order by the government. The Vietnamese case is different as in the article it says nothing about the quality of those vietnamese goods.
With VN, can survive the immediate damage but the long-term benefit. You dont know that Vietnamese industry has been competitive very strong by machines cheap imported from China.
I would be happy if in the next 5-10 years, the Vietnamese market will be flooded with goods made ​​in Vietnam, instead of flooding goods with hieroglyphics today....

Then go ahead, build your own machinery.

If you believe that China needs Vietnam more than Vietnam needs China, then you must be living in a parellel universe, can't help you. :coffee:
In case you missed in the article, this year is the first session of 18th Chinese Communist Party Congress, so everyone is being a tight a$$ right now. If China wants to use trade as a leverage in dealing with Vietnam, it will say so. Otherwise what is the point of doing it? Destorying a few Vietnamese farmers livehood doesn't really make in the piority list when it comes to making a major decision in trade policy.

Pls read comments from Martian2, you will understand why.
His hate on Vietnam is legendary.
Pls read comments from Martian2, you will understand why.
His hate on Vietnam is legendary.

I don't hate you. I'm an armchair general that likes to make accurate predictions by extrapolating from the facts.

How come you didn't know the Norwegians are paying dearly for their stupid stunt by awarding a Nobel Prize to a Chinese criminal?

How come you didn't know the Japanese caved quickly when China blocked rare earth imports?

I didn't know about China blocking Vietnamese imports, but it is not surprising.

I did know about the Chinese block on Filipino imports.

Also, China has raised the tariffs on Burmese traders. Remember when the Burmese government pulled that stupid stunt by unilaterally announcing the suspension of the Chinese-built dam? China was not amused. The Burmese will be paying for years.

Vietnam has the privilege of joining China's blacklist: Norwegian salmon, Philippines, and Burmese traders. Welcome to the club! It'll cost your impoverished country billions of dollars in the upcoming years! I hope you idiots enjoyed bad-mouthing China during the last few months. You'll be paying for it for years to come.



Jul 31, 2012 – Burmese traders urge China to cut border tariffs, PDF, Print, E-mail ... Burmese businessmen are complaining of increased import tariffs ..."
Then go ahead, build your own machinery.

If you believe that China needs Vietnam more than Vietnam needs China, then you must be living in a parellel universe, can't help you. :coffee:

It's funny when Chinese always gets trade surplus to Vietnam, but they cause difficulties for Vietnamese goods.

Remember that the US is the most important market of Vietnamese goods, not China. And the low quality cheap products from China will be tightly controlled corresponding to the Chinese did do.

We would be very happy if we dont have to worry about apples, grapes, potatoes,... excess pesticide; toxic toys, low-quality cheap industrial products compete with Vietnamese industry...
It's funny when Chinese always gets trade surplus to Vietnam, but they cause difficulties for Vietnamese goods.

Remember that the US is the most important market of Vietnamese goods, not China. And the low quality cheap products from China will be tightly controlled corresponding to the Chinese did do.

We would be very happy if we dont have to worry about apples, grapes, potatoes,... excess pesticide; toxic toys, low-quality cheap industrial products compete with Vietnamese industry...

I'm done with this thread. You Vietnamese are feeling the pain. China isn't.

China is accumulating $25 billion in trade surplus each month.

It's business as usual for China Inc.

It is not business as usual for Vietnam.
Vietnam is a very good and emerging market for India. I wish India enters these markets in south east asia. Chinese are shooting in their own foot.

I'm done with this thread. You Vietnamese are feeling the pain. China isn't.

China is accumulating $25 billion in trade surplus each month.

It's business as usual for China Inc.

It is not business as usual for Vietnam.

No need for Chinese cheap trades men in here you can move to another thread. Trade is a two way affair and there are countries in Asia who can rival China in trade and there are plans for new trade corrider stretching from India through myanmar,thailand, combodia,vietnam upto Japan. :wave:
I laugh at the Viets here how they adore the US when they have been partially sanctioned by her for a long time. The US is the one who teaches others to use economic muscles to tame countries that are not inline with her way of thinking in the forms of sanctions and embargoes.

I also laugh at some of the Viets' Ah Q attitudes: " We don't need China because she's not our largest trading partner and her products are inferior anyway".

There is a reason why the Viets are not known for their business acuteness, I suppose.
I'm done with this thread. You Vietnamese are feeling the pain. China isn't.
China is accumulating $25 billion in trade surplus each month.
It's business as usual for China Inc.
It is not business as usual for Vietnam.

You live in America, right?
The Americans love to say everything has a price tag. You can troll, and think that such move does not have any side effect on China. Wait and see how Vietnam will response.

I laugh at the Viets here how they adore the US when they have been partially sanctioned by her for a long time. The US is the one who teaches others to use economic muscles to tame countries that are not inline with her way of thinking in the forms of sanctions and embargoes.

I also laugh at some of the Viets' Ah Q attitudes: " We don't need China because she's not our largest trading partner and her products are inferior anyway".
There is a reason why the Viets are not known for their business acuteness, I suppose.

I want to know if China will impose economic santion on Japan because of island dispute?
Or China only loves to threaten other smaller (weaker) countries, and wets the pant if it comes to Japan.
You live in America, right?
The Americans love to say everything has a price tag. You can troll, and think that such move does not have any side effect on China. Wait and see how Vietnam will response.
Holy crap, you mean Vietnam as a country has to result in some actions in response of what Martian2 has to say on the internet? I think you just made his day.
You live in America, right?
The Americans love to say everything has a price tag. You can troll, and think that such move does not have any side effect on China. Wait and see how Vietnam will response.

I want to know if China will impose economic santion on Japan because of island dispute?
Or China only loves to threaten other smaller (weaker) countries, and wets the pant if it comes to Japan.
correct big ones will always tease weak ones
You live in America, right?
The Americans love to say everything has a price tag. You can troll, and think that such move does not have any side effect on China. Wait and see how Vietnam will response.

I want to know if China will impose economic santion on Japan because of island dispute?
Or China only loves to threaten other smaller (weaker) countries, and wets the pant if it comes to Japan.
correct big ones will always tease weak ones
I want to know if China will impose economic santion on Japan because of island dispute?
Or China only loves to threaten other smaller (weaker) countries, and wets the pant if it comes to Japan.

There's no need for that. If the situation with Japan deteriorates over the Diaoyu dispute there will wholesale boycotts of Japan products by Chinese people starting from Hong Kong and spread to mainland then Taiwan and eventually includes South Korea. If situations get out of hands, destruction of Japanese cars, businesses and factories are distinction possibilities. Even known Japanese expatriates might have to leave. All these will lead to trade stoppages.

No doubt Chinese economy will be hurt but is nothing compare what it'll do to Japan's.
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