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USA wants report on Sri Lanka from India

Although a visit to India should have helped him (President Mahinda Rajapaksa) demonstrate India’s backing for his government, Sri Lanka is rapidly slipping out of India’s orbit, states Harsh V. Pant, writing for The Japan Times.


The political parties in Tamil Nadu might be tempted to play the Sri Lankan Tamil card with an eye toward state elections in a year’s time, even though the issue resonated little in the Lok Sabha elections last year. Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh underscored the need for a meaningful devolution package that would build on the 13th Amendment to create the necessary conditions for a lasting political settlement. Rajapaksa, however, was largely noncommittal on this.

The Sri Lankan president is at the height of his power after having defeated LTTE and winning an overwhelming mandate for himself and his party. Yet his government’s human rights record is under critical scrutiny in the West. Although a visit to India should have helped him demonstrate India’s backing for his government, Sri Lanka is rapidly slipping out of India’s orbit.

India failed to exert its leverage in the humanitarian troubles involving Tamils trapped in the fighting. New Delhi’s attempts to end the war and avert humanitarian tragedy in North-East Sri Lanka proved utterly futile.

After following India’s lead in international affairs, even demanding that the British vacate their naval base at Trincomalee and their air base at Katunayake in 1957, Colombo gravitated toward a more independent foreign policy posture. But after China’s victory in its 1962 war with India, Colombo seriously started courting Beijing.

Today, China has displaced Japan as Sri Lanka’s major aid donor with an annual aid package of $1 billion. Trade between China and Sri Lanka has doubled over the past five years with China emerging as Sri Lanka’s largest trading partner. China is now supplying more than half of all Sri Lanka’s construction and development loans. Chinese investment in the development of infrastructure and oil exploration projects in Sri Lanka has also gathered momentum.

China is providing interest-free loans and preferential loans at subsidized rates to Sri Lanka for the development of infrastructure. It is the first foreign country to have an exclusive economic zone in Sri Lanka and is involved in a range of infrastructure development projects — power plant construction, modernization of Sri Lankan railways, and financial and technical assistance in launching communication satellites.

China is financing more than 85 percent of the Hambantota Development Zone to be completed over the next decade. This will include an international container port, a bunkering system, an oil refinery, an international airport and other facilities. The port in Hambantota, deeper than the one at Colombo, will be used as a refueling and docking station for its navy.
Though the two sides claim that this is merely a commercial venture, its future utility as a strategic asset by China to enhance intelligence-gathering capabilities vis-a-vis India remains a real possibility. India has expressed its displeasure over growing Chinese involvement in Sri Lanka on a number of occasions. In 2007, India’s then national security adviser criticized Sri Lanka for seeking to purchase a Chinese-built radar system, on the grounds that the system would “overreach” into Indian air space.

To counter Chinese influence, India has stepped up its offensive with offers of reconstruction aid. But where New Delhi must continue to balance domestic sensitivities and strategic interests, Beijing faces no such constraints.

The “great game” of this century will be played on the waters of the Indian Ocean. Though India’s location gives it great operational advantages, it is by no means certain that New Delhi can keep them.

Sri Lanka News-Adaderana-Truth First - China and India competing over Sri Lanka: Report
Indian Bureaucrats are numbnuts. They were offered first to develope a port but declined the offer. you cannot blame lanka or china for their incompetence

Indian Bureaucrats do not have the authority to take such decisions. The declination of offer (if it happened) has had to come from the GoI.
The United States has lost clout in Sri Lanka, acknowledges Human Rights Watch | Asian Tribune

Washington, D.C. 09 September (Asiantribune.com):

In a statement to the Business Edition of the New York Times September 07 issue discussing the role of the New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) on eve of accepting a one hundred million dollar philanthropic donation from American billionaire George Soros the Executive Director of the rights group Kenneth Roth singled out Sri Lanka as a nation that has moved out of the U.S. orbit and influence.

The role Mr. Roth envisages the HRW has toward Sri Lanka is through China and Japan -countries he identified as close allies of Sri Lanka which moved away from the United States in recent times.

Mr. Roth said that South Africa had more sway in Zimbabwe than the United States and other Western powers. Similarly, China and Japan are more influential in Sri Lanka. “We need to try to generate pressure on those governments, those emerging powers, now, which means expanding our capacity to deploy our information,” Mr. Roth said.

Human Rights Watch will use the gift to add about 120 staff members to its team of 300 around the world, expand translation of its reports and open new offices. The intent, said Kenneth Roth, is to increase its influence in emerging power centers. The power centers he identified are India, China and Japan.

The group, which is based in New York, investigates and draws attention to human rights abuses around the world.

George Soros, announcing his one hundred million dollar donation cautioned the HRW “the organization has to be seen as more international, less an American organization.”

Sri Lanka believes that the Human Rights Watch is an appendage of the overall American foreign policy.

The Asian Tribune read Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s mind on Western Powers, especially the United States, when this correspondent met him for a long interview and conversation in Los Angeles in September 2007 following his official engagement at the opening of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York.
Mr. Rajapaksa confided to this correspondent that the West (and the U.S.) expected his rival Ranil Wickremasinghe to win the presidential election in November 2005 explaining that the Western Powers depended on Mr. Wickremasinghe to safeguard their interests and formulate policies that suited them.

As subsequent events unfolded, the West and the U.S. realized that President Rajapaksa was not prepared to make Sri Lanka a client state of the West.

The US Senate Foreign Relations Committee report entitled “Re-charting US Strategy on Sri Lanka” released December 07, 2009 declared:

“As Western countries became increasingly critical of the Sri Lankan Government’s handling of the war and human rights record, the Rajapaksa leadership cultivated ties with such countries as Burma, China, Pakistan, Iran, and Libya. The Chinese have invested billions of dollars in Sri Lanka through military loans, infrastructure loans, and port development, with none of the strings attached by Western nations. While the United States shares with the Indians and the Chinese a common interest in securing maritime trade routes through the Indian Ocean, the U.S. Government has invested relatively little in the economy or security sector in Sri Lanka, instead focusing more on IDPs and civil society. As a result, Sri Lanka has grown politically and economically isolated from the West.”

The report authored by Chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee John Kerry and his opposition Republican Party colleague Senator Lugar cautioned:
“President Rajapaksa was forced to reach out to other countries because the West refused to help Sri Lanka finish the war against the LTTE. These calculations—if left unchecked—threaten long-term U.S. strategic interests in the Indian Ocean.”

Following are some of the salient observations on the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee report how the authors saw Sri Lanka went out of the US orbit and influence which the Human Rights Watch Executive Director Kenneth Roth highlighted in a comment to the New York Times Business Page:

(Begin Excerpts) Sri Lanka’s strategic importance to the United States, China, and India is viewed by some as a key piece in a larger geopolitical dynamic, what has been referred to as a new ‘‘Great Game.’’ While all three countries share an interest in securing maritime trade routes, the United States has invested relatively few economic and security resources in Sri Lanka, preferring to focus instead on the political environment. Sri Lanka’s geostrategic importance to American interests has been neglected as a result.

There is a common view that American influence is waning, in part because of the tone of its messages. As one Western aid official told committee staff: ‘‘Sticks don’t work with the Sri Lankan Government. They need to hear coordinated, constructive messages that give them time to implement change without losing face.’’ There is also concern that Western donors do not invest in projects that are government priorities such as big infrastructure projects and roads, allowing non-traditional donors like the Chinese to fill the vacuum.

A more multifaceted U.S. strategy would capitalize on the economic, trade, and security aspects of the relationship. This approach in turn could catalyze much-needed political reforms that will ultimately help secure longer term U.S. strategic interests in the Indian Ocean.

U.S. strategy should also invest in Sinhalese parts of the country, instead of just focusing aid on the Tamil-dominated North and East.

The Obama administration should: Take a broader and more robust approach to Sri Lanka that appreciates new political and economic realities in Sri Lanka and U.S. geostrategic interests. Such an approach should be multidimensional so that U.S. policy is not driven solely by short-term humanitarian concerns but rather an integrated strategy that leverages political, economic, and security tools for more effective long-term reforms.

Expand U.S. assistance to include all areas of the country, particularly in the south and central areas so that Sinhalese and other groups also benefit from U.S. assistance programs and reap some ‘‘peace dividend.’’

The U.S. Congress should: Authorize the U.S. military to resume training of Sri Lankan military officials to help ensure that human rights concerns are integrated into future operations and to help build critical relationships.

The international financial institutions should [...] ensure that IMF and development bank financing does not inadvertently exacerbate conflict.

-Asian Tribune-
Sri Lanka expected India to ignore the request

But India moving ahead with the report

Colombo angered by New Delhi

Colombo will show its anger by diplomatically to New Delhi

In coming week’s New Delhi will see the response from Colombo

MISTRUST Continues……………….

This is the height of "Over-reacting"!!

a. Lets start with a neutral reliable media source that speaks of such...

b. Your opinions reflect not Sri-Lanka's, but your own personal stand....So dont make your govt. seem knee-jerk and emotional like yourself

c. Make a mountain out of a molehill why dont u? So we provide a report on the current situation.....
Where's the fire compadre?

d. You expect India to bend over backwards, while you yourself fall in line with India's enemies and allow them to maintain ports in our neighborhood? Yeah....come ask us for favors.....
It is equally important for SL to maintain healthy relations with India as the other way around....
Making an enemy out of a country that outmatches you in every department isnt going to get you anywhere....
Need I remind you of Operation Poolamai?

e. India is an independent country which can provide its own POV based on its own national (Tamil), Economic and Military (Hambanotta-China) interests.....
This is a matter between India and the US.....
Did you ask India's permission before befriending Pakistan, or allowing China a listening port?
Similarly, India is free to analyze its own neighborhood and discuss security and other issues regarding the same with its allies if need be.....one doesnt need to be paranoid about each and every move India makes.....

You are only one Sri-Lankan that does not represent SL govt nor the views of the general Sri-Lankan public....and thank god for that!

India served its first master UK.

Then it served its second master Soviet.

Now looks it's going to serve its third master USA.

Can India serve itself as a master? -- I mean can you be more independently thinking?

You have it right......

we sheepishly followed our Soviet masters in their war in Afghanistan....Right?

We definitely followed our Communist Soviet Masters into Democracy......

Again....We are currently serving our US masters in Iraq and Afghanistan by sending in troops....

And the Indian PM went to our former colonial rulers the UK to beg for Financial investment......

Sadly for you Pit....not all of us live under a rock!

PS: UK colonized India, Pakistan and BD....so please shower us ALL with your slave talk....India shouldnt be the only recipient of this esteemed honor....but oh wait....You're here to get your belly rubbed by the Pakistanis....Nevermind!

---------- Post added at 06:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

I don't think US needs India to give a report on Sri Lanka.

I dont think you're in a position to tell the US what they can or cannot do....

If the report is true...its for a reason....the reason being India's clout in Sri-Lanka and South Asia in general....

Accept it or not!
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Do you understand English?

I said UK WAS India's master. So what does that to do with its PM now?

In 1971 war, didn't your Soviet master sent a carrier?

You know what's now. :devil

So they sent a Submarine (NOT a carrier) what of it?.....

They were defending their own interests....viz a viz....a counter to the US sending a carrier to attack India to save Pakistan.....

Im sure you're ignorant about the concept of allies.....

Oh wait....so you havent heard of NATO? or how the mighty US needs allies to invade a rag tag country like Afghanistan?
Or are you alluding to the fact that the US needs its former European and English masters to save its ars?
This report matches with the results of most of my personal studies.

Have to agree, with the greatest regret, that India foreign policy is mostly a failure since its independence. :disagree:

Im sad to say that your "personal studies" was a major FAIL!

Obviously I dont expect you to know about some of India's past diplomatic and foreign policy achievements......

NSG waiver....non-NPT Signatory bagging a nuclear deal....ring a bell?

I forgot....you fry small potatoes!
if there is turmoil in Afghanistan, it has major blow-back effects on Pakistan; as we are learning, those effects are not limited to FATA/Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa but even our big cities

Ever heard of the problems we had to face due to our Peace Keeping mission in SL from Tamil Nadu?
The blowbacks of the civil war in SL was most felt by Indians.....

Stick to your business we stick to ours....dont try to tell a nation with severely larger clout than yours what they should or shouldnt be doing....especially wrt to independent sovereign nations that can drive their own foreign policy...
wait....isnt that what got you in this mess to begin with?

we actually have a lot at stake in an unstable Afghanistan -which we desperately want to be stablized (and of course, one in which hindustan does not have much influence for national security reasons)

If you still have trouble understanding why influence in SL is important, then no use having discussion with you....

We have a lot of stake in Afghanistan....the difference is....Afghans want us to maintain our stake....and our influence makes you paranoid....

Sri Lanka is not even physically connected to hindustan. And we arent talking about human rights abuses in Afghanistan or any of that other stuff

And SL is a stone throw away from India....hell one can see Sri-Lanka from Kanyakumari....Whats the point?....

US is not connected to Pakistan or Afghanistan....yet they sit in your home....Is there a rule that one only has interests or can get involved in countries bordering it?

India we will do what we can to further our interests....

war is war! tamil tigers were trying to wage a civil war on regular civilians and state institutions; they were perfectly within their right to defend their country against legitimate targets.

So crushing the secessionist movements in Kashmir or any other place in India is as much our right as that of the SLankans, Pakistanis in Baluchistan correct?
I can work with that

of course i wouldnt expect indian to understand this, or any foreign policy for that matter.

LOL....Sadly my dear "ThinkTank", India is the only country in South Asia that the world speaks of with praise....the only country that shines as beacon for economic prosperity in this part of the world....

I think that shouts volumes about our skills at driving foreign policy and diplomacy as well as our perseverance.....

It is no wonder that india is at odds with ALL her neighbours. Sri Lanka approached hindustan before consulting with Pakistanis and Chinese. indian, who are famous for their lackadaisical responses and their indecisiveness, blew the opportunity. Pakistan and China stepped in to help a friend in trouble.

It seems you're clearly lost on the major factor of "personal interests"......
Indians refused to openly support SL for fear of backlash from Tamils at home....

Lets see Pakistan fall in line with its ally the US and start diplomatic relations with Israel....maybe then you would understand what backlash from the home and "Ummah" gets you......

Save us the "Brotherly love" talk.....
Sri Lanka expected India to ignore the request

But India moving ahead with the report

Colombo angered by New Delhi

Colombo will show its anger by diplomatically to New Delhi

In coming week’s New Delhi will see the response from Colombo

MISTRUST Continues……………….
Complete bullshit out of someone who loves caps sizing his letter, get a grip over yourself man. You will always be the southern most Asian country. Why behave so admissibly.

Learn to differentiate to facts from fictions.
what does it have to do with hindu rights? Not all tamils are even hindus; in fact some are Muslim as well if Im not mistaken

i will mix tamil tigers and taleban....actually, LTTE is (rather, WAS) WORSE than taleban!!!

You are right tamil people include all religion include buddhism

Then if you compare tigers with taliban what the hell you compare sri lankan army who makes sweating of bloods in tamil female child's . . . . . In the area of vanni
@Sri Lankan

This is seriously over discussed.
This report business is nothing more than the norm

Come on a Sri Lankan , why are you so angry that India is giving It's perspective on the Political climate to the US. I should be angry India is doing it in the first place , but at the end of the day its not a big deal , stuff like this happens in the background all the time , i can almost grantee That SL may have provided a 3rd nation its intelligence report on India.(looks at Pakistan)

Even without confirmation news to back the claims , you have used your preconceptions on what is happening and what is going to happen, to go on an Anti-Indian Campaign. Would it not have been more Wiser to wait a bit and respond when you have more information available. I request you give a chance for the story to develop , if it develops and respond when there is more information or confirmation available.

India served its first master UK.

Then it served its second master Soviet.

Now looks it's going to serve its third master USA.

Can India serve itself as a master? -- I mean can you be more independently thinking?

Ever heard about Non Aligned Movement????Does the name ring any bell???Do you know that India was one of the founding members???

How do you think that India has trade links both with Israel and Iran at the same time????
USA wants report on Sri Lanka from India

The US State Department had called for a special report from India as to how politics in Sri Lanka would affect the region, informed sources revealed yesterday.

No sources, no spokespersons.

The US government has sought views of the Indian government on the issues relating to the post war activities, foreign relations of Sri Lanka and Constitutional Amendment and on several spheres.

Any official communication from US/India in this regard?

Sources also said that the State Department had sought this report from India three days ago and it was reported that the Indian government was already preparing the report.


A highly suspicious and probably dubious piece of journalism.

Names no sources. No spokespersons.

And Mr. Srilankan wants us to believe this?:coffee:

For me, I treat this report with the same contempt that I make reports of TOI or dumbmailnews.com subject to.

@ Sri Lankan, Please come up with something better to buttress the belief that your hate for India is shared by your govt./countrymen. If you don't, be prepared to not be taken seriously.

@mods, please close this thread. The 'news report' is nothing more than a conspiracy theory unless substantiated by any official communication.
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This report matches with the results of most of my personal studies.

Have to agree, with the greatest regret, that India foreign policy is mostly a failure since its independence. :disagree:

Our Foreign policy helps us do trade with the Israel as well as the Arab countries,African countries and the West.Our policies help us get that supply of nuclear fuel in spite of being a non-signatory in NPT..How many country you have seen doing that???Just an example...
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