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USA wants report on Sri Lanka from India

Our Foreign policy helps us do trade with the Israel as well as the Arab countries,African countries and the West.Our policies help us get that supply of nuclear fuel in spite of being a non-signatory in NPT..How many country you have seen doing that???Just an example...
Waste of time mate....
To all members this Srilankan despite all his claims the general feeling is quite opposite. This is yet another crap from him as usual, he usually doesnt reply but only starts thread. Dont expect him to produce links...
To all members this Srilankan despite all his claims the general feeling is quite opposite. This is yet another crap from him as usual, he usually doesnt reply but only starts thread. Dont expect him to produce links...

Very correct !!!
Maybe he is on the rosters of some PAk agency !!! :lol:
@Sri Lankan I'm waiting for your reply to my post mate.


wat reply are u expecting from srilankan? he is just famous for posting such baseless articles....and his one liner reactions.... no sensible inputs, references, credentials from his side...

i guess we are all wasting time with such posts......its best to ignore......
Sri Lanka also may delay the visit by Indian Foreign Minister

Sri Lanka India Relations may hit its lowest level

Sri Lanka’s friends China, Pakistan, Japan, South Korea & ASEAN Countries until now ignored any kind request from USA regarding Sri Lanka

India did a wrong thing, Sri Lanka wont TRUST India in any kind of issues in the future

Which country is closer to you,China,Pakistan,Japan or S korea?
India is playing a major role in stabilizing SriLanka.
BTW,any links,saying that USa asked the above mentioned countries for a report on Sri Lanka???
In case of South Asia, India has disputes with almost every neighbor which have strained their relationships for years.

Nepal: The tiny mountain state of Nepal has complained of persistent Indian dictation and interference in its internal affairs. That India employs economic blockades and manipulates transit facilities to this landlocked country for arm twisting is no secret.

Bangladesh: Likewise, Bangladesh is locked into an unresolved dispute for the building of the Farakka barrage that deprives Bangladesh of its water share. Despite the gratitude Bangladesh owes to India for having militarily dismembered Pakistan in 1971 to midwife its birth, relations between the two have often sunk to the rock bottom on a host of issues, including border disputes.

Sri Lanka: In Sri Lanka, India overtly and covertly supported the insurgency against the state by a nationalist group, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Jaffna - the northern region of this small island state. India's support kept it politically and economically destabilized for decades. In the end, India paid for its interference when its prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi, was assassinated by a Tamil activist for having betrayed the movement.

China: Although not a part of South Asia, China is India’s important neighbor but for decades Sino-Indian relations have remained frosty, at best. They went to war in 1962 over a border dispute. Competing for regional leadership, it antagonizes China by hoisting the Dalai Lama off and on to keep the issue of Tibet alive. Lately, having aligned itself with America to contain China, India is bargaining for a tense Sino-Indian relationship in the years to come.

Pakistan: With Pakistan, India maintains the worst of relations mainly because of Pakistan’s political and military standing and its ability to reject Indian domination. Outstanding disputes include Kashmir, water distribution, dams that India constructs in violation Indus Water Treaty and border issues. Pakistan’s dismemberment in 1971 by Indian hands is still fresh. And when India finances, arms and supports insurgency in Balochistan through its consulates along Afghan-Balochistan border and through its RAW agents operating inside Balochistan for the replay of East Pakistan scenario, the images of 1971 war come alive and acrimony between the two countries intensifies.

Afghanistan: By joining the American bandwagon in Afghanistan and positioning its troops in the name of infra structure development, India created enough concerns for Pakistan. But by its collusion with CIA and Mossad to take out Pakistan’s nuclear assets through subversion in FATA, the NWFP and other areas using the militants of Tehrik-e-Taliban, India is slamming shut the door on the peace process that Pakistan has been persistently trying to keep open ever since 1947. With a history of constant endeavors to balkanize Pakistan, Indian military build up in Afghanistan is seen by Pakistan’s military as an effort to put it in a nutcracker.

The growing Indian influence in Afghanistan is also a destabilizing factor in the region, as acknowledged even by Gen. McChrystal in his recent report. The make and types of sophisticated weapons and communications equipment, including satellite pictures of troop movements, recovered from the militants provide undeniable evidence of Indian involvement.

Mr. Ehsanullah Aryanzai, advisor to the Afghan Government, has said that India is using Afghan soil to conduct anti-Pakistan activities. The Indian Home Minister Chidambaram admitted that terrorists get support from elements in India for carrying out terror activities (The News, 15 Sep 2009). The executive editor of News Indian Express has acknowledged the evidence of Indian activities in Balochistan in their July 31, 2009 issue. Evidence of this was recently handed over by Pakistani prime minister to his Indian counterpart.

It would be very naive not to see the direction towards which India is headed. Far from becoming the sole ruler of the entire Indian Ocean, India is destabilizing South Asia and working its way towards its own disintegration. This is not only because it is surrounding itself with angry and insecure neighbors.

Why Is South Asia So Tense? India Must Rethink Its Policies Towards Its Neighbors. | Critical Analysis |Axisoflogic.com

Gather those angry and insecure neighbors and you ll still not match our military strength,so do we really need to care about you?NO!

Oh yeah?

Now you can blame US for 1962 humiliation, you conflict with Nepal and BD? :rofl:

I agree US stired some unstability in the world, but not everywhere.

Aur bhai,How's the Pakistani community in USA going?
That's ok, buddy, if India wants to invest in SL.

But it's a joke and laughable when China invests in SL, one small-hearted Indian calls SL "broke trust". :tdown:

See the post I replied to. :lol:

One flag should have been of Pakistan,in your profile :bunny:

Busted there!
American praising China and damn so vigorously against India...
i actually laughed uncontrollably; thank you, at the end of fasting season, for making me laugh so hard it hurts

a few investments in Sri Lanka means you have any locus standi on their political matters? Sensitive times for that country, stop butting into their business. Sri Lankan national security is Sri Lankan national security; it has no effect on indian.

again on behalf of all Pakistani Nation, I would reiterate congratulations to Sri Lankans over their victory against tamil tigers (aka locusts)
Dude stop burning,when you see India's rising importance in the world,something Pakistan is yet to witness.
People don't give much attention to this kind of people.

This guy is one such stereo type and don't think that complete SL is full of this kind of people.

Frankly I don't even think he's a sri lankan and you Can even see how this guy posts in PDF ie he just starts some sorts of controversy or post some article that engages fight between others and then all of a sudden disappears.

He's such a looser.:tdown:
An LTTE intelligence guy was procuring chemical's and fertilizer's from a town 80Km's from chennai.He was procuring the fertilizer's in small quantities so as not to raise any suspicion.He was nabbed by the Tamil nadu police....On interrogation he admitted to be a top LTTE intelligence operative and he has stashed a huge amount of explosives to be transported to sri lanka to spread terror.The tamil daily that printed the new's even commended the Tamil nadu police for taking swift action.

Tamilnadu is not a heaven for LTTE like some people think...It is now a Graveyard for LTTE :sniper:

I bet the people who point finger's at india dont know this :coffee:
We all know what were the causes behind creating Tamil Tigers, India perfectly supported them and its India's duty to support Hindu rights world wide...
Please Don't Mix Tamil Tigers with Taliban....

oh man. So Tamil Tigers are angels then??? LMAO!!! Tamil Tigers are a bunch of low life liars who tried to win the sympathy of the world by crying on TV and killing behind the scenes.

If you're gonna support a terrorist organization because they are Hindus, then I should start supporting Taliban because they are muslim. What a logic.
India didn't get any free weapons from any country like you are getting from last 63 years.

lo,we know who was who's master!!! First USA than China. lol Aid after aid. ships, fighters even choopers in the name of calamity. :lol:

gpit, is a pakistani but he is ashamed to be pakistani. :P

gpit, is a pakistani but he is ashamed to be pakistani. :P

Or a chinese. If you see a chinese movie the use of word master is very too common. " Yes my Master" " No my Master", Like in martial arts movies :)

Originally Posted by other trolls ≥
All sorts of other IQ-less raves…

Haha, you bullsh!t! (Please excuse my mid-west expression. I can’t help but to request a favor from MODS: please kindly allow me to rant for a post.)

To already banned trolls or those who are otherwise still here, I have been here on this forum for 4 years. I have seen number of imbecile Indians with limited literacy and unlimited hatred calling me “commies”, “a Chinese living in Pakistan”, or outright “Pakistani”, the moment those IQ-less people run out of their wits. :lol:

If the others provide iron facts that may be unpleasant to you (I’m sorry), as long as it is true, why should you care the racial background of the other party if you are not a racist? In the States, we have people come here with all kinds of ethnic background. That’s precisely one of the reasons why this country is still the strongest. This is perhaps why India is laden with racial and communal violence, and therefore becomes the murder capital of the world where vast uneducated or undereducated can’t tolerate the difference, be it racial or idea.

For those who thanked fools for their raves well below par in mental acumen, please use your capability of differentiation.

Finally, I pay great respect to and worship enormously Indian Wisemen, ancient and modern times. Unfortunately, only recently, exceeding the wise and knowledgeable in quantity is unproportionally huge amount of Indian internet terrorists or otherwise mentally-challenged. :devil:

1) To love India, you don’t have to hate Pakistan.
2) To love India, you don’t have to hate China.

On topic now:
3) To love India, you don’t have to report to USA on SL. :disagree:

The 3 are my personal opinions, you don't have to agree with me.
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We all know what were the causes behind creating Tamil Tigers, India perfectly supported them and its

We supported LTTE just to have a thumb screw on Sri Lanka,as they aided/supported Pakistani navy in 1965.

India's duty to support Hindu rights world wide...

We"ll think about that when India is Hindu state.

Please Don't Mix Tamil Tigers with Taliban....

finally something right.
Of course both LTTE and Taliban are savage butchers.
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