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What's the latest nation wide poll on Trump vs Hilary ?

The Orlando shooting will likely give boost Trump
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Donald Trump’s Antiterror Plans Rebuked by Leaders of Both Parties

Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan all rejected Muslim immigration ban

June 14, 2016

President Barack Obama and House Speaker Paul Ryan, the nation’s leading Democratic and Republican elected officials, rebuked presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump over his response to this weekend’s Orlando massacre, rejecting his call to temporarily ban Muslims from entering the U.S.

Mr. Trump also came under more fire from expected Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton, who said his policies would make America less safe.

The swift, bipartisan criticism illustrates the steep challenges ahead for the political newcomer as he enters the general-election phase of the presidential race.

Recent polls show Mrs. Clinton moving further ahead of Mr. Trump, even though she has yet to hold a series of events to try to unify the Democratic Party at the close of her extended primary battle with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. She leads Mr. Trump by more than four points in the average of polls compiled by Real Clear Politics.

“Are we going to start treating all Muslim-Americans differently?” Mr. Obama said. “Are we going to start discriminating against them, because of their faith?” The president added that isn’t the America he wants.

Mr. Trump remained defiant. “President Obama claims to know our enemy, and yet he continues to prioritize our enemy over our allies, and for that matter, the American people,” Mr. Trump said in an emailed statement on Tuesday. “When I am president, it will always be America first.”

Later Tuesday at a rally in Greensboro N.C., Mr. Trump said, “He was more angry at me than he was at the shooter…That’s the kind of anger he should have for the shooter.”

The rhetorical exchanges came after Mr. Trump also raised questions about Mr. Obama’s response to the extremist threat, saying that Mr. Obama “doesn’t get it, or he gets it better than anybody understands.”

Mrs. Clinton called her likely Republican rival’s comments “shameful” and “disrespectful.”

“Even in a time of divided politics, this is way beyond anything that should be said by someone running for president,” the former secretary of state told supporters in Pittsburgh.

“I have to ask: Will responsible Republican leaders stand up to their presumptive nominee, or will they stand by his accusation about our president?” she said.

The president never uttered Mr. Trump’s name in his remarks, while Mrs. Clinton repeatedly referred to her likely rival simply as “Donald.”

For his part, Mr. Ryan called for an alliance with moderate Muslims to combat Islamic terrorists—instead of the sweeping ban Mr. Trump has advocated. Mr. Ryan said the U.S. should tighten its screening process of refugees entering the country, rather than impose a religious test.

“I do not think a Muslim ban is in our country’s interest. I do not think it is reflective of our principles—not just as a party, but as a country,” Mr. Ryan said.

Sen. Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican running in a tight re-election race, also said Mr. Trump’s comments after Orlando were “offensive.”

Brian Reisinger, spokesman for Mr. Johnson’s Senate re-election campaign, said his boss finds Mr. Trump’s comments about the Orlando attack to be “wrong,” adding that “we need to focus on areas of agreement that unite us in a strong commitment to destroy ISIS and battle Islamic terrorism. Ron hopes the president and people from both parties will agree on this objective,” he said.

Clinton campaign officials have said that the Orlando killings, the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, and Mr. Trump’s response to it, underscore how important national security will be in the presidential election, and bolster their contention that the New York businessman is temperamentally unfit for the job of commander in chief.

Mr. Trump blamed Sunday’s shooting on the president and his former secretary of state, saying that they restrained intelligence gathering and presided over a dysfunctional immigration system that brought Islamic terrorists to the U.S. The presumptive Republican nominee also denounced Mrs. Clinton’s infrequent use of the term “radical Islam.”

“She has no clue, in my opinion, what radical Islam is, and she won’t speak honestly about it if she does, in fact, know,” Mr. Trump said Monday. “She’s in total denial, and her continuing reluctance to ever name the enemy broadcasts weakness across the entire world—true weakness.”

On Tuesday, Mrs. Clinton said Mr. Trump was fixated on the terminology. She asked, “Is Donald Trump suggesting that there are magic words that, once uttered, will stop terrorists from coming after us?”

Mr. Obama raised the same point, suggesting that using the “radical Islam” label more frequently wouldn’t lessen Islamic State militants’ commitment to killing Americans.

“Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away,” he said. “This is a political distraction.”

Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton also repeated their calls for tougher restrictions on guns Tuesday, saying that the U.S. needs to make it harder for people who want to kill to obtain “weapons of war.”

Omar S. Mateen, the the New York-born son of Afghan immigrants whom police have identified as the Orlando shooter, legally bought a rifle and a handgun in recent days, according to law enforcement officials.

“Let’s get this straight: We have reached the point where people can’t board planes with full bottles of shampoo,” Mrs. Clinton said. “But people being watched by the FBI for suspected terrorist links can buy a gun with no questions asked. That is absurd.”

Mr. Trump said Monday that Mrs. Clinton wants to take away Americans’ guns and that he wants to ensure people have the means to protect themselves in the age of terror.


Clinton wins D.C. primary, has 'positive' meeting with Sanders


Hillary Clinton formally concluded the U.S. Democratic presidential race on Tuesday with a win in the District of Columbia primary, then turned her focus to uniting the party during a 90-minute private meeting with defeated rival Bernie Sanders.

Clinton, who secured enough delegates to clinch the nomination last week, met with Sanders in a downtown Washington hotel as the sometimes bitter primary combatants searched for common ground ahead of the Nov. 8 election against presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.

As expected, general election voters are not buying trumps hate. I’m lovin it!


Poll: Majority of Americans disapprove of Trump's Orlando shooting response

By Eric DuVall | June 15, 2016

ORLANDO, Fla., June 15 (UPI) -- A majority of Americans disapproved of presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's response to the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, a new poll finds.

A CBS News poll conducted in the days since the attack finds 51 percent of those surveyed said they did not like the way Trump was handling the shooting.

In the wake of the shooting death of 49 people by Omar Mateen, who pledged his allegiance to the Islamic State, Trump appeared to take credit for having predicted the incident. He also renewed his call to prohibit all Muslims from entering the country.

Just 25 percent of those surveyed said they approved of Trump's reaction.

The numbers for President Barack Obama's handling of the shooting are much better. Forty-four percent of Americans gave Obama high marks for his response, while 34 percent gave him an unfavorable rating. Read more

Negative views of Donald Trump just hit a new campaign high: 7 in 10 Americans

By Scott Clement June 15 2016

In the latest sign Americans are dreading their general election options -- and particularly one of them -- negative views of Donald Trump have surged to their highest level of the 2016 campaign, according to anew Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Trump's unfavorable rating, in fact, far surpasses Hillary Clinton's even as the presumptive Democratic nominee receives her worst ratings in more than two decades in public life.

The poll finds 70 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump, including a 56 percent majority who feel this way "strongly." Negative ratings of Trump are up 10 percentage points from last month to their highest point since he announced his candidacy last summer, nearly reaching the level seen before his campaign began (71 percent). The survey was conducted Wednesday through Sunday among a random national sample of U.S. adults, coming after last week's primary contests, but with the large majority of interviews completed before Sunday's massacre at an Orlando club. Read more


Hillary Clinton Opens Up Double-Digit Lead on Trump in New Poll

A new national poll from Bloomberg shows Hillary Clinton holding a 12-point lead on Donald Trump.

The former First Lady, after officially clinching the Democratic nomination and gaining the endorsement of President Obama, garnered 49 percent support in the survey, with Trump at 37 percent and libertarian candidate Gary Johnson picking up nine percent. Only four percent said they were undecided.

@Irfan Baloch @MastanKhan, @haviZsultan @pakdefender @RescueRanger @Syed.Ali.Haider @Hamartia Antidote @air marshal @Armstrong @AsianUnion @RescueRanger @Metanoia @Capt.Popeye @AgNoStiC MuSliM @XenoEnsi-14 @ultron @war&peace @iPhone @American Pakistani
No one in my office supports Trump, only three people I met supported him in three months in Atlanta.
If Trump cannot even unite his own party, how the hell can he unite a country as diverse as United States, he is a divider.

Here is a list of important Republicans who have so far refused to support him:












Donald Trump doesn't brag about his poll numbers anymore, and no wonder

Donald Trump used to love nothing more than boasting about his poll numbers: His recitation of them was a staple of his campaign speeches.

There's little to boast about now.

A new
Washington Post/ABC News survey finds the share of Americans with a negative view of Trump rose sharply since last month.

Half of Americans polled by CBS News disapproved of his response to the Orlando, Fla., shootings, and just one-quarter approved.

His support has fallen below 40% in several new national polls of the November race. And a survey of a key Midwestern battleground state shows him trailing Hillary Clinton by 9 percentage points among likely voters.

Now Trump has a new line: denouncing "phony polls." :lol: Read more


“Late Show” host Stephen Colbert last night reduced GOP nominee Donald Trump’s self-congratulatory response to the weekend’s mass shooting in Orlando to a simple diagram.

Almost immediately after news of the attacks broke — and well before details became clear — Trump wrote a series of tweets effectively bragging about “being right on radical Islamic terrorism” and saying, “I called it and asked for the ban.” :partay:

Dear Mr. Trump

Oh, racist Jared Taylor, you and your obsession with the racist’s!? :rolleyes:
Oh, racist Jared Taylor, you and your obsession with the racist’s!? :rolleyes:
You mean to tell me he has something in common with "La Raza" ("The Race")?? :woot:

Actually i never heard of this guy, just came across his video and decided to post it. But you seem to know every racist person it seems, and you support one too :lol: .
Last edited:


A newly-released Hilary Clinton email confirmed that the Obama administration has deliberately provoked the civil war in Syria as the “best way to help Israel.”

In an indication of her murderous and psychopathic nature, Clinton also wrote that it was the “right thing” to personally threaten Bashar Assad’s family with death.

In the email, released by Wikileaks, then Secretary of State Clinton says that the “best way to help Israel” is to “use force” in Syria to overthrow the government.

The document was one of many unclassified by the US Department of State under case number F-2014-20439, Doc No. C05794498, following the uproar over Clinton’s private email server kept at her house while she served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

Although the Wikileaks transcript dates the email as December 31, 2000, this is an error on their part, as the contents of the email (in particular the reference to May 2012 talks between Iran and the west over its nuclear program in Istanbul) show that the email was in fact sent on December 31, 2012.

The email makes it clear that it has been US policy from the very beginning to violently overthrow the Syrian government—and specifically to do this because it is in Israel’s interests.


“The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad,” Clinton forthrightly starts off by saying.

Even though all US intelligence reports had long dismissed Iran’s “atom bomb” program as a hoax (a conclusion supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency), Clinton continues to use these lies to “justify” destroying Syria in the name of Israel.

She specifically links Iran’s mythical atom bomb program to Syria because, she says, Iran’s “atom bomb” program threatens Israel’s “monopoly” on nuclear weapons in the Middle East.

If Iran were to acquire a nuclear weapon, Clinton asserts, this would allow Syria (and other “adversaries of Israel” such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt) to “go nuclear as well,” all of which would threaten Israel’s interests.

Therefore, Clinton, says, Syria has to be destroyed.

"Iran’s nuclear program and Syria’s civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. What Israeli military leaders really worry about — but cannot talk about — is losing their nuclear monopoly.

An Iranian nuclear weapons capability would not only end that nuclear monopoly but could also prompt other adversaries, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to go nuclear as well. The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today.

"If Iran were to reach the threshold of a nuclear weapons state, Tehran would find it much easier to call on its allies in Syria and Hezbollah to strike Israel, knowing that its nuclear weapons would serve as a deterrent to Israel responding against Iran itself."

It is, Clinton continues, the “strategic relationship between Iran and the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria” that makes it possible for Iran to undermine Israel’s security.

This would not come about through a “direct attack,” Clinton admits, because “in the thirty years of hostility between Iran and Israel” this has never occurred, but through its alleged “proxies.”

"The end of the Assad regime would end this dangerous alliance.
Israel’s leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests.
Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security,
it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly.
Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian
program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted.

Clinton goes on to asset that directly threatening Bashar Assad “and his family” with violence is the “right thing” to do:

"In short, the White House can ease the tension that has
developed with Israel over Iran by doing the right thing in Syria.
With his life and his family at risk, only the threat or use of
force will change the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s mind.

The email proves—as if any more proof was needed—that the US government has been the main sponsor of the growth of terrorism in the Middle East, and all in order to “protect” Israel.

It is also a sobering thought to consider that the “refugee” crisis which currently threatens to destroy Europe, was directly sparked off by this US government action as well, insofar as there are any genuine refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria.

In addition, over 250,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict, which has spread to Iraq—all thanks to Clinton and the Obama administration backing the “rebels” and stoking the fires of war in Syria.

The real and disturbing possibility that a psychopath like Clinton—whose policy has inflicted death and misery upon millions of people—could become the next president of America is the most deeply shocking thought of all.

Clinton’s public assertion that, if elected president, she would “take the relationship with Israel to the next level,” would definitively mark her, and Israel, as the enemy of not just some Arab states in the Middle East, but of all peace-loving people on earth.

A newly-released Hilary Clinton email confirmed that the Obama administration has deliberately provoked the civil war in Syria as the “best way to help Israel.”

In an indication of her murderous and psychopathic nature, Clinton also wrote that it was the “right thing” to personally threaten Bashar Assad’s family with death.

In the email, released by Wikileaks, then Secretary of State Clinton says that the “best way to help Israel” is to “use force” in Syria to overthrow the government.

The document was one of many unclassified by the US Department of State under case number F-2014-20439, Doc No. C05794498, following the uproar over Clinton’s private email server kept at her house while she served as Secretary of State from 2009 to 2013.

Although the Wikileaks transcript dates the email as December 31, 2000, this is an error on their part, as the contents of the email (in particular the reference to May 2012 talks between Iran and the west over its nuclear program in Istanbul) show that the email was in fact sent on December 31, 2012.

The email makes it clear that it has been US policy from the very beginning to violently overthrow the Syrian government—and specifically to do this because it is in Israel’s interests.

“The best way to help Israel deal with Iran’s growing nuclear capability is to help the people of Syria overthrow the regime of Bashar Assad,” Clinton forthrightly starts off by saying.

Even though all US intelligence reports had long dismissed Iran’s “atom bomb” program as a hoax (a conclusion supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency), Clinton continues to use these lies to “justify” destroying Syria in the name of Israel.

She specifically links Iran’s mythical atom bomb program to Syria because, she says, Iran’s “atom bomb” program threatens Israel’s “monopoly” on nuclear weapons in the Middle East.

If Iran were to acquire a nuclear weapon, Clinton asserts, this would allow Syria (and other “adversaries of Israel” such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt) to “go nuclear as well,” all of which would threaten Israel’s interests.

Therefore, Clinton, says, Syria has to be destroyed.

"Iran’s nuclear program and Syria’s civil war may seem unconnected, but they are. What Israeli military leaders really worry about — but cannot talk about — is losing their nuclear monopoly.

An Iranian nuclear weapons capability would not only end that nuclear monopoly but could also prompt other adversaries, like Saudi Arabia and Egypt, to go nuclear as well. The result would be a precarious nuclear balance in which Israel could not respond to provocations with conventional military strikes on Syria and Lebanon, as it can today.

"If Iran were to reach the threshold of a nuclear weapons state, Tehran would find it much easier to call on its allies in Syria and Hezbollah to strike Israel, knowing that its nuclear weapons would serve as a deterrent to Israel responding against Iran itself."

It is, Clinton continues, the “strategic relationship between Iran and the regime of Bashar Assad in Syria” that makes it possible for Iran to undermine Israel’s security.

This would not come about through a “direct attack,” Clinton admits, because “in the thirty years of hostility between Iran and Israel” this has never occurred, but through its alleged “proxies.”

"The end of the Assad regime would end this dangerous alliance.
Israel’s leadership understands well why defeating Assad is now in its interests.
Bringing down Assad would not only be a massive boon to Israel’s security,
it would also ease Israel’s understandable fear of losing its nuclear monopoly.
Then, Israel and the United States might be able to develop a common view of when the Iranian
program is so dangerous that military action could be warranted.

Clinton goes on to asset that directly threatening Bashar Assad “and his family” with violence is the “right thing” to do:

"In short, the White House can ease the tension that has
developed with Israel over Iran by doing the right thing in Syria.
With his life and his family at risk, only the threat or use of
force will change the Syrian dictator Bashar Assad’s mind.

The email proves—as if any more proof was needed—that the US government has been the main sponsor of the growth of terrorism in the Middle East, and all in order to “protect” Israel.

It is also a sobering thought to consider that the “refugee” crisis which currently threatens to destroy Europe, was directly sparked off by this US government action as well, insofar as there are any genuine refugees fleeing the civil war in Syria.

In addition, over 250,000 people have been killed in the Syrian conflict, which has spread to Iraq—all thanks to Clinton and the Obama administration backing the “rebels” and stoking the fires of war in Syria.

The real and disturbing possibility that a psychopath like Clinton—whose policy has inflicted death and misery upon millions of people—could become the next president of America is the most deeply shocking thought of all.

Clinton’s public assertion that, if elected president, she would “take the relationship with Israel to the next level,” would definitively mark her, and Israel, as the enemy of not just some Arab states in the Middle East, but of all peace-loving people on earth.

In an indication of her murderous and psychopathic nature, Clinton also wrote that it was the “right thing” to personally threaten Bashar Assad’s family with death
@Desert Fox - When DT openly calls of killing the families of Terrorists, the world screamed itself hoarse with shick & anger. Now will they do the same for Hillary? Why punish his wife & kids for his crimes?
Will they bother opening their mouths now

@Desert Fox @RabzonKhan - I feel Hillary is just like a Republican when it comes to Foreign Policy & interventionism going by her actions & what I heard about her; is it true?

No wonder so many Bernie Sanders supporters & Far-Left guys hate her

By the way Corey Lewnandowski has been kicked out. Good for Trump. Bad for HC.

Now John Manafort can take command of the campaign,moderate Trump's statements & thoughts to some extent & get more staff in NY,DC & all over the USA.

& Corey still says that he supporte Trump & calls it an honour working for him.Looks like he really supports DT or DT must have made him sign some legal stuff.

HC will find it tough to make him rat out on DT's operations.

If Trump cannot even unite his own party, how the hell can he unite a country as diverse as United States, he is a divider.

Here is a list of important Republicans who have so far refused to support him:

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Donald Trump doesn't brag about his poll numbers anymore, and no wonder

Donald Trump used to love nothing more than boasting about his poll numbers: His recitation of them was a staple of his campaign speeches.

There's little to boast about now.

A new
Washington Post/ABC News survey finds the share of Americans with a negative view of Trump rose sharply since last month.

Half of Americans polled by CBS News disapproved of his response to the Orlando, Fla., shootings, and just one-quarter approved.

His support has fallen below 40% in several new national polls of the November race. And a survey of a key Midwestern battleground state shows him trailing Hillary Clinton by 9 percentage points among likely voters.

Now Trump has a new line: denouncing "phony polls." :lol: Read more

Mark Kirk is in big danger from what I heard. He is re-contesting this time for another term & is finding it tough.

He even voted in support of the Dem. gun control bills & against the Repub. Gun control ones recently.
Dean Heller's majority was very small. Supporting Trump in a swing state like Nevada is like asking to be defeated.

There are still 4 months left, DT's nos. can still go up. But only If he is reigned in by manafort & stops spouting racist stuff or attacking ethnicities.

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