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Featured US greenlights Turkey-made attack helicopter sale to Philippines but not for Pakistan?

US greenlights Turkey-made attack helicopter sale to Philippines

hoon araam a Pakistanio? I told this many times. The problem btw Pak/Turk Atak deal has nothing to do with US/Turkish relations. U.S. doesn't want Pakistan to rely on any other source EXCEPT Americans so that they can manage Pakistani establishment.

but wait.. you always hear this whenever any US official meets Pak Army Chief "Pakistan and US discussed matters of mutual interest" We don't have anything mutual. Our objectives and interests are completely opposite to the U.S.
some pakistanis will start jumping nowwww :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
I expect Pakistan deal problem can get solved as well in the coming weeks or months
Let’s see.

Biden might clear the helicopters to get bases in Pakistan to keep carrying out attacks in Afghanistan once in a while.

However, there could be regional aspects in play too. China and India would be important players in any such deal or clearance for a deal.
guess who the partner/part owner of that venture is

Even the civilian version of the TS1400 will be ready in 2024, we have no idea about the military version. There is no option for Pakistan to use this engine. Our friend continues his classic self-deception dream. In addition, it does not make sense that TEI's partner is GE, it has a minority stake and the rights of the product itself are already in SSB.
Erdogan s big mouth cost PAK this deal.
no one but our decision makers costed it..... If you still dont believe that americans are not a trustworthy country than perhaps all this is deserved!
This is how our relationship with them has been for a long time. Whilst they need Pakistan it's good, once that need is over it's bad.
That has been the case with most of the geo-politics. Just that US is little too cut and dry while enforcing it.
Those People who have wasted so much time on this wild goose chase should be reprimanded, they knew very well of the geopolitics and US-Pak disagreements would not allow this deal to go through. We have lost both time and opportunities due to this.
  • Had we joined Revival 2 program it would have been in early production by now.
  • A modified Z-10 could have been pursued and we would have a sizeable fleet by now.
There is still time Join Atak 2 or Roovivalk 2 as partner. In the meantime make of the shelf procurement of Z-10s to support cobras for the time being.
So even for indigenous military tech,turkey needs a US permission to export?
Turkey sounds like a vassal state of US.
I think the interests do align. You are aware that like any country America does make mistakes. Terrorism from the af-Pak region and Balochistan is a threat to US interests as much as Pakistan. Also a more prosperous Pakistan is of far more importance to USA then Greece or Slovakia. Yet US tends to give far more weight to some third bit European country then Pakistan. This is not about interest but the endemic nature of US society which is Eurocentric. Also what benefit does Israel provide. America pays 10 times more to Israel in treasure, blood and hatred it garners then what benefits it gains.

Ameriphilla in Pakistan is already low and Pakistan barley has a good reputation in the US either Pak diaspora in the US seem to be more focused on Palestine than Kashmir or mix both causes so I think Pakistan will be the Chinese camp at this point
Pakistan case is totally different
they will use this card to pressurize us to give any airbase
Let’s see.

Biden might clear the helicopters to get bases in Pakistan to keep carrying out attacks in Afghanistan once in a while.

However, there could be regional aspects in play too. China and India would be important players in any such dealings or clearance for a deal.

China's approval is not needed and India will never approve anything, not even a screwdriver. But it makes sense for the US to clear the deal:
  • The US will make money on the deal, as will Turkey. Too much money at stake to let the Chinese have the deal all to themselves.
  • Pakistan needs the helicopters for COIN and CT ops on its western border. One has to ask: will the acquisition of such helicopters change the balance of power between India and Pakistan? I don't think so. Regardless, all weapons sold to Pakistan can, and will, be used against India in the time of war no matter what promises were made beforehand.
  • If the US wants entry into Afghanistan via Pakistan, it would be good to treat Pakistan better by letting the deal go through.
Do you ever wonder why???? Is it possible that the decision makers know something you dont???? I would advise patience in this matter amongst many others.


Yes of course, I know it and understand it that's why...

I don't want to make any tall claims but the fact of the matter is the deal had two main features :
1. Line of credit
2. Robust engine

So when one cannot materialise the deal in 3 years and are unable to bring in any alternatives, I'm pretty sure its not patience that we need but rather action.
Ask it from those maintaining and running AH1Fs. Sadly, its about priorities.
The inability of Pakistan to get the American authorization on these engines not only speaks to how bad the relationship is, but also speaks to the abysmal nature of our negotiating skills. I have sat in some of these meetings (multi-country sessions), and the fawning and lack of focus in some of these sessions makes one want to throw up. From platitudes to long speeches, to idiosyncratic and all over the map expectations and asks, to zero strategic planning and preparation, it is embarrassing sometimes to listen to our bureaucrats and politicians (I wear a technocrat hat). Whereas on the other side the American's let the Pakistanis speak and speak and speak their way out of any meaningful ask. Generals also make lousy negotiators, but their egos have to be stoked and our adversaries take full advantage of that.
This deal is a smack on all Pakistani Generals and those politicians which treat the USA like their god.

Despite helping them every which way possible in Afghanistan , providing bases. Providing full support and facilities, during the deployment of American and NATO forces.

Even now providing air corridors and other help , including attacking Afghanistan.

They have nothing to show. No latest F 16. No other considerable arms.
On every occasion the USA deny them access to the latest technology.
But they are still after the USA for favours.

What a mess. And what treacherous behaviour.
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Let me spell this right.

This was punishment for pursuing CPEC.

The quoted news must be read in conjunction with Establishment's frequent assurance that "NO POWER on EARTH will be allowed to disrupt CPEC"

It's USA vs China

One CPEC jeopardizes a LOT of US plans.
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