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UAE & Saudi Deporting Pakistanis in thousands each month

some mentioning of mass depotation in saudi arabia sighting saudi gazette news piece, let me tell you guys the ground reality here it goes;

Of the 39000 deported from SA, 30000 were laid off from a single company "Saudi Bin Laden group" rest were deported due to visa violations! nothing special here!

"Jawazat" aka Passport Department teams up with many other departments team up and regurlarly comb SA lands for visa violators every year.

Have bhartis ever seen how Jawazat pulls out their skunky bharti rats from vent areas of buildings in "Hara" area and beat them up like dogs! videos available on youtube!
some mentioning of mass depotation in saudi arabia sighting saudi gazette news piece, let me tell you guys the ground reality here it goes;

Of the 39000 deported from SA, 30000 were laid off from a single company "Saudi Bin Laden group" rest were deported due to visa violations! nothing special here!

"Jawazat" aka Passport Department teams up with many other departments team up and regurlarly comb SA lands for visa violators every year.

What? Why would I believe you?

The Saudi Shura council have declared this for all pakistani including you “Pakistan itself is plagued with terrorism due to its close proximity with Afghanistan. The Taliban extremist movement was itself born in Pakistan.”

If Visa is the case why are they saying terrorism? Even foreign media is reporting this:
Right or wrong majority of nations be it Europe or USA and now the gulf states seem to singling Pakistan among half a dozen other states for very harsh restrictions.

On this forum rather than blame others or bury your heads ask yourselves how can this image scenario be changed so innocent Pakistanis can travel and work like the majority of the globes people.

Why has it got this bad
Why "ONLY" pakistani? If economy then why not indian workers?


Reason is clearly stated here ... " terrorism"
Indian workers are also returning

Poor Indians ...not only Indians , India PM is getting mis treatment in Arab Countries :




What a bad treatment :(
@Lavina how get treated in UAE ??? please share some experience
It is nice to have a Prime Minister treated well. the treatment of low skilled Indian workers is not great in some cases.
Deportation of all "illegal" Pakistan-origin immigrants will do a lot of good for Pakistan in the intermediate and long term. 90% of the reasons behind prevailing bad image of our great nation and it's talented people (in the hearts and minds of the people of those foreign countries) is because of such illegal immigrants.

As pointed out above, the economic progression taking place in Pakistan can easily accommodate a few hundred thousand labor (in steel, cement and construction sector alone) during the next ten years.
Go the Brampton a see how Indians are treating low skilled Indians there :)
Indian workers are also returning

It is nice to have a Prime Minister treated well. the treatment of low skilled Indian workers is not great in some cases.
Sometimes you have to pay price for moral stand. The Yemen war was not in our national interests so we refused to join. We stood upto US for our national interests in Afghanistan. Now we must stand up to China and refuse JF-17 to Myanmar and support Rohingya and Bangladesh.
they have sent back Indian workers in large number... if that is of any consolation to pakistanis..
Jelousy and envy of saudis and gulf rich oil backward countries.
Right or wrong majority of nations be it Europe or USA and now the gulf states seem to singling Pakistan among half a dozen other states for very harsh restrictions.

On this forum rather than blame others or bury your heads ask yourselves how can this image scenario be changed so innocent Pakistanis can travel and work like the majority of the globes people.

Why has it got this bad

NOT SURE if PDF members know this but UAE & SAUDI ARE MASS deporting Pakistanis.

pak Govt is blaming USA & INDIA on this recent events

Any ideas whjat is going on

These are suppose to e staunch allys of Pakistani

This is actually good news. With the MASSIVE infrastructure projects taking off ALL OVER Pakistan thanks to CPEC and other similar initiatives, having this huge skilled labour force returning back to Pakistan is actually a blessing in disguise. This will help us in the long run. They can become the backbone of CPEC.
the policy has changed the sooner we realize the better
@Imran Khan is an expert in that. Pakistanis supposed to be treated like Sultan according to him. These are probably not Pakistani.
Well every country should be visited with appropriate "Visa" , if someone is there illegal or if their work permit ended they should return earliest to Pakistan

Saudia always had a policy of returning any visitors who have over stayed their visit in Saudi Arabia , while visiting under Umrah visit (Religious visit to holy mosques)

Nawaz sharif will send his Foreign minister to address this issue in upcoming months.

* Note due to falling Oil & Gas prices many top Saudi oil companies have narrowed down their spending

Yes its very easy to say ......................you don't know the f****** Kafeel System in Gulf region mostly times foreigners specially Asians are victims of this spider's web (Iqama System).....My own brother he is in Saudia and last week he paid one year Iqama money to his Kafeel and that kafeel took his money and came back after few days and told him to pay him again Iqama money coz the first one he used it for personal matters.........and my brother couldn't do anything coz there was no paperwork, coz it all depends upon mutual understanding (If you ask your kafeel about payment transaction paperwork Arabs start threatening to deport you) and even there was paperwork for transaction who is going to give justice against Saudi......................here all laws for Foreigners specially for Asians..........for Arabs almost no laws....

Did anybody heard Saudis are cutting hand of Saudis for theft other than foreigners......??
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