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Two F-22P heading to Yemen today

Who saying that I am thinking about 2 or 3 years, I am taking note of how the change gonna came in geopolitics over a decade.
there are too many variebles to think of when it comes to long term
but one thing is constant here its nutandyahoo and guess what he won again and he has gone complete app now after the stunt he put in the congress
though but we dont know what will happen Arabs know it and they are preparing for this they have already agreed on a joint military force
there are too many variebles to think of when it comes to long term
but one thing is constant here its nutandyahoo and guess what he won again and he has gone complete app now after the stunt he put in the congress
though but we dont know what will happen Arabs know it and they are preparing for this they have already agreed on a joint military force

But even with this force, are they capable enough to destroy Iran militarily?
But even with this force, are they capable enough to destroy Iran militarily?
maybe maybe not but one thing is sure if it happens they will be able to destroy iranian airforce (if they dont modernize it soon)
naval warfare it would be GCC
when it comes to ground offensive arabs will most definitly loose and they would have to bear the brunt of iranian billistic missiles
Pakistan likes to have hostile neighbors . India and Afghanistan weren't enough , Add Iran to that .

Majority of Iranians didn't have positive view about Pakistan after those suicide attacks and killing border guards in Sistan and now allying with our number 1 enemy that almost all Iranians from Seculars , religious and nationalists hate will only make the situation worse .

What Pakistan is going or not going to do in this puppets alliance doesn't matter , What matters is that Iranians are reaching to the point to believe that Pakistan will side with our enemies in any conflict in the future .
Not that your mullah regime has done enough to mend the ties, Muallah show is full of lunacy.
terrorism is rampant in both countries yet Mullah regime regime chooses to act unilaterally and attack border posts( law enforcing agency) and villages to show what ?

Its about time that your superior race complexity is shows its place, not that i support bedouins either. But i would loved it even more when both bedouins and Mullahs would have finished off themselves. Sadly it wont happen anytime soon.

Secondly, Those ships are for evacuation and to deal with any emergency, If we wanted to attack you or something youre just next door, we dont attack in cold-blood like cowards !
maybe maybe not but one thing is sure if it happens they will be able to destroy iranian airforce (if they dont modernize it soon)
naval warfare it would be GCC
when it comes to ground offensive arabs will most definitly loose and they would have to bear the brunt of iranian billistic missiles
Nope, because as they attack Iranians, Russians and Chinese came with there big guns, and even with there whole power Arab world cant fight with these two.

because Iran is most most most important strategical partner for these twos, even Americans dont allow Arabs to do this. That would be nightmare for all of us. So, prey they dont attack Iran.
Nope, because as they attack Iranians, Russians and Chinese came with there big guns, and even with there whole power Arab world cant fight with these two.

because Iran is most most most important strategical partner for these twos, even Americans dont allow Arabs to do this. That would be nightmare for all of us.
leave russians and chinese out of this by looking at their actions recently the wont come in they wont get involved and even by some magic they do come in americans arent gonna stay back it would be same like what happened between soviets and americans in 71
arabs trade with india and china is way more than iranian can ever be
Pakistan rejects rumours of sending troops to Yemen


ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Foreign Office has rejected rumours of sending Pakistani troops to join a Saudi-backed coalition forces fighting Houthi rebels in war-stricken Yemen.

“These are several reports in the media which are completely baseless,” Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhary told a press briefing Saturday night.

A Pakistani delegation will leave for Riyadh in the next 24 to 48 hours, he said, but rejected reports that Pakistan would join the Saudi-led coalition bombing targets in Yemen, calling them “speculations”.

“The reality is that our leadership is in contact with their (Saudi) leadership, and we have proposed that our delegation will visit and assess the situation, after which we will make decisions,” he said.

“If you go by assumptions and what others may have said, I do not think it will do justice to the situation," he said.

The foreign secretary said that Pakistan has seven defence training pacts with Saudi Arabia.

“We have defence agreements with Saudi Arabia: they come here to get training and we go there to give them training,” he said.

He reiterated that Pakistan had not sent any additional soldiers to Saudi Arabia.

The foreign secretary added that Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had spoken to Saudi Arabia’s King Salman on Friday night by telephone, restating Islamabad’s staunch support for the Gulf kingdom.

“The prime minister had assured the king that the safety and security of Saudi Arabia is very important for Pakistan and any threat to the sovereignty and territorial integrity will be the cause of great concern for Pakistan,” Chaudhry said.

Saudi Arabia launched air strikes on Thursday to defend the government of President Abedrabbo Mansour Hadi from the advancing insurgents.

Pakistan is a longstanding ally of Saudi Arabia with close military ties, but Islamabad has not yet committed to the operation, which has drawn strong criticism from its neighbour Iran.

Pakistan rejects rumours of sending troops to Yemen - thenews.com.pk
leave russians and chinese out of this by looking at their actions recently the wont come in they wont get involved and even by some magic they come in
Because they dont care Yemen, it doesnt matter to them. But attacking Iran, thats totally different issue.

Even Pak should think about 100 times on supporting Arab world for this, the Iran is last major power that holding Arab different mindset/radicalization and extremism from South Asia, otherwise we would be totally exposed to all this.
Because they dont care Yemen, it doesnt matter to them. But attacking Iran, thats totally different issue.

Even Pak should think about 100 times on supporting Arab world for this, the Iran is last major power that holding Arab different mindset/radicalization and extremism from South Asia, otherwise we would be totally exposed to all this.
who is taking about yamen even iran doesnt cares about it
look at syria iraq and libya no one interfered
who is taking about yamen even iran doesnt cares about it
look at syria iraq and libya no one interfered

So, you saying if Arabs attacked Iran, no big powers came in to save them? You are totally wrong in this.

You totally forgetting importance of Iran for Russians, Chinese, Indians and many more.
Even Pak should think about 100 times on supporting Arab world for this, the Iran is last major power that holding Arab different mindset/radicalization and extremism from South Asia, otherwise we would be totally exposed to all this.
i dont really care what happens in MA
but just for discussion sake in yamen iranians are backing houthis which if you dont know attacked saudi territory a few months ago
So, you saying if Arabs attacked Iran, no big powers came in to save them? You are totally wrong in this.

You totally forgetting importance of Ira
So, you saying if Arabs attacked Iran, no big powers came in to save them? You are totally wrong in this.
they certainly will but not with their gun blazing apart from americans
n for Russians, Chinese, Indians and many more.
india will be most probably neutral because of its trade with arab world
russia not in a position to do anything if it was it would have helped syria hell they cant even sell weapons to iran
now lets take chinese they would simply stay away and they are not in a position to get involved in a conflict in mideast specially when it will involve amrika
and israelis and americans will keep all others in line

So, you saying if Arabs attacked Iran, no big powers came in to save them? You are totally wrong in this.
they certainly will but not with their gun blazing apart from americans
Even if this agreement does take place (which i doubt) once Obama is gone, it wont be worth the paper its written on.

hold your horses dude obamas agreement with iran isnt gonna worth anything
your israeli friends will make sure of this

I'm very sorry but the statements above are very conditional. "Obama's agreement" for instance is a misnomer.
If the deal comes through, it will be signed by the UNSC 5PM + Germany, not Obama.
And "once Obama is gone, it wont be worth the paper its written on." will only be right if a Republican wins in 2016 which is far from assured and even then only if the GOP remains in control of the Congress at the same time, also not certain.

In order to make proper geo-political predictions, one needs to factor in politics and the changes whereof!

I'm not saying these scenarii could not come true, just that they are dependent on conjectures.

Good day all, Tay.
I'm very sorry but the statements above are very conditional. "Obama's agreement" for instance is a misnomer.
If the deal comes through, it will be signed by the UNSC 5PM + Germany, not Obama.
And "once Obama is gone, it wont be worth the paper its written on." will only be right if a Republican wins in 2016 which is far from assured and even then only if the GOP remains in control of the Congress at the same time, also not certain.

In order to make proper geo-political predictions, one needs to factor in politics and the changes whereof!

I'm not saying these scenarii could not come true, just that they are dependent on conjectures.

Good day all, Tay.
well i agree but we cant know who would win
In order to make proper geo-political predictions, one needs to factor in politics and the changes whereof!

Agreed but than again this is why i brought the letter from congress written to Iran which literally embarrassed the President. Yes we dont know who's going to win the next election but surely we cannot neglect the Zionist factor which plays a heavy hand in US politics and Israel is already not too happy about the proposed agreement with Iran.

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