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Two criminals rob a mosque

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س:63 ۔خمس کسے کہتے ہیں؟
ج : مال کے پانچویں حصے کو خمس کہتے ہیں۔

س:64 ۔خمس کس پر واجب ہے؟
ج: خمس ہر شیعہ پر واجب ہے؟

س: 65 ۔ خمس کن چیزوں پہ واجب ہے؟
ج: کاروبار کی بچت،معدَن،گنج،جواہرات جو دریاسے نکالے ،جنگی غنیمت وغیرہ پر واجب ہے

س: 66 ۔ خمس کے کتنے حصے ہوتے ہیں ؟اور کن کن کا حق ہے ؟
ج: ۔خمس کے دو حصے ہوتے ہیں ایک غریب سادات کا حق ہوتاہے اور دوسرا امام زمان علیہ السلام کا حق ہوتاہے۔

س: 67 ۔امام زمان کا حصہ اس وقت کسے دیا جانا چاہیے
ج: امام زمان کا حصہ اس وقت نائب امام
یعنی مجتھد جامع الشرائط کو دیا جانا چاہئیے ۔

س:68 ۔ نائب امام خمس لیکر کیا کریگا؟
ج:نائب امام خمس لیکر اس سے دین ومذہب کے سارے امور کو انجام دینگے

س:96 ۔اگر کوئی خمس نہیں دیتا تو کیا ہوگا؟
ج:خمس نہ دینے والا امام کا غاصب کہلائے گا اور امام کا صحیح پیروکار نہیں بن سکتا

س:70 ۔جس خمس کے بارے میں کچھبھی معلوم نہ ہوتو وہ کیا کریگا ؟
ج: ضروری ہے کہ جب بھی اسے خمس کے بارے میں پتہ چلے وہ اپنے زمانے کے مجتھد
جامع الشرائط سے پوچھ کر گذشتہ خمس کو نکالے اورتوبہ کرے تاکہ خدا گذشتہ کوئاہیوں کو معاف کردے

You have proved that you do not know anything about Kums. Your very thought that it is Khomeini who started Khums is wrong. This excerpt from googling does not define complete Khums. Without googling tell me how is Khums calculated. Does Khums substitute Zakat? What is the difference between Zakat and Khums.
@Panther 57
Sir you look like more Agha Khani than Agha Khani themselves, I have many Agha Khani friends and I know they have many splinter groups who believes in such peers (majority) but Agha Khan don't wants to share any revenue with them so he put ban on them but in Pakistan most of the Agha Khani do invite such peers and on special oceans (women only gathering) these peers usher women with such respect who dance around him to get their wishes fulfill.

Come to the UAE, and I will.
Agha Khan himself is a fine example of beggar why we need more examples.
@Panther 57
Sir you look like more Agha Khani than Agha Khani themselves, I have many Agha Khani friends and I know they many splinter groups who believes in such peers (majority) but Agha Khan don't wants to share any revenue with them so he put ban on them but in Pakistan most of the Agha Khani do invite such peers and on special oceans (women only gathering) these peers usher women with such respect who dance around him to get their wishes fulfill.

Agha Khan himself is a fine example of beggar why we need more examples.
Any pics or videos?
@Panther 57
Sir you look like more Agha Khani than Agha Khani themselves, I have many Agha Khani friends and I know they many splinter groups who believes in such peers (majority) but Agha Khan don't wants to share any revenue with them so he put ban on them but in Pakistan most of the Agha Khani do invite such peers and on special oceans (women only gathering) these peers usher women with such respect who dance around him to get their wishes fulfill.

Agha Khan himself is a fine example of beggar why we need more examples.
My friend i cannot convince you and you wont be able to convince me. I have built an opinion based on first hand knowledge so wont go for what you say. If you have developed your opinion based on first hand information you will definitely not go by my way (which I think is not the case). The way I am posting on this subject should have given you an idea that though I am not Aga Khani but I know them quite deep.
I would tend to agree.

As regards Aga Khan being a billionaire. @Khafee Aga Khan belonged to ancestrally rich family and has number of hotels around the world.well he does own casinos also. His horses run in races, though the title of prince was given by British, but wealth wise all Aga Khans have been prince from long ago. His father has a lot of contributions in creation of Pakistan. Sir Sultan Aga Khan was one of the founding members of All India Muslim League.

Well that is one side of the coin.
One I posted and I will share more links just give me some time.

Indian Agha Khani
I will not negate this. Yes they do have their celebrations. Did you find any obscenity in this. But yes we do find obscenity on all the TV channels of Pakistan. Even arabic channels. Turkish channels, egyptian channels. When we all are dancing and celebrating in an obscene manner, we lose the right to condemn celebrations in a decent manner. You could see women of all ages in this celebration. Dandia Ras is one of the most popular dances they perform during their celebrations.
Some pics of different gatherings...



And what was my old account?
Their leader like to bath nude on French beaches and receive millions of USD from followers monthly basis, drink wine and weds non-Muslims ladies even one of his grand kid opted to become transgender and Christian.

Since you people not being killed by west you don't need to blow any where, when someone's beloved killed have no other option / hope and in a desperate attempt to get revenge they did this harram act.

Your leader ooh religious leader :lol: with his new girl friend

and this is amazing how a Agha Khani peer satisfy female followers
What this peer has to do with Ismailis?? He isn't ismaili..
You made a new account to defame Ismailis and Aga khan. haha
I just can laugh...
I would tend to agree.

As regards Aga Khan being a billionaire. @Khafee Aga Khan belonged to ancestrally rich family and has number of hotels around the world.well he does own casinos also. His horses run in races, though the title of prince was given by British, but wealth wise all Aga Khans have been prince from long ago. His father has a lot of contributions in creation of Pakistan. Sir Sultan Aga Khan was one of the founding members of All India Muslim League.

Can you see the contradiction here?
You have proved that you do not know anything about Kums. Your very thought that it is Khomeini who started Khums is wrong. This excerpt from googling does not define complete Khums. Without googling tell me how is Khums calculated. Does Khums substitute Zakat? What is the difference between Zakat and Khums.

ٰAnd you have proved that you are pathetically trying to hide a reality that shias around the world send part of their income to Iran how they do it and how much it is that is not even important for me
And by the way google is better than word of mouth of a random troll
Can you see the contradiction here?
Whats the contradiction. These are two different things. Title of Prince and Pakistan Movement.

ٰAnd you have proved that you are pathetically trying to hide a reality that shias around the world send part of their income to Iran how they do it and how much it is that is not even important for me
And by the way google is better than word of mouth of a random troll
See this is the difference between a person who has the information and the one who does not. Its not me who is trolling but you. You disbursed an incorrect information on the forum and when unable to prove your point have initiated or should i say that taken first step towards fowl language. I think if we cannot discuss things logically here we should close the discussion. No need to keep on replying. If you were unable to answer my question you should have kept quite rather then calling me pathetic; owing to my age and experience I would not have chased you unnecessarily. my record is witness since I have become a member. This is a discussion forum and should be used to increase our information and knowledge rather then imposing our point of view on others and if unable to support, then call others troll and pathetic. @WebMaster.
my friend this is all money game. it is them who are maligning Islam. Let me ask you why Molvi Tariq Jameel (Molana is reserved for the Almight) does not stay in the company of poor or visit poor people. Why he is more happy converting Veena Malik to Islam and preaching to rich people only?

Thats what YOU believe bro.

MTJ is mostly found with poor and not the rich.

You dont hear about it, because it is not covered by media.

But we do, because we were there.
A Christian contributing to a masjid? I'm surprised.
Bismillah ir Rahman ar Raheem

Our central mosque in Trenton was a disused building donated by a Jewish US citizen for tax purposes primarily. However, he could have given it to anyone but Muslims. It was a run-down area frequented by drug addicts who specially liked that building to shoot up in as it was always empty.

Allah through his nur and that of the African American Imam, caused all those people to run away and the street was populated by Muslims in part and was a safe haven in the middle of crime-ridden downtown Trenton (only Camden in New Jersey was worse, and downtown Chicago, downtown Washington, and the Bronx -among others- in the rest of the US).

So, Allah guides whom he wishes, uses whom he wishes to give succor to whom he wishes. So, maybe we should leave our pilfering and squabbling and turn our face to the Lord of Abraham whose mercy exceeds his wrath by so many times, and who is the only one to turn our hearts from darkness and guide us to the light.

The Brits didn't hand out titles to their opponents.

Did they knight, or give a similar title to, Allama Iqbal, or Sir Muhammad Ali Jinnah?

"Sir Muhammad Iqbal (Urdu: محمد اقبال ‎) (November 9, 1877 – April 21, 1938), widely known as Allama Iqbal (علامہ اقبال), was a poet, philosopher, and politician, as well as an academic, barrister and scholar[1][2] in British India who is widely regarded as having inspired the Pakistan Movement...

In 1922, he was knighted by King George V,[9] granting him the title "Sir".[10]..."

no mr. somebozo your misconceptions are highly uncalled for because we the area people never find any embezzlement in even when it comes to good. i don't know about you but we Muslims here at least in my area had always held those donations as community possessions. and fyi even in this age the imams of our mosques earn two square meal through giving tution and they don't have bank accounts or big bungalows.

that was not supposed to get them justice but that was the least i could do to at least show solidarity.
You could speak up for them without putting up an icaon of kufr.

No it is very much allowed, though those who think they are authority on religion do say that but God has made man and woman for each others pleasure not for reproduction. Unlike other species where reproduction is the purpose. My earlier claim is based on the holy book and later because of the breeding seasons in animals but in humans there is no breeding seasons. the urge is all around the year.
wrong on all counts.

Paying taxes in Pakistan is not sustainable...been there..done that..there is no survival in business without tax evasion...even simple machinery import is impossible as the total bill comes out to 60% in import taxes and duties..therefore tax theft in Pakistan is very well justified...the country needs to control its population because poor people only reproduce more poverty...and increase its tax net by raising living standards..we are chasing a mirage of economic prosperity because the population is multiplying faster than economy..and therefore with each coming generation..quality and value of life is going down...
paying taxes is not the problem, it is that everyone else avoids it through graft so that you cannot compete. Still there are lots of halal ways to earn if you cannot do so legally, ethically, and morally in one field.

On this forum, if you want to prove that you are libturd, you have to insult scholars. Otherwise, zero credibility
does it make one feel superior to use hurtful labels; in that case, nothing is achieved and we have just driven away somebody who might be coming to agree with us.

There have been strong opposition from Indian Muslim leaders whenever there was a talk of 2 children limit. I think south Asia should put 2-3 children limit.
are you the one who sends the rain, who causes seeds to germinate, who causes them to grow and bear fruit? in that case, I am so sorry that I have wasted my life and not prostated before you and asked for sustenance for me, my family, and the unborn (and murdered in the wombs) of this world.

Maulana Taqriq Jameel spend a great time with common followers, they also help many poor families of their village who cant support the financial of burden of their own. As now their are millions of people who love him from every corner of the world, so this is obvious that he cant give time to every one. It is us who notice only when he meet some celebrity. And also their is special Hikmah in these meetings, Deen of ALLAH swt is reaching to the people who were previously ignored by religious class. And it is a great step for encouragement and betterment of every Muslim.

And their is no game of money, all my life I have hardly scene any Imam of Masjid living a better life than other member of his neighborhood. Most of the Imam dont even afford to buy good clothes for his kids at eid and yet they spend honestly for the improvement of facility at the mosques.
beware from whom you take your' deen'. most people pretend to be scholars but end up pushing people into hellfire. Fortunately, we have the Quran and the Sahihs of Bukhari and Muslim and the Muwatta of Malik to find out who is the liar 'dajjal' and who is the 'warith' of our Habibi (peace be upon him).

Not happen first time even at my home town addict (charsi) often did these type of robberies even they stole fans, donation box some time chappals.
would not be a problem if we followed Sunnah, built simpler mosques, prayed in our shoes, without elaborate musallahs, and on open ground and even in the pens of goats (see Sunan Abi Dawood and general Sunnah from other books).
would not be a problem if we followed Sunnah, built simpler mosques, prayed in our shoes, without elaborate musallahs, and on open ground and even in the pens of goats (see Sunan Abi Dawood and general Sunnah from other books).
You are a great writer but I don't know why never liked you always feel something sinister hiding behind a beautiful peace of writing I don't know why but it seems you belongs to Ahl e Hadit and follow Hizbul Tehreer a banned outfit don't you?
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