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Two criminals rob a mosque

The way Masjid building works in the UAE, is that communities are identified where masjaids are required. People who want to support building Masajids approach the Min. of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs. It is the Min. who builds and operates the Masajids, irrespective of whether a donor exists or not.

Some small Masajids do exist which are managed by individuals, but this is being phased out, or has been phased out.

The max a donor gets out of sponsoring a Masjid, is to have it named after his loved one, usually his mother.
It it a treat to listen to Azaan there. One single azaan in whole neighbourhood, people coming to mosque without any rush, no jams no wrong parkings. I like it, this is how mosques should be.

What's happening in the video? :o: Why is that guy kissing women's feet?
I dont think this is a regular ritual in AKs, may be somewhere someone is taking advantage, like may of false peer do it among muslims also.
This is regular ritual in which Agha Khani peer invited to women only gathering.
May be you know more, as far as I am concerned it is not like this. Because in AK community there is no peer. Each Jamat Khana does have a head, but that person is for only four years, normally (though not mandatory) but his wife heads the women section. These heads are being selected by their council, again members of this council are not permanent. Likewise the hierarchy goes.
Hahaha lolz for your comments on accountants ...
Believe me there was a time, each time I wanted to do something an accountant would make my life miserable, and I would have to jump through hoops to get approval. Alhumdullilah now they have come to their senses.
Believe me there was a time, each time I wanted to do something an accountant would make my life miserable, and I would have to jump through hoops to get approval. Alhumdullilah now they have come to their senses.

Hahaha ... hopefully same is not opinion of my colleagues about my dept ...
Jamat Khana & Prince Karim Agha Khans pocket. How do you think he became a billionaire?
I have worked with Aga khan foundation for an ample of time. The money Ismaili raised is spend on health and education projects across the world. AKU hospitals and AKF working in developing countries and conflict zones. Africa, Afghanistan etc
I have worked with Aga khan foundation for an ample of time. The money Ismaili raised is spend on health and education projects across the world. AKU hospitals and AKF working in developing countries and conflict zones. Africa, Afghanistan etc
Yes that is the cover story.
And remaining shias (from around the world) send portion of their income to Khamenei , thats how Iran is working :)
I think this is a wrong perception. What you are suggesting is something billions of dollar. How was it being transported, sanctions have been lifted recently so no banking channel. Every country has a system of checking outflow of cash by passengers. What you suggests is only possible if every international passenger coming into Iran is doing money laundering for them. And then where Iran would convert those dollars and how. There are many unanswered questions which can come up.

It is called KHAMS (خمس) as imposed by Khomini through his book "Tozeih Almasail" (توضیع المسائل)
Concept of Kums is there in Shias, but what you have posted indicates that you have no clue as to what it is.
Concept of Kums is there in Shias, but what you have posted indicates that you have no clue as to what it is.
Ok then what is this ?

س:63 ۔خمس کسے کہتے ہیں؟
ج : مال کے پانچویں حصے کو خمس کہتے ہیں۔

س:64 ۔خمس کس پر واجب ہے؟
ج: خمس ہر شیعہ پر واجب ہے؟

س: 65 ۔ خمس کن چیزوں پہ واجب ہے؟
ج: کاروبار کی بچت،معدَن،گنج،جواہرات جو دریاسے نکالے ،جنگی غنیمت وغیرہ پر واجب ہے

س: 66 ۔ خمس کے کتنے حصے ہوتے ہیں ؟اور کن کن کا حق ہے ؟
ج: ۔خمس کے دو حصے ہوتے ہیں ایک غریب سادات کا حق ہوتاہے اور دوسرا امام زمان علیہ السلام کا حق ہوتاہے۔

س: 67 ۔امام زمان کا حصہ اس وقت کسے دیا جانا چاہیے
ج: امام زمان کا حصہ اس وقت نائب امام
یعنی مجتھد جامع الشرائط کو دیا جانا چاہئیے ۔

س:68 ۔ نائب امام خمس لیکر کیا کریگا؟
ج:نائب امام خمس لیکر اس سے دین ومذہب کے سارے امور کو انجام دینگے

س:96 ۔اگر کوئی خمس نہیں دیتا تو کیا ہوگا؟
ج:خمس نہ دینے والا امام کا غاصب کہلائے گا اور امام کا صحیح پیروکار نہیں بن سکتا

س:70 ۔جس خمس کے بارے میں کچھبھی معلوم نہ ہوتو وہ کیا کریگا ؟
ج: ضروری ہے کہ جب بھی اسے خمس کے بارے میں پتہ چلے وہ اپنے زمانے کے مجتھد
جامع الشرائط سے پوچھ کر گذشتہ خمس کو نکالے اورتوبہ کرے تاکہ خدا گذشتہ کوئاہیوں کو معاف کردے

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I have worked with Aga khan foundation for an ample of time. The money Ismaili raised is spend on health and education projects across the world. AKU hospitals and AKF working in developing countries and conflict zones. Africa, Afghanistan etc
I would tend to agree.

As regards Aga Khan being a billionaire. @Khafee Aga Khan belonged to ancestrally rich family and has number of hotels around the world.well he does own casinos also. His horses run in races, though the title of prince was given by British, but wealth wise all Aga Khans have been prince from long ago. His father has a lot of contributions in creation of Pakistan. Sir Sultan Aga Khan was one of the founding members of All India Muslim League.
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