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Two criminals rob a mosque

Offtopic: Are you guys required by Islam to pay tithe or a certain portion of your income to the mosque? Does everybody commonly do it?
In Islam, if we are financially able, we are required to pay Zakat (2.5% of our income) which goes to the charity for the poor.

Non-Muslim Male adults (excluding monks or the poor) are required to pay Jizya, which goes to the state and the construction & maintenance of new temples and churches (for non-Muslims). This also guarantees that non-Muslims will not face conscription, it was also common for Christian tribes to offer military support rather than pay Jizya.
It restricts its followers from exploitation, usurping and plundering.


this statement is another invention of Indo-Pak mullah...the Islam or Arabia and the Islam or Indo-Pak are two separate narratives...!
They never embezzled probably because they were never caught...or may be it was not cash embezzlement but that in kind of goods..there are many possibilities..who is keeping an audit of .

no mr. somebozo your misconceptions are highly uncalled for because we the area people never find any embezzlement in even when it comes to good. i don't know about you but we Muslims here at least in my area had always held those donations as community possessions. and fyi even in this age the imams of our mosques earn two square meal through giving tution and they don't have bank accounts or big bungalows.

Did your DP get them justice?
that was not supposed to get them justice but that was the least i could do to at least show solidarity.
Entertainment..something valued as an art and service...
Mullahs, Pastors, Pandits sell the invisible and impossible..

Someone who doesnt understand music or dancing can easily make a similar argument. "why these actors are paid billions by contributing nothing to society?"
Any society would only pay taxes honestly as long as the majority of its people are well off..if the rich aka tax payers become a minority then it would be a game of stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor..leading to massive tax evasion..
Your point is valid if rich pay taxes, but unfortunately in Pakistan the most eligible people to pay tax are tax evaders. The richer you are higher the tax evader. here only poor pay taxes and rich enjoy on those taxes like MNS, AZ, MNAs, MPAs, Senators, etc etc etc
Your point is valid if rich pay taxes, but unfortunately in Pakistan the most eligible people to pay tax are tax evaders. The richer you are higher the tax evader. here only poor pay taxes and rich enjoy on those taxes like MNS, AZ, MNAs, MPAs, Senators, etc etc etc

Paying taxes in Pakistan is not sustainable...been there..done that..there is no survival in business without tax evasion...even simple machinery import is impossible as the total bill comes out to 60% in import taxes and duties..therefore tax theft in Pakistan is very well justified...the country needs to control its population because poor people only reproduce more poverty...and increase its tax net by raising living standards..we are chasing a mirage of economic prosperity because the population is multiplying faster than economy..and therefore with each coming generation..quality and value of life is going down...
Paying taxes in Pakistan is not sustainable...been there..done that..there is no survival in business without tax evasion...even simple machinery import is impossible as the total bill comes out to 60% in import taxes and duties..therefore tax theft in Pakistan is very well justified...the country needs to control its population because poor people only reproduce more poverty...and increase its tax net by raising living standards..we are chasing a mirage of economic prosperity because the population is multiplying faster than economy..and therefore with each coming generation..quality and value of life is going down...
Population control is something different and has nothing to do with taxation. I fully agree that Pakistan has to control its population explosion before the country explodes (well that has already happened).
As regard taxation is concerned, no reason can justify tax evasion. Even as per religion tax evasion will make your hard earned money as haram. Abiding by law of land is mandatory in Islam. Just because that you cannot derive your desired results from your business model does not qualify for tax evasion. I dont want to say but this is an absurd argument. I would have still accepted if you would have said that these politicians eat up this tax money therefore we should not pay taxes; but your excuse for tax evasion is not digestible. May be your business model was wrong, which was not delivering your desired results.
Population control is something different and has nothing to do with taxation. I fully agree that Pakistan has to control its population explosion before the country explodes (well that has already happened).
As regard taxation is concerned, no reason can justify tax evasion. Even as per religion tax evasion will make your hard earned money as haram. Abiding by law of land is mandatory in Islam. Just because that you cannot derive your desired results from your business model does not qualify for tax evasion. I dont want to say but this is an absurd argument. I would have still accepted if you would have said that these politicians eat up this tax money therefore we should not pay taxes; but your excuse for tax evasion is not digestible. May be your business model was wrong, which was not delivering your desired results.
Isn't population control unislamic?
On this forum, if you want to prove that you are libturd, you have to insult scholars. Otherwise, zero credibility
in my opinion these terms like liberal or secular etc etc are flawed. there is either moderate i.e tolerant as advocated by islam and the intolerant or extremists. there nothing in between.
Isn't population control unislamic?
No it is very much allowed, though those who think they are authority on religion do say that but God has made man and woman for each others pleasure not for reproduction. Unlike other species where reproduction is the purpose. My earlier claim is based on the holy book and later because of the breeding seasons in animals but in humans there is no breeding seasons. the urge is all around the year.
No it is very much allowed, though those who think they are authority on religion do say that but God has made man and woman for each others pleasure not for reproduction. Unlike other species where reproduction is the purpose. My earlier claim is based on the holy book and later because of the breeding seasons in animals but in humans there is no breeding seasons. the urge is all around the year.
There have been strong opposition from Indian Muslim leaders whenever there was a talk of 2 children limit. I think south Asia should put 2-3 children limit.
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