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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Washington is pretty much out of this scenario. They can only play through Kurds. Which I hope they dont. If they push Kurds to armed resistance for independence via sending them heavy weaponry, this bloodbath will linger.
No!. Do you think Washington isn't capable of solving this whole mess?
Is Washington even sincere about the fight against isis before it can solve anything? They hate us to the bone for intervening and messing up their pkk/ypg plan in north Syria.
This whole mess showed once again; this region, no matter the disagreements, should first learn to keep those anglo-saxons and other foreigners away and then solve a mess together through diplomacy or conflict.
After years of AKP foreign policy criticism and saying we needed to deal with Assad they've finally come around...
Are those FSA?

Edit: Nah they arent. Man I know its battlezone and stuff but I really hate beards on soldiers. That makes them look like common militia.
Too many IED's in al-Bab. Turkey will use same methods in al-Bab as they used in Southern Turkey the past few years. The strategy is 3T (Tank, Top, Tosun) - which litterally means, Tank, Cannon and "Army Bulldozer".
The interesting part is the army bulldozer, to clear the IED's.

This is a proof of Turkey really caring for minimal destruction, and considering Syrian people and soils as its own people/soil. Ofcourse our operation will take longer than flattening the entire area with F-16, afterall we have around 240 F-16's (around 195 C block and 45-50 D block). And some old F-4 in addition to this.

I'm happy to be Türk. I think the operation al-Bab is a success, we have surrounded al-Bab - it's a big fortress, it will be a little time consuming, but worth it, since human lives are most important.
Too many IED's in al-Bab. Turkey will use same methods in al-Bab as they used in Southern Turkey the past few years. The strategy is 3T (Tank, Top, Tosun) - which litterally means, Tank, Cannon and "Army Bulldozer".
The interesting part is the army bulldozer, to clear the IED's.

This is a proof of Turkey really caring for minimal destruction, and considering Syrian people and soils as its own people/soil. Ofcourse our operation will take longer than flattening the entire area with F-16, afterall we have around 240 F-16's (around 195 C block and 45-50 D block). And some old F-4 in addition to this.

I'm happy to be Türk. I think the operation al-Bab is a success, we have surrounded al-Bab - it's a big fortress, it will be a little time consuming, but worth it, since human lives are most important.
you sound like akp apologist...
This is a proof of Turkey really caring for minimal destruction, and considering Syrian people and soils as its own people/soil.

They are NOT our people. People in Turkey hate these bastards.

Gone to jail to apologize with feto or gone to burial of this bastardized of pkk Armenians ...?

PKK are mostly Kurds.
Mostly secular Kurds

Makes no difference if secular, religious, whatever a Kurd is a Kurd. And PKK are mostly Kurds.

apo don't know speaking Kurd

I know many Kurds that don't speak Kurdish.....Doesn't make him any less of a Kurd.

when you go in Anatolian and sud east Anatolia you can see that Turkish an Kurdish people live like brother

Maybe your right, but Kurds are mostly in PKK.

this movement is only for divided people for better reign ...don't fall in this assimilation

Again, no one is disputing this. But majority of PKK scums are Kurds.

Kurd aren't pkk

Are you some sort of special retard?

do you know who is you grand grand father and mother ?

If we were so mixed, why did the Armenians form PKK then? Make sense lol
Armenians are leading pkk and kill Kurdish people through it and destabilize his neighbor turkey with this internal problems.

So, Armenians are using Kurds. Do you think Kurds care though? Kurds do not mind if PKK leaders are Armenian, French or Japanese. They all support and willingly join PKK.
Kurds are the biggest supporters and contributers of PKK.
If you really think Armenians are fighting Turks to form Kurdistan you live in koo-koo land.
Feto member are not Turkish ?

What does this got to do with with weather PKK are Kurds or Armenian or not?/ Haha

Mafia's are Turkish but they sell drugs at Turkish people

You know you lost the argument when you try to change the subject, well done you.

Race isn't important when people think with land and money

Oh so it's not important if they are Armenian or Kurdish now?

so dream keep your racism and don't cry when you are pointed by Turkish racists

Calling PKK Armenians is not racist at all..But calling them Kurds is racist?? I do wonder about you idiots.

have you never taken a coffee or a meal in Kurdish restaurant ?

What the hell does that got to do with anything I said? LOL

Have you never bought gold in Armenian jewelry ?

Oh, I am now racist against Armenians? lol

we are Turkish and live in turkey with cosmopolitan mixed people ...what's is the problem ?

Where did I mention anything about race you idiot. lol

.but in fact and in reality there is blood mixed population in turkey and if you think that you are 100% Turk

I am 100% Turk. All my family are Turks, nice try calling me mixed to win an argument though. haha

in canakale lots of people were Anatolian's and east Anatolian's people

Yeah, it was Eastern Anatolians that saved Turkiye..Turks of western Anatolia did nothing.

Truth is. IT WAS WESTERN ANATOLIANS THAT SAVED TURKIYE. Oh and Karadenizler. Don't bring Eastern Anatolians into this.

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