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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

'The Russian Federation will facilitate the implementation of the Adana Agreement in the current circumstances.'

This could be great news if they intend to dismantle the whole PKK in Syria.
@striver44 I don’t know your true intent or nationality but what you say is an open insult to the will of Turkish public and elected president. A strong warning issued. If you attempt this behavior one more time, Be sure that You will be directly banned. Besides, I have been following your comments which contains provocative, insulting, flamming elements towards Turkish members so You will not be allowed to post in this thread anymore.

TFSA is becoming an increasing burden on Turkey now that we made peace with Assad. Something seculars said for years and were scorned af by Islamist ruling party. It is a victory for the Turkish secular republic. An Islamist statelet would be a drag on our economy and security. How are FSA statelets and Assad going to reconcile though. These statelets aren’t even big enough to host 2-3 million refugees so what are they good for? :s
Two observations:

Why did PKK refused to take a similar approach before the start of our operation while being the favourite toy of the US?

This plan shows that Russia does want Iran out of the picture in the long term or at least Moscow is trying to weaken Iran's stance in Syria.
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Two observations:

Why did PKK refused to take a similar approach before the start of our operation while being the favourite toy of the US?

This plan shows that Russia does want Iran out of the picture in the long term or at least Moscow is trying to weaking Iran's stance in Syria.

It's a been a while that RU and IR are fighting for influence.
While IR was the Favorite since they were the ones keeping ASSad alive back in the days of the Revo... they started to fade away with RU ever growing influence,,,
ASSad himself took some actions that were anti-IR, like Ending some promised contracts... Arresting some Pro-IR figures in the Gov... and so on...

IR is weaker than ever... BUT it doesn't make Pro-IR assets lesser..., they actually become more and more "Radicalised" in their actions and positions... something that is translating in the population behavior... where Anti-IR sentiment is growing...

I have this sentiment, that after a stabilization period occur with exterior threats... the survival infighting will take place among the Regime forces... Maybe people do not grasp the importance of those groups... there is actually Dozens and dozens of Thousands of Jihadi Shias , the like of ISIS... waiting for the moment to be used... Things could get out of control very fast if Hezbollah hegemony in Lebanon get weaker...
Truth be told, the US was expecting one outcome from their very hasty but well planned retreat, and that was a conflict between Turkey and Assad in the least. And at most a conflict with Russia too. They made is seem that they had to retreat from bases because of Turkey's actions but in truth they could have stayed put, it is a war zone after all.

The plan was that they hand over bases to incoming Russian or Assadists to draw Turkey into conflict. One thing that they did ensure was that Turkey didn't create the Safe zone that it wanted but they didn't expect another ceasefire would happen anytime soon.

Well there are some positives and a good one is that - for now at least - there is a little calm for a while and chance for the international media/political bombardment against Turkey to subside.

The best thing to come of this operation, is the revealing of the true nature of the 'YPG' by people like Trump as well as other politicians and media.
Turkey cannot get everything of course. Most importantly, a diplomatic solution has now been reached. Turkey is partly getting its desired safe zone. In cooperation with the Russians, the refugees will be sent back safely and both countries will jointly patrol the area. YPG / PKK will be placed outside the 30 km zone.

The most important thing now is that Turkey has a moment to breathe.
TFSA is becoming an increasing burden on Turkey now that we made peace with Assad. Something seculars said for years and were scorned af by Islamist ruling party. It is a victory for the Turkish secular republic. An Islamist statelet would be a drag on our economy and security. How are FSA statelets and Assad going to reconcile though. These statelets aren’t even big enough to host 2-3 million refugees so what are they good for? :s

We should open the gates and allow all refugees to go to Europe. They we're against the operation more than anyone else. Time to punish them for their absolutely ridiculous reaction.

As for TFSA... I don't know. I think we should just settle them in the areas that are already captured and try to build a future generation that is loyal to Turkey. I'm sure we can secularize them eventually. I've heard that many of them drink alcohol so it shouldn't be too hard.

Yes there are a few groups among them that are hardcore Islamists but they are the vocal minority. They are also the least component fighters in TFSA.
We should open the gates and allow all refugees to go to Europe. They we're against the operation more than anyone else. Time to punish them for their absolutely ridiculous reaction.

As for TFSA... I don't know. I think we should just settle them in the areas that are already captured and try to build a future generation that is loyal to Turkey. I'm sure we can secularize them eventually. I've heard that many of them drink alcohol so it shouldn't be too hard.

Yes there are a few groups among them that are hardcore Islamists but they are the vocal minority. They are also the least component fighters in TFSA.

Did I see correctly?

"I'm sure we can secularize them eventually. I've heard that many of them drink alcohol so it shouldn't be too hard."
Did I see correctly?

"I'm sure we can secularize them eventually. I've heard that many of them drink alcohol so it shouldn't be too hard."

Yes you read that correctly. I'm not against people who practice Islam. But Islamist extremists are extremely dangerous to stability. So it is in our interest to make sure they we don't have a bunch of radicals on our border. They are just as bad as YPG if they end up turning against us.
I didn't like this agreement. I hate the word "Devriye". We was going to countinue operation. But we learned the operation is finished from lavrov a russian minister. And now russian soldiers become border neighbour. Can anyone tell me what is good thing on this agreement about us? I just cannot understand.
I didn't like this agreement. I hate the word "Devriye". We was going to countinue operation. But we learned the operation is finished from lavrov a russian minister. And now russian soldiers become border neighbour. Can anyone tell me what is good thing on this agreement about us? I just cannot understand.

I miss the days where we threatened nations with total war and they took our threat seriously. Don't get me wrong, TSK is still a force to be reckoned with. But before AKP came along it was feared by every neighbouring country. When TSK stops being tied down by a political party it will become unstoppable. But when you use politicians as a voice for TSK it weakens it's image and it even lessens it's ability to operate effectively.

The old Turkey wouldn't have allowed YPG to grow in the first place. But if it did it would crush them 1974 style and would also uae the Turkmen minority to it's advantage.

We made a lot of mistakes but I hope that in the end YPG is completely crushed. I'm hoping that we don't settle for this half-assed bulls!t.
This is victory.

Seriously people what do you smoke ? Do you think Turkey will go to war against Syria backed by Russia while our "Nato allied" hate us even more than our "enemy"" ?
AKP has made all the wrong decision during the Syrian civil war, but this was not a mistake.

The deal :
-YPG will leave Turkish border (30 km) and let Assad take back his lands, or Turkey will be free to attack them
-We will keep territory captured during the operation, and even organised Turkish/Russian patrol along the whole border.

Now we only need to continue this deal in Astana : PKK for FSA, and refugee deal for Syrian territory.

Assad was maybe Erdogan califat ennemy, but he is not Turkey ennemy.

In Syria we are like the US, we cannot win so we must at least cut the lost, and this deal is good news for us.
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