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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Cin Deresi diyenin ümüğünü sıkasım geliyor. Sinir bozucu.
we have to organize tourists tours for civilians to operation areas. one week eating drinking accommodation and bullets all together 5000 TL. i'm really so exciting about that tour :cheesy:
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we have to organize tourists tours for civilians to operation areas. one week eating drinking accommodation and bullets all together 5000 TL. i'm really so exciting about that tour :cheesy:
Are explosives included or do we bring our explosive charges with us?


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Are they Really such amateurs in comparison to ISIS?

Yes. This is the same group that got its *** kicked before the US started bombing ISIS. And even after that they had problems pushing them back.

The "training" they get is how to shoot with an AK and thats it. The US medias and European medias propaganda showed them as this "elite" group who can even take on the Armys of other countries while in truth they are incompetent and the US had to waste billions in ammunition to help them advance agains ISIS.
Syria: Ankara reported neutralization of more than 3 thousand fighters IG and Kurds in AFRIN @Bismarck EDIT : AFRIN
10:09 8 March 2018 1339




Ankara, March 8. The Turkish army during the military operation in Syrian Afrina liquidated 3,055 members of Kurdish formations and terrorists of the extremist organization "Islamic State" 1 (banned in Russia). This was stated on Thursday by the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Turkey.

Recall, last Wednesday reported on the 2940 liquidated militants.

"Since the beginning of Operation Olive Branch, 3,055 members of terrorist organizations have been neutralized. The operation continues in normal mode, "the Turkish General Staff said.

Earlier, the Armed Forces of Turkey told that from the beginning of the military operation in Syrian Afrina, 42 Turkish soldiers were killed.

Recall, as reported by "Gazeta.Ru", Ankara January 20 this year announced the launch of Operation "Olive Branch" against the Kurdish formations in Syrian Afrina.

The Syrian authorities condemned Turkey's actions in Africa, noting that this territory is an integral part of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Russia called on all parties to restrain and respect the territorial integrity of Syria.

Attack on the Kurds in the north of Syria began after the provocation of the United States, which announced the possibility of creating in Syria "border defense forces" from the Kurdish formations, which categorically does not suit Ankara, where they consider the Syrian Kurds to be allies of the terrorist "Kurdistan Workers' Party".

Author: Dana Balan
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Are they Really such amateurs in comparison to ISIS?

Life if hard when America (Plus Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Australia etc) is not bombing the sh*t ouf of your enemy before every step you take. Fighting a real army is not like posing for the cameras and writing sh*t on Twitter.

That whole Afrin operation shows the real face of PKK/YPG and their "bravery". They were preparing for years and swearing that it will be Turkey's Vietnam and a total defeat for us- digging tunels and trenches, moving their fighters and weapons to Afrin and training new ones, taking/asking for help from everyone who gives it to them and the results are in front of our eyes.

Still we are far away from a total victory so let's just pray for our soldiers and for their safety, they will do all the rest.
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