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Turkey’s Air Force Is Obsolete, Warns New Study

turkey did huge mistake i will prefer f-35 over S-300 S400 S500 all of them .

problem is not F35 or S400

The US Senate and PENTAGON always will block transfer of F-35s to Turkey , even if Turkey cancel S400 deal

The problems between Turkey and the US are multilayered and very complicated
USA plays F-35 card against S-400 deal to ask Turkey for endless concessions

  • The US support of Gulenist/FETO terrorist organization and coup d'etat attempts for undermining Turkish democracy. F. Gulen must be extradited to Turkey.
  • The US support, training and arming of PKK/YPG organization against Turkey
  • The US support for Greek and Israeli oil/gas drilling in the East Med that violates the rights/EEZ of Turkey and TRNC must cease
  • currency manipulation by The US to try to weaken the Turkish economy

The S-400 just turned into a filter pushing other problems to the back burner
Turkey should probably work with Pakistan to create a 5th gen fighter in the future otherwise the Egyptians or Gulf Arabs will field far better jet fighters into the future
The F35 has poor maneuverability due to the various compromises.

Did you even bother to check the videos I posted in my previous response? One of them is direct comparison of Power Loop to Pedal Turn (PLPT) maneuver of both Su-57 and F-35 in which the latter outperformed the former.

Take your time to digest following information:

No, the F-35 has very good manoeuvrability, in contrast to what most of the armchair experts say. Most pilots who actually fly F-35 praise its dogfighting capabilities & are impressed by it’s performance.

The F-35 is actually kinematically similar to the F-16, having similar acceleration/energy retention of a F-16 (combat loaded) while significantly higher Angle of Attack – 50° AoA limit (tested upto 110° AoA) compared to 26° AoA limit on F-16.

The F-35 actually gets the best of both worlds by combining the superior energy retention or acceleration of a F-16 with greater nose-pointing ability of a F-18. Here’s a F/A-18 pilot after his first flight in the F-35:

It was like flying a Hornet with Four engines!

His point being that the F-35 can afford to operate at high Angle-of-Attack and low airspeed, but that it will regain the airspeed quickly when needed.


Here’s a Norwegian F-35 pilot’s observations (He has over 2,200 hours in F-16):

“The F-35 reacts quicker to my pedal inputs than the F-16 would at its maximum AOA (the F-16 would actually be out of control at this AOA). This gives me an alternate way of pointing the airplane where I need it to, in order to threaten an opponent. This «pedal turn» yields an impressive turn rate, even at low airspeeds.”

“It is a peculiar feeling to be flying the F-35 at high AOA. I can pull the nose up to where my feet «sit» on the horizon and still maintain level altitude. I’m also impressed by how quickly the F-35 accelerates when I reduce the AOA.”

Read: https://theaviationist.com/2016/03/...g-in-the-f-35-a-jsf-pilot-first-hand-account/

Edit: In the words of an F-16C Weapons School Graduate and instructor pilot now flying the F-35A:


Source: www.heritage.org/defense/report/operational-assessment-the-f-35a-argues-full-program-procurement-and-concurrent#_ftnref25

In fact, based on open source data, the F-35A actually has superior acceleration than Su-27/35 in the subsonic region.

Source: F-35 can out-accelerate Su-27/35 in subsonic region

Majority of extensive Air-Combat-Manoeuvres take place at subsonic region, so the acceleration at lower speed is more relevant. It determines how you regain energy after each manoeuvre and how frequently you can execute each manoeuvre.

To remove some of the common myths associated with the F-35:

  • F-35 lost dogfight against F-16

In 2015, a non-combat coded F-35 was tested for its Control Laws for high AoA (Angle-of-Attack) using F-16D as a “reference point” for various manoeuvres. Somewhere down the line a leaked test report of this exercise got translated as “F-35 lost dogfight against F-16”. What Dogfight?! Yeah, right.

Listen to a F-35 pilot yourself at 5:24 mark.

Higher Wing-loading

Most of the critics talking about F-35’s wing loading doesn’t look at the whole picture. They see stats on paper & quickly jump into conclusions.

The F-35 just like the F-15 & F-16 has a lifting body design. The F-35’s wing loading on paper only includes the lift produced by the wings - it doesn’t account for the lift produced by the lifting surfaces & vortex generators.

Consider this, the F-16 has a wing loading of 88.3 lb/ft² (431 kg/m²) while an F-4E has a much lower wing loading of 78 lb/ft² (383 kg/m²).

So using the critic’s logic, an F-4 should easily win a dogfight with the F-16, right?

Only that doesn’t happen in reality. The F-16 has a Lifting body design & Leading-edge Root Extension
which the F-4 lacks. Allowing the F-16 to easily turn inside the F-4’s radius & out-manoeuvre it in any flight envelop.

Here’s a picture from a training video, showing how tight the F-16 really turns compared to an F-4


Edit 2: Now that we have some real world accounts, let’s put an end to the anti-F-35 rhetoric here.

“Remember, back the rumors were that the F-35 was a pig. The first time the opponents [F-16s] showed up [in the training area] they had wing tanks along with a bunch of missiles. I guess they figured that being in a dirty configuration wouldn't really matter and that they would still easily outmanoeuvre us.

By the end of the week, though, they had dropped their wing tanks, transitioned to a single centerline fuel tank and were still doing everything they could not to get gunned by us. A week later they stripped the jets clean of all external stores, which made the BFM fights interesting, to say the least...

On one of the sorties, my colleague, Maj Pascal 'Smiley' Smaal, decided he would fly BFM and still have enough fuel to go to the range afterwards and drop his weapon (GBU-12: Laser guided weapon). During the debrief, the adversary pilot told us he was confused as to why we went to the range after the fight. When 'Smiley' told him that he was carrying an inert GBU-12 the entire time and that he then dropped it afterwards during a test event, the silence on the other end of the line was golden.”

– Lt Col Ian 'Gladys' Knight, CO of 323rd Test and Evaluation Squadron.

Source: Out Of The Shadows: RNLAF experiences with the F-35A - Combat Aircraft Magazine May 2018

Here’s actual published data on F-35’s subsonic acceleration.


(From JSF briefing to Royal Norwegian AF. It’s probably outdated but gives you the sense and dismisses some of the ‘made-up’ figures.)

In the real combat, a 4th gen. aircraft looks something like this:


All those external pylons, weapons, fuel tanks, jamming/navigation/targeting pods create a lot of additional drag which significantly affects their performance.

While a F-35 looks like this:


A 5th gen. aircraft like the F-35 or F-22 because of internal weapons bay have zero additional drag in a standard combat configuration. Often, ignored but this results in a significant difference in kinematic performance of a 4th & 5th gen. aircraft.

Given people’s common perception of the F-35, they’ll be shocked, really shocked to know how manoeuvrable it actually is.


Full stop.

Russia tried to avoid that. So, at the end, it was not Russian inability to make airframes of good quality. Making airframes is never an issue for most modern countries.

Russia can definitely develop airframes of good quality but the fundamental challenge is this:


Russia is lacking in metallurgy, sophisticated tooling and computing algorithms to develop true VLO-compliant airframes for its jet fighters which can withstand stresses of super-maneuverability in the present. Russia does have its fair share of talented individuals but it also have economic challenges and limited capacity to fund relevant R&D processes.

I am not asserting that Su-57 is bad design (and jet fighter). My point is that it is in development phase and nowhere close to VLO aspects and sophistication levels of F-22A and F-35 variants based on multiple perspectives and technical considerations. Su-57 will be technologically mature in late 2020s time frame but American counterparts are already operationally mature and improving in passing years (this and this).

USA B2 bombers and its sister variants have almost 0 maneuverability and can be taken down relatively easily.

B-2A Spirit bomber is not supposed to draw attention of and confront jet fighters out in the open but to absolutely SHRINK A2/AD detection rings by virtue of its (all aspect stealth) design encompassing significant RCS reduction measures (airframe shaping and composition) + IR reduction measures + Acoustics reduction measures + EW capabilities. There is generic explanation of these measures in Public domain but numerous aspects of them are understandably classified.

The B-2's low observability is derived from a combination of reduced infrared, acoustic, electromagnetic, visual and radar signatures. These signatures make it difficult for the sophisticated defensive systems to detect, track and engage the B-2. Many aspects of the low-observability process remain classified; however, the B-2's composite materials, special coatings and flying-wing design all contribute to its "stealthiness."

The word reduced is sheer understatement.

Let us consider Operation Allied Force (1999) to understand whether B-2A delivered in operationally challenging conditions (or not). Yugoslavia had professional armed forces with substantial A2/AD arrangements (IADS) at the time.

"Yugoslavia’s air defenses were dominated by surface-to-air missile (SAM) batteries equipped with thousands of Soviet-made SAMs, including three SA-2 battalions; 16 SA-3 battalions, each with numerous launchers directed by LOW BLOW fire-control radars; and five SA-6 regiments fielding five batteries each, for a total of 25 SA-6 batteries directed by STRAIGHT FLUSH radars. These radar-guided SAMs were supplemented by around 100 vehicle-mounted SA-9 and several SA-13 infrared SAMs, along with a profusion of man-portable infrared SAMs, some 1,850 antiaircraft artillery (AAA) pieces, and numerous stockpiled reserve weapons and buried communications lines. Backing up these defenses, the Yugoslav air force consisted of 238 combat aircraft, including 15 MiG-29 and 64 MiG-21 fighter-interceptors.

Although the Yugoslav IADS employed equipment and technologies that dated as far back as the 1960s, albeit presumably with selected upgrades, its operators knew U.S. tactics well and had practiced air defense drills and honed their operational techniques for more than four decades. They also had the benefit of more equipment and better training than did the Bosnian Serbs in 1995. Finally, they enjoyed the advantage of being protected both by mountainous terrain and by the cover of inclement weather when the air war began.

In addition, Serbia’s SA-2s, SA-3s, and SA-6s were served by more than 100 acquisition and tracking radars, all of which were internet-ted by underground land lines and fiber optic cables. They were further backstopped by a robust civilian and military visual observer network that included covert Serb observers who monitored NATO aircraft as they took off from their bases in Europe. In anticipation of a possible air offensive, Yugoslav defense specialists had met the month before in Baghdad with their Iraqi counterparts. Indeed, such Yugoslav-Iraqi collaboration had long preceded the Kosovo crisis."

Source: NATO's Air War for Kosovo

Yugoslavia is the ONLY former adversary of USA to have managed to intercept a total of two F-117A Nighthawk(s) on separate occasions and down one of them (on the 4th day of Operation Allied Force).


Source: Clean Bombs and Dirty Wars: Air Power in Kosovo and Libya by Robert H. Gregory

Another F-117A was intercepted after a gap of month in the course of Operation Allied Force (1999) but it returned safely. The F-117A logged hundreds of sorties over Yugoslavia which is impressive in view of the fact that they were not jam-packed with sophisticated electronic components including an EW suite and radar system to make them effective. Airframe design (shaping considerations and materials) could make difference by itself.

B-2A on the other hand:

"In its first combat test, the B-2 bomber defeated not only the Serbian air defense system but also the critics who for years had insisted it would not work as advertised or would never be risked in real war."

Never Detected
Each B-2 could—and, in some cases, did—attack 16 targets in 16 different locations per mission. Pilots reported they were apparently never detected. One said he was amused, moments after touching down at Whiteman, to see a Serb leader on television, standing in a crater and complaining about NATO’s use of cruise missiles. “It wasn’t a cruise missile,” he said. “It was us. That showed they never knew we were there.”

B-2A was in Initial Operational Capability (IOC) status in 1999 in fact, but exceeded expectations in the battlefield.

B-2A is on another level of STEALTH in comparison to F-117A and well-equipped for EW functions and more. According to a declassified American document:

F-117A = 2nd generation STEALTH
B2A = 4th generation STEALTH

Yugoslavia does not exist as a country anymore but traces and impact of Operation Allied Force (1999) are still there in relevant regions, particularly in Serbia.

VLO aircrafts have only frontal stealth.

Your statement is not correct.

VLO = all aspect RCS reduction (airframe shaping and composition) + IR reduction + Acoustics reduction + EW capabilities


"In the 1980s, the US made major advances in stealth with the design of the B-2 Spirit bomber and F-22 Raptor fighter, which both featured curved shapes. These aircraft, as well as the more recent F-35 Lightning II, which has a similar shape to the F-22, benefited from the supercomputers capable of calculating far more permutations of radar reflection and from multiple directions."

Source: AirForces Monthly Special - Stealth - 2016


The B-2’s stealth profile is the result of extensive computer testing that wasn’t possible before its design. While the F-117 and B-1 were stealth aircraft, they were designed by nerds with slide rules and minimal computer modeling because the technology and the computers necessary simply didn’t exist.

But when it was time to design the B-2, the all-powerful nerds had super computers and leveraged them to create a model that had no flat surfaces with which to reflect radar directly back to the sensor. While a machine with no flat surfaces is harder to manufacture, the increase in stealth was deemed worthy of extra costs.

If the B-2 were flying directly towards the radar, most of the waves would actually be reflected 90 degrees away from the receiver, giving the radar operators next to nothing to work with.

Now you understand why Yugoslavia had nothing on B-2A sorties? They were utterly clueless as to what was attacking them in case of some missions (see Never Detected part above).

So, if there is network centric warfare with radars across all directions, the VLO will be defeated. For example, a VLO plane coming towards Islamabad from Jammu can be detected by having radars in Lahore and Gilgit-Baltistan as the VLO planes only have frontal stealth and not sideway stealth. So, even the VLO planes have to use maneuverability to hide behind mountains and geographies. Pure VLO is overrated and maneuverability is still needed.

Yugoslavia had all that and B-2A proves you wrong (see above).

Granted that much better A2/AD technologies have emerged since 1999 and some of them were planted in Syria as well but what do they have to show there? One may argue that some countries have much better A2/AD arrangements than Syria (Fair Enough). These assumptions are STILL in THEORY and not operationally validated.

Typical argument of critics is this:


This image simply convey how multiple radar systems operating in different frequency bands can be made to take cues from each other and illuminate a VLO-compliant jet fighter in order to produce a Fire Solution for it but distance is not specified. Yugoslavia adopted same method to produce a Fire Solution for an F-117A Knighthawk when it was about 12 KM away from the SAM system under command of Colonel Dani and opened its weapons bay to drop bombs on some targets (see above). This image is not telling anything new to potential readers in fact.

Bigger picture is this:


Source: Rebecca Grant

The overarching impact of B-2A on IADS is depicted; this aircraft will absolutely SHRINK A2/AD detection rings of all radar systems by virtue of its (all aspect stealth) design encompassing significant RCS reduction measures (airframe shaping and composition) + IR reduction measures + Acoustics reduction measures + EW capabilities.

There are some radar systems which have sheer size and technical prowess to detect some of the most elusive objects from respectable distances but these are very expensive to produce and field in numbers (billions of USD per unit cost).

B-2A is also being upgraded in view of global developments:

1. From BLOCK 10 to BLOCK 30 standard.
2. B-2 Radar Modernization Program (RMP) in which original AN/APQ-181 was converted to incredibly sophisticated AESA (LPI) configuration.
3. Communication system(s) upgrades.
4. Compatibility with new types of munitions.
5. New RAM application.

American 6th generation VLO-compliant technologies are on the horizon in fact.

Secondly, lower frequency radars can detect VLO planes. The only drawback with lower frequency radars is that they can only find approximate locations and not exact pinpointing. Nevertheless, once the plane is detected, other radars can be directed towards it with higher intensity and neutralise it. Russia is an expert in this field. Most likely it recognised this fact and hence decided against pure VLO. It is true that Su57 has lower stealth but that is because Russians chose maneuverability and not because Russians did not have the capability to make F35 like design.

1. See above.
2. You need to read my previous post carefully.

This may be true but the problem is that these kind of paints cost too much and don't last very long. As the plane flies at high speeds, the paint tends to wear off and make things worse. Having such paint reduces the serviceability of planes. That is also why planes seek to have design based stealth rather than just applying RAM paint. Otherwise, even F16 can be made into stealth plane by RAM

1. You are underestimating durability of RAM applications.
2. Every jet fighter should be inspected after each sortie (maintenance considerations).
3. You need to read my previous post carefully.
Some people have suggested JF17 to replace the aging F4 fleet of Turkey. I know you guys mean well but this is never going to happen for several reasons.

Most importantly, after getting kicked out of the F35 program, if Turkey were to buy something like JF17, it would turn Erdoğan into a laughing stock.

Right now his best strategy is to play down Greek, Egyptian Rafales and Israeli F35s like it's nothing.
Stick an AESA radar into F-16 and we can beat them, no worries :cuckoo:

Deeply dependent Turkey!!!
Loooool the author has an agenda. He is forgetting Turkey's own 5th gen fighter.
Turkey is more than capable of handling anything thrown at it for the forseable future.
Loooool the author has an agenda. He is forgetting Turkey's own 5th gen fighter.
Turkey is more than capable of handling anything thrown at it for the forseable future.

Bro , they are anti-ERDOGAN coalition ( USA-İsrael-France-The Uae-FETO,PKK/YPG,HDP,CHP )

Full of lies and dirty propaganda

Turkey will not buy 200+ Russian Jets to be dependent on Russia instead of The US
and if needed , Turkey can buy 48 SU-35 or SU-57 for interim solution
because of Turkey develops MMU 5th gen Fighter Jet and MIUS unmanned Fighter Jet

Turkey easly can operate 48 SU-35 or SU-57 in one base
even Egypt operate American , French , Russian Fighter Jets
but Turkey will modernize F-16s --- 227 modernized F-16s , 200+ UCAVs , S-400 , HISAR-O , SIPER Air Defense Systems will be enough to ptotect Turkish airspace and EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean until the MMU Fighter Jet

also HURJET Fighter Jet and MIUS unmanned Fighter Jet will be in service after 2025

and those stupid idiots also said that to buy S400 its a bluffing ,
but since 2019 they are crying about S400s which were bought by Turkey
Last edited:
Bro , they are anti-ERDOGAN coalition ( USA-İsrael-France-The Uae-FETO,PKK/YPG,HDP,CHP )

Full of lies and dirty propaganda

Turkey will not buy 200+ Russian Jets to be dependent on Russia instead of The US
and if needed , Turkey can buy 48 SU-35 or SU-57 for interim solution
because of Turkey develops MMU 5th gen Fighter Jet and MIUS unmanned Fighter Jet

Turkey easly can operate 48 SU-35 or SU-57 in one base
even Egypt operate American , French , Russian Fighter Jets
but Turkey will modernize F-16s --- 227 modernized F-16s , 200+ UCAVs , S-400 , HISAR-O , SIPER Air Defense Systems will be enough to ptotect Turkish airspace and EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean until the MMU Fighter Jet

also HURJET Fighter Jet and MIUS unmanned Fighter Jet will be in service after 2025

and those stupid idiots also said that to buy S400 its a bluffing ,
but since 2019 they are crying about S400s which were bought by Turkey
Russia will not sell its 5th gen fighter to anyone just like that. Su57 is the crown of Russian technology and selling it to Turkey with NATO infrastructure and radars is suicide.
Russia will not sell its 5th gen fighter to anyone just like that. Su57 is the crown of Russian technology and selling it to Turkey with NATO infrastructure and radars is suicide.

Russia sold most strategic Russian weapon S400 to Turkey

Russia is so happy to sell Fighter Jets to Turkey
but Turkey doesnt buy Russian Fighter Jets

I am saying again Turkey will modernize F-16s ---
227 modernized F-16s , 200+ UCAVs , S-400 , HISAR-O , SIPER Air Defense Systems will be enough to ptotect Turkish airspace and EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean until the MMU Fighter Jet

also 36 Qatari Fighter Jets could be deployed in Turkey ( Rafale , Eurofighter or F-15QA )
also HURJET Fighter Jet and MIUS unmanned Fighter Jet will be in service after 2025
and Turkey develops GOKHAN ramjet engine long range air to air missile to match with European METEOR missile

Turkey has final plan to develop the MMU air superiority Fighter Jet

roll out 2023
first flight 2025
delivery to TURAF 2029
Calm down everyone. TFX will be rolled out of factory as planned. Turkey has heavily invested in TFX. TAI signed up contracts with British, Ukrainian, Italian and American companies to assist Turkey in building TFX fighters. TFX will be better than anything both Russia and China have to offer.

"These are fairy tales Turks love to hear. The government-sponsored narrative about the Turkish fighter jet in the making aims is for domestic consumption only. Few Turks know that their aerospace engineering is at best decades away from building a new generation aircraft. TAI first aimed to fly the TF-X in 2023, the centennial of the Turkish Republic. It is now talking about 2025-2026 to take a prototype aircraft from the hangar. That deadline is not realistic either.

In reality, the TF-X is still at pre-conceptual design phase. In other words, it has not been designed yet -- because you cannot design a fighter jet before choosing the engine that will power it. Turkey does not have aircraft engine technology but claims it is developing it. That claim, too, is for domestic consumption."

from the article
MMU Project(TFX) is THE most serious and important defense PROJECT in TURKEY NOW, it has priority to any other project after F35 case, if someone claims that it is for internal consumption he is biased or a moron who talks with hot air.
"These are fairy tales Turks love to hear. The government-sponsored narrative about the Turkish fighter jet in the making aims is for domestic consumption only. Few Turks know that their aerospace engineering is at best decades away from building a new generation aircraft. TAI first aimed to fly the TF-X in 2023, the centennial of the Turkish Republic. It is now talking about 2025-2026 to take a prototype aircraft from the hangar. That deadline is not realistic either.

In reality, the TF-X is still at pre-conceptual design phase. In other words, it has not been designed yet -- because you cannot design a fighter jet before choosing the engine that will power it. Turkey does not have aircraft engine technology but claims it is developing it. That claim, too, is for domestic consumption."

from the article
This post here. Erdogan also promised them flying cars and going to the moon by 2025.
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