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Thousands Of Cops Deployed To Quell Public Anger In China's Locked Down Xi'an Amid Widespread Food Shortages

I guess we will have to learn how to barter like you did last year and will be doing in a few weeks for oxygen. Nobody in Xian has died yet, so can't say we'll get as much experience as you.

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Instead of learning from us, better learn it from your parents or grandparents who passed out from the Great Leap with flying colours. 🤣
It's funny how China's population grew during those years of supposed "mass starvation". It's also funny how that number keeps growing. When I was a kid it was 15 million, then it just keeps ballooning as time went on. I've even heard 60 million so your bullshit number is not the most outlandish I've seen.

The only thing you'll be compensating for is your microscopic penis after we beat your *** last year.

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This is going to be India again in the next few weeks when new COVID wave hits:

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Even by China's own data, year 1960 had pure population LOSS of 3M with 17M death, which is more than twice as the average since 1949. Between 1949 and 1958, annual population increase was greater than 10M so that 3M loss was a big dip. Year 1961 only recorded a small gain of 2.6M. I guess such a population shock means nothing to you.
Instead of learning from us, better learn it from your parents or grandparents who passed out from the Great Leap with flying colours. 🤣
Death toll in Great Leap was just tip of the iceberg, what was worse and horrifying torture death for protesting and suicides

At least 45 million people died unnecessary deaths during China's Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1962, including 2.5 million tortured or summarily killed, according to a new book by a Hong Kong scholar.


Frank Dikötter, in his book Mao's Great Famine, estimates that at least 2.5 million people were beaten or tortured to death and one million to three million committed suicide.
Even by China's own data, year 1960 had pure population LOSS of 3M with 17M death, which is more than twice as the average since 1949. Between 1949 and 1958, annual population increase was greater than 10M so that 3M loss was a big dip. Year 1961 only recorded a small gain of 2.6M. I guess such a population shock means nothing to you.
Please provide the official data you're making this claim from because I am calling bullshit. Record keeping during the early GLF was notoriously poor due to mismanagement, and during times of food shortage it's not uncommon to see birth rate drop.

Let's just say for a moment that I believe it, that's still a far cry from 45 million the Hindus in here are claiming.

Instead of learning from us, better learn it from your parents or grandparents who passed out from the Great Leap with flying colours. 🤣
Oh for sure I will learn. Recovering from Mao's mess and growing to be 6 times the size of your economy and beating you on every standard of living metric could only mean we're superior to you in every way. Hey you still have more malnourished kids than Africa?

Death toll in Great Leap was just tip of the iceberg, what was worse and horrifying torture death for protesting and suicides

Oh noes, a historian from Hong Kong said so? It must be true. Feku must have 56" chest and you believe gamutra gives you immunity from COVID too right?
Please provide the official data you're making this claim from because I am calling bullshit. Record keeping during the early GLF was notoriously poor due to mismanagement, and during times of food shortage it's not uncommon to see birth rate drop.
If you really care about Chinese who lived during those years, you would have searched it yourself. Nonetheless, here is the data you asked for, which are all in Chinese (I hope you can read Chinese, too).

https://www.renkou.org.cn/countries/zhongguo/2019/165389.html, which states the 7M population loss between 1960 and 1961.

http://www.doczj.com/doc/3d0d839fbdd126fff705cc1755270722182e596e-2.html A scanned pdf file shows 3M population loss with 17M death in 1960.

Same here http://www.360doc.com/content/20/0427/14/69031683_908704246.shtml

https://www.sohu.com/a/419232327_617610 claims to be more correct, which shows the birth count in 1961was a 40% drop of 1958.

It is very difficult to find annual death count before 1978. I suspect it is a sensitive issue. But with the population loss count and the birth count, you can do the math yourself.
I'm afraid we are rapidly approaching the limits of what can be accomplished with diplomacy regarding a certain neighbor to the south.

India views China using diplomacy as a sign of weakness. Their elites only respect power and strength. CPC has misunderstood India for decades. Being nice to India will never pay off. Beating them senseless and humiliating them is the only way to go.

Helping India during their COVID suffering last year was a big mistake too. Let those cunts suffer.

CPC need to adopt a hardline stance against India.
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If you really care about Chinese who lived during those years, you would have searched it yourself. Nonetheless, here is the data you asked for, which are all in Chinese (I hope you can read Chinese, too).

https://www.renkou.org.cn/countries/zhongguo/2019/165389.html, which states the 7M population loss between 1960 and 1961.

http://www.doczj.com/doc/3d0d839fbdd126fff705cc1755270722182e596e-2.html A scanned pdf file shows 3M population loss with 17M death in 1960.

Same here http://www.360doc.com/content/20/0427/14/69031683_908704246.shtml

https://www.sohu.com/a/419232327_617610 claims to be more correct, which shows the birth count in 1961was a 40% drop of 1958.

It is very difficult to find annual death count before 1978. I suspect it is a sensitive issue. But with the population loss count and the birth count, you can do the math yourself.
I'm going by your source:

Great Leap Forward lasted from 1958 to 1962. Using the year before and year after that period to establish a baseline, we can safely conclude normal deaths were 7.1 million per year.

1958 - 0.95 million extra deaths
1959 - 2.55 million extra deaths
1960 - 9.64 million extra deaths
1961 - 2.54 million extra deaths
1962 - 0.13 fewer deaths
Total - 15.55 million abnormal deaths above baseline

Let's just be loose with number and say a few million more perished to make it 20 million. It's certainly a human tragedy and one of the biggest fuckups by Mao, but nowhere near 45 million these cow piss drinking Hindus are speaking of.


You are saying Mao made a mess of China?
I shit on Mao every chance I get, almost as often as I do on inferior Indians with inflated ego.
Thousands Of Cops Deployed To Quell Public Anger In China's Locked Down Xi'an Amid Widespread Food Shortages
Tens of thousands of police officers were deployed to China's Xi'an where public anger has exploded among the city's 13 million residents who were left bargaining and bartering for essential foodstuffs amid ongoing food shortages, as the city entered its 13th day of lockdown amid a wave of COVID-19 cases.

As some people took to social media to appeal for assistance as their food supplies ran low, or they were unable to access medical care, others started local trading networks in residential compounds to try to meet each other's needs through bartering.

"Everything is getting bartered in Xi'an," a resident of the city told RFA. "People are swapping stuff with others in the same building, because they no longer have enough food to eat." Another resident said in a video clip that some people were trading cigarettes and iPhones for bags of rice.

"We now have a barter system in our residential compound," the man says in the clip. "We had a bag of rice, and the neighbor wanted to trade ... a smartphone and a tablet."

"We have six bags of rice in our home but no vegetables."

According to Radio Free Asia, authorities in the northern Chinese city of Xi'an have called for calm, as many in Xi'an are taking to social media complaining that they were unable to get sufficient food supplies after being ordered to stay in their homes.

To contain any civil unrest, city authorities have deployed around 29,000 police officers to enforce the lockdown, while countless local security guards are preventing people from entering or leaving areas designated high or medium risk. One video clip that made the rounds on social media showed security guards beating a teenager in the lobby of a building because he went out to buy steamed buns.

"I was hungry, so I came out to get some mantou," the youngster is heard telling the guards, who beat and kick him, knocking his food to the ground. City authorities later said the guards had been punished.

Residents were initially told they would be allowed to send a designated person to buy groceries every other day, but many have since told RFA that the security guards in many areas aren't allowing anyone to leave.

Those who can make it out to buy supplies are finding that prices have skyrocketed, especially of fresh fruit and vegetables, despite a well publicized effort by the government and volunteers to bring fresh produce into the city in large quantities to hand out to beleaguered residents.

One video clip posted to social media showed a man who said he had paid around 40 yuan for 10 capsicum peppers, the same amount for six tomatoes and 40 yuan for two cabbages.

"The vegetable vendor must be making a fortune," the man complains, while showing his haul to friends.

State media, which is tightly controlled by the ruling Communist Party, reported on a line of trucks hauling a selection of vegetables, fresh fruit and pork belly into residential households in one part of the city on Dec. 29, delivering fresh food to around 180 households.

But the address given in the news report was tracked down by social media users, who discovered it was a residential compound for employees of the Shaanxi Provincial People's Congress and the Xi'an municipal government, prompting a public outcry on social media.

A Xi'an resident surnamed Song said the food given to the families of officials looked luxurious compared with what regular people are getting: "They were spoiled for choice when it comes vegetables," Song said. "Where can regular people find stuff like that?"

"I managed to get one head of Chinese leaves, a zucchini, four bell peppers, three heads of garlic, a piece of ginger, two scallions and three potatoes," she said.

According to the Shaanxi provincial government, a total of 41,000 police officers have been dispatched to Xi'an to maintain public order, with 29,000 of those deployed to Xi'an, 20,352 of whom are working in residential compounds. Some 4,000 are operating traffic roadblocks, while others are guarding hotels or COVID-19 testing sites.

A Shaanxi scholar who gave the surname Tian said the government's top priority in times of crisis is always maintaining public order and social stability, rather than looking after the needs of ordinary people.

Commentator Han Dapeng said the lockdown doesn't appear to be preventing the spread of the Omicron variant of COVID-19, however.

"They used this total lockdown method on Wuhan last year, but Omicron is still going strong," Han said. "Yet the rates of fatality and severe disease are both very low."

"I don't think this Xi'an lockdown is about disease prevention," he said. "It's more about controlling the population."

State news agency Xinhua reported that China had 161 confirmed cases of COVID-19 nationwide on Monday, 101 of which were locally transmitted.

New cases in Xi'an fell to their lowest in a week, health officials said Sunday, as the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP) pursues a "zero COVID" approach involving tight border restrictions and swift, targeted lockdowns.

Zhang Canyou of the China Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said that several rounds of testing in Xi'an had showed there are "some positive changes" in case numbers, which have dipped since the lockdown began.

Meanwhile, to contain speculation that Beijing is only enforcing lockdowns "to control the population", amid the widespread outcry about the draconian lockdown measures, the official local news platform of Xi’an said a hospital’s wrongdoings amid the lockdown led to miscarriage of a pregnant woman and requires the hospital "to compensate and apologize." And just to make everything better, the hospital’s general manager was suspended and two department heads fired.

Liu Shunzhi, head of the city’s health commission, received a warning from the Communist Party for malpractice in emergency treatment during the Covid outbreak. It wasn't clear just what the "malpractice" was.

And just like that everything in Xi'an is back to abnormal.

Oh, and then just a few moments ago, this hit: China's Xian Xianyang International Airport Suspends All International Passenger Flights From Jan 5. Because things are clearly under control.


Ah. The other day Indian govt was telling Chinese government that China is a developed country however PDF indian warriors are concerned that people in China are dying of food shortage. Wow
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