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The other Imran Khan - conquest of London

Cool... Just like me. I could relate. Had one nighters ... Threesomes... Jacuzzi fun... Booz.

Then I had an awakening, found my centre ... Connected to my Deen. Married a practicing Muslim.

Now i don't pass judgment on others... Because you never know where someone's life will take them. Only Allah knows what's in our hearts.

Don't judge; least ye be judged.
It's great to know that you are one of the lucky ones who have been guided to righteousness, but a word of advice: there is no need to tell others what you have done in your past life, let it remain a secret between you and your lord.
Just incase you require a reference, Abu Hurayrah said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “All of my ummah will be forgiven except those who sin openly. It is a part of sinning openly when a man does something at night, then the following morning when Allaah has concealed his sin, he says, ‘O So and so, I did such and such last night,’ when all night his Lord has concealed him and the next morning he uncovers what Allaah had concealed.” (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5721; Muslim, 2990).
The brother literally courted the cream of the crop of Britain, which was practically unheard of for a foreigner.
I mean Lady Liza Campbell bloody hell, she was stunning, as were virtually all of them.
People have to understand and accept that if a Muslim is doing stuff that the religion discourages, he/she does not automatically become non-Muslim --- he/she is just sinning in those specific instances. And Allah is most merciful. We are human. We are imperfect. We will sin. What's important is to eventually understand this, correct course and seek forgiveness.

These are legendary conquests by IK! Clearly what he looks for in a woman has drastically changed.
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