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The India problem, Cyril Almeida's pointing finger at Pakistan establishment for URI!


Mar 26, 2015
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TRY this one for a conspiracy theory. Two months ago, on July 8 to be precise, the Indians did something stupid in the Valley: they killed Burhan Wani.

Stupid not because Pakistan says so, but because many Indians themselves did: killing a charismatic 22-year-old who had stirred up Kashmiris was a recipe for unrest.

And unrest is what India got. An own goal had been scored.

What happened next was also fairly predictable: India went into repression mode. Compounding the original error, it used disproportionate violence against civilians and made a mess of things there.

Curfew was imposed. The state of India was sucked back into a familiar cycle of repression and violence in held Kashmir. The people wouldn’t back down; the state wouldn’t relent.

All right, but where’s the conspiracy theory, you’re wondering.

The state of India had an advantage that the people of Kashmir didn’t: much of India didn’t care about the violence and the outside world sure as heck didn’t — contrary to what we were being told here in Pakistan.

Sure, the human rights lot and the Kashmiri diaspora had shone a light on abuse and repression by Indian security forces and that had started to attract international media attention at the fringes, but it was nothing remotely alarming for India.

If Uri was not done by non-state Pakistani militants, then India has managed an even more spectacular own goal.
As for Pakistan’s efforts to internationalise the issue, the derision with which the parliamentary junkets to foreign capitals was met with pretty much summed up the effort: desultory, weak and embarrassing.

Now, look away if you’re easily disorientated by theories other than what the state propagates.

Two months of unrest in reaction to Indian repression had created a dilemma for the anti-India non-states here.

India was getting away with murder, literally, and India wasn’t being forced to pay. Violence in response to violence is the non-states raison d’être.

What the hell kind of jihadi outfit are you if you don’t act when India is on the rampage against Kashmiris?

And violence by the Indian state is also a recruiting tool, especially if you can amp up the outrage here in Pakistan at Indian atrocities against Kashmiris.

Plus, the world’s attention needed to be focused and there’s only one way for the world’s attention to focus on Pakistan and India: the threat of war.

Put all of that together and you have the makings of a spectacular attack.

Like, y’know, Uri.

That’s madness, you’re thinking. A two-bit conspiracy theory. What the hell was the advantage to Pakistan?

Even well-meaning folk here have had trouble digesting the possibility. But then they also have long had trouble digesting the value of non-states to begin with.

There is, of course, a straightforward way to separate conspiracy from fact. The Uri attackers were either Pakistani or they were not.

India has the bodies and those bodies are tied to families, handlers and networks that exist either here or over there. Identification is not only possible it is inevitable.

And you can bet the Indian and Pakistani intelligence apparatuses — and probably of a handful of other countries — already know the attackers’ identities.

Attacks and their aftermath usually unleash a torrent of intelligence that is impossible to miss.

Handlers have to coordinate. The families have to mourn their dead. The networks have to eulogise the act. Fellow jihadis have to dissect the operation and marvel at their brethren’s bravery and success.

If Uri was not done by Pakistanis, then India has managed an even more spectacular own goal. It would mean a new generation of armed and trained insurgents to contend with.

And it would mean that India’s raging against Pakistan has drawn the world’s attention, however briefly, towards what India is doing to Kashmiris.

But if Uri was done by Pakistani non-states…

In truth, it would be more depressing than frightening. Not frightening in a peculiar Pak-India sense because already we’ve shown that we can get away with it.

Because what, really, can India do about it? A rageful India can threaten war, but that only brings the outside world rushing in to counsel peace.

Plus, in a hard-nosed way, would India go to war with Pakistan — a Pakistan with an explicitly lowered nuclear threshold — over a handful of dead soldiers and citizens?

As India rises, a two-and-a-half-trillion dollar economy paired with global ambitions, its pain threshold will also rise — what is worth losing all of that over will become progressively higher in the next decade or so.

And if India does decide to double-down on stirring up mischief inside Pakistan, nothing like it. Few things would enthuse the boys here more than hunting down some India-lovers doing harm to the homeland.

The counterterrorism infrastructure is anyway in full-blown expansion mode because of the fight against the anti-Pak militants. And an endless war would extend the boys’ internal predominance.

So not really that frightening in the peculiar way that is India-Pak.

But depressing because of the circularity of it all. A security state with an insecure worldview. An India obsession that is fed by India’s own antics.

A Kashmir dispute that we refuse to be pragmatic about and which India gives us a reason to not be pragmatic about.

A democratic transition too weak for the civilians to influence foreign policy or national security, but weak enough to not invite a military takeover that could place a peace-making general at the helm.

So, yeah, God bless the Kashmiris. Fire and brimstone on the Indians. But feel sorrow for Pakistan and Pakistanis — you and me, the regular folk.

Conspiracy theories or facts, all we have is the knowledge that, either way, we get hurt.

The writer is a member of staff.


Twitter: @cyalm

Published in Dawn September 25th, 2016

My reply to this article, I have been reading this chap's article who in a garb of liberalism and utilising verbosity and jargon spews against Pak Army whom he despicably calls 'boys'

So in this maze of Jargon you put Uri on Pakistani establishment for increasing the sphere of dominance in Pakistan. How delusional can one get? You based all your article on the premise Kashmir isn't getting ears from international community and some how the shock from this will make world listen. It is the other way around. Human rights issues that do not concern western interests are by nature with weakened legs. Kashmir is no east Timor. Even a full blown genocide in Kashmir will not bring an emergency liberating UN force much less the 18 dead Indian soldiers. These human rights issues seeps through the masses through social media and other sources of information. It destroys the brand India that was created using billions. It suffocates the national character and gnaws at the roots of any modern society. This is what troubles India, this where the pressure develops. 18 dead soldiers counter that. It counters the rival brand. It counters the slow suffocation. No conspiracy theory here just plain simple facts that you are too biased and prejudiced to accept,Cyril.
Dawn I expect you to publish my comment.

Awesome. You basically highlight almost everything..
Its a time if we have blast in karachi, india sud get one in bombay enough is enough we never blame india for what happened from past 10 years of indian involvment every bomb blast or attacks either is karachi airport or masjids or jaloos we are sure india is behind but never mentiones its time to answer them in same manners.. they already ready to fight and we sud not ignore their stupidity..
They are puerly stupid who wants a war in this era... except indians.
Even a full blown genocide in Kashmir will not bring an emergency liberating UN force much less the 18 dead Indian soldiers.

A looming nuclear war b/w two countries gets the world's attention because of those 18 dead soldiers. Occupation in Kashmir leads to dead soldiers that might lead to war...
Meh...It's not a bad article. It explores a possibility which makes some sense.

But why would Pakistan want to do an attack like this a few days before the UNGA? Not even the "boys" as he fondly calls them are that foolish. It gave India more ammo against us, they'll bring it up in their UNGA address, they're talking about scraping the Indus water treaty etc. It basically proved everything they've said about us as right. This would only make sense if it was done after the UNGA not before and that too not right before Nawaz was going to speak.
Meh...It's not a bad article. It explores a possibility which makes some sense.

But why would Pakistan want to do an attack like this a few days before the UNGA? Not even the "boys" as he fondly calls them are that foolish. It gave India more ammo against us, they'll bring it up in their UNGA address, they're talking about scraping the Indus water treaty etc. It basically proved everything they've said about us as right. This would only make sense if it was done after the UNGA not before and that too not right before Nawaz was going to speak.

The attacks have always been happening, Uri is not a surprise. Why Uri has got a lot of attention is that in this case, the attackers got lucky. The number of casualties is what makes this stand out, not the attack per se. The "boys" don't oversee every single operation & even if they did, it is possible that they just wanted to keep the pressure up and did not bargain for the number of casualties. In these kind of attacks, there is something as being too lucky (26/11 was another such case). Not always only a matter for celebration, being too lucky can cause significant blow back which is what this is starting to look like. Unlike 26/11 which had even more casualties, this is being seen as an direct attack on the Indian army by the Pakistan army (no distinction of non-state actors etc..). Therefore a response is inevitable. What has made this different is that the high number of casualties has also brought this into a much larger canvas with the highest political leaders being forced to get involved. That is the difference.The question was never whether there was going to be a response, it's whether the attention that this has got moves it into the realm of a strategic response rather than a tactical one at local commanders level.
The attacks have always been happening, Uri is not a surprise. Why Uri has got a lot of attention is that in this case, the attackers got lucky. The number of casualties is what makes this stand out, not the attack per se. The "boys" don't oversee every single operation & even if they did, it is possible that they just wanted to keep the pressure up and did not bargain for the number of casualties. In these kind of attacks, there is something as being too lucky (26/11 was another such case). Not always only a matter for celebration, being too lucky can cause significant blow back which is what this is starting to look like. Unlike 26/11 which had even more casualties, this is being seen as an direct attack on the Indian army by the Pakistan army (no distinction of non-state actors etc..). Therefore a response is inevitable. What has made this different is that the high number of casualties has also brought this into a much larger canvas with the highest political leaders being forced to get involved. That is the difference.The question was never whether there was going to be a response, it's whether the attention that this has got moves it into the realm of a strategic response rather than a tactical one at local commanders level.

I disagree completely. If you said this about Pathankot, you might have had a point.

No one gained anything from the Uri attacks right before Nawaz spoke at the UNGA.

And as to the boys not overseeing every single operation, if these were indeed non-state actors then Pakistan deserves an apology from Indians who were calling for war and labelling Pakistan as a terrorist nation for officially staging this attack.
I disagree completely. If you said this about Pathankot, you might have had a point.

No one gained anything from the Uri attacks right before Nawaz spoke at the UNGA.

Pathankot was to send a message as much to Nawaz Sharif as to India.

And as to the boys not overseeing every single operation, if these were indeed non-state actors then Pakistan deserves an apology from Indians who were calling for war and labelling Pakistan as a terrorist nation for officially staging this attack.

That distinction of non-state actors is yours, GoI has blamed JeM for this attack from day 1. No apologies will be forthcoming, no one buys the distinction you make.This is seen by the Indian army as an attack directly by the Pakistani army & therefore the retribution, like before will focus on the PA.

TRY this one for a conspiracy theory. Two months ago, on July 8 to be precise, the Indians did something stupid in the Valley: they killed Burhan Wani.

Stupid not because Pakistan says so, but because many Indians themselves did: killing a charismatic 22-year-old who had stirred up Kashmiris was a recipe for unrest.

And unrest is what India got. An own goal had been scored.

What happened next was also fairly predictable: India went into repression mode. Compounding the original error, it used disproportionate violence against civilians and made a mess of things there.

Curfew was imposed. The state of India was sucked back into a familiar cycle of repression and violence in held Kashmir. The people wouldn’t back down; the state wouldn’t relent.

All right, but where’s the conspiracy theory, you’re wondering.

The state of India had an advantage that the people of Kashmir didn’t: much of India didn’t care about the violence and the outside world sure as heck didn’t — contrary to what we were being told here in Pakistan.

Sure, the human rights lot and the Kashmiri diaspora had shone a light on abuse and repression by Indian security forces and that had started to attract international media attention at the fringes, but it was nothing remotely alarming for India.

If Uri was not done by non-state Pakistani militants, then India has managed an even more spectacular own goal.
As for Pakistan’s efforts to internationalise the issue, the derision with which the parliamentary junkets to foreign capitals was met with pretty much summed up the effort: desultory, weak and embarrassing.

Now, look away if you’re easily disorientated by theories other than what the state propagates.

Two months of unrest in reaction to Indian repression had created a dilemma for the anti-India non-states here.

India was getting away with murder, literally, and India wasn’t being forced to pay. Violence in response to violence is the non-states raison d’être.

What the hell kind of jihadi outfit are you if you don’t act when India is on the rampage against Kashmiris?

And violence by the Indian state is also a recruiting tool, especially if you can amp up the outrage here in Pakistan at Indian atrocities against Kashmiris.

Plus, the world’s attention needed to be focused and there’s only one way for the world’s attention to focus on Pakistan and India: the threat of war.

Put all of that together and you have the makings of a spectacular attack.

Like, y’know, Uri.

That’s madness, you’re thinking. A two-bit conspiracy theory. What the hell was the advantage to Pakistan?

Even well-meaning folk here have had trouble digesting the possibility. But then they also have long had trouble digesting the value of non-states to begin with.

There is, of course, a straightforward way to separate conspiracy from fact. The Uri attackers were either Pakistani or they were not.

India has the bodies and those bodies are tied to families, handlers and networks that exist either here or over there. Identification is not only possible it is inevitable.

And you can bet the Indian and Pakistani intelligence apparatuses — and probably of a handful of other countries — already know the attackers’ identities.

Attacks and their aftermath usually unleash a torrent of intelligence that is impossible to miss.

Handlers have to coordinate. The families have to mourn their dead. The networks have to eulogise the act. Fellow jihadis have to dissect the operation and marvel at their brethren’s bravery and success.

If Uri was not done by Pakistanis, then India has managed an even more spectacular own goal. It would mean a new generation of armed and trained insurgents to contend with.

And it would mean that India’s raging against Pakistan has drawn the world’s attention, however briefly, towards what India is doing to Kashmiris.

But if Uri was done by Pakistani non-states…

In truth, it would be more depressing than frightening. Not frightening in a peculiar Pak-India sense because already we’ve shown that we can get away with it.

Because what, really, can India do about it? A rageful India can threaten war, but that only brings the outside world rushing in to counsel peace.

Plus, in a hard-nosed way, would India go to war with Pakistan — a Pakistan with an explicitly lowered nuclear threshold — over a handful of dead soldiers and citizens?

As India rises, a two-and-a-half-trillion dollar economy paired with global ambitions, its pain threshold will also rise — what is worth losing all of that over will become progressively higher in the next decade or so.

And if India does decide to double-down on stirring up mischief inside Pakistan, nothing like it. Few things would enthuse the boys here more than hunting down some India-lovers doing harm to the homeland.

The counterterrorism infrastructure is anyway in full-blown expansion mode because of the fight against the anti-Pak militants. And an endless war would extend the boys’ internal predominance.

So not really that frightening in the peculiar way that is India-Pak.

But depressing because of the circularity of it all. A security state with an insecure worldview. An India obsession that is fed by India’s own antics.

A Kashmir dispute that we refuse to be pragmatic about and which India gives us a reason to not be pragmatic about.

A democratic transition too weak for the civilians to influence foreign policy or national security, but weak enough to not invite a military takeover that could place a peace-making general at the helm.

So, yeah, God bless the Kashmiris. Fire and brimstone on the Indians. But feel sorrow for Pakistan and Pakistanis — you and me, the regular folk.

Conspiracy theories or facts, all we have is the knowledge that, either way, we get hurt.

The writer is a member of staff.


Twitter: @cyalm

Published in Dawn September 25th, 2016

My reply to this article, I have been reading this chap's article who in a garb of liberalism and utilising verbosity and jargon spews against Pak Army whom he despicably calls 'boys'

So in this maze of Jargon you put Uri on Pakistani establishment for increasing the sphere of dominance in Pakistan. How delusional can one get? You based all your article on the premise Kashmir isn't getting ears from international community and some how the shock from this will make world listen. It is the other way around. Human rights issues that do not concern western interests are by nature with weakened legs. Kashmir is no east Timor. Even a full blown genocide in Kashmir will not bring an emergency liberating UN force much less the 18 dead Indian soldiers. These human rights issues seeps through the masses through social media and other sources of information. It destroys the brand India that was created using billions. It suffocates the national character and gnaws at the roots of any modern society. This is what troubles India, this where the pressure develops. 18 dead soldiers counter that. It counters the rival brand. It counters the slow suffocation. No conspiracy theory here just plain simple facts that you are too biased and prejudiced to accept,Cyril.
Dawn I expect you to publish my comment.

Terrorist pig who took arm arms, good he got killed, the rest will follow! don't try to glorify terrorists! oh wait you are a terrorist nation, the world has branded you that!
Terrorist pig who took arm arms, good he got killed, the rest will follow! don't try to glorify terrorists! oh wait you are a terrorist nation, the world has branded you that!
Lol indian dream world... just imagin if india call us terrorist and we hodling ur service army office aka the monkey in cage then i think world will have to come up some better words.
India is capital of golbal terrorism by supporting ISIS
Supporting mukti bahni
Killing innocent kashmiries
Involvement in Balouchistan
Samjotha, babri masjid, golden temple
Massacr in 7 state sisters assam and in nexlites.
And its all state terrorism..
Indian state is terrorist state.
Pathankot was to send a message as much to Nawaz Sharif as to India.

That distinction of non-state actors is yours, GoI has blamed JeM for this attack from day 1. No apologies will be forthcoming, no one buys the distinction you make.This is seen by the Indian army as an attack directly by the Pakistani army & therefore the retribution, like before will focus on the PA.

Well you have jumped the gun as always then. Either the boys did it or they didn't do it simple.

You cannot say Pak army did it, then refuse to answer the logical fallacy's this assertion entails & then say they maybe didn't do it and were caught unaware. Pick a story and stick to it.
Pathankot was to send a message as much to Nawaz Sharif as to India.

That distinction of non-state actors is yours, GoI has blamed JeM for this attack from day 1. No apologies will be forthcoming, no one buys the distinction you make.This is seen by the Indian army as an attack directly by the Pakistani army & therefore the retribution, like before will focus on the PA.
first. NIA chief gave clean chit to pakistan on pathankot. its on record. almost every newspaper reported it.
second. TTP and BLA are indian proxies who carried even more worst attacks than URI. its indian distinction to use non state actors on innocent. even if uri attackers were pakistani proxies, they killed soldiers not civilians.
it doesn't matter what indian army sees. they saw pakistan army when the terrorists were still kicking their asses. you can't defeat us conventionally either. not when we are not surrounded by india on three sides and sea on the fourth side.
A beautiful piece of writing by Cyril Almeida.
Is he related to the great Cowasjee ? Can see some similarity in thought process. Should read more of his articles.
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