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The Great Muslim Warriors

Since when did Tipu Sultan become a Pakistani? :undecided:[/QUOTE

Since you failed to read or understand the title of the thread.....

'The Great Muslim Warriors'

Hence, that includes 'Tipu Sultan' also. (Who Happens to fall into the category of the aforementioned thread. 'The Great Muslim Warriors'!!!!)

Greatest Warriors of ISLAM and Pakistan are

1) Ali Ibn Abi Talib
2) Hussain Ibn e Ali
3) Hamza ibn Abdul Muttalib
4) Abbas Ibn e Ali
5) Khalid Bin Waleed
6) Hurr
7) Salahuddin Ayubi
8) Major Shabbir Sharif
9) Capt Kernal Sher Khan
10) Naik Mahfooz
11) Sub Atta Muhammad
I am sure some you already mention our well known Islamic warriors and they are the pride of ummat-e-muslimah. We love them for their contribution toward din-e-Islam.

Ikhtiyar Uddin Muhammad Bin Bakhtiyar Khalji

Very well known when comes to the region of Bengal or present day Bangladesh however may not be well known in other part of Islamic world.

He is the founder of the Khilji dynasty and is considered to be the first Muslim ruler of Bengal.

Ikhtiyar Uddin Muhammad Bin Bakhtiyar Khalji - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is truly the best man ever!

The Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alay he wasalam, peace be upon him) is the most honest, righteous, pious, kind, sincere, handsome, humble, knowledgeable, pure, honourable, wise, and GREATEST of all of God's creation!

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH/SAW) is the closest one to Allah (SWT)!

Some others:

Hazrat Ali (AS), the lion of Allah, who struck fear in to the enemies.

Hazrat Umar (Rad), who brought justice and strength to the battlefield!

Hazrat Abu Bakr (Rad), who fought as hard as he could and never left the holy Prophet's (SAW) side!

Hazrat Usman (Rad), an other amazing sahaba!

Hazrat Khalid bin Walid (Rad) who never lost a battle, and struck fear in to the hearts of the Roman and Persian empires.

Other soldiers/general's that may or may not have been mentioned:

Salahuddin (Rah)

Sultan Mehmet II (Rah)

Tariq Bin Ziyad (Rah)

Muhammad bin Qasim (Rah)

Suleiman - Ottoman Sultan

Some comtemporary heroes:


1. Captain Muhammad Sarwar Shaheed (1910–July 27, 1948), 6/8 Punjab
2. Major Muhammad Tufail Shaheed (1914–August 7, 1958), 1 Battlion East Pakistan Rifles
3. Major Raja Aziz Bhatti Shaheed (1928–September 10, 1965), 17 Punjab
4. Major Muhammad Akram Shaheed (1938–1971), 4 FF
5. Pilot Officer Rashid Minhas Shaheed (1951–August 20, 1971), PAF Training Squadron
6. Major Shabbir Sharif Shaheed (1943–December 6, 1971), 6 FF
7. Sawar Muhammad Hussain Shaheed(1949–December 10, 1971), 20 Lancers
8. Lance Naik Muhammad Mahfuz Shaheed (1944–December 17, 1971), 15 Punjab
9. Captain Karnal Sher Khan Shaheed (1970–July 5, 1999), 12 NLI
10. Havaildar Lalak Jan Shaheed (1967–July 7, 1999), 12 NLI.
11. Saif Ali Janjua(25 April 1922 ,26th April 1948)
"Yeh Ghazi teray pur-israr ban-daay jinhay to nay bikh-shah yah zokh-e-khudai"

in my opion every person how stood for Jihad is greatest warrior and since we stop Jihad so there is no living legend.
Its hard to put them in a rank from 1 to 10 because they all had different contributions to make. Instead i will just mentioned the general and his achievements.'

Bairam Khan: Have seen many people here say Akbar as the greatest general but it was Akbars generals, not Akbar who reestablished and spread the Mughal Empire. Bairam Khan is the man who won the 2nd Battle of Panipat for the muslims. A Hindu named Hemu had taken over after Sher Shah's weak suri decendents fell from power. It was thus at the battle of Panipat that the fate of the Indian subcontinent was decided for the nest 400, 500 years. And who was the general of that battle? Bairam Khan. Akbar was just a child at that time!

Berke: The grandson of Genghis Khan and first Mongol ruler to adopt Islam. His horde known as the Golden horde spearheaded Islam into Russia and Eastern Europe. The Golden Horde dominated Ukraine, Western Russia and Western Central Asia for the next 300 years.

Alp Arsalan: Arguably the founder of the state of Turkey due to his victory over the Byzantines at Manzikert which pushed the Byzantines back towards Constantinople whilst allowing the Turks to enter Anatolia from Central Asia.

Zafar Khan: General of the Delhi Sultunate. Defeated a Mongol army form the Chagatay Horde(which hadnt become Muslim yet) despite being heavily outnumbered (Some say the Mongol army was greater than 200 000 though if this is accurate is questionable) and thus saved Pakistan and North India from what Persia and Iraq had experianced after Mongol invasions.

General Shahbaz Khan Kamboh: Another one of Akbar's generals. Redded Bengal and Orissa and parts of the Deccan to the Mughal Empire as well as breaking down numerous uprises by the Rajputs and Pashtuns. He was also an Orthodox Sunni much to the dislike of Akbar, and he refused to bow to him as well as refusing to join Akbars Din-e-Illahi religion. However he was tolerated due to his great military skills. (he is my personal favourite because he like me is a Kamboh and his cavalry was entirely made up of Kambohs :) )

Added to this are of course the Arab generals but you have already mentioned alot about them so no point in saying more.
The ones i've studied and are of great interest historically (as well as being Muslims) i would say:

!. Kublai khan
2. Tamerlane
3. Saladin

Many of their military tactics have been studied to a great extent by western scholars or philosophers.

There are many others as mentioned in previous posts. I respect them all and wouldn't consider ranking them. They all are great warriors in some respects.
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The ones i've studied and are of great interest historically (as well as being Muslims) i would say:

!. Kublai khan
2. Tamerlane
3. Saladin

Many of their military tactics have been studied to a great extent by western scholars or philosophers.

There are many others as mentioned in previous posts. I respect them all and wouldn't consider ranking them. They all are great warriors in some respects.

Brother, eventhough Kublai Khan is no doubt one of the great generals of history he wasnt a muslim. He is of course most famous for his failed seaborne invasions of Japan which failed due to bad weather.
Otherwise Saladin and Tamerlane are no doubt great muslim leaders though i on a personal note dont like Timur as much. At the Battle of Ankara he defeated the new rising muslim power in Europe, the Ottomans. This defeat was shattering for the Ottomans who had fast been expanding into Europe at this point. They eventually recovered but still it took them another 40, 50 years to establish themselves again at the same level as they were before Timurs invasion. This 40, 50 years was a time that could have been used to exapnd further into the Balkans. Unfortunatly another muslim leader had to stop them from doing that!
The greatest of them all !!!

he was the greatest warrier to walk on this planet.


he was one person even opposition loved.
Brother, eventhough Kublai Khan is no doubt one of the great generals of history he wasnt a muslim. He is of course most famous for his failed seaborne invasions of Japan which failed due to bad weather.
Otherwise Saladin and Tamerlane are no doubt great muslim leaders though i on a personal note dont like Timur as much. At the Battle of Ankara he defeated the new rising muslim power in Europe, the Ottomans. This defeat was shattering for the Ottomans who had fast been expanding into Europe at this point. They eventually recovered but still it took them another 40, 50 years to establish themselves again at the same level as they were before Timurs invasion. This 40, 50 years was a time that could have been used to exapnd further into the Balkans. Unfortunatly another muslim leader had to stop them from doing that!

Yes my mistake with Kublai Khan. He had great military philosophy though and I have respect for him for this purpose.

Tamer was a ruthless leader and there are many scenes throughout his life whereby he committed such atrocities for example when the people of Damascus were subjected to all sorts of torture:

Ibn Khaldun writes:

"It continued to burn until it reached the Great Mosque. The flames mounted to its roofs (the Umayyad Mosque), melting the lead in it, and the ceiling and the walls collapsed. This was an absolutely dastardly and abominable deed but the changes in the affairs are in the hands of Allah s.w.t- he does with his creatures as he wishes, and decides in his kingdom as he wills."

There is great controversy as to why Tamer ordered the mosque to be burnt. However either due to the governor sending four virgins, which Tamer decided to butcher and hang on the city walls to become burnt eventually here, or as Schiltbeger, the Bavarian whose accounts are littered with inconsistencies claims that a bishop and his priests pleading for their life were sent to the mosque with their families for protection, and later Tamer ordered it to be ignited.

Anyway despite Tamer committing such crimes, he remembered Allah s.w.t a great deal and comments on the Ottoman war:
He claims to have never wanted the war “because I knew that your troops were always at war with infidels. I have used all possible ways of mildness; and my intention was, if you have harkened to my counsels, and consented to a peace, to have given you powerful succours, both of money and troops, to carry on the war for religion with greater vigour, and to exterminate the enemies of Mohammed (S.A.W)." And continues... "To return thanks to Allah s.w.t for my good fortune in this battle, I will neither treat you nor your friends ill; and you may rest satisfied as to that point."

Also from an Islamic perspective, despite him subjecting even Muslims to great horror, his final words were:

"I know my soul is about to leave my body and I am to be taken to the throne of Allah s.w.t who gives life, and takes it away. I beg you shed no tears at my death. Rather than tearing your clothes and running around like madmen, pray to Allah to have mercy on me. Say Allahu Akhbar, and recite Fatiiha, to comfort my soul. Since Allah enabled me to give laws to Iran and Turan so that throughout those kingdoms the great do not oppress the poor, I hope he will forgive my sins, which are without number. ….Remember to do everything I have told you to keep peace and public order. Always keep yourselves informed about the affairs of your subjects. Be valiant and keep your sword in your hand with courage that like me you may enjoy your long reign and a vast empire. I have purged Iran and Turan of their enemies and disturbers of the peace and I have brought them justice and prosperity. If you follow my last wishes and make justice the guide of all your actions, the empire will long remain in your hands. But if discord and disunity creep in, ill fortune awaits you. Enemies will start wars which will be difficult to end and irreparable damage will befall the state and religion."
At 8pm Tamer recited "La Ilaaha illa’llah" and passed away

Throughout his life events he would return to pray following the atrocities he committed. Allah s.w.t always sends great people on this dunya for a purpose; Allah s.w.t knows best what this purpose was specifically, though during Tamer’s time Muslims were not united following the Islamic renaissance period due to money and greed and something needed to happen. History repeats itself.

He was definitely and last and greatest conqueror of the world. ;)


Justin Marozzi (2005). Tamerlane: Sword of Islam, Conqueror of the World. London: Harper.
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Sorry for my ignorance but wasnt your prophet too a warrior?? So for you all, it must be him who is the greatest muslim warrior??
Sorry for my ignorance but wasnt your prophet too a warrior?? So for you all, it must be him who is the greatest muslim warrior??

err...yeah of course. But we are talking about all historic muslim conquerors. He Muhammad S.A.W was definitely the first and an inspirational leader of all muslim leaders to come.
Tipu the magnificent....
Salahudin Ayubi
Hazrat Ali Ra
Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA
Hazrat Usman RA
Sarwar Shaheed Shaheed
Captain Sher Khan \\
Major Aziz Bhatti \\
All shaheeds
and Unsung heroes of Operation Thunderstorm(Bunner)
And all the wars in which they sacrifised there lifes in.

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