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Taliban has taken over the Norwegian Embassy in Kabul, wine bottles are to be smashed and children's books destroyed

Like keeping wine bottles intact is going to build homes in Afghanistan! You are wise enough to know that Islam does not allow wine to be consumed . So what is the harm.

Sure, ban alcohol but my point was of the wrong priorities of the Taliban.

t took me a bit of time understanding children's books. However with latest UK andEU trends of erasing the concept of gender identity, acceptance as trans gender and gender reassignment and actively propagating that, I am no longer surprised they want to destroy Children's books. I would as well hiven half a chance.

This from six days ago :

What are the habits of the Taliban ? :)

I did not know the political leaders (and one poet) you mentioned are agreed upon by Muslims to have been great Muslim leaders worthy of administration.

1. Years ago when I was a student in a computer institute here in India one of my batch mates was named Jamal Abdul Nasser after the Egyptian leader. My batch mate's parents were in respect of the Egyptian. They were educated people.

2. About the Pakistani poet, if he and his socialist comrades had succeeded in taking over the government in 1951 ( the so-called Rawalpindi Conspiracy ) then Pakistan would have been a far more developed place by now.

3. About "agreed upon by Muslims" who are these Muslims ?

What is important is for Muslims to go to the source of islamic jurisprudence and derive lessons, than try and understand the world of today and try to implement those lessons as appropriate.

The challenges of today's world are fast changing and evolving and therefore would need to be adapted to accordingly.

Agreed. And towards that end I have proposed a new economic system in this thread. Can be applied to any society.

It will take time for proper political leadership to emerge and take charge, for now the matter is in the hands of soldiers.

Well, I wish for the Afghans to read this thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is a long article by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha and is about leftist activism among Muslims around the world from the early 1900s onward. The Muslims of now should look at this and go back to what they were that long ago and now support those movements and individuals and governments who carry on that tradition and reject those who don't.

Those wicked western children book are encouraging bacha bazi.

This from six days ago :

What are the habits of the Taliban ?
Masha Allah.

May Allah help them in their righteous act.
dude they are a narco state and are among the biggest producers of meth- so I don't know why people consider them religious or anything

that's why its so important to recognize them and bring them in to mainstream cause if you don't they'll keep on selling dope to survive
Alcohol is not directly mentioned as Haram.

If Alcohol was haram there would have never been wines in heaven in Islam.

Alcohol is makrooh.
don't change the truth , its as Haram as it can get. and by the way many thing are allowed in heaven that ar not allowed in this world
dude they are a narco state and are among the biggest producers of meth- so I don't know why people consider them religious or anything

that's why its so important to recognize them and bring them in to mainstream cause if you don't they'll keep on selling dope to survive
well if you were older you'd have recalled production of narcotic nearly reached to zero under the rule of Taliban , while us and NATO force promoted their production
Are mullah not child predator?

72 Virgins?
well of them are allowed in this world, so technically in the next world your quota only increase by 28.:coffee:
well if you were older you'd have recalled production of narcotic nearly reached to zero under the rule of Taliban , while us and NATO force promoted their production
and it happened cause they wanted recognition so they stopped drugs, we cannot afford a rouge regime in Afghanistan

it'll be a nightmare for the neighborhood

World community needs to recognize their gov and open up their reserves and maybe 5-10 years down the line

we can force them to act sane
Are mullah not child predator?
You mean northern alliance one? Even Catholic bishop and Hindu priest do that, so?

and it happened cause they wanted recognition so they stopped drugs, we cannot afford a rouge regime in Afghanistan

it'll be a nightmare for the neighborhood
then why after they went out NATO promoted their production . what sort of rogue entity you will categorize NATO ?
then why after they went out NATO promoted their production . what sort of rogue entity you will categorize NATO ?
Afghan economy depends on drugs and aid because of security situation

Someone needs to step up and give them some money, jobs from mines- so they stop being a nightmare for the neighborhood
Considering that some of these Scandinavian countries have Pakistani educators on payroll and pushing new syllabus through along with acting as middle men for espionage ops - they aren’t all innocent. However, if this is true then the Talibuns have misplaced priorities like all revolutionary movements.
Old Guinness Stout Advert. Ahhh. The good old days.

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They're not munafiqs like you that's for sure.

What makes me a munafiq ?

if that was true they guy already have ben killed ,so I doubt the Authenticity of the story

They are beating up women protesters but letting them go too.

well if you were older you'd have recalled production of narcotic nearly reached to zero under the rule of Taliban , while us and NATO force promoted their production

It has long been known that the Taliban financed whatever they were doing all these years by also forcing farmers to grow opium and then sell it to the CIA.
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