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Taliban announce interim government; Mohammad Hasan Akhund to be PM, Baradar deputy PM

This interim government needs help professionalizing its security forces and police forces, ASAP. Not only to consolidate its rule over the whole of the country, which will help get international recognition, but to decrease the friction with the public.

they badly need riot police training and the affiliated equipment to not let agitators amongst the protestors create situations that could lead to unintended consequences.

another issue that they need to address ASAP, as they are attempting to get humanitarian aid, is allowing Pakistan to build a dam on the Kabul River (but with the resorvoir as much in Pakistan to minimize the impact on Afghanistan while still promising to share the water), in a manner where half the electricity is given to each nation, and Afghanistan can make use of the water stored in the reservoir (which will extend back into Afghanistan and may cause population displacement). This can be a concrete and much needed project for the water and electricity security of Afghanistan and KPK. With the dam located in Pakistan, it is more likely to be able to secure a loan from international lenders to fund the dam.

Of all the things Afghanistan need out of Foreign investment, helping with Water storage and hydroelectric power needs to be on top and at the forefront of that priority list.

Starts on slide 60 “Khyber Dam”

While this new interim government is hardline, of it can get the ball rolling on the hard issues, it will spare the future Ministers in the permanent government from all the hand ringing over allowing cross border infrastructure projects.
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Who will be the new ambassador to Pakistan?
No one will want to take that role after what we did to the last one. (On a lighter note, lighter in the sense of analysis not lighter in the sense what fate that poor chap with diplomatic immunity suffered)
This ministry full list in english
I am living under "liberal and secular" Pee Pee Pee rule in Karachi

I think taliban destruction would still be better

If you think PPP is secular or liberal (google second amendment), your knowledge about Pakistan's politics is as bad as your desire for a Mullah rule. Getting off-topic, I'm off.
If you think PPP is secular or liberal (google second amendment), your knowledge about Pakistan's politics is as bad as your desire for a Mullah rule. Getting off-topic, I'm off.

They are the face of secularism in Pakistan

If you want secular parties like we see in Europe then good luck. That would never happen
The latest from Salim Safi: An important video by one of the most informed Pakistanis about Afghanistan. Summary:
1) America and its allies almost certainly not going to recognize [and by extension, most of the world won't]
2) Uzbekistan fairly pro Taliban right now.
3) Tajikistan is upset over the tiny share given to the Tajiks
4) Russia and China **might** recognize if their concerns are addressed
5) Iran is upset over the tiny share given to the Iranian allies.

According to Safi, while it is understandable that the Pashtun should lead the new govt but it may hurt the Taliban big way to alienate neighboring countries where new bases for insurgencies could be formed. It may hurt Taliban big way to not have a more moderate govt which would keep the technocrats, people with money, and educated people; such people would not only take the intellectual and $$ capital out of Afghanistan but also form lobbies against the Taliban govt.

Salim Safi is not vague in advising the Taliban to be more inclusive: About women, about ethnic minorities. I think he is suggesting that to use technocrats from the ethnic communities to do sort of Two-in-one: Make the govt more inclusive and also more able to run Afghanistan. Sound advice if someone would listen!!!!

I believe there is still time for the Taliban to quickly go past the 'interim' label and do something which is in their own interests as something more permanent and more inclusive. Hubris will be their own and Afghanistan's downfall! And the region would go back to the square one.

The interim government does not look 'inclusive' at all. Anyways, congratulations everyone, 3 of our 4 neighbors now have extremist governments. God help us all!
We are the Extremist government now. If everyone else around you is extreme than you are the actual extreme one.
I dont see anyone who is a not a Talib in this setup. Weren't they forming an inclusive government?
I think they meant inclusive in terms of ethnicity and tribes.
Looks like the Taliban don't give a crap about 'global opinion' or 'sensitivities'. Including the Haqqanis, not including any women, and not including previous 'democratically elected' rulers like Abdullah Abdullah or Kazai all point toward the Taliban saying: Take or leave it!

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