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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Rebels are disintegrating in Aleppo.
yuup.....and i bet @500 is mad...cuz these rebels r gonma los
LOL. While Khamenai aka Putin mercenaries are slaughtering kids to take some destroyed neighborhood, USA aka Kurds and Turkey take all oil rich North/West Syria and Euphrates.
Yes u r obsessed with kjameini...that's why he stays steps ahead of you. But the n again, why don't u criticize US and turks for violating ayrias sovereignty? BTW its really weak IMO to shout "kids and women"r dying when u r losing a war.that's why its called war- by definition its nasty and there is collateral damage.u hypocrite u

By Daren Butler | ISTANBUL

A blast ripped through a street in the northern Syrian town of al-Rai on Sunday in what was believed to be an Islamic State suicide bombing, with several deaths reported and security and hospital sources saying 12 wounded, mostly children, were taken to a hospital in nearby Turkey.

The town of al-Rai, which is 2 km (1 mile) south of Turkey's Kilis border province, is in an area under the control of Turkey-backed rebels and was seized from Islamic State militants in Ankara's "Euphrates Shield" operation launched in August.

Local sources said the explosion was caused by a vehicle-borne bomb which killed several people, according to Turkey's Dogan news agency. The casualty toll could not be confirmed.

The Turkey-backed rebels have for days been besieging the IS-controlled town of al-Bab, around 30 km south of al-Rai, as part of the three-month-old offensive to drive the jihadists away from the Syrian side of the Turkish border.

Turkey's army earlier said IS militants fired a rocket into the Haliliye area of the same region that caused symptoms of "chemical gas" exposure in 22 Syrian rebels, according to the state-run Anadolu news agency.

The rebels were transferred to a Turkish hospital on suspicion of chemical poisoning after complaining of constant sickness and severe headaches following the attack, the Hurriyet website reported.

But Anadolu said a subsequent analysis by Turkey's disaster and emergency organization AFAD did not detect chemical materials and the symptoms were regarded as having been caused by a tear gas-like substance.

Turkish jets on Saturday destroyed four Islamic State targets in the Anifah region, and one Turkey-backed Syrian rebel was killed and 14 wounded in clashes, the army said.

On Thursday, three Turkish soldiers were killed in an air strike which the army believed was carried out by the Syrian air force. It happened on the first anniversary of Turkey's downing of a Russian jet over Syria and raised fears of an escalation in the conflict.

Turkey subsequently deployed low-altitude air defense systems with Stinger missiles to the border area, Dogan said.

Rebel fighters gather during their advance towards the Islamic State-held city of al-Bab, northern Syria October 26, 2016. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi

Rebel fighters gather during their advance towards the Islamic State-held city of al-Bab, northern Syria October 26, 2016. REUTERS/Khalil Ashawi
LOL. While Khamenai aka Putin mercenaries are slaughtering kids to take some destroyed neighborhood, USA aka Kurds and Turkey take all oil rich North/West Syria and Euphrates.

Syria offshore oil and gas reserves are many times bigger than its land reserves, which btw will be all ours once this war is over, Assad has to pay us back somehow :D
Syria offshore oil and gas reserves are many times bigger than its land reserves, which btw will be all ours once this war is over, Assad has to pay us back somehow :D
First of all its only a speculation, there is NOTHING proven yet. Secondly Assad needs HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS to rebuild, chances to find this kind of deposit is virtually zero.
Syria offshore oil and gas reserves are many times bigger than its land reserves, which btw will be all ours once this war is over, Assad has to pay us back somehow :D

Yes of course that is the gist of the whole Syrian affair as far as Russia is concerned. Saving humanity from Daesh is a convenient excuse.
Aleppo , All North Part of East Aleppo full control By Syrian Army with Tiger forces suleiman alhalabi pomp captured too

First of all its only a speculation, there is NOTHING proven yet. Secondly Assad needs HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS to rebuild, chances to find this kind of deposit is virtually zero.
Sure,for Syria is needed billions for rebuilding ,but for that reason is bank of BRICS.
They will give loan and their companies will rebuild country...new cities will raise,roads,factories,shipyards .
Also,Syria has best coastline in the region what is magnet for tourism.
Sure,for Syria is needed billions for rebuilding ,but for that reason is bank of BRICS.
They will give loan and their companies will rebuild country...new cities will raise,roads,factories,shipyards .
Also,Syria has best coastline in the region what is magnet for tourism.

No money needed. The pyramids and the sphinx and the great wall of China were built using 0 money.

Rebels have seen their territory fall steadily to government control since Russia intervened

Syria’s rebels lost all the northern neighbourhoods of their stronghold in east Aleppo on Monday, as the army made significant advances in its offensive to recapture the entire city.

The regime’s gains have prompted an exodus of desperate civilians, most fleeing to districts held by the government or Kurdish forces, others heading south into areas still under Opposition control.

The rebel losses suggested it would only be a matter of time before all of east Aleppo — held by the opposition since 2012 — is back in government hands.

The loss of the city’s east would be a potentially devastating blow for the rebels, who have seen their territory fall steadily under government control since Russia began an intervention to bolster President Bashar al-Assad in September 2015.

‘Worst defeat’

On Monday, government forces seized the Sakhur, Haydariya and Sheikh Khodr districts, while Kurdish fighters took the Sheikh Fares neighbourhood from rebels, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor said. “This is their [the rebels’] worst defeat since they seized half the city in 2012,” said Observatory director Rami Abdel Rahman.

The advances left all of northeast Aleppo under government control.

On Sunday night, the Observatory said nearly 10,000 civilians had fled the east, with around 6,000 moving to the Kurdish-held Sheikh Maqsud neighbourhood and 4,000 to government-held west Aleppo.

State television showed footage of families disembarking from the green coaches regularly used to transport civilians and surrendering rebels from territory retaken by the government.

Kurdish officials published a video they said showed civilians crossing a field and arriving in Sheikh Maqsud, where local forces helped people lift baggage over a makeshift berm as they arrived.

Syria’s Kurds are officially aligned with neither the government nor the rebels, but the Opposition views them as effectively allied with the regime in its bid to recapture Aleppo city. — AFP
Turkey reportedly deployed two ‘Atılgan' medium-low altitude air defence systems near the Syrian border. They probably will be deployed near Al Bab to defend Turkish forces and their allies from further air attacks.
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