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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Well I'm confused against which embassy Hezbollah used such attacks?
December 15, 1981. The Islamic Dawa Party's suicide car bombing of the Iraqi embassy in Beirut, killing 27.

May 24, 1982. Car bomb attack on French Embassy in Beirut killing 12 and wounding 27. Islam Jihad is one of several groups taking responsibility. Anger over France's providing of arms to Iran's enemy Iraq is thought to be the motivating factor.

April 18, 1983. Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut. Detonated in a delivery van driven by a suicide bomber, carrying about 2000 pounds of explosives. The bomb killed 63 people, 17 of them Americans, including 9 CIA agents in Beirut for a meeting.

September 20, 1984. American Embassy Annex in Christian East Beirut is bombed by suicide van bomber with 3000 pounds of explosives. 14 were killed, including 2 Americans, dozens are injured.

A little glimpse of Assad aka Khamenai aka Putin terror policies in Syria:

Unguided thermobaric bombs on Daret Izza town:

Cluster bombs on Daret Izza town:

Town is far away from frontlines. Pure 100% terror against civilians.
December 15, 1981. The Islamic Dawa Party's suicide car bombing of the Iraqi embassy in Beirut, killing 27.

May 24, 1982. Car bomb attack on French Embassy in Beirut killing 12 and wounding 27. Islam Jihad is one of several groups taking responsibility. Anger over France's providing of arms to Iran's enemy Iraq is thought to be the motivating factor.

April 18, 1983. Bombing of U.S. Embassy in Beirut. Detonated in a delivery van driven by a suicide bomber, carrying about 2000 pounds of explosives. The bomb killed 63 people, 17 of them Americans, including 9 CIA agents in Beirut for a meeting.

September 20, 1984. American Embassy Annex in Christian East Beirut is bombed by suicide van bomber with 3000 pounds of explosives. 14 were killed, including 2 Americans, dozens are injured.

A little glimpse of Assad aka Khamenai aka Putin terror policies in Syria:

Unguided thermobaric bombs on Daret Izza town:

Cluster bombs on Daret Izza town:

Town is far away from frontlines. Pure 100% terror against civilians.
I'm still confused, it seems that all those bombing happened before even Hezbollah come to existence . don't you think so there is something fishy here ?
What would the Saudis do? For one they would flee, moreover, I would welcome the Saudis, they have a habit of bombing the wrong targets.
What the fu#k are the saudis going to do?,hell they and their bad joke gulfie "coalition" couldnt even handle the houthis ffs.

I'm still confused, it seems that all those bombing happened before even Hezbollah come to existence . don't you think so there is something fishy here ?
Dude!,you`re letting the facts get in the way of his uber cool story about the eebil hezzballer and their dreadful misuse of "guided weapons" [LOL]
I'm still confused, it seems that all those bombing happened before even Hezbollah come to existence . don't you think so there is something fishy here ?
Islamic Jihad Organization, Dawa, Islamic Amal - all these are Hezbies under other brands. Mastermind of these attacks was Imad Mignieh, the founder of Hezbollah.
Islamic Jihad Organization, Dawa, Islamic Amal - all these are Hezbies under other brands. Mastermind of these attacks was Imad Mignieh, the founder of Hezbollah.
Oh, but that Islamic Jihad Organization become part of Hezbollah in 1992 exactly 7 years after announcement of Hezbollah of Lebanon existence and their elements never used such tactics after, don't you think it's confusing blaming Hezbollah for their action while facts imply Hezbollah actually stopped them from committing such attacks and using such tactics that have heavy collateral damages.
Oh, but that Islamic Jihad Organization become part of Hezbollah in 1992 exactly 7 years after announcement of Hezbollah of Lebanon existence and their elements never used such tactics after, don't you think it's confusing blaming Hezbollah for their action while facts imply Hezbollah actually stopped them from committing such attacks and using such tactics that have heavy collateral damages.
Hezbollah itself considers Mughnieh as their most important leader. All these brand name games are just for PR.

Anyway if u insist its not Hezbollah I wont argue: Iranian funded terrorists blew up embassies with suicide vans, while rebels use suicide vans against military targets.
.it's okay since Jihadis kharjis animals are freedom fighters they can play with lives of civilians
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Hezbollah itself considers Mughnieh as their most important leader. All these brand name games are just for PR.

Anyway if u insist its not Hezbollah I wont argue: Iranian funded terrorists blew up embassies with suicide vans, while rebels use suicide vans against military targets.
Mughnieh become a Hezbollah commander in 1992 and after that date I'm not aware of he commit such act you mentioned in your previous posts, honestly if I was you guys ,I'd have kidnapped him instead of Assassinating him and once for all solved all mystery about Islamic Jihad Organization.
well as far as I'm aware this is Iranian stand on the matter.
Tehran KAYHAN INTERNATIONAL in English 6 Jun 85 p 2
[Text] Beirut, 5 Jun (IRNA)--Hojjatoleslam Mehdi Karrubi, heading an Iranian
delegation to Lebanon to seek an end to fighting there between the Amal militia
and the Palestinians said in an interview with the official Lebanese News Agency
that Iran had no special interest in the Islamic Jihad Organization "Because
like you, we learn about their existence or nonexistence through the mass media
and our information about them is as much as yours."
Asked to comment on U.S. allegations that Iran was involved in the kidnapping
of American citizens in Lebanon and the threat of U.S. attacks against Iran if
the American hostages are killed in Lebanon. Hojjatoleslam Karrubi said Iran
was surprised over U.S. efforts to connect the Islamic Republic with the
kidnapping of U.S. citizens in Beirut. "We do not see how this matter can be
connected to us. But it is possible that America wants to strike against us on
this pretext. Let me state that such attacks will not be easy."
On the fate of Iranian diplomats who were kidnapped in Beirut in 1982, Karrubi
said nothing was known about them. "One should ask the Lebanese Government
about these Iranian diplomats who were kidnapped by the Kataeb elements in
full view of Lebanese security forces. I want to ask Lebanon's Islamic and
nationalist forces to apply pressure on the Lebanese Government about the fate
of these Iranian diplomats," he added.
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Mughnieh become a Hezbollah commander in 1992 and after that date I'm not aware of he commit such act you mentioned in your previous posts, honestly if I was you guys ,I'd have kidnapped him instead of Assassinating him and once for all solved all mystery about Islamic Jihad Organization.
well as far as I'm aware this is Iranian stand on the matter.

Yep poor guy joined Hezbollah only in 1992 and suddenly became a most iconic member of it. You can fool only urself with ur rebranding and tricks.
Poor or rich it doesn't matter anymore ,because Hezbollah is power on Middle East and Israeli government has accepted that fact.
Hezbollah is not a power, its just Khamenai proxy and like its master it sank in Syrian swamp.
Yep poor guy joined Hezbollah only in 1992 and suddenly became a most iconic member of it. You can fool only urself with ur rebranding and tricks.
well, what can I say he was commander of a group and after joining Hezbollah you must expect him to get a top position (in this case head of foreign operations) and he was not that famous at the time , after that he distinguished himself , and become the Icon he was at the time of his assassination . so you see there was no rebranding or full scheme.

well at least it's my understanding of the situation .even now if two company join , CEO of the bigger one get the top job , bu the CEO of the smaller one wont be demoted to the janitorial staff , he will get a top managerial job and from then its up to his competence if he advance or get sacked.
well, what can I say he was commander of a group and after joining Hezbollah you must expect him to get a top position (in this case head of foreign operations) and he was not that famous at the time , after that he distinguished himself , and become the Icon he was at the time of his assassination . so you see there was no rebranding or full scheme.

well at least it's my understanding of the situation .even now if two company join , CEO of the bigger one get the top job , bu the CEO of the smaller one wont be demoted to the janitorial staff , he will get a top managerial job and from then its up to his competence if he advance or get sacked.
Cool story. There are swarms of Hezbies who were eliminated. No one got even 1/100 of Mughniyes fame.
In this image taken from video provided by the activist-run Thiqa News Agency, consistent with independent AP reporting, a plume of smoke rises after a missile falls on the town of Darat Izza, Aleppo, Syria.


Nov. 6, 2016
Russian aviation shelled parachute mines in Aleppo
At least 11 civilians were killed and another 25 injured as a result of the Russian airstrike on Saturday

Russia's bombing came a day after Russia had announced a humanitarian pause in attacks to allow much-needed aid into the city of Aleppo.

At least 11 civilians were killed and another 25 injured by a Russian airstrike Saturday in Syria's northwestern Aleppo province, a local civil defense official told Anadolu Agency.

The strike targeted Aleppo's western opposition-held towns of Atarib and Darat Izzah and Ibbin Village. Said Ahmed added that the fatalities included children and women.

"Civil defense teams found a number of dead bodies and rescued people under the rubble of collapsed buildings in Ibbin Village where Russian warplanes struck with parachute bombs", Ahmed said.

"Several structures were destroyed or damaged in the airstrikes in Atarib and Darat Izzah towns", he added.

For the past year, Russia - citing the need to combat "terrorism" and support for the embattled Assad regime - has carried out numerous airstrikes in opposition-held parts of Aleppo, which have led to the death and injury of hundreds of the city's civilian inhabitants.
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Ain Issa (Syria): US-backed Kurdish-Arab forces launched an offensive Sunday on the Islamic State group`s de facto Syrian capital Raqa, upping pressure on the jihadists who are already battling Iraqi troops in Mosul.

The start of the assault by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) came as Iraqi forces fought inside Mosul for the third day running, with the jihadists putting up fierce resistance.

The two cities are the last major urban centres under IS control after the jihadists suffered a string of territorial losses in Iraq and Syria over the past year.

The US-led coalition battling IS is backing both assaults, hoping to deal a knockout blow to the self-styled "caliphate" the group declared in mid-2014.

Lined up in crisp fatigues at an outdoor press conference, SDF commanders announced the start of the operation against Raqa in Ain Issa, some 50 kilometres (30 miles) north of the city.

"The major battle to liberate Raqa and its surroundings has begun," SDF spokeswoman Jihan Sheikh Ahmed said.

The operation, dubbed "Wrath of the Euphrates", involves some 30,000 fighters and began on Saturday night, Ahmed said.

SDF spokesman Talal Sello told AFP it would proceed in two phases, first seizing areas around Raqa and isolating the city, then taking control of the city itself.

SDF forces are advancing on three fronts, from Ain Issa and Tal Abyad to the north of Raqa, and from the village of Makman to the east."The fight will not be easy, and will require accurate and careful operations because IS will defend its bastion knowing that the loss of Raqa will mean it is finished in Syria," Sello said.

An AFP correspondent in Ain Issa saw dozens of SDF fighters heading on vehicles towards the front line.

Driving the jihadists from Mosul and Raqa has been the endgame since the US-led coalition launched air strikes against IS in the summer of 2014.

The coalition has also provided training and deployed hundreds of advisers to work with Iraqi forces and select Syrian fighters, including the SDF.

Sello said the alliance had received new weapons from the coalition for the Raqa battle, including anti-tank missiles.

Another SDF source said 50 US military advisers would be involved in the operation, particularly to guide air strikes.

After it was seized by IS, Raqa became the scene of some of the jihadists` worst atrocities, from stonings and beheadings to the trading of sex slaves.

Thousands of foreign fighters flocked there to join IS, and US officials have described it as the nerve centre for the group`s attacks abroad.

In Washington, a US official confirmed the start of the operation to capture the stronghold.

"We will first undertake an effort to isolate Raqa to set the stage for an eventual assault on the city itself to liberate it," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.Last month, US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter said the idea of simultaneous operations against Mosul and Raqa "has been part of our planning for quite a while".

But the battle for Raqa is far more complicated.

After five years of civil war, Syria is divided into a patchwork of fiefdoms, with President Bashar al-Assad`s regime, IS and a range of opposition forces all holding territory.

Dominated by the powerful Kurdish People`s Protection Units (YPG), the SDF has in recent months flushed IS out of swathes of territory in northern Syria, including the flashpoint town of Manbij in August.

Washington has promoted the SDF as a key ally in the fight against IS, but the partnership is complicated by Turkey`s fierce opposition to the YPG.

Ankara considers the militia a "terrorist" group, and in August began its own operation inside northern Syria, targeting both IS and the YPG.

Sello said on Sunday that the SDF had "agreed definitively" with the United States "that there will be no role for Turkey or the armed factions allied with it in the operation" to capture Raqa.

General Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the US joint chiefs of staff, on Sunday made a previously unannounced visit to Ankara for talks with his Turkish counterpart, but no further details were immediately available.In Mosul, Iraqi forces were clearing eastern neighbourhoods of the city on Sunday, nearly three weeks into the offensive to retake the city.

"Resistance is very heavy and they (IS) have suffered major losses," Staff Lieutenant General Abdelghani al-Assadi of the elite Counter-Terrorism Service told AFP.

Soldiers from the army`s 9th Armoured Division also battled jihadists in a southeastern neighbourhood of Intisar, an AFP correspondent reported.

IS has responded to the Mosul assault with a string of diversionary attacks elsewhere in Iraq, including spectacular operations in Kirkuk and Rutba.

It claimed responsibility for suicide bombings on Sunday in Tikrit and Samarra, two cities north of Baghdad, that officials said killed at least 25 people and wounded more than 50.

Aid groups have raised deep concerns for civilians trapped in both Mosul and Raqa, with warnings the jihadists are likely to use them as human shields.

More than a million people are believed to be in the Iraqi city. Raqa had a population of some 240,000 before the start of Syria`s civil war and more than 80,000 people have since fled there from other parts of the country.


First Published: Sunday, November 6, 2016 - 21:22
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